Python3 Renaming Files By tkinter Listbox - python-3.x

I want to rename all files in a directory by tkinter listbox.
Got stuck at this point:
files_list = os.listdir(root.foldername)
gives me
['1.mp4', '10.mp4', '2.mp4', '3.mp4', '4.mp4', '5.mp4', '6.mp4', '7.mp4', '8.mp4', '9.mp4']
values = [listbox.get(idx) for idx in listbox.curselection()]<br>
inlist = (', '.join(values))<br>
gives me
Lost - 1x01 - Pilot(1), Lost - 1x02 - Pilot(2), Lost - 1x03 - Tabula Rasa, Lost - 1x04 - Walkabout, Lost - 1x05 - White Rabbit, Lost - 1x06 - House Of The Rising Sun, Lost - 1x07 - The Moth, Lost - 1x08 - Confidence Man, Lost - 1x09 - Solitary, Lost - 1x10 - Raised By Another
Now I'm looking for a solution to use os.rename in order to rename the files 1.mp4 till 10.mp4.
Additionally Python for whatever reason does not come with a built-in way to have natural sorting, so it sorts 1.mp4 followed by 10.mp4.
Thank you very much in advance.

For natural sorting take a look at Sorting alphanumeric strings in Python.
Then loop through all files and rename them, eg.
for i in range(len(files_list)):
old_file_name = files_list[i]
new_file_name = values[i] + '.mp4'
os.rename(old_file_name, new_file_name)
For assistance in dealing with pathnames see os.path.


Regex to find text & value in large text

As I SSH into CM, run commands and start reading the CLI output, I get the following
# * A lot more output above but been removed *
terminal_output = """
[24;1H [79b[1GCommand: disp sys cust<<[23;0H[0;7m [79b[1G[0m[24;0H [79b[1G[1;0H[0;7m [79b[1G[0m[2;0H [79b[1G[3;1H[0J7[1;1H[0;7mdisplay system-parameters customer-options [0m8[1;65H[0;7mPage 1 of 12[0m[2;33HOPTIONAL FEATURES[4;8HG3 Version: [4;20HV20 [4;50HSoftware Package: [4;68HEnterprise [5;10HLocation: [5;20H2[6;10HPlatform: [6;20H28 [5;51HSystem ID (SID): [5;68H9990093751 [6;51HModule ID (MID): [6;68H1 [8;60HUSED[9;29HPlatform Maximum Ports: [9;53H 81000[9;60H 436[10;35HMaximum Stations: [10;53H 135[10;60H 110[11;27HMaximum XMOBILE Stations: [11;53H 41000[11;60H 0[12;17HMaximum Off-PBX Telephones - EC500: [12;53H 135[12;60H 2[13;17HMaximum Off-PBX Telephones - OPS: [13;53H 135[13;60H 40[14;17HMaximum Off-PBX Telephones - PBFMC: [14;53H 135[14;60H 0[15;17HMaximum Off-PBX Telephones - PVFMC: [15;53H 135[15;60H 0[16;17HMaximum Off-PBX Telephones - SCCAN: [16;53H 0[16;60H 0[17;22HMaximum Survivable Processors: [17;53H 313[17;62H 1[22;9H(NOTE: You must logoff & login to effect the permission changes.)[2;50H[0m
It's a lot of ANSI escape codes (I think?) which sort of makes the output not too readable but anyways, what I'm trying to get back is the following from the text above:
Maximum Stations: 135 110
I know from my understanding that a Regex would be required for this.
The Regexes that I tried using but did not work:
r'Maximum Stations:\s*(\d+)(\d+)'
r'Maximum Stations: \d+'
If anyone knows how to filter out these ANSI character codes so they don't appear in the final output that'd be great too.
Thank you.
you can try the following
"(Maximum Stations:)\s\[\d*;\d*H\s*(\d*)\[\d*;\d*H\s*(\d*)"gm
it produces three groups the first with the maximum stations text then two more each with the number you wanted to capture. You would have to combine the groups to get your final output.
I don't know if this will be generic enough for your application though.

Trying to replace image extensions like "<filename>.<extension>" to "<filename>_resized.<extension>"

I'm trying to use this code in Python using regular expression to get all the image files (of types jpg, png and bmp) in my current folder and add a word "resized" inbetween the filename and the extension
Batman - The Grey Ghost.png
Mom and Dad - Young.jpg
Expected Output
Batman - The Grey Ghost_resized.png
Mom and Dad - Young_resized.jpg
But my output is not as expected. Somehow the 2nd letter of the extension is getting replaced. I have tried tutorials online, but didn't see one which answers my query. Any help would be appreciated.
import glob
import re
for x in files:
new_file = re.sub(r'([a-z|0-9]).([jpb|pnm|ggp])$',r'\1_resized.\2',x)
print(new_file,' : ',x)
Code Output
Ma image scan - Copy.j\_resized.g : Ma image scan - Copy.jpg
Ma image scan.j\_resized.g : Ma image scan.jpg
Mom and Dad - Young.j\_resized.g : Mom and Dad - Young.jpg
PPF - SBI - 4.j\_resized.g : PPF - SBI - 4.jpg
when-youre-a-noob-programmer-and-you-think-your-loop-64102565.p\_resized.g : when-youre-a-noob-programmer-and-you-think-your-loop-64102565.png
Sample.b\_resized.p : Sample.bmp
Try this:
r'([a-zA-Z0-9_ -]+)\.(bmp|jpg|png)$'
Batman - The Grey Ghost.png
Batman - The Grey Ghost_resized.png
See live demo.

Make all timestamps in a list have the same format

I have this list and would like for all of the timestamps to have the same format (... = more elements):
timestampList = [...
"8:36 - Appointment1",
"9:21 - Appointment2",
"10:01 - Appointment3",
"11:52 - Appointment4",
"12:18 - Appointment5" ...]
Is there an easy way to make sure all timestamps in the list have the same format(HH:MM)? Is there perhaps a module that makes this possible? I have tried to resolve the problem but couldn't find a way of doing it. I want the list to look like this:
timestampList = [...
"08:36 - Appointment1",
"09:21 - Appointment2",
"10:01 - Appointment3",
"11:52 - Appointment4",
"12:18 - Appointment5" ...]
You can use re.sub and a lookahead regex from the beginning of the line. If we see that the timestamp starts with \d:, then prepend a "0":
>>> import re
>>> [re.sub(r"^(?=\d:)", "0", x) for x in timestamps]
['08:36 - Appointment1', '09:21 - Appointment2', '10:01 - Appointment3', '11:52 - Appointment4', '12:18 - Appointment5']

Resampling Time Series Data (Pandas Python 3)

Trying to convert data at daily frequency to weekly frequency.
weeklyaaapl = pd.DataFrame()
weeklyaapl['Open'] = aapl.Open.resample('W').iloc[0]
#here I am trying to take the first value of the aapl.Open,
#that falls within the week.
ValueError: .resample() is now a deferred operation
use .resample(...).mean() instead of .resample(...)
I want the true open (the first open that prints for the week) (the open of the first day in that week).
It instead wants me to take the mean of the daily open values for a given week using .mean(), which is not the information I need.
Can't seem to interpret the error, documentation isn't helping either.
I think you need.
Open High Low Close Volume
2010-01-10 30.49 30.64 30.34 30.57 123432050
2010-01-17 30.40 30.43 29.78 30.02 115557365
2010-01-24 29.76 30.74 29.61 30.72 182501620
2010-01-31 28.93 29.24 28.60 29.01 266424802
2010-02-07 27.48 28.00 27.33 27.82 187468421

splitting a file.txt into two file with a condition

How can i split the given file into two different files results codes and warning codes.AS given below is single text file and I want to split it into two files as I had lot more file in such condition to split.
Result Codes:
0 - SYS_OK - "Ok"
1 - SYS_ERROR_E - "System Error"
1001 - MVE_SYS_E - "MTE System Error"
1002 - MVE_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR_E - "Command Syntax is wrong"
Warning Codes:
0 - SYS_WARN_W - "System Warning"
100001 - MVE_SYS_W - "MVE System Warning"
200001 - SLEA_SYS_W - "SLEA System Warning"
200002 - SLEA_INCOMPLETE_SCRIPTED_OVERRIDE_COMMAND_W - "One or more of the entered scripted override commands has missing mandatory parameters"
300001 - L1_SYS_W - "L1 System Warning"
Well, on first glance, the distinction seems to be that "warnings" all contain the character sequence _W - and anything that doesn't is "results". Did you notice that?
awk '/_W -/{print >"warnings";next}{print >"results"}'
Here is a python solution:
I am assuming you are having the list of warning codes.
import re
warnings = open(r'warning-codes.txt');
warn_codes =[]
for line in warnings:
m ='(\d+) .*',line);
ow = open('output-warnings.txt','w')
ors = open('output-results.txt','w')
log_file = open(r'log.txt');
for line in log_file:
m ='(\d+) .*',line);
if(m and (m.groups(1) in warn_codes)):
