Reading an OBJ file with Haskell - haskell

I'm trying to use the wavefront-obj package to read an OBJ file. Here is an example of OBJ file.
After downloading this file, I do
import Data.WaveFrontObj
x <- loadWavefrontObj "pinecone.obj"
> :t x
x :: Either String WavefrontModel
import Data.Either.Extra
y = fromRight' x
> :t y
y :: WavefrontModel
> y
WavefrontModel []
Looks like the result is empty. What am I doing bad ?

Looks like your OBJ file has some directives that wavefront-obj doesn't recognize. You can see in the source that wavefront-obj only understands the #, v, vt, vn, and f directives. Your file kicks off with mtllib and o directives, and appears to have several others not in the supported list.
A priori, I would therefore expect a Left result instead of a Right as you're getting. But the wavefront-obj author fell into a common parser-combinator pitfall: their top-level parser does not end with eof. So it sees the first two comment lines, then none of its parsers match the next line but it doesn't mind not being at the end of the file, so it reports successfully parsing an empty list of directives.
Between this and a few other things I noticed while sourcediving (comments are almost certainly not treated correctly, failure to exploit the predictable structure of directives and therefore code duplication), I expect you're going to have to do quite a bit of work if you want this package to work reliably and correctly.


Recursively search directories for all files matching name criteria in Haskell

I'm relatively inexperienced in Haskell and I wanted to improve, so for a learning project of mine I have the following requirements:
I want to search starting from a specified top directory, not necessarily an absolute path.
I want to find all files of a given extension, say .md.
I want to not search hidden directories, say toplevel/.excluded.
I want to be able to ignore hidden files like gedit produces
I want to end up with a complete list of files as the result of my function.
I searched all over SO. Here's what I have so far:
import qualified System.FilePath.Find as SFF
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as FP
srcFolderName = "src"
outFolderName = "output"
resFolderName = "res"
ffNotHidden :: SFF.FindClause Bool
ffNotHidden = SFF.fileName SFF./~? ".?*"
ffIsMD :: SFF.FindClause Bool
ffIsMD = SFF.extension SFF.==? ".md" SFF.&&? SFF.fileName SFF./~? ".?*"
findMarkdownSources :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
findMarkdownSources filePath = do
paths <- SFF.find ffNotHidden ffIsMD filePath
return paths
This doesn't work. printf-style debugging in "findMarkdownSources", I can verify that filePath is correct e.g. "/home/user/testdata" (print includes the ", in case that tells you something). The list paths is always empty. I'm absolutely certain there are markdown files in the directory I have specified (find /path/to/dir -name "*.md" finds them).
I therefore have some specific questions.
Is there a reason (filters incorrect) for example, why this code should not work?
There are a number of ways to do this in haskell. It seems there are at least six packages (fileman,, system.filepath.find) dedicated to this. Here's some questions where something like this is answered:
Streaming recursive descent of a directory in Haskell
Is there some directory walker in Haskell?
avoid recursion into specifc folder using filemanip
Each one has about three unique ways to achieve what I want to achieve, so, we're nearly at 10 ways to do it...
Is there a specific way I should be doing this? If so why? If it helps, once I have my file list, I'm going to walk the entire thing, open and parse each file.
If it helps, I'm reasonably comfortable with basic haskell, but you'll need to slow down if we start getting too heavy with monads and applicative functors (I don't use haskell enough for this to stay in my head). I find the haskell docs on hackage incomprehensible, though.
so, we're nearly at 10 ways to do it...
Here's yet another way to do it, using functions from the directory, filepath and extra packages, but not too much monad wizardry:
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, listDirectory) -- from "directory"
import System.FilePath ((</>), FilePath) -- from "filepath"
import Control.Monad.Extra (partitionM) -- from the "extra" package
traverseDir :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> (b -> FilePath -> IO b) -> b -> FilePath -> IO b
traverseDir validDir transition =
let go state dirPath =
do names <- listDirectory dirPath
let paths = map (dirPath </>) names
(dirPaths, filePaths) <- partitionM doesDirectoryExist paths
state' <- foldM transition state filePaths -- process current dir
foldM go state' (filter validDir dirPaths) -- process subdirs
in go
The idea is that the user passes a FilePath -> Bool function to filter unwanted directories; also an initial state b and a transition function b -> FilePath -> IO b that processes file names, updates the b state and possibly has some side effects. Notice that the type of the state is chosen by the caller, who might put useful things there.
If we only want to print file names as they are produced, we can do something like this:
traverseDir (\_ -> True) (\() path -> print path) () "/tmp/somedir"
We are using () as a dummy state because we don't really need it here.
If we want to accumulate the files into a list, we can do it like this:
traverseDir (\_ -> True) (\fs f -> pure (f : fs)) [] "/tmp/somedir"
And what if we want to filter some files? We would need to tweak the transition function we pass to traverseDir so that it ignores them.
I tested you code on my machine, and it seems to work fine. Here is some example data:
$ find test/data
Running your function will result in:
ghci> findMarkdownSources "test"
I've tested this with an absolute path, and it also works. Are you sure you have passed a valid path? You'll get an empty list if that is the case (although you also get a warning).
Note that your code could be simplified as follows:
module Traversals.FileManip where
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import System.FilePath.Find (always, extension, fileName, find, (&&?),
(/~?), (==?))
findMdSources :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
findMdSources fp = find isVisible (isMdFile &&? isVisible) fp
isMdFile = extension ==? ".md"
isVisible = fileName /~? ".?*"
And you can even remove the fp parameter, but I'm leaving it here for the sake of clarity.
I prefer to import explicitly so that I know where each function comes from (since I don't know of any Haskell IDE with advanced symbol navigation).
However, note that this solution uses uses unsafe interleave IO, which is not recommended.
So regarding your questions 2 and 3, I would recommend a streaming solution, like pipes or conduits. Sticking to these kind of solutions will reduce your options (just like sticking to pure functional programming languages reduced my options for programming languages ;)). Here you have an example on how pipes can be used to walk a directory.
Here is the code in case you want to try this out.

Haskell "parse error on input ‘=’"

I am doing some haskell exercises to learn the language and I have a syntax error I was hoping someone could help me with:
-- Split a list l at element k into a tuple: The first part up to and including k, the second part after k
-- For example "splitAtIndex 3 [1,1,1,2,2,2]" returns ([1,1,1],[2,2,2])
splitAtIndex k l = ([l !! x | x <- firstHalfIndexes], [l !! x | x <- firstHalfIndexes])
where firstHalfIndexes = [0..k-1]
secondHalfIndexes = [k..(length l-1)]
The syntax error is "parse error on input ‘=’" and seems to be coming from my second where clause, but I can't work out why the first where clause is ok but not the second?
The Haskell Report specifies that tab characters flesh out text to the next multiple of eight. Your code appears to assume that it gets fleshed out to the next multiple of four. (My best guess. Might also be configured to be five or six, but those settings seem less popular than four.)
See my page on tabs for ideas on how to safely use tabs in Haskell code; or else do what most other folks do and configure your editor to expand tabs to spaces.
For an example of the style I use, your current code looks like this to the compiler (using > to mark tabs and _ for spaces):
> where_> firstHalfIndexes_=_...
> > > secondHalfIndexes_=_...
I would write it to look like this to the compiler:
> where_> firstHalfIndexes_=_...
> ______> secondHalfIndexes_=_...
This also looks correct with four-space tabstops (and indeed any size tabstop):
> where_> firstHalfIndexes_=_...
> ______> secondHalfIndexes_=_...
(Actually, I would probably just use one space after where rather than a space and a tab, but that's an aesthetics thing, not really a technical one.)

Ungroupable line break using wl-pprint

I'm writing a pretty-printer for a simple white-space sensitive language.
I like the Leijen pretty-printer library more than I like the Wadler library, but the Leijen library has one problem in my domain: any line break I insert may be overridden by the group construct, which may compress any line, which might change the semantics of the output.
I don't think I can implement an ungroupable line in the wl-pprint (although I'd love to be wrong).
Looking a bit at the wl-pprint-extras package, I don't think that even the exposed internal interface allows me to create a line which will not be squashed by group.
Do I just have to rely on the fact that I never use group, or do I have some better option?
Given that you want to be able to group and you also need to be able to ensure some lines aren't uninserted,
why don't we use the fact that the library designers encoded the semantics in the data type,
instead of in code. This fabulous decision makes it eminently re-engineerable.
The Doc data type encodes a line break using the constructor Line :: Bool -> Doc.
The Bool represents whether to omit a space when removing a line. (Lines indent when they're there.)
Let's replace the Bool:
data LineBehaviour = OmitSpace | AddSpace | Keep
data Doc = ...
Line !LineBehaviour -- not Bool any more
The beautiful thing about the semantics-as-data design is that if we replace
this Bool data with LineBehaviour data, functions that didn't use it but
passed it on unchanged don't need editing. Functions that look inside at what
the Bool is break with the change - we'll rewrite exactly the parts of the code
that need changing to support the new semantics by changing the data type where
the old semantics resided. The program won't compile until we've made all the
changes we should, while we won't need to touch a line of code that doesn't
depend on line break semantics. Hooray!
For example, renderPretty uses the Line constructor, but in the pattern Line _,
so we can leave that alone.
First, we need to replace Line True with Line OmitSpace, and Line False with Line AddSpace,
line = Line AddSpace
linebreak = Line OmitSpace
but perhaps we should add our own
hardline :: Doc
hardline = Line Keep
and we could perhaps do with a binary operator that uses it
infixr 5 <->
(<->) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
x <-> y = x <> hardline <> y
and the equvalent of the vertical seperator, which I can't think of a better name than very vertical separator:
vvsep,vvcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
vvsep = fold (<->)
vvcat = fold (<->)
The actual removing of lines happens in the group function. Everything can stay the same except:
flatten (Line break) = if break then Empty else Text 1 " "
should be changed to
flatten (Line OmitSpace) = Empty
flatten (Line AddSpace) = Text 1 " "
flatten (Line Keep) = Line Keep
That's it: I can't find anything else to change!
You do need to avoid group, yes. The library's designed to facilitate wrapping or not wrapping based on the width of the output that you specify.
Dependent on the syntax of language you're implementing, you should also be cautious about softline and softbreak and the </> and <//> operators that use them. There's no reason I can see that you can't use <$> and <$$> instead.
sep, fillSep, cat and fillCat all use group directly or indirectly (and have the indeterminate semantics/width-dependent line breaks you want to avoid). However, given the your purpose, I don't think you need them:
Use vsep or hsep instead of sep or fillSep.
Use hcat or vcat instead of cat or fillCat.
You could use a line like
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen hiding (group,softline,softbreak,
to make sure you don't call these functions.
I can't think of a way to ensure that functions you do use don't call group somewhere along the line, but I think those are the ones to avoid.

I taught ghci to compile my StackOverflow posts. Can I make it slicker?

Haskell Stack Overflow layout preprocessor
module StackOverflow where -- yes, the source of this post compiles as is
Skip down to What to do to get it working if you want to play with this first (1/2 way down).
Skip down to What I would like if I witter on a bit and you just want to find out what help I'm seeking.
TLDR Question summary:
Can I get ghci to add filename completion to the :so command I defined in my ghci.conf?
Could I somehow define a ghci command that returns code for compilation instead of returning a ghci command, or
does ghci instead have a better way for me to plug in Haskell code as a
file-extension-specific pre-processor, so :l would work for .hs and .lhs files as usual, but use my handwritten preprocessor for .so files?
Haskell supports literate programming in .lhs source files, two ways:
LaTeX style \begin{code} and \end{code}.
Bird tracks: Code starts with > , anything else is a comment.
There must be a blank line between code and comments (to stop trivial accidental misuse of >).
Don't Bird tracks rules sound similar to StackOverflow's code blocks?
References: 1. The .ghci manual
2. GHCi haskellwiki
3. Neil Mitchell blogs about :{ and :} in .ghci
The preprocessor
I like writing SO answers in a text editor, and I like to make a post that consists of code that works,
but end up with comment blocks or >s that I have to edit out before posting, which is less fun.
So, I wrote myself a pre-processor.
If I've pasted some ghci stuff in as a code block, it usually starts with * or :.
If the line is completely blank, I don't want it treated as code, because otherwise
I get accidental code-next-to-comment-line errors because I can't see the 4 spaces I accidentally
left on an otherwise blank line.
If the preceeding line was not code, this line shouldn't be either, so we can cope with StackOverflow's
use of indentation for text layout purposes outside code blocks.
At first we don't know (I don't know) whether this line is code or text:
dunnoNow :: [String] -> [String]
dunnoNow [] = []
dunnoNow (line:lines)
| all (==' ') line = line:dunnoNow lines -- next line could be either
| otherwise = let (first4,therest) = splitAt 4 line in
if first4 /=" " --
|| null therest -- so the next line won't ever crash
|| head therest `elem` "*:" -- special chars that don't start lines of code.
then line:knowNow False lines -- this isn't code, so the next line isn't either
else ('>':line):knowNow True lines -- this is code, add > and the next line has to be too
but if we know, we should keep in the same mode until we hit a blank line:
knowNow :: Bool -> [String] -> [String]
knowNow _ [] = []
knowNow itsCode (line:lines)
| all (==' ') line = line:dunnoNow lines
| otherwise = (if itsCode then '>':line else line):knowNow itsCode lines
Getting ghci to use the preprocessor
Now we can take a module name, preprocess that file, and tell ghci to load it:
loadso :: String -> IO String
loadso fn = fmap (unlines.dunnoNow.lines) (readFile $ fn++".so") -- so2bird each line
>>= writeFile (fn++"_so.lhs") -- write to a new file
>> return (":def! rso (\\_ -> return \":so "++ fn ++"\")\n:load "++fn++"_so.lhs")
I've used silently redefining the :rso command becuase my previous attemts to use
let currentStackOverflowFile = .... or currentStackOverflowFile <- return ...
didn't get me anywhere.
What to do to get it working
Now I need to put it in my ghci.conf file, i.e. in appdata/ghc/ghci.conf
as per the instructions
let dunnoNow [] = []
dunnoNow (line:lines)
| all (==' ') line = line:dunnoNow lines -- next line could be either
| otherwise = let (first4,therest) = splitAt 4 line in
if first4 /=" " --
|| null therest -- so the next line won't ever crash
|| head therest `elem` "*:" -- special chars that don't start lines of code.
then line:knowNow False lines -- this isn't code, so the next line isn't either
else ('>':line):knowNow True lines -- this is code, add > and the next line has to be too
knowNow _ [] = []
knowNow itsCode (line:lines)
| all (==' ') line = line:dunnoNow lines
| otherwise = (if itsCode then '>':line else line):knowNow itsCode lines
loadso fn = fmap (unlines.dunnoNow.lines) (readFile $ fn++".so") -- convert each line
>>= writeFile (fn++"_so.lhs") -- write to a new file
>> return (":def! rso (\\_ -> return \":so "++ fn ++"\")\n:load "++fn++"_so.lhs")
:def so loadso
Now I can save this entire post in and do lovely things in ghci like
*Prelude> :so StackOverflow
[1 of 1] Compiling StackOverflow ( StackOverflow_so.lhs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: StackOverflow.
*StackOverflow> :rso
[1 of 1] Compiling StackOverflow ( StackOverflow_so.lhs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: StackOverflow.
What I would like:
I would prefer to enable ghci to support this more directly. It would be nice to get rid of the intermediate .lhs file.
Also, it seems ghci does filename completion starting at the shortest substring of :load that determines
you're actually doing load, so using :lso instead of :so doesn't fool it.
(I would not like to rewrite my code in C. I also would not like to recompile ghci from source.)
TLDR Question reminder:
Can I get ghci to add filename completion to the :so command I defined in my ghci.conf?
Could I somehow define a ghci command that returns code for compilation instead of returning a ghci command, or
does ghci instead have a better way for me to plug in Haskell code as a
file-extension-specific pre-processor, so :l would work for .hs and .lhs files as usual, but use my handwritten preprocessor for .so files?
I would try to make a standalone preprocessor that runs SO preprocessing code or the standard literary preprocessor, depending on file extension. Then just use :set -pgmL SO-preprocessor in ghci.conf.
For the standard literary preprocessor, run the unlit program, or use Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.Unlit.
This way, :load and filename completion just work normally.
GHCI passes 4 arguments to the preprocessor, in order: -h, the label, the source file name, and the destination file name. The preprocessor should read the source and write to the destination. The label is used to output #line pragmas. You can ignore it if you don't alter the line count of the source (i.e. replace "comment" lines with -- comments or blank lines).

How do you call functions dynamically with Haskell

I'm looking to call functions dynamically based on the contents found in an association list.
Here is an example in semi-pseudo-code. listOfFunctions would be passed to callFunctions.
listOfFunctions = [('function one', 'value one')
, ('function two', 'value two')
, ('function three', 'value three')]
callFunctions x = loop through functions
if entry found
then call function with value
else do nothing
The crux of the question is not looping through the list, rather, it's how to call a function once I have it's name?
Consider this use case for further clarification. You open the command prompt and are presented with the following menu.
1: Write new vHost file
2: Exit
You write the new vHost file and are not presented with a new menu
1: Enter new directive
2: Write file
3: Exit
You enter some new directives for the vHost and are now ready to write the file.
The program isn't going to blindly write each and every directive it can, rather, it will only write the ones that you supplied. This is where the association list comes in. Writing a giant if/then/else or case statement is madness. It would be much more elegant to loop through the list, look for which directives were added and call the functions to write them accordingly.
Hence, loop, find a function name, call said function with supplied value.
Thanks to anyone who can help out with this.
Here is the solution that I've come up with (constructive critiques are always welcome).
I exported the functions which write the directives in an association list as every answer provided said that just including the function is the way to go.
funcMap = [("writeServerName", writeServerName)
,("writeServeralias", writeServerAlias)
,("writeDocRoot", writeDocRoot)
,("writeLogLevel", writeErrorLog)
,("writeErrorPipe", writeErrorPipe)
,("writeVhostOpen", writeVhostOpen)]
In the file which actually writes the hosts, that file is imported.
I have an association list called hostInfo to simulate some dummy value that would be gathered from an end-user and a function called runFunction which uses the technique supplied by edalorzo to filter through both the lists. By matching on the keys of both lists I ensure that the right function is called with the right value.
import Vhost.Directive
hostInfo = [("writeVhostOpen", "localhost:80")
,("writeServerName", "")]
runFunctions = [f val | (mapKey, f) <- funcMap, (key, val) <- hostInfo, mapKey == key]
You can simply include the function in the list directly; functions are values, so you can reference them by name in a list. Once you've got them out of the list, applying them is just as simple as func value. There's no need to involve their names at all.
Since I am farily new to Haskell I will risk that you consider my suggestion very naive, but anyways here it goes:
let funcs = [("sum", (+3),1),("product", (*3),2),("square", (^2),4)]
[f x | (name, f, x) <- funcs, name == "sum"]
I think it satisfies the requirements of the question, but perhaps what you intend is more sofisticated than what I can see with my yet limitted knowledge of Haskell.
It might be a bit of an overkill (I agree with ehird's reasoning) but you can evaluate a string with Haskell code by using the eval function in System.Eval.Haskell.
As pointed out in the comments, hint is a better option for evaluating strings with Haskell expressions. Quoting the page:
This library defines an Interpreter monad. It allows to load Haskell modules, browse them, type-check and evaluate strings with Haskell expressions and even coerce them into values. The library is thread-safe and type-safe (even the coercion of expressions to values). It is, esentially, a huge subset of the GHC API wrapped in a simpler API. Works with GHC 6.10.x and 6.8.x
First we define our list of functions. This could be built using more machinery, but for the sake of example I just make one explicit list:
listOfFunctions :: [(Int, IO ())]
listOfFunctions = [(0, print "HI") -- notice the anonymous function
,(1, someNamedFunction) -- and something more traditional here
someNamedFunction = getChar >>= \x -> print x >> print x
Then we can select from this list however we want and execute the function:
executeFunctionWithVal :: Int -> IO ()
executeFunctionWithVal v = fromMaybe (return ()) (lookup v listOfFunctions)
and it works (if you import Data.Maybe):
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
> executeFunctionWithVal 0
> executeFunctionWithVal 01
Don't store the functions as strings, or rather, try storing the actual functions and then tagging them with a string. That way you can just call the function directly. Functions are first class values, so you can call the function using whatever name you assign it to.
