How to group API calls in API-Management's Developer Portal - azure

In the API-Management's Developer Portal, we have the problem that all Operation (API) calls are listed in a long list, making it difficult for our customers to find out what calls that belong together. What we'd like is the possibility to group calls by something, i.e. the controller name. (In Swagger this can be done by using the tags field in the Swagger specification.)
In the templates section, there's an option Operation list (grouped), which, by the name of it, might be able to solve our problems. But how can I use this template?
I'm currently importing the API list using the OpenAPI specification.
Update 1:
This is what it looks like in a sample operation list for us. There's no search box available.

(grouped) template is used when user selects "Group by tags" option - rightmost button next to search field on APIs/operations list. Here is how it looks on UI:


KQL (Keyword not Kusto) Nesting, Document Selecting for an Extranet

Longtime member, been a while since posting. Working on building out an Extranet and am running into a stupidly frustrating issue. First time using SharePoint Online as document repository for external (anonymous) users. In doing so, using Azure permissoning, have the documents split up in repositories on SharePoint based on access level. On top of that I am attempting to display them in Highlighted Content Web part, I am not able to sort them out by location AND type. I have a custom column in each repository that defines what type they are, but when I try to add the AND portion to the KQL it doesn't work. Additionally the internet seems to be massively void of actual documentation of KQL.
The above will simply pull all documents from those locations and ignore the AND statement. I have tried renaming it to call on the custom column identifier pulled from the source, and that doesn't work either.
The only real documentation I can find on this is: Here
Which doesn't appear to address filtering based on custom column tags.
EDIT: Reformatted to pull all docs from multiple locations using below, but the nesting portion still isn't working
So the additional issue I was running into was the creation of a column to separate out based on the category of file type (not literal file type). Apparently SPO doesn't like it when you create a list and then reference that list to then filter by via KQL. So I found this morning this.
Apparently the best way to do this is create a custom "Choice" column, allow some time for it to flow and update, and then you can reference it via KQL.

SharePoint Online and prevent users from editing old list items after specific time

We have SharePoint Online site with list. Users can add, edit and delete own items in this list.
How I can resolve new issue - Users can't edit and delete own items older than one week (from creation date).
Is it possible without coding Remote Event Reciever or Azure function?
Per my knowledge, there is not an OOTB way to achieve it, we have to write some custom code.
If you only want to the user can't see some items in list view base on some condition, we can use list view Filter to achieve it. Note:User also access item form through URL.
I suggest you use remote event receiver or azure function to achieve this requirement.
In classic site, we can also add some JavaScript code into master page to prevent users access edit form page and hide the delete button in the page.
For this kind of requirement the solution which is 'no code' and with SP online is Power automate (previously MS Flow).
The best option in Your case would be to create a recurring flow which for example starts every day at 00:10 AM -> please see MS docs with description how to do this.
The Flow should get all items from a specific list for a specific site. You can do that with the 'Get Items' step. After that You can use the 'Apply to each' Step to check each item creation date with a 'Condition' Step. When some item will be older than one week You can use additional steps to break permission inheritance on item and remove all groups from permissions on this item or change the permissions on item from edit to read. Here I found an interesting article where are some predefined steps shown how to remove all permissions, remove and add a group. To tell You the truth I was not aware there already are this kind of steps in Power automate (maybe something new :) ) .
I would use SharePoint HTTP request and use SharePoint API to remove permissions on item and change some group role from edit to read. So I would do a similar procedure like here the only difference is not to break permission on all list but just on a specific item which I would get by ID. You can do all of those API request with a 'SharePoint HTTP request' Step
Please be aware there usually is a 5 000 unique permission levels threshold (50 000 is in on-prem) in list (place check here for latest info on limits in SP Online). So a better option would be to create a folder with view only permissions for the users before and when an item is older than one week You could only move this item to that folder also with Power Automate. That way all the files (items) in this folder would be read only and You would have only one unique item scope in this list and not as many as the old items.
Some other options You could use are:
Also code solution, but not RER and Azure function, would be to create a console app that uses CSOM to look through items in this list and either breaks permission on each item or moves to a folder (like the flow) and schedule this CSOM app on some local or remote server in Task Scheduler... Of Course You would need some local (or other) server for it which is always up and running :)
If You would like to use some 'little coding' and by any chance You are still using classic UI (not modern) You could use JSLink attached to CT or some column like Title and block editing of fields in edit forms etc (this is not the best option as always the users may create a view without a columns with this JSLink and go around this or modify the item using CSOM or Rest API)
You might consider using PowerApps (In case you have it configured in your subscription) to customize the edit form,
Then you use the validate() method, and disable a user from submitting the form in case ("Created" + 7 days) <= Today() or something like that.

SharePoint - How to Group Search Results Using Default Display Templates

Is there documentation on how to create groups for search results, preferably using managed properties? All that I was able to find on it is using query rules, result blocks, or this great tutorial:, but it uses completely custom templates while I'm using modified versions of the default control, item, and group display templates and I really want to retain many of their features and just add what I need instead.
I want to organize the results by site title. I'm hoping to use each item's ParentLink managed property to get the Parent URL or Parent Web and from there, get the title. The search is collecting different items from all the site collections in the farm so that's why I want to organize it this way. How can I at least make groups? Where would this be placed within the control, item, and group templates?

How to Hide Field Based on Current User Role in Sharepoint?

I have column Status (0= Default, 1=Accepted, 2=Rejected), when first creating this list
I want to hidden this field and filling it with default value (0).
On edit form, I want to hide this column from updating if user role is not HelpDesk.
For your first requirement, you could use SPUtility.js (full disclosure this is a library I maintain). You would basically put some JavaScript in a Content Editor Web Part on your NewForm.aspx page:
If you want to change the value (if you don't have a default specified in your list settings) then you could do:
The second requirement is a bit tougher. You don't really specify how the user gets a role of "HelpDesk" (profile property? SharePoint group?). Depending on how it is setup, you may be able to use an AJAX call to the SharePoint webservices to check their security. Or you could write a custom webpart that validates their role and then emits some JavaScript.
Use Infowise Smart List Lite, the free version of our Smart List Pro product. Your requirement is just one of its many features.

How to get distinct values of a managed property through SharePoint search?

I am building a phone catalog of my organization (an AJAX application which accesses the search.asmx web service).
I'd like to show a list box where the user could select a department (which is stored in managed property Department). To fill the list box with values, I need to somehow select all the distinct values of that property.
Is it possible through search.asmx web service?
What I've found:
an article, which states that it is possible, but it does not use the web service interface
a Microsoft's white paper which states that "If the protocol client specifies at least one property, it MUST also specify the Path property. If it does not, the protocol server MUST return the status code "ERROR_BAD_QUERY"."
The two findings are somewhat inconsistent. (and, yes the search really returns ERROR_BAD_QUERY).
Why bother to check with the web service or complicate it?
Get all the properties into a DataTable.
Then create a DataView & then you can apply the DISTINCT on required column.
Finally use it to bind to your list box.
