JWT authentication in Node.js + express-graphql + passport - node.js

I'm writing a fullstack application using MERN and I need to provide authentication using JWT-tokens. My code looks like:
(req: Request, res: Response): Promise<any> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const next = (user: IUser, info = {}) => {
* GraphQL configuration goes here
graphiql: config.get("isDev"), // <- only enable GraphiQL in production
pretty: config.get("isDev"),
context: {
user: user || null,
* Try to authenticate using passport,
* but never block the call from here.
passport.authenticate(['access'], { session: false }, (err, loginOptions) => {
})(req, res, next);
I want to provide a new generation of tokens and through GraphQL. In doing so, I need to check whether the user has used the correct method of authentication. For example, to get a new access token, you need a refresh token, you need to log in using the password and e-mail for the refresh token. But using a passport implies that after authentication I will simply have a user.
How should I proceed?


Auth0 & Next-Auth Malformed JWT

I am attempting to setup authentication in my NextJS project and I am using Next-Auth. I am currently trying to setup a simple GET /me route that would be hit through React Query using the access_token retrieved by a successful Auth0 session Login.
BUT: the access_token received form Next-Auth w/ Auth0 useSession() is malformed
EDIT: I think the issue is that next-auth / auth0 is storing the token as an encrypted JWE. I need to figure out how to decrypt this and pass it to my api
in my pages > api > auth > [...nextauth].js I have the following configuration
const authOptions = {
providers: [
clientId: process.env.AUTH0_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET,
issuer: process.env.AUTH0_ISSUER,
idToken: true,
// Configure callbacks 👉 https://next-auth.js.org/configuration/callbacks
callbacks: {
// The JWT callback is called any time a token is written to
jwt: ({ token, user, account, profile, isNewUser }) => {
if (account) {
token.access_token = account.access_token;
token.id_token = account.id_token;
token.auth0_id = token.sub;
token.type = account.token_type;
delete token.name;
delete token.picture;
delete token.sub;
return token;
// The session callback is called before a session object is returned to the client
session: ({ session, user, token }) => {
const newSession = {
user: {
auth0_id: token.auth0_id,
email: token.email,
token: {
access_token: token.access_token,
id_token: token.id_token,
token_type: token.type,
return newSession;
secret: process.env.NEXTAUTH_SECRET,
export default NextAuth(authOptions);
Auth0 Config
in Auth0 Dashboard: Auth0 > Applications > Applications > <PROJECT_NAME> > AdvancedSettings > OAuth the signature algorithm is RS256
Successful Login Landing Page
here I am using const { data: session, status } = useSession(); to extract the value of the current session (which matches the shape created in the session callback of pages > api > auth > [...nextauth].js -- and has the access_token)
_app.jsx component
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps: { session, ...pageProps } }) {
return (
<SessionProvider session={session}>
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
<ReactQueryDevtools initialIsOpen={false} />
API Requests (from the frontend)
for each API request to the server I am setting the headers as such
if (token) headers["authorization"] = `Bearer ${token}`;
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
Server Middleware
I created an auth middleware function that serves 2 purposes.
Validate the JWT passed to the route (🚨 THIS IS WHERE THINGS BREAK 🚨)
Attempt to find a user in my postgres DB with matching auth0_id (auth0|)
below is the auth middleware
// Auth0
import { isPublicRoute } from "../services/auth0/index.js";
import { expressjwt } from "express-jwt";
import jwks from "jwks-rsa";
// 👀 I have copied this directly from the Auth0 Dashboard: Applications > APIs > QuickStart
// 🚨 the express-jwt library is failing - error below
const validator = expressjwt({
secret: jwks.expressJwtSecret({
cache: true,
rateLimit: true,
jwksRequestsPerMinute: 5,
jwksUri: "https://dev-ikfyop4g.us.auth0.com/.well-known/jwks.json",
audience: "thunderbolt",
issuer: "https://dev-ikfyop4g.us.auth0.com/",
algorithms: ["RS256"],
// NOTE: 👀 we are not actually getting to this function
// This function will retrieve the user and feed it into the request
// into a populated user model, if the id is not in the database it
// will create a new user and pull the base data from auth0
const userInjector = async (req, res, next) => {
if (isPublicRoute(req)) return next();
if (!req.auth0?.sub) throw badImplementation("JWT missing in userInjector");
req.user = await userFromReq(req);
console.log("THE USER INJECTOR RESULT :: req.user", req.user);
const auth = () => {
return [validator, userInjector];
export default auth;
Inside my server I am importing this auth middleware function and using like this
THE express-jwt ERROR
UnauthorizedError: jwt malformed
at new UnauthorizedError (/Users/mrt/Documents/MrT/code/M/bolt/node_modules/express-jwt/dist/errors/UnauthorizedError.js:22:28)
at /Users/mrt/Documents/MrT/code/M/bolt/node_modules/express-jwt/dist/index.js:133:35
at step (/Users/mrt/Documents/MrT/code/M/bolt/node_modules/express-jwt/dist/index.js:33:23)
at Object.next (/Users/mrt/Documents/MrT/code/M/bolt/node_modules/express-jwt/dist/index.js:14:53)
at fulfilled (/Users/mrt/Documents/MrT/code/M/bolt/node_modules/express-jwt/dist/index.js:5:58)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
The access_token that I am receiving from Auth0 is malformed. Upon further investigation I would agree. The AccessToken I am receiving (as a JWT) has 5 parts (parts are strings separated by a period ..
Access Token From Auth0 Session
eyJhbGc<REMOVED_CHUNK>uYXV0aDAuY29tLyJ9.. // 2 period w/ nothing inbetween??
If everything is configured for RS256 why is Next-Auth w/ Auth0 sending me a malformed JWT.
EDIT: a 5 part JWT is a JSON Web Encryption (JWE) token...?

Passing Keycloak bearer token to express backend?

We have a frontend application that uses Vue3 and a backend that uses nodejs+express.
We are trying to make it so once the frontend application is authorised by keycloak it can then pass a bearer token to the backend (which is also protected by keycloak in the same realm), to make the API calls.
Can anyone suggest how we should be doing this?
Follows is what we are trying and seeing as a result.
The error thrown back is simply 'Access Denied', with no other details Running the debugger we see a 'invalid token (wrong audience)' error thrown in the GrantManager.validateToken function (which unfortunately doesn't bubble up).
The frontend makes use of #dsb-norge/vue-keycloak-js which leverages keycloak-js.
The backend makes use of keycloak-connect. Its endpoints are REST based.
In the webapp startup we initialise axios as follows, which passes the bearer token to the backend server
const axiosConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {
baseURL: 'http://someurl'
api = axios.create(axiosConfig);
// include keycloak token when communicating with API server
(config) => {
if (app.config.globalProperties.$keycloak) {
const keycloak = app.config.globalProperties.$keycloak;
const token = keycloak.token as string;
const auth = 'Authorization';
if (token && config.headers) {
config.headers[auth] = `Bearer ${token}`;
return config;
app.config.globalProperties.$api = api;
On the backend, during the middleware initialisation:
const keycloak = new Keycloak({});
app.keycloak = keycloak;
logout: '/logout',
admin: '/'
Then when protecting the endpoints:
const keycloakJson = keystore.get('keycloak');
const keycloak = new KeycloakConnect ({
cookies: false
}, keycloakJson);
router.use('/api', keycloak.protect('realm:staff'), apiRoutes);
We have two client configured in Keycloak:
app-frontend, set to use access type 'public'
app-server, set to use access type 'bearer token'
Trying with $keycloak.token gives us the 'invalid token (wrong audience)' error, but if we try with $keycloak.idToken instead, then we get 'invalid token (wrong type)'
In the first case it is comparing token.content.aud of value 'account', with a clientId of app-server. In the second case it is comparing token.content.typ, of value 'ID' with an expected type of 'Bearer'.
Upon discussion with a developer on another projects, it turns out my approach is wrong on the server and that keycloak-connect is the wrong tool for the job. The reasoning is that keycloak-connect is wanting to do its own authentication flow, since the front-end token is incompatible.
The suggested approach is to take the bearer token provided in the header and use the jwt-uri for my keycloak realm to verify the token and then use whatever data I need in the token.
Follows is an early implementation (it works, but it needs refinement) of the requireApiAuthentication function I am using to protect our endpoints:
import jwksClient from 'jwks-rsa';
import jwt, { Secret, GetPublicKeyOrSecret } from 'jsonwebtoken';
// promisify jwt.verify, since it doesn't do promises
async function jwtVerify (token: string, secretOrPublicKey: Secret | GetPublicKeyOrSecret): Promise<any> {
return new Promise<any>((resolve, reject) => {
jwt.verify(token, secretOrPublicKey, (err: any, decoded: object | undefined) => {
if (err) {
} else {
function requireApiAuthentication (requiredRole: string) {
// TODO build jwksUri based on available keycloak configuration;
const baseUrl = '...';
const realm = '...';
const client = jwksClient({
jwksUri: `${baseUrl}/realms/${realm}/protocol/openid-connect/certs`
function getKey (header, callback) {
client.getSigningKey(header.kid, (err: any, key: Record<string, any>) => {
const signingKey = key.publicKey || key.rsaPublicKey;
callback(null, signingKey);
return async (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
const authorization = req.headers.authorization;
if (authorization && authorization.toLowerCase().startsWith('bearer ')) {
const token = authorization.split(' ')[1];
const tokenDecoded = await jwtVerify(token, getKey);
if (tokenDecoded.realm_access && tokenDecoded.realm_access.roles) {
const roles = tokenDecoded.realm_access.roles;
if (roles.indexOf(requiredRole) > -1) {
next(new Error('Unauthorized'));
and then used as follows:
router.use('/api', requireApiAuthentication('staff'), apiRoutes);

Secure a GraphQL API with passport + JWT's or sessions? (with example)

To give a bit of context: I am writing an API to serve a internal CMS in React that requires Google login and a React Native app that should support SMS, email and Apple login, I am stuck on what way of authentication would be the best, I currently have an example auth flow below where a team member signs in using Google, a refresh token gets sent in a httpOnly cookie and is stored in a variable in the client, then the token can be exchanged for an accessToken, the refresh token in the cookie also has a tokenVersion which is checked before sending an accessToken which does add some extra load to the database but can be incremented if somebody got their account stolen, before any GraphQL queries / mutations are allowed, the user's token is decoded and added to the GraphQL context so I can check the roles using graphql-shield and access the user for db operations in my queries / mutations if needed
Because I am still hitting the database even if it's only one once on page / app load I wonder if this is a good approach or if I would be better off using sessions instead
// index.ts
import "./passport"
const main = () => {
const server = fastify({ logger })
const prisma = new PrismaClient()
const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
schema: applyMiddleware(schema, permissions),
context: (request: Omit<Context, "prisma">) => ({ ...request, prisma }),
tracing: __DEV__,
preValidation: fastifyPassport.authenticate("google", {
scope: ["profile", "email"],
session: false,
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
async () => {}
preValidation: fastifyPassport.authorize("google", { session: false }),
async (request, reply) => {
// Store user in database
// const user = existingOrCreatedUser
// sendRefreshToken(user, reply) < send httpOnly cookie to client
// const accessToken = createAccessToken(user)
// reply.send({ accessToken, user }) < send accessToken
server.get("/refresh_token", async (request, reply) => {
const token = request.cookies.fid
if (!token) {
return reply.send({ accessToken: "" })
let payload
try {
payload = verify(token, secret)
} catch {
return reply.send({ accessToken: "" })
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: { id: payload.userId },
if (!user) {
return reply.send({ accessToken: "" })
// Check live tokenVersion against user's one in case it was incremented
if (user.tokenVersion !== payload.tokenVersion) {
return reply.send({ accessToken: "" })
sendRefreshToken(user, reply)
return reply.send({ accessToken: createAccessToken(user) })
// passport.ts
import fastifyPassport from "fastify-passport"
import { OAuth2Strategy } from "passport-google-oauth"
fastifyPassport.registerUserSerializer(async (user) => user)
fastifyPassport.registerUserDeserializer(async (user) => user)
new OAuth2Strategy(
clientID: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
callbackURL: "http://localhost:4000/auth/google/callback",
(_accessToken, _refreshToken, profile, done) => done(undefined, profile)
// permissions/index.ts
import { shield } from "graphql-shield"
import { rules } from "./rules"
export const permissions = shield({
Mutation: {
createOneShopLocation: rules.isAuthenticatedUser,
// permissions/rules.ts
import { rule } from "graphql-shield"
import { Context } from "../context"
export const rules = {
isAuthenticatedUser: rule()(async (_parent, _args, ctx: Context) => {
const authorization = ctx.request.headers.authorization
if (!authorization) {
return false
try {
const token = authorization.replace("Bearer", "")
const payload = verify(token, secret)
// mutative
ctx.payload = payload
return true
} catch {
return false
To answer your question directly, you want to be using jwts for access and that's it. These jwts should be created tied to a user session, but you don't want to have to manage them. You want a user identity aggregator to do it.
You are better off removing most of the code to handle user login/refresh and use a user identity aggregator. You are running into common problems of the complexity when handling the user auth flow which is why these exist.
The most common is Auth0, but the price and complexity may not match your expectations. I would suggest going through the list and picking the one that best supports your use cases:
Or you can check out this article which suggests a bunch of different alternatives as well as what they focus on

NodeJS/ExpressJS/passport-saml ADFS SingleLogout implementation

I did not know where to go next so I'm going to post my issue here, as I've already seen some related issues on this matter. Unfortunately the solutions provided did not work in my case, and I do not know what to try more.
So some background: I have a NodeJS/ExpressJS/passport-saml application that authenticates against an ADFS system. The SSO part of the matter works perfectly, but I can't seem to get the SLO part working.
What happens is that when I initiate either a SP-initiated or IdP-initiated logout it hangs on the first SP. This first SP is being logged out correctly, but it is then redirected to the login page of the first SP and keeps waiting for the credentials to be entered, effectively halting the redirect chain that has to happen.
What I've tried so far is a lot, including using both POST and HTTP-Redirect bindings on my SLO ADFS endpoint/NodeJS server, modifying the routes etc.
Current implementation is as follows:
SLO endpoint configuration (equal for each SP, the blacked out part contains ):
The passport-saml configuration is as follows on the SP server:
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IMPORTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~//
// NodeJS native
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
// NodeJS packages
const SamlStrategy = require('passport-saml').Strategy;
const { Database } = require('../../Database');
// Custom imports
const { ApplicationConfiguration } = require('../../ApplicationConfiguration');
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONSTANTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~//
let strategy = {};
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INIT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~//
* Initialise the passport saml strategy with the necessary configuration parameters.
const initStrategy = () => {
// Get additional required configuration
const config = ApplicationConfiguration.getProperties([
['SSO', 'host'],
['SSO', 'identifier'],
['SSO', 'cert'],
['SSO', 'algorithm'],
// Define the SAML strategy based on configuration
strategy = new SamlStrategy(
// URL that should be configured inside the AD FS as return URL for authentication requests
callbackUrl: `https://${<sp_host_name>}:${<sp_port_value>}/sso/callback`,
// URL on which the AD FS should be reached
entryPoint: <idp_host_name>,
// Identifier for the CIR-COO application in the AD FS
issuer: <sp_identifier_in_idp>,
identifierFormat: null,
// CIR-COO private certificate
privateCert: fs.readFileSync(<sp_server_private_cert_path>, 'utf8'),
// Identity Provider's public key
cert: fs.readFileSync(<idp_server_public_cert_path>, 'utf8'),
authnContext: ['urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport'],
// AD FS signature hash algorithm with which the response is encrypted
signatureAlgorithm: <idp_signature_algorithm>,
// Single Log Out URL AD FS
logoutUrl: <idp_host_name>,
// Single Log Out callback URL
logoutCallbackUrl: `https://${<sp_host_name>}:${<sp_port_value>}/slo/callback`,
// skew that is acceptable between client and server when checking validity timestamps
acceptedClockSkewMs: -1,
async (profile, done) => {
// Map ADFS groups to Group without ADFS\\ characters
const roles = profile.Roles.map(role => role.replace('ADFS\\', ''));
// Get id's from the roles
const queryResult = await Database.executeQuery('auth-groups', 'select_group_ids_by_name', [roles]);
// Map Query result to Array for example: [1,2]
const groupIds = queryResult.map(group => group.id);
sessionIndex: profile.sessionIndex,
nameID: profile.nameID,
nameIDFormat: profile.nameIDFormat,
id: profile.DistinguishedName,
username: profile.DistinguishedName,
displayName: profile.DisplayName,
groups: profile.Roles,
mail: profile.Emailaddress,
// Return the passport strategy
return strategy;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PASSPORT CONFIG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~//
* Initialise the passport instance and add the saml passport strategy to it for authentication
* #param {Object} passport - Passport object
const initPassport = (passport) => {
// (De)serialising
passport.serializeUser((user, done) => {
done(null, user);
passport.deserializeUser((user, done) => {
done(null, user);
// Initialise the strategy
const passportStrategy = initStrategy();
// Addition strategy to passport
passport.use('saml', passportStrategy);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HELPERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~//
* Get the metadata from the Service Provider (this server).
* #param {String} publicPath - Path to public certificate
* #return {Promise<any>} - Metadata object for this application
const getMetaData = publicPath => new Promise((resolve) => {
const metaData = strategy.generateServiceProviderMetadata({}, fs.readFileSync(path.join(publicPath), 'utf8'));
* Construct a Single Logout Request and send it to the IdP.
* #param {Object} req - Default request object
* #param {Object} res - Default response object
const logout = (req, res) => {
// Construct SLO request for IdP
strategy.logout(req, (err, url) => {
// Redirect to SLO callback URL and send logout request.
return res.redirect(url);
const getStrategy = () => strategy;
module.exports = {
And the relevant routes and functions are as follows:
const logOutLocalSession = sid => new Promise(((resolve, reject) => {
log.info(`Received request to destroy session with sid ${sid}.`);
// Destroy local session
store.destroy(sid, (err) => {
if (err) {
log.error(`Error occurred while logging out local session with SID ${sid}: ${err}`);
reject('Onbekende fout opgetreden bij uitloggen lokaal.');
log.info(`Successfully logged out user locally with SID ${sid}.`);
const logOutAllSessions = async (req, res) => {
// Extract username to get all sessions
const { username } = req.session.passport.user;
log.info(`Received request to log user ${username} out of all sessions.`);
const sessionIdsRes = await Database.executeQuery('sessions', 'select_sids_by_user_id', [username]);
// Loop over all sessions and destroy them
const destroyPromises = [];
sessionIdsRes.forEach((sessionIdRes) => {
await Promise.all(destroyPromises);
// Remove local session from request
req.session = null;
log.info(`User ${username} logged out successfully from all known sessions.`);
const logOutIdp = (req, res) => {
const { username } = req.session.passport.user;
log.info(`Received request to log out user ${username} on Identity Provider.`);
const strategy = passportImpl.getStrategy();
// Create logout request for IdP
strategy.logout(req, async (err, url) => {
// Destroy local sessions
logOutAllSessions(req, res);
// Redirect to SLO callback URL and send logout request.
return res.redirect(url);
// SP initiated logout sequence
app.get('/auth/logout', (req, res) => {
const { username } = req.session.passport.user;
// If user not logged in, redirect to login
if (!req.user) {
return res.redirect('/saml/login');
if (username === 'Administrator' || username === 'Support user') {
} else {
logOutIdp(req, res);
// IdP initiated logout sequence or from other SP
app.post('/slo/callback', logOutAllSessions);
If there is some information missing I will be able to provide. I do hope I can get some leads on what to try next! Thanks in advance !
In terms of the ADFS configuration:
"Trusted URL" should be the ADFS logout endpoint - you can see that in the metadata - so that ADFS can clear cookies.
"Response URL" should be the endpoint in your app. that expects the SLO response so that it can clear client cookies.

How to add JWT authentication with passport-steam

Simple JWT authenticated mern app (here) in place using redux and create-react-app. I want to add passport-steam as an authentication method, however I'm not sure how to handle adding a JWT to the passport-steam strategy. Below is what I have:
// Steam
router.get('/steam', passport.authenticate('steam', { session: false }));
passport.authenticate('steam', { session: false }),
(req, res) => {
const user = req.user
{ id: user.id },
{ expiresIn: '2h' },
(err, token) => {
if (err) throw err;
user: user,
Using the default steam strategy It works and user data is added to the DB, but there's no token in local storage. I'm not sure how to do it with steam as I'm not dispatching an action/not sure If I can. Do I need to authenticate via steam, grab and save the data to the database and then dispatch another action to retrieve it and add the JWT, or is there a better method?
