unable to login with default user name administrator after installing Kentico - kentico

I have installed the Kentico and it generated an URL. When we try to login with a default username 'administrator' and getting an error message as follow.
[WebFarmTaskManager.CanCreateTask]: Task type 'DICTIONARYCOMMAND' is not supported. The task needs to be registered with WebFarmHelper.RegisterTask method.

Publish first CMSApp_AppCode, then, in the same folder, CMSApp, however disable the option "Delete all existing files prior to publish" in CMSApp


How do i use the Kenitco API from a Console App

I'm using Kentico V10 and I can run the website locally. However, when i try to use the API from a console app, i'm getting the following error.
{"Object type 'cms.class' not found."}
The stackTrace has a call to check license. I'm following this page, and it says you have to add a license for your domain, but what domain is used when you are running from a console app?
I'm using this code from taken from this page.
string userName = "myuser";
// Gets the user with the specified user name
UserInfo userInfo = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(userName);
// Gets the authentication URL for a specified user and target URL
string url = AuthenticationHelper.GetUserAuthenticationUrl(userInfo, "SecuredSurvey");
If that was available via the REST API, i'd be happy to get the URL that way, but from what i can see, it's not available.
Kentico has some good documentation on how to use the API in an external application, specifically a console library here.
Very notable steps are:
Connecting to the database; make sure you use the same connection string as in your web.config
Install the Kentico.Libraries NuGet package
Initialize Kentico in your application in the Global.asax file.
Write custom code all day long.

Getting java.lang.IllegalArgumentException error while running cucumber feature file in Java Eclipse

I am trying to run a basic cucumber feature file via JAVA ECLIPSE on my MacBook and getting this java.lang.IllegalArgumentException error .
Following steps are taken care.
Added the dependencies
Created a Maven project
Created a feature file
Created a Runner Class
Created a Step Definition class
Trying to run the feature file so that I will get the implementation steps as part of errors in consolidating so that I can use the same in the step definition file.
Feature file :
Feature: POC on gmail Login Page
Scenario: gmail login test
Given User navigated to gmail Login page
When User enter the Loginid
And User enter Password for gmail
And User click on Login button
Then Verification Page Displayed
Then Inbox page is displayed
Error in detail:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a file or directory: /Users/civakalyan/Documents/Java Eclipse/FIrstCucumberMavenProject/--plugin
at cucumber.runtime.io.FileResourceIterator$FileIterator.(FileResourceIterator.java:54)
at cucumber.runtime.io.FileResourceIterator.(FileResourceIterator.java:20)
at cucumber.runtime.io.FileResourceIterable.iterator(FileResourceIterable.java:19)
at cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature.load(CucumberFeature.java:38)
at cucumber.runtime.RuntimeOptions.cucumberFeatures(RuntimeOptions.java:117)
at cucumber.runtime.Runtime.run(Runtime.java:92)
at cucumber.api.cli.Main.run(Main.java:20)
at cucumber.api.cli.Main.main(Main.java:12)
U have to build the path etc, restart eclipse. Try making a new Fresh Project with the same feature file and run it.
it worked for me , however still looking for a better solution

openAm 12.0.0 failed to add user with external opendj

I had build and install openam 12 from source code, from svn checkout
svn checkout https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/tags/12.0.0/openam/
after that I had used external OpenDJ-2.6.0 with openam , installation is successful.
But when I add new user and click OK I got error
Error :”Plug-in org.forgerock.openam.idrepo.ldap.DJLDAPv3Repo encountered a ldap exception. ldap errorcode=65”
Also check in OpenDJ-2.6.0 logs access logs:
[25/Feb/2015:16:27:00 +0530] ADD RES conn=6 op=131 msgID=132 result=65 message=”Entry uid=indranis,dc=xyz,dc=net violates the Directory Server schema configuration because it contains an unknown objectclass iPlanetPreferences” etime=2
Same exception I got when I try to add group ,
but able to solve referring following link:
remove manually from Data Store – opends and remove groupOfURLs or groupOfUniqueNames from the LDAP Groups Object Class
Is there is issue with openDJ2.6 version , or any changes do I need to configure?
I got issue resolve, by installing openAM with embeded datastore and and then after installation ,configured it with an external opendj store and removed embedded one.

Tagged Hooks not recognized in a particular package

I have created a gradle project which uses cucumber and geb. My programming language is groovy.
All my steps files are located at com.bada.bada.bada.cucumber.step
User usecases
Scenario: Login User to website
Given I am on the mywebsite
And I log in with a valid username and a valid password
When I see profile
Then I can see my profile image
and my Hook code is
Before("#Login") {
// Go nuts
If the definition of hook is in com.bada.bada.bada.cucumber.step.SomefileSteps.groovy, then the hook is recognised but if it exists in com.bada.bada.bada.cucumber.hooks.SomeHooks.groovy then it is not.
Why is this an issue?
Glue directories were not updated. Updating those fixed the issue.

Windows Azure - Migrations is enabled for context 'ApplicationDbContext'

Following this blog with steps by steps http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-dotnet-deploy-aspnet-mvc-app-membership-oauth-sql-database/#setupdevenv
If I run from my local machine then i see the data which is coming from Windows Azure db and i can add and update or delete ... perfectly working fine but the problem is when I publish my application to Windows Azure and I able to see my page and all the static pages are working fine but except one page which is interacting with database.
here is my web.config connection string:
<add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="server=tcp:* insert server name*.database.windows.net,1433;Database=* insert database name *;User ID=*insert username *#* insert server name*;Password={*insert password here *};Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;" />
I get this message when i try to access the page from http://XXXX.azurewebsites.net/Employee
Error Message:
Migrations is enabled for context 'ApplicationDbContext' but the database does not exist or contains no mapped tables. Use Migrations to create the database and its tables, for example by running the 'Update-Database' command from the Package Manager Console.
Seems that your database cannot be created automatically. The fastest way to fix that is to follow the suggestion from your error message. Open your Package Manager Console with the project, which contains the connection string and the Configuration.cs (your migrations), selected as the startup project and run Update-Database. It could be that you must pass some parameters to this command if you have changed something on your migrations.
