HTTP Basic Auth and Azure Functions - azure

In an in Azure Functions with HTTP trigger, where in the HttpRequestMessage instance are the credentials (username and password) in a basic HTTP Authentication scheme?

I was able to find a username:password string encoded in base64 in:
Where request is an instance of HttpRequestMessage

Basic is not an option, nor is any other commonplace auth scheme available right now, unfortunately. Other than Anonymous, HTTP Functions auth is based on keys generated and stored in Azure. Three types of keys are currently available:
Admin - requires a "host" key (host keys are shared by all functions)
System - requires the special "master" host key
Functions - requires a key defined for the individual function
Keys are documented here and can be managed from the "Manage" button when you expand a given Function in the portal.
Microsoft is working on adding a new token-based User auth type based on tokens instead of keys. You can read about it in the following github issue:


Using places API from Firebase Cloud Functions with restricted API Key

I recently restricted an api key to accept requests from specific websites, but I use the same api key from Firebase Cloud Functions for Places search.
What url do I add for the cloud functions request?
Url is built like this
const urlFindPlaceFromText = "";
const fields = "formatted_address,name,geometry,icon,rating,price_level,place_id";
const location = "point:$latitude, $longitude";
const url = `${urlFindPlaceFromText}/json?input=${searchString}&inputtype=textquery&language=en&fields=${fields}&locationbias=${location}&key=${apiKey}`;
const placesRequest = await axios.get(url)
data: {
> candidates: [],
> error_message: 'API keys with referer restrictions cannot be used with this API.',
> status: 'REQUEST_DENIED'
> }
The error you are seeing looks like you are making the API call server side. Because you have placed a referrer restriction on your API key, it will be limited to executing on the browser with the web service APIs.
As mentioned in the comments above,you may create a separate key to use server-side. You can change your restriction from a browser restriction to a server restriction by using IP addresses to restrict access, instead of browser referrers.
Check this APIs FAQ on switching key type to a server restricted key
Also check these similar example for more information:
Key restrictions by IP address not working
How to get IP address from client
Cloud function secure HTTPS endpoint with API key
API keys referrer restrictions cannot be used with this API

Email verification code in app url (deployed on azure) not finding endpoint

I have .net core identity email verification endpoint setup like this:
and I encoded it in registration endpoint with Uri. EscapeDataString (decoding with Uri. UnescapeDataString but that's irrelevant here). So when I get email and I click the link, locally I hit endpoint and can debug it, but after deploying to azure (web app resource group) I get this response:
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed,
or is temporarily unavailable.
When I shorten code to not contain any special characters (which are now encoded so they are for example %2F, %3D etc) endpoint is hit (but ofc token is invalid).
Any idea what could be the case?
The code that is generated is Base64 encoded, and certain characters in Base64 are not allowed in the path segment of a URL by default, for security reasons, even when URL-encoded. While it's possible to change that, you should not, as the security concerns are valid, and you don't want to expose your app to exploits.
Instead, you can simply let the code be part of the query string. The same vulnerabilities do not exist for the query string portion of a URL, and the characters will be allowed there. Alternatively, you can use a different type of code. The token providers used by Identity for things like email confirmation and password resets can be customized.
Identity includes other token providers for the purposes of two-factor auth that you can switch out with, if you like. These use TOTP-based tokens (the 6-7 digit numbers you see all the time with 2FA). Or, you can create your own custom provider and handle it however you like. To change providers, you simply configure the Tokens member when setting up Identity:
services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>(o =>
// other options here like password reqs, etc.
o.Tokens.ChangeEmailTokenProvider = TokenOptions.DefaultEmailProvider;
o.Tokens.EmailConfirmationTokenProvider = TokenOptions.DefaultEmailProvider;
o.Tokens.PasswordResetTokenProvider = TokenOptions.DefaultEmailProvider;
The above will cause those three scenarios to generate tokens via EmailTokenProvider, which is one of the TOTP-based providers builtin.
If you want to use a custom provider, you simply create a class that implements IUserTwoFactorTokenProvider<TUser> and register that:
services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>(o =>
The string you use as the "name" is what you would use to assign it as a token provider in the previous code above, i.e.:
o.Tokens.PasswordResetTokenProvider = "MyTokenProviderName";

Using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with Azure Functions (WITHOUT using Active Directory)

I am sure someone out there has already done this, but I have yet to find any documentation with regard to the Microsoft implementation of JWT. The official documentation from Microsoft for their JWT library is basically an empty page, see:
So, here is what I (and I am sure many others) would like to accomplish:
Definition: User ID = The username or email address used to log into a system.
A user logs in. The user fills in web form and the system sends (via HTTPS POST) the users ID and password (hashed) to the server in order to authenticate / validate the user.
Server Authenticates user. The users ID and password are checked against the values saved in the database and if NOT valid, an invalid login response is returned to the caller.
Create a JWT Token - ???? No documentation available!
Return the JWT token to the caller - ???? - I assume in a header? via JSON, not sure -- again - no documentation.
Given the code below, can anyone provide a code example for steps 3 and 4?
[FunctionName( "authenticate" )]
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run( [HttpTrigger( AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null )]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log )
// Step 1 - Get user ID and password from POST data
* Step 2 - Verify user ID and password (compare against DB values)
* If user ID or password is not valid, return Invalid User response
// Step 3 - Create JWT token - ????
// Step 4 - Return JWT token - ????
Assuming the user was authenticated and now has a JWT token (I am assuming the JWT token is saved in the users session; if someone wants to provide more info, please do):
A POST request is made to an Azure Function to do something (like get a users birth date). The JWT token obtained above is loaded (from the POST data or a header - does it matter?) along with any other data required by the function.
The JWT token is validated - ???? No documentation available!
If the JWT token is NOT valid, a BadRequest response is returned by the function.
If the JWT token is valid, the function uses the data passed to it to process and issue a response.
Given the code below, can anyone provide a code example for steps 1 and 2?
[FunctionName( "do_something" )]
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run( [HttpTrigger( AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null )]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log )
// Step 1 - Get JWT token (from POST data or headers?)
// Step 2 - Validate the JWT token - ???
// Step 3 - If JWT token is not valid, return BadRequest response
// Step 4 - Process the request and return data as JSON
Any and all information would really help those of us (me) understand how to use JWT with Azure (anonymous) functions in order to build a "secure" REST API.
Thanks in advance.
Any and all information would really help those of us (me) understand how to use JWT with Azure (anonymous) functions in order to build a "secure" REST API.
Per my understanding, you could use the related library in your azure function code to generate / validate the JWT token. Here are some tutorials, you could refer to them:
Create and Consume JWT Tokens in C#.
Jwt.Net, a JWT (JSON Web Token) implementation for .NET
JWT Authentication for Asp.Net Web Api
Moreover, you could leverage App Service Authentication / Authorization to configure the function app level Authentication / Authorization. You could go to your Function App Settings, click "NETWORKING > Authentication / Authorization" under the Platform features tab. Enable App Service Authentication and choose Allow Anonymous requests (no action) as follows:
You could create a HttpTrigger function with anonymous accessing for user logging and return the JWT token if the user exists. For the protected REST APIs, you could follow the code sample below:
//TODO: retrieve the username claim
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK,(System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identity as ClaimsIdentity).Claims.Select(c => new { key = c.Type, value = c.Value }),"application/json");
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized,"Access Denied!");
For generating the JWT token used in App Service Authentication, you could follow How to: Use custom authentication for your application and the code under custom API controller CustomAuthController from adrian hall's book about Custom Authentication to create the JWT token.
For the custom authentication approach under App Service Authentication, I just want op to leverage the authentication / Authorization provided by EasyAuth. I have did some test for this approach and found it could work on my side. Op could send the username and password to the HttpTrigger for authentication, then the HttpTrigger backend need to validate the user info, and use Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Login package for issuing App Service Authentication token to the client, then the client could retrieve the token from the AuthenticationToken property. The subsequent requests against the protected APIs could look like as follows:
Header: x-zumo-auth:<AuthenticationToken>
For this approach, the related HttpTrigger functions need to allow anonymous accessing and the App Service Authentication also needs to choose Allow Anonymous requests (no action). Otherwise, the App Service Authentication and function level authentication would both validate the request. For the protected APIs, op needs to manually add the System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identity.IsAuthenticated checking.
Try this:
I successfully made it work using this guide. It took awhile due to nuget versions.
Follow that guide properly and use the following nuget versions
IdentityModel.Protocols (2.1.4)
IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConenct (2.1.4)
IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt (5.1.4)
Oh and, the guide tells you to write your AUDIENCE as your api link, don't. You'll get unauthorized error. Just write the name of your api, e.g. myapi
If you get error about System.http.formatting not being loaded when running the function, try to reinstall NET.Sdk.Functions and ignore the warning about AspNet.WebApi.Client being restored using .NETFramework. And restart visual studio.
What you're describing is something that you should be able to do yourself by doing a little bit of research. To address your specific questions:
Create a JWT Token - ???? No documentation available!
The link Bruce gave you gives a nice example for how to create a JWT:
Return the JWT token to the caller - ???? - I assume in a header? via JSON, not sure -- again - no documentation.
There's no documentation because you're basically inventing your own protocol. That means how you do it is entirely up to you and your application requirements. If it's a login action, it might make sense to return it as part of the HTTP response payload. Just make sure that you're using HTTPS so that the token stays protected over the wire.
A POST request is made to an Azure Function to do something (like get a users birth date). The JWT token obtained above is loaded (from the POST data or a header - does it matter?) along with any other data required by the function.
How you send the token is, again, entirely up to you. Most platforms use the HTTP Authorization request header, but you don't have to if you don't want to.
The JWT token is validated - ???? No documentation available!
Use the ValidateToken method of the JwtSecurityTokenHandler (see the previous link for how to get the JwtSecurityTokenHandler). Docs here:
I created an Azure Functions input binding for JWT Token Validation. You can use this as an extra parameter with the [JwtBinding] attribute. See for source and NuGet package information.
Basically Azure Functions built on top of ASP.NET Core. By making some dependency injection tricks you could add your own authentication and policy-based authorization. I created demo solution with JWT authentication just for fun, beware to use it on production.

PARTNER_AUTHENTICATION failed for Docusign.esign.dll

I am writing code to use docusign demo machine through Docusign.esign.dll . I have tried using Oauth process for connecting the docusign.
I have used the code similar to the code motioned in here.
But I have used my demo machine Integetor key and private key. But I am getting the below error. So do I need to change any setup in my demo machine? Or how do I get valid Integotor key.
I hope my PEM key is causing the issue. So let me know how to preparte that pEM KEy.
I just copied by Private key and created the PEM file using notepad application.
Please let me know do I miss any thing?
Error calling Login: {\r\n \"errorCode\": \"PARTNER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED\",\r\n \"message\": \"The specified Integrator Key was not found or is disabled. An Integrator key was not specified.\"\r\n}"}
BY default, the API points to their live/production servers. After creating an instance of the ApiClient, set it to point at the demo server:
apiClient.RestClient.BaseUrl = new Uri("");
Edit: That was for legacy authentication. For OAuth, please check to make sure you're pointing to (notice the -d).
I too found this to be the issue, in the response the bearer token is missing
<br/><br/>string host = "";
// Note with or without v2 their supplied credentials work<br/>
string oauthBasePath = "";<br/>
ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(host);<br/>
apiClient.ConfigureJwtAuthorizationFlow(integratorKey, userId, oauthBasePath, privateKeyFilename, expiresInHours);
When you use the credentials from the JwtAuthUnitTests - TestConfig all works
Steps followed should be:
Created demo machine
Created IK
Created Secret key
Created RSA pair key
Copy the private key in to notepad and save that file in location
Missing steps are:
Granting Consent either using User Consent or Admin Consent, check
Service Integration for details.
Configure Redirect URI in the Integrator Key, only needed for User
Consent via Authorization Code Grant
You can use Admin Consent only if you can claim email domain in DocuSign else you need to use User Consent. With User Consent, normally using Authorization Code Grant, you need to get consent with scopes of Impersonation Signature. Once you have user's consent, then you can get new AccessToken for that user using JWT.
Also you need to point to correct host for Demo and Prod, is required for Demo is required for Prod
Above host is used to get access token from DocuSign Account Server (/oauth/token), and you will use above host also for getting the baseUri from /oauth/userinfo endpoint. Other than these two call, I don't think you will use above host.
In response for /oauth/userinfo endpoint call, you will get base_uri and account_id like below
"account_id": "fe0b61a3-3b9b-cafe-b7be-4592af32aa9b"
"base_uri": ""
You will use above base_uri and account_id for any other API calls, like for creating envelope etc

Node.js authentication server for Firebase Admin SDK - JWT validation issue

I am working on a project where we are going to be using different services in a microservice architecture, and we would like to also use some Firebase services. I am working on an auth server that is going to mint custom JWT's for use in both Firebase, as well as the other API projects.
We would like to use the Firebase Auth SDK to easily integrate with FB, Google, Twitter etc, but we need to enrich the user's token with more data. Therefore, my thought process is that I'd create a Node.JS auth server that uses the Firebase Admin SDK to do this. The flow would be as follows:
User logs in with favourite provider on client
If login is succesful, the user receives a JWT from Firebase. This is sent to the auth server for validation
If the auth server can validate the token using the admin SDK, create a new custom token enriched with more data, and return this new custom token to the client
Have client re-authenticate with the new custom token, and use it for communication with both Firebase as well as our other API projects (which will mainly be in .NET Core)
Step 1-3 works fine. The problem arises when trying to verify the custom token on the other services.
TL;DR : There are two questions inhere:
When validating custom tokens issued using the Firebase Node.JS Admin SDK, what should I use as the public key? A key extracted from Google's exposed JWK's, or a key extracted from the private key that is used to sign?
In case of the JWK approach, how should I construct the custom token with a kid header?
First, I am in doubt of the proper way to verify it. (Please excuse me, I'm not that experienced creating OAuth flows.) The algorithm used is RS256, so I should be able to verify the token using a public key. As I see it, there are two ways to get this key:
Extract the public key from the private key and verify using this. I can do this and verify successfully on a test endpoint on my auth server, however I feel this is the incorrect way to do it
The other, and more correct way I think, is to use the values from the token to find the JWK's on Google's "/.well-known/openid-configuration/" endpoint for my project, , i.e.
https: //[PROJECT ID]/.well-known/openid-configuration
to retrieve the exponent and modulus for the correct kid (key ID) and create the public key from those.
The token generated from the admin SDK by doing
admin.auth().createCustomToken(uid, additionalClaims).then(function(customToken)
with some custom claims looks something like this:
"alg": "RS256",
"typ": "JWT"
"claims": {
"premiumAccount": true,
"someRandomInnerObject": {
"something": "somethingRandom"
"uid": "<uid for the user>",
"iat": 1488454663,
"exp": 1488458263,
"aud": "",
"iss": "firebase-adminsdk-le7ge#<PROJECT ID>",
"sub": "firebase-adminsdk-le7ge#<PROJECT ID>"
I can't seem to get method 2 to work, though. One problem is that the generated token does not have a kid header, and so does not conform to the OpenID spec (AFAIK), which leads to one of two options:
Go with the first approach above. This leads to problems though - if I for some reason need to revoke or reset the private key on the auth server, I need to do it and deploy the changes on all the other services too, making the solution less dynamic and more error-prone.
Generate a similar token manually using one of the libs mentioned at, and add the kid from the original Firebase ID token to it's headers.
Problems with number 2:
What should I put as iss, aud and sub, then? The same values as the admin SDK does? If so, isn't that 'cheating', as they are no longer the issuer?
I've tried it (generating a similar copy of the token, but adding the kid of the original token), and I can't seem to verify the generated token using the created PEM key for the kid.
The way I do the latter is this (following a blog guide on the subject):
Go to and retrieve the modulus (n) and exponent (e) for the relevant kid
Generate the public key using a lib (rsa-pem-from-mod-exp)
Use the key to verify using the 'official' jwt lib
The above results in a public key as such:
Two things seem to be wrong. One is that the key is different from the one I can extract from the private key. The other is that the one I extract from the private key has these comments instead:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
with no 'RSA'. Does this matter? In any case, it doesn't verify.
Finally, did I misunderstand the OpenID flow completely? Are the JWKs generated from a private key that I need as well to verify my JWTs? Should I expose my own JWKs on my auth server for the other services to contact and use instead of Google's? I'm a bit confused as to what the Firebase Admin SDK does and doesn't do, I think :-)
I know this is a lot of questions, but I think they're all related.
Some resources I've relied on in my research (besides the official admin sdk docs ofcourse):
Is it still possible to do server side verification of tokens in Firebase 3?
After re-authenticating the Firebase client SDK with the custom token, the client actually generates a new ID token with the claims from the custom token. This ID token is what you should use to verify requests made to your different microservices (documented here). So yes, your original ID token is discarded, but a new one is created in its place. And that ID token will be automatically refreshed every hour. So, you should be able to just call user.getToken() to get a valid ID token whenever you need it. That method handles all the caching on your behalf.
