Unexpected End Of File Error for invalid line number [duplicate] - linux

I need my script to send an email from terminal. Based on what I've seen here and many other places online, I formatted it like this:
/var/mail -s "$SUBJECT" "$EMAIL" << EOF
Here's a line of my message!
And here's another line!
Last line of the message here!
However, when I run this I get this warning:
myfile.sh: line x: warning: here-document at line y delimited by end-of-file (wanted 'EOF')
myfile.sh: line x+1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
...where line x is the last written line of code in the program, and line y is the line with /var/mail in it. I've tried replacing EOF with other things (ENDOFMESSAGE, FINISH, etc.) but to no avail. Nearly everything I've found online has it done this way, and I'm really new at bash so I'm having a hard time figuring it out on my own. Could anyone offer any help?

The EOF token must be at the beginning of the line, you can't indent it along with the block of code it goes with.
If you write <<-EOF you may indent it, but it must be indented with Tab characters, not spaces. So it still might not end up even with the block of code.
Also make sure you have no whitespace after the EOF token on the line.

The line that starts or ends the here-doc probably has some non-printable or whitespace characters (for example, carriage return) which means that the second "EOF" does not match the first, and doesn't end the here-doc like it should. This is a very common error, and difficult to detect with just a text editor. You can make non-printable characters visible for example with cat:
cat -A myfile.sh
Once you see the output from cat -A the solution will be obvious: remove the offending characters.

Please try to remove the preceeding spaces before EOF:-
/var/mail -s "$SUBJECT" "$EMAIL" <<-EOF
Using <tab> instead of <spaces> for ident AND using <<-EOF works fine.
The "-" removes the <tabs>, not <spaces>, but at least this works.

Note one can also get this error if you do this;
while read line; do
echo $line
done << somefile
Because << somefile should read < somefile in this case.

May be old but I had a space after the ending EOF
<< EOF
EOF <-- this was the issue. Had it for years, finally looked it up here

For anyone stumbling here who googled "bash warning: here-document delimited by end-of-file", it may be that you are getting the
warning: here-document at line 74 delimited by end-of-file
...type warning because you accidentally used a here document symbol (<<) when you meant to use a here string symbol (<<<). That was my case.

Here is a flexible way to do deal with multiple indented lines without using heredoc.
echo 'Hello!'
sed -e 's:^\s*::' < <(echo '
Some indented text here.
Some indented text here.
if [[ true ]]; then
sed -e 's:^\s\{4,4\}::' < <(echo '
Some indented text here.
Some extra indented text here.
Some indented text here.
Some notes on this solution:
if the content is expected to have simple quotes, either escape them using \ or replace the string delimiters with double quotes. In the latter case, be careful that construction like $(command) will be interpreted. If the string contains both simple and double quotes, you'll have to escape at least of kind.
the given example print a trailing empty line, there are numerous way to get rid of it, not included here to keep the proposal to a minimum clutter
the flexibility comes from the ease with which you can control how much leading space should stay or go, provided that you know some sed REGEXP of course.

When I want to have docstrings for my bash functions, I use a solution similar to the suggestion of user12205 in a duplicate of this question.
See how I define USAGE for a solution that:
auto-formats well for me in my IDE of choice (sublime)
is multi-line
can use spaces or tabs as indentation
preserves indentations within the comment.
function foo {
# Docstring
read -r -d '' USAGE <<' END'
# This method prints foo to the terminal.
# Enter `foo -h` to see the docstring.
# It has indentations and multiple lines.
# Change the delimiter if you need hashtag for some reason.
# This can include $$ and = and eval, but won't be evaluated
if [ "$1" = "-h" ]
echo "$USAGE" | cut -d "#" -f 2 | cut -c 2-
echo "foo"
So foo -h yields:
This method prints foo to the terminal.
Enter `foo -h` to see the docstring.
It has indentations and multiple lines.
Change the delimiter if you need hashtag for some reason.
This can include $$ and = and eval, but won't be evaluated
cut -d "#" -f 2: Retrieve the second portion of the # delimited lines. (Think a csv with "#" as the delimiter, empty first column).
cut -c 2-: Retrieve the 2nd to end character of the resultant string
Also note that if [ "$1" = "-h" ] evaluates as False if there is no first argument, w/o error, since it becomes an empty string.

make sure where you put the ending EOF you put it at the beginning of a new line

Along with the other answers mentioned by Barmar and Joni, I've noticed that I sometimes have to leave a blank line before and after my EOF when using <<-EOF.


How to concatenate strings with escape characters in bash? [duplicate]

echo $STR
produces as output
instead of
What should I do to have a newline in a string?
Note: This question is not about echo.
I'm aware of echo -e, but I'm looking for a solution that allows passing a string (which includes a newline) as an argument to other commands that do not have a similar option to interpret \n's as newlines.
If you're using Bash, you can use backslash-escapes inside of a specially-quoted $'string'. For example, adding \n:
echo "$STR" # quotes are required here!
If you're using pretty much any other shell, just insert the newline as-is in the string:
Bash recognizes a number of other backslash escape sequences in the $'' string. Here is an excerpt from the Bash manual page:
Words of the form $'string' are treated specially. The word expands to
string, with backslash-escaped characters replaced as specified by the
ANSI C standard. Backslash escape sequences, if present, are decoded
as follows:
\a alert (bell)
\b backspace
\E an escape character
\f form feed
\n new line
\r carriage return
\t horizontal tab
\v vertical tab
\\ backslash
\' single quote
\" double quote
\nnn the eight-bit character whose value is the octal value
nnn (one to three digits)
\xHH the eight-bit character whose value is the hexadecimal
value HH (one or two hex digits)
\cx a control-x character
The expanded result is single-quoted, as if the dollar sign had not
been present.
A double-quoted string preceded by a dollar sign ($"string") will cause
the string to be translated according to the current locale. If the
current locale is C or POSIX, the dollar sign is ignored. If the
string is translated and replaced, the replacement is double-quoted.
Echo is so nineties and so fraught with perils that its use should result in core dumps no less than 4GB. Seriously, echo's problems were the reason why the Unix Standardization process finally invented the printf utility, doing away with all the problems.
So to get a newline in a string, there are two ways:
# 1) Literal newline in an assignment.
# 2) Command substitution.
BAR=$(printf "hello\nworld\n") # Alternative; note: final newline is deleted
printf '<%s>\n' "$FOO"
printf '<%s>\n' "$BAR"
There! No SYSV vs BSD echo madness, everything gets neatly printed and fully portable support for C escape sequences. Everybody please use printf now for all your output needs and never look back.
What I did based on the other answers was
my_var="__between eggs and bacon__"
echo "spam${NEWLINE}eggs${my_var}bacon${NEWLINE}knight"
# which outputs:
eggs__between eggs and bacon__bacon
I find the -e flag elegant and straight forward
bash$ STR="Hello\nWorld"
bash$ echo -e $STR
If the string is the output of another command, I just use quotes
indexes_diff=$(git diff index.yaml)
echo "$indexes_diff"
The problem isn't with the shell. The problem is actually with the echo command itself, and the lack of double quotes around the variable interpolation. You can try using echo -e but that isn't supported on all platforms, and one of the reasons printf is now recommended for portability.
You can also try and insert the newline directly into your shell script (if a script is what you're writing) so it looks like...
echo "Hello
or equivalently
echo "$string" # note double quotes!
The only simple alternative is to actually type a new line in the variable:
$ STR='new
$ printf '%s' "$STR"
Yes, that means writing Enter where needed in the code.
There are several equivalents to a new line character.
\n ### A common way to represent a new line character.
\012 ### Octal value of a new line character.
\x0A ### Hexadecimal value of a new line character.
But all those require "an interpretation" by some tool (POSIX printf):
echo -e "new\nline" ### on POSIX echo, `-e` is not required.
printf 'new\nline' ### Understood by POSIX printf.
printf 'new\012line' ### Valid in POSIX printf.
printf 'new\x0Aline'
printf '%b' 'new\0012line' ### Valid in POSIX printf.
And therefore, the tool is required to build a string with a new-line:
$ STR="$(printf 'new\nline')"
$ printf '%s' "$STR"
In some shells, the sequence $' is a special shell expansion.
Known to work in ksh93, bash and zsh:
$ STR=$'new\nline'
Of course, more complex solutions are also possible:
$ echo '6e65770a6c696e650a' | xxd -p -r
$ echo "new line" | sed 's/ \+/\n/g'
A $ right before single quotation marks '...\n...' as follows, however double quotation marks doesn't work.
$ echo $'Hello\nWorld'
$ echo $"Hello\nWorld"
Disclaimer: I first wrote this and then stumbled upon this question. I thought this solution wasn't yet posted, and saw that tlwhitec did post a similar answer. Still I'm posting this because I hope it's a useful and thorough explanation.
Short answer:
This seems quite a portable solution, as it works on quite some shells (see comment).
This way you can get a real newline into a variable.
The benefit of this solution is that you don't have to use newlines in your source code, so you can indent
your code any way you want, and the solution still works. This makes it robust. It's also portable.
# Robust way to put a real newline in a variable (bash, dash, ksh, zsh; indentation-resistant).
nl="$(printf '\nq')"
Longer answer:
Explanation of the above solution:
The newline would normally be lost due to command substitution, but to prevent that, we add a 'q' and remove it afterwards. (The reason for the double quotes is explained further below.)
We can prove that the variable contains an actual newline character (0x0A):
printf '%s' "$nl" | hexdump -C
00000000 0a |.|
(Note that the '%s' was needed, otherwise printf will translate a literal '\n' string into an actual 0x0A character, meaning we would prove nothing.)
Of course, instead of the solution proposed in this answer, one could use this as well (but...):
... but that's less robust and can be easily damaged by accidentally indenting the code, or by forgetting to outdent it afterwards, which makes it inconvenient to use in (indented) functions, whereas the earlier solution is robust.
Now, as for the double quotes:
The reason for the double quotes " surrounding the command substitution as in nl="$(printf '\nq')" is that you can then even prefix the variable assignment with the local keyword or builtin (such as in functions), and it will still work on all shells, whereas otherwise the dash shell would have trouble, in the sense that dash would otherwise lose the 'q' and you'd end up with an empty 'nl' variable (again, due to command substitution).
That issue is better illustrated with another example:
dash_trouble_example() {
e=$(echo hello world) # Not using 'local'.
echo "$e" # Fine. Outputs 'hello world' in all shells.
local e=$(echo hello world) # But now, when using 'local' without double quotes ...:
echo "$e" # ... oops, outputs just 'hello' in dash,
# ... but 'hello world' in bash and zsh.
local f="$(echo hello world)" # Finally, using 'local' and surrounding with double quotes.
echo "$f" # Solved. Outputs 'hello world' in dash, zsh, and bash.
# So back to our newline example, if we want to use 'local', we need
# double quotes to surround the command substitution:
# (If we didn't use double quotes here, then in dash the 'nl' variable
# would be empty.)
local nl="$(printf '\nq')"
Practical example of the above solution:
# Parsing lines in a for loop by setting IFS to a real newline character:
nl="$(printf '\nq')"
for i in $(printf '%b' 'this is line 1\nthis is line 2'); do
echo "i=$i"
# Desired output:
# i=this is line 1
# i=this is line 2
# Exercise:
# Try running this example without the IFS=$nl assignment, and predict the outcome.
I'm no bash expert, but this one worked for me:
NEWSTR=$(cat << EOF
echo "$NEWSTR"
I found this easier to formatting the texts.
Those picky ones that need just the newline and despise the multiline code that breaks indentation, could do:
IFS="$(printf '\nx')"
Bash (and likely other shells) gobble all the trailing newlines after command substitution, so you need to end the printf string with a non-newline character and delete it afterwards. This can also easily become a oneliner.
IFS="$(printf '\nx')" IFS="${IFS%x}"
I know this is two actions instead of one, but my indentation and portability OCD is at peace now :) I originally developed this to be able to split newline-only separated output and I ended up using a modification that uses \r as the terminating character. That makes the newline splitting work even for the dos output ending with \r\n.
IFS="$(printf '\n\r')"
On my system (Ubuntu 17.10) your example just works as desired, both when typed from the command line (into sh) and when executed as a sh script:
[bash]§ sh
$ STR="Hello\nWorld"
$ echo $STR
$ exit
[bash]§ echo "STR=\"Hello\nWorld\"
> echo \$STR" > test-str.sh
[bash]§ cat test-str.sh
echo $STR
[bash]§ sh test-str.sh
I guess this answers your question: it just works. (I have not tried to figure out details such as at what moment exactly the substitution of the newline character for \n happens in sh).
However, i noticed that this same script would behave differently when executed with bash and would print out Hello\nWorld instead:
[bash]§ bash test-str.sh
I've managed to get the desired output with bash as follows:
[bash]§ STR="Hello
> World"
[bash]§ echo "$STR"
Note the double quotes around $STR. This behaves identically if saved and run as a bash script.
The following also gives the desired output:
[bash]§ echo "Hello
> World"
I wasn't really happy with any of the options here. This is what worked for me.
str=$(printf "%s" "first line")
str=$(printf "$str\n%s" "another line")
str=$(printf "$str\n%s" "and another line")
This isn't ideal, but I had written a lot of code and defined strings in a way similar to the method used in the question. The accepted solution required me to refactor a lot of the code so instead, I replaced every \n with "$'\n'" and this worked for me.

How to extract string between quotes in Bash

I need to extract the string between quotation marks in a file.
For example: my file is called test.txt and it has the following content:
I am reading it as follows from bash:
string="$(head -1 test.txt)"
echo $string
This prints "Hello_World", but I need Hello_World.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
You can do this in pure bash without having to spawn any external programs:
read -r line < test.txt ; line=${line#\"} ; line=${line%\"} ; echo $line
The read actually reads in the entire line, and the two assignments actually strip off any single quote at the start or end of the line.
I assumed you didn't want to strip out any quotes within the string itself so I've limited it to one at either end.
It also allows you to successfully read lines without a leading quote, trailing quote, or both.
You can use tr:
echo "$string " | tr -d '"'
From man tr:
The tr utility copies the standard input to the standard output with substitution or deletion of selected characters.
The following options are available:
-C Complement the set of characters in string1, that is ``-C ab'' includes every character except for `a' and `b'.
-c Same as -C but complement the set of values in string1.
-d Delete characters in string1 from the input.
You can simply use sed to read the first line and also filter out ", try following command,
sed -n '1 s/"//gp' test.txt
Brief explanation,
-n: suppress automatic print
1: Match only the first line
s/"//gp: filter out ", and then print the line

bash interactive line replacement

I have a bash loop moving through lines in a file and am wondering if there is a way to interactively replace each line with content.
while read p
echo $p
read input
if [ "$input" == "y" ]; then
From read(3), I know that read copies from the file descriptor into a *buffer. I realize that I can use sed substitution directly but cannot get it to work in this bash loop context. For example, say I want to wrap selected lines:
sed 's/\(.*\)/wrap \(\1\)/'
Complication : The bash 'read' command swallows up '\' and continues reading a 'line' (this is what i'm looking for). Sed seems to NOT. This means that line counts will be different, so a naive counter seems not the way to go if it's to work with sed.
Use ex, which is a non-visual mode of vim (it's like a newer ed):
ex -c '%s/\(.*\)/wrap \(\1\)/c' FILE
Note that I needed to add % (do the operation for all lines) and c (prompt before substitution) at the beginning and end of your sed expression, respectively.
When prompted, input y<CR> to substitute, n<CR> to not substitute, q<CR> to stop the substitute command. After inputting q<CR> or reaching the end of file you can save changes with w<CR> (that will overwrite the file) and quit with q<CR>.
Alternatively, you can use ed, but I won't help you with that. ;)
For more general information about ex, check out this question:
I'm not sure I understand what you need and maybe you can give us more details like a sample input and an expected output. Maybe this is helpful?
while read p
echo "$p"
read input
if [ "$input" == "y" ]
# Sed is fed with "p" and then it replaces any input with a given string.
# In this case "wrap <matched_text>". Its output is then assigned again to "p"
p="$(sed -nre 's/(.*)/wrap \1/p' <<< "$p")"
done < "$fname"

Unix/Linux, Delete comments from lines

I need to delete/remove comments from a user-input line without deleting any codes. So for example:
mail -s 'text' brown < text #comments
How do I remove the comments and leave the code intact?
I can delete lines that begin with #, but not if it begins somewhere in the middle of the lines.
I tried:
echo $line | sed -e 's/\
but it does not work. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Also, how to detect cases in which # is not used to begin a comment?
For example quoted # and line of code that ends with # since they are not comments.
echo $line | sed -e '/^#/d'
In this line, the # is not used as a comment, but as part of code. I figure out that I need to detect that if # is within quotes or does not have a whitespace character before the #. How do I leave the output as it is?
You can remove all from # to end of line using this awk
awk '{sub(/#.*$/,"")}1' file
But if you have file like this:
pidof tail #See if tail is running
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then #start loop
awk '{print " # "$8}' file >tmp # this is my code
fi # end of loop
awk -F# '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i}' file > tmp2
a=a+1 # increment a
There are no way you can remove the comment automatically without destroying some.
Well, consider what almost always comes after a comment in bash.
#another comment
A line break! Which is effectively a character. So, all you have to do is add a wildcard after your #, to include the actual comment text, then put a line break 'character' at the end. You'll actually need to use \n rather than trying to hit Enter. Unfortunately I'm not on linux at the moment, and sometimes delimiters (the backslash) don't work properly. Trying something like `\n` might work, or maybe using $'\n'.
EDIT: With regex ^ will indicate the start of a new line, while $ indicates the end.
As for not deleting actual code, matching for a space immediately followed by # should work. I would match for a space OR line break preceding the #.
At any rate, please be sure not to accidentally ruin whatever you're working on, just in case I'm wrong.

Adding newline characters to unix shell variables

I have a variable in a shell script in which I'd like to format the data. The variable stores new data during every iteration of a loop. Each time the new data is stored, I'd like to insert a new line character. Here is how I'm trying to store the data into the variable.
Unfortunately, the output includes the literal '\n' Any help would be appreciative.
Try $'\n':
echo "$VAR"
gives me
A common technique is:
echo "$VARIABLE"
Also common, to prevent inadvertently having your string start with a newline:
(The expression ${VARIABLE:+$nl} will expand to a newline if and only if VARIABLE is set and non-empty.)
echo -e $VAR
Other than $'\n' you can use printf also like this:
VARIABLE=$(printf "${VARIABLE}\nSomeData")
echo "$VARIABLE"
Foo Bar
I had a problem with all the other solutions: when using a # followed by SPACE (quite common when writing in Markdown) both would get split onto a new line.
So, another way of doing it would involve using single quotes so that the "\n" get rendered.
FOO=$'# Markdown Title #\n'
BAR=$'Be *brave* and **bold**.'
echo "$FOOBAR"
# Markdown Title #
Be *brave* and **bold**.
Single quote All special characters between these quotes lose their
special meaning.https://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix/unix-quoting-mechanisms.htm
So the syntax you use does something different that you want to achieve.
This is what you need:
The $'\X' construct makes the -e option in echo unnecessary.
echo -e "something\nsomething"
echo "something"$'\n'"something"
It's a lot simpler than you think:
Building upon the first two solutions, I'd do like shown below. Concatenating strings with the '+=' operator, somehow looks clearer to me.
Also rememeber to use printf as opposed to echo, you will save yourself so much trouble
sometext="This is the first line"
sometext+="This is the second line AFTER the inserted new lines"
printf '%s' "${sometext}"
This is the first line
This is the third line AFTER the inserted new line
Your problem is in the echo command, in ash you have to use the option -e to expand special characters. This should work for you:
VAR="First line"
VAR="$VAR\nSecond line"
echo -e $VAR
This outputs
First line
Second line
