How Mirror webpages as Web Video Wall into another browser? - web

We have a video wall with some monitors. each one is plugged into a Raspberry PI 3.
Mostly we just are showing webpages into the video wall (reports, status etc)
Today we control the content of each raspberry using VNC. I was wondering if is there a web service or plugin that allows me to just configure the URL that I wish to show on each screen. Plus, Sometimes we split the each screen into 2 or more webpages.
Is there any web app, chrome plugin or web service that allows me do that?
OBS, I don't know if here is the right place to this kind of question. If is there another community where i could ask this, i will be glad to know.

I can not give a complete and exhaustive answer, since you do not provide any description of how it should look and how you want to control it.
Let's start with the fact that almost every browser at startup you can specify URL and start the browser like this:
# firefox
Then the browser opens with the page you need.
To close the page, you can kill the browser with a command like this
# killall firefox
You can run commands on the Raspberry PI using ssh, it's much easier than running the VNC session.
Most likely you may encounter a problem when you receive a message stating that the browser can not connect to the display. This is easily correctable with something like:
# export DISPLAY=:0
In order for the browser to always be in full-screen mode and not to lose its settings, you can configure it correctly, close all the tabs and save its configuration from ~/.mozilla/ (for firefox), and then restore it from backup every time you start it.


What's the status of the WebExtensions' background page implementations by browser/OS

In Chrome for Win/Mac/Linux it is possible to have browser addon scripts running before the user launches the browser and after they shut the last browser window. In Chrome this is done by claiming the background permission - see the Chrome extensions API docs on background. Other browsers don't seem to support this permission. So my questions:
Is this also possible with other browsers (e.g. by using some other permission/API...) and with other operating systems (specifically Android/iOS)?
What is the behavior of this feature across different operating systems? (I have tried it with Chrome on Ubuntu and while Chrome does continue running and the script keeps performing its task, it doesn't automatically start in background after restarting the OS - I guess one would have to manually add an autostart script for that)
What I'm trying to accomplish is something similar as to what as been asked here: Display a Chrome desktop notification every day at specific time. But I want to learn about cross-browser-and-OS-compatibility before putting too much effort into it. Also an outlook for what's going to be possible in the near future would be nice. :)
(I am aware that something like this could be done using push notifications, but I would also like my app to work offline, so that's not an option.)

Simulate typing into chromium omnibox in desktop for Perf testing

I am trying to see if there is anyway I can programmatically typing into chromium's omnibox via script/automation/etc for Perf testing.
I want to test the following:
1. Client side: for each keystroke in Omnibox, I want to measure the rendering speed of the Omnibox when there are suggestions coming from server side. This is logged in the histogram right now.
2. Server side: for each keystroke in Omnibox, I want to measure the response time. This is also logged in histogram right now.
And we want to run across many keystrokes, with different queries to cover above 2 areas automatically.
I know chromium's test framework Catapult has benchmarks measure the Perf/system health, however the current tests are only for Chrome Android mobile apps. Not for chromium desktop app.
And I don't see any existing tests in Catapult that can control the chromium desktop app's omnibox and simulating typing into the omnibox.
Is there any way I can do this, it does not need to be Catapult framework.
If you find an issue in "rendering" (Which you have not defined as common or technical), who do you expect to report this to for a defect report and a fix on your timeline?

Express NodeJS Selenium - Video Recording the remote browser activity

I am working on NodeJS Selenium tool and executing the test cases on a remote machine over HTTP. I am capturing screenshots of the web page at every specified point, so that the user an see what happened in each page.
But for improved user experience, I wanted to record the video of what is happening in remote machine (like opening the browser, entering text inputs, clicking on buttons etc.)
I am using screen-capture-recorder package to record the video. Which is working fine if I execute locally. When I execute the same thing on remote machine via HTTP, it is not able to record the video. I guess this is because the session is not interactive to record the video. Means it doesn't find GUI to record.
Are there any other solutions to achieve this?

multi monitor public information display (4 monitor / each with one chrome/firefox window)

I've 4 monitors connected to a pc running CentOS 7. Each physical monitor/display should show a website in full screen and auto refresh it every x seconds.
I've tried:
opening from bash and moving with xdotool -> how can I distinguish between the 4 chrome or firefox windows? If I don't do it and apply to the last active this might become unreliable with other programs open.
researched devilspie, seems it has the same problem (can't distinguish between multiple chrome/firefox windows)
using DISPLAY variable -> does only find one display 0.0 -> does not work with extended workspace, contacted developer
I've only a xrandr bash script to rearrange the displays when they become connected (three of four may be switched off to save power).
I would use a firefox/chrome add on for the auto refresh functionality.
Maybe someone can give me a hint how to reliably do this?
In addition to the "easy auto refresh" chrome plugin. I have another idea for you, why not use a chrome extension for handling the positioning.
It is of course, only for chrome(maybe thats fine for you).
Background: We had related difficulties. Internal webapp that opens multiple documents in windows, and need to be placed in other monitors.
The javascript does not support this, for security reasons and only a native extension can properly work with the tabs/windows objects.
Therefore, we have created an open source chrome extension for doing exactly that: flexible windows position across multi-monitor setups.
In your case you can define for each monitor a website-rule that the window would appear there.
The chrome extension is called "MultiWindow Positioner" and its complete free. You can get it at the chrome store here
The actual source code you find in github in the project chrome-multiwindow-positioner
Disclaimer: I am the maintainer of the open source (MIT) github project. If there any interesting idea, or comments feel free to share them here.

HTML Audio in IE

I am having an issue in IE 10 and IE 11 where if the audio device is disabled my website will not load. Looking at the console the load does not progress past loading the first audio item. I am using soundjs does anyone know if there is a way to detect if the hardware is disabled in the browser in order for me to add some kind of error message asking the user to please enable their sound device?
From the documentation
The function:
createInstance ( src [startTime=null] [duration=null] )
Works like this:
Creates a AbstractSoundInstance using the passed in src.
If the src does not have a supported extension or if there is no
available plugin, a default AbstractSoundInstance will be returned
that can be called safely but does nothing.
If you can test for the default AbstractSoundInstance, then you'll know when plugins are not available on the clients browser.
This looks like an issue with soundJS because when testing on the issue is re-created.
Head down to test the sounds and click to play.
Disable your machines sound bu right clicking in the tool bar and selecting disable.
Reload the page.
Now sounds do not load.
Side by side comparrison
