Excel - How to connect to another Excel file? - excel

I have a big spreadsheet(Excel file A) which will be updated every month. Also, I created a parametric search in another Excel file(file B) which can pull data from Excel file A. Therefore, Once I send my parametric search Excel file B to my colleagues, they can always pull the fresh data without updating file B (I would need to update file A monthly to keep data fresh)
I tried to connect data by using Microsoft Query/web data. However, I noticed that if I use web data, the source link changes everytime I update the File A. Therefore, the file B connection won't work.
(I uploaded the file A to JIRA as an attachment. I tried to upload to Sharepoint, but Excel does not recognize Excel file on Sharepoint as an Excel file, it recognize as a html file. Therefore, I gave up using sharepoint)
Is there a better way to achieve what I have described above?

Since you are using SharePoint, choose From File > From SharePoint folder and input the root URL (e.g. https://companyname.sharepoint.com/sites/workspacename/).
This should give you a dialog box like this once you've logged in:
Click on Edit to open the query editor.
You likely only want one particular file in there, so click on Binary in the row that corresponds to the File A that you should have already uploaded to that space. This will import the Excel file.
Click to expand the Table in the row that corresponds to the table that you want to import. This should be the table you keep up to date that gets loaded in.


SSIS: failed to retrieve long data / truncation errors

I'm getting either of those two errors when trying to export data from a set of excel spreadsheets.
Simplified scenario:
two excel spreadsheets containing 1 text column
in file 1 the text is never longer than 200 characters
in the 2nd - it is.
SSIS suppose to import them automatically from a folder - easy and simple, but...
Excel source component decides what data type is used here.
When, using created by me sample file with sample text data, it decides to use DT_WSTR(255) it fails with the second file with the truncation error.
When I force it to use DT_NTEXT (by creating longer text in the sample file) if fails with the 1st file complaining that "Failed to retrieve long data for column"... because the 1st file doesn't contain longer texts...
Has anybody found a solution/work-around for this? I mean - except manually changing the source data?
Any help much appreciated.
We can use Flat File Connection Manager instead of Excel Connection Manager. When we create Flat File Connection Manager we can set data type and length explicitly. To do so first we need to save the excel file as csv file or tab delimited file. Then we can use this file to create Flat File Connection. Drag and drop a Flat File Source in the Data Flow tab. In the Flat File Source Editor dialog box click New button and it will launches Flat File Connection Manager Editor dialog box. In the General tab specify the file full path and click Advanced tab. Then put data type and column width like below image.
Click OK and close the dialog box, this will create our connection manager. Now the connection manager can successfully read the full length data but we have to set the data type & length of the Output Columns so that we can get the data in the output pipeline. To do that right click on the Flat File Source and click Show Advanced Editor option. Then follow the below image instruction.
When we finish we run our package and it run successfully without any truncation error and insert all the data in our target database.

Update Sharepoint-List with with excel-file using power automate

I'm using PowerApps to modify a list (list A) in Sharepoint. Some of the data displayed in this list is from another list (list B), displayed using lookup. Every week I update list B, with data I get from a automated email. The email contain a excel spreadsheet.
I would like to automate this, but I've run into so many issues I'm not even sure it is possible anymore.
This is my flow:
To my knowledge, it isn't possible to update a list directly from a excel file, unless the excel file is formatted as a table. Instead I have a empty file on my sharepoint that I update, which I later try to use as the source for updating list B.
Sadly this file is either locked by myself, or it won't recognize my table.
Any solutions to solve this problem would be helpful!
Just insert a create table step into the flow.
So you will:
Receive an email with the new Excel file.
Save that temporarily in a secured spot.
Create table on the data required.
Use the table to update the SharePoint list.
I've done that, then I've taken the data listed and added it to a SharePoint list using sample data from a website about single board computers, here:

Excel: Getting data from a daily replaced excel file

I have an location in one drive for business where an .xls file is getting daily replaced via flow automation. The data structure, columns is the same. What I want is to create an excel online workbook that would get its data from that daily replaced xls. I tried once but as soon as the source file got replaced and I clicked on Refresh all under data, the operation ended in error. Any ideas?
You can use Power Query in that scenario. Depending on the exact circumstances, you could
Get data from Folder
Filter the folder to show only files that contain '.xls' in the file name
If after that you still have more than one file, sort them by date modified and keep only the newest one.
Then process that one remaining file.

Export data from PDF forms to Excel

I have a .pdf form I have created in Adobe Acrobat XI Pro. The form will be distributed and individuals will complete the form and email me a copy at various times.
I need to get the information from the form into an Excel spreadsheet as I receive the forms back.
Is that possible?
Direct answer: "Yes"
A bit more verbose answer: There are several possibilities.
a) Use the "Merge Data Files into Spreadsheet" function, which can be found in the Forms pane in the Tools panel of Acrobat XI (and in the Moreā€¦ dropdown in the Prepare Forms Tool in Acrobat DC). There you specify from which files you want to extract the data, and Acrobat creates an according table.
This is quick and easy, and can process a whole batch of files, but it has the issue that you have no control over the fields you want to export and their order.
b) Use the doc.exportAsText() method on the forms; this will create a tab-delimited file, which you then can merge into your spreadsheet. This would be file per file, but you could create an Action which does run on a whole folder.
c) Use some logic to assemble a tab-delimited text, and create and then export a Data Object (which would be a tab-delimited file, as in case b). This gives you maximum control, and you can even export "calculated" data, which does not exist as such in the form, and/or have full control over the format of an exported field contents. This too is file per file, and could be turned into an Action.

How to load prompt values from Excel or CSV files in WebI?

We have report and users want to upload filters to prompts on the reports from excel or csv files. They cannot enter one by one because they sometimes have hundreds of values (customer numbers) to filter. Is there a way to do that? If it is then how is it possible?
Thanks in Advance.
I'm assuming you're using either Web Intelligence or a different document format that is supported by the OpenDocument feature.
One possibility is to use an Excel file with a column for each prompt value. Use this Excel file as a source for a new Web Intelligence document. Within that document, construct OpenDocument URLs that contains the prompt values you want to pass.
Make sure that you read the OpenDocument manual carefully, as the syntax for passing prompt values differs depending on how the prompt is configured (single value vs. multiple values, etc).
The idea behind this is that you have an easy to maintain Excel file to input/modify the prompt values, and that end-users can open the intermediate Web Intelligence document, refresh it (or use refresh on open) and then click one of the generated links to automatically open the correct document and have all the prompt values filled in.
Consider the screenshot below. It's an Excel file that contains information regarding two documents (Dummy Report and Other Report) as well as their internal ID (CUID) and the prompt values to refresh them with.
This is sufficient information to generate an OpenDocument URL to open these documents for us and automatically enter the prompt values.
The resulting URLs would look like this:
Some remarks here:
If your documents have different prompts (e.g. City is a prompt in the second document but not in the first), or some of the prompts are optional, you'll have to check for which columns (prompts) a value has been provided in the Excel sheet and discard the empty ones (should be easy enough).
Unless Single Sign-On (SSO) has been configured in your BusinessObjects environment, you'll still have to log on.
Due to this approach, you can make prompt values dynamic (e.g. use the current year) by using Excel formulas.
The example above is a very simple one. You could have multiple lines referring to the same document but with different prompt values.
Taking it one step further
If you use this Excel sheet as a data source for a Web Intelligence document, you can create a Webi document that contains the OpenDocument links. The added bonus is that you won't have to log on anymore after clicking one of the links, as you're already working in an authenticated session.
Make sure you read the OpenDocument manual carefully so you understand what it is and how it can be used (and more importantly, what you can't do with it). You can find the manual on help.sap.com. Just make sure the version described in the manual corresponds with the version of BusinessObjects deployed in your environment.
Not currently possible. What we did for this requirement was to create a new dedicated table in our database to hold customer-generated prompt values. We then created a simple web page to allow users to upload lists of values. Finally, we created universe objects that associate the customers' LOV table with existing universe objects as filters.
