How to provide access to storage account in Azure using service principal - azure

I have a account in Azure portal. When I try to access to the specific storage account, its says "Access denied" and unable to open the blob container.
But I have created the storage account using the service principal which got all access.
Now I want to view the storage account using my Azure user account.
Is there way to provide permissions using service principal?

According to your description, it seems that the special storage account that with firewall set or in the Virtual Networks.
If "Allow access from All networks " is possible, you could choose that or you could add your localhost public ip to allow access it from the internet . For more information, please refer to the screenshot.


Restricting access to storage account containing package blob for cloud service (extended support) deployment

I'm nearly done migrating our cloud service (classic) deployments to cloud service (extended support). I'm working now on updating deployment pipelines. My package blob is located in a storage account. I create a SAS for the blob and use an API call to to create/update the deployment, passing ARM template as the body of the request.
This works correctly as long as the storage account with the package blob has its network set to "allow access from all networks". I want to restrict this access. I set the allow access from:
specific IP addresses of our devops servers
our own IP addresses
private vnet/subnets for the cloud service
I also tick the "Allow Azure services on the trusted services list to access this storage account" checkbox.
Yet, API call fails with error message indicating access is not allowed to the blob. When I change the storage account network configuration to "allow access from all networks", everything works correctly.
With lots of searches, I found only one hit explaining the same problem - - yet no solution has been suggested other than allowing access from all networks.
I must be missing some trick - but what is it? How can I restrict access to the storage account?

Accessing Azure Storage Accounts with Selected Network Enabled

As per the requirements, I need to Enable Firewall with Selected Network ON for Azure Storage Accounts. But when I do the same along with adding all required IPs, Azure Function App and Azure Data Factory is going down.
Currently the VNET is unavailable and cannot be created. Managed Identity is not an option as Contributor role unavailable.
Is there a way to to configure the Data Factory and Function Apps after enabling FireWall with selected networks for Azure KeyVault and Azure Storage Accounts.
Please find the below steps helps to work around:
Is there a way to to configure the Data Factory and Function Apps after enabling FireWall with selected networks for Azure KeyVault and Azure Storage Accounts.
When Network rules like specified IP Addresses, IP Ranges, subnets are configured to the storage accounts, then that storage accounts can only be accessed by applications that request data over the specified set of networks or through the specified set of Azure resources.
Also, the option Allow Trusted Services is set to ON while enabling the firewall for a storage account, which allows connectivity from Azure trusted services like Data Factory, Azure functions, etc.
Visit this documentation to know the list of trusted services allowed to access a key vault in Azure.
You have to create the VNet, attach to the Azure Function App which helps to connect to the Storage Account.
Currently the VNET is unavailable and cannot be created. Managed Identity is not an option as Contributor role unavailable.
To enable a service endpoint for a subnet/IP Addresses attached to Storage account, you can have custom role like Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/joinViaServiceEndpoint/action.
Refer to MSFT Docs1 and here for more information.

Access blob storage from webapp (azure)

I'm trying to put an application to production on Azure. This application consists of a webapp (running a Docker container) that is supposed to communicate with an Azure Storage Account (blob).
After adding all outbound IP Adresses of the web app to the firewall settings of my storage account, I still have no permission to access the blobs. The error is the following:
"This request is not authorized to perform this operation."
However, when I run my app in local and add my local IP to these same firewall settings, it works. When I do not add it to the firewall settings, I get the same error. I therefore believe my storage account does not allow traffic coming from my webapp whilst it should.
Any help would be deeply appreciated.
You can make use of Managed identity to provide access to storage blob from web app.
You need to assign 'Storage Blob Data contributor' access to webapp. You can follow below steps for the same.
Storage Account -> Access Control (IAM) -> Grant Access to this resource -> 'Storage Blob Data Contributor' -> Select resource (web app)

Azure Storage Account : Blob service (SAS) Connectivity Check FAILED

We created a new Storage Account on Azure.
And, when we perform the Connectivity Check, it shows that Blob service (SAS) endpoint is not accessible with message "Public access is not permitted on this storage account." The status code is 409.
The Storage Account was upgraded from V1 to General-Purpose V2. Is that causing this issue?
Also, "Generate SAS and connection string" button in "Shared access signature" is disabled and greyed out.
How do we create and enable this endpoint?
My search so far doesn't point to any solution to create/enable this over the Portal.
Is it possible only through the REST API?
Blob service (SRP) check, Share Access Signature check is successful. There is no private endpoint, firewall created and access is allowed from "All Networks".
Accessing blob from client side with Storage Account Key with an API is currently failing with error code 403.
Also, we are successfully able to fetch the blob details from "Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer" connected with the 'Connection String' of the Storage Account.
Additional Details :
I can also see that "Blob service (Azure AD)" endpoint is not accessible, but "Queue service (Azure AD) endpoint is.
I faced a similar issue, seems like by default Allowed resource types option is unchecked. Select any one option and the Generate SAS Connection String button becomes enabled.

Azure Storage Account: Firewall and virtual networks

I have enabled Virtual Network and Firewall access restrictions for Azure Storage Account, but faced the issue, that I do not have an access to Storage Account from Azure Functions(ASE environment), despite fact that ASE public address is added as exception. Additionaly, I have added all environment's virtual networks just to make sure.
Is there any way to check from which address functions/other services is trying to get an access to storage account?
Also, I have a tick "Allow trusted Microsoft services to access this storage account
". I'm not sure what is included into "trusted Microsoft services".
In the Application Insight Functions logs, only timeout issue appears, without additional explanation.
Could you please help me to understand how to properly configure storage account access restriction?
Have a look of this doc:
From your description, I think you dont give a RBAC role to your azure function to access the storage.
Do this steps:
If you need more operation. Like do something with the data. Do need to add more RBAC roles, have a look of this offcial doc to learn more about RBAC roles:
