Concatenate two tensors with different shapes in Keras - keras

In the following diagram, I have two different tensors: tensor1 and tensor2.
How do I merge (concatenate) these two tensors such that input to LSTM is now:
(tensor1[0], tensor11, concatenate(tensor1[2], tensor21)) ??

It's impossible to concatenate them.
You need to manipulate, transform them somehow.
The most logical thing I can think of is repeating tensor 2 six times to fill the timesteps that it doesn't have.
If this is ok (transforming tensor 2 into a sequence of 6 constant steps), the solution is:
tensor2Repeated = RepeatVector(6)(tensor2)
tensor = Concatenate()([tensor1,tensor2Repeated])

Isn't it better to reduce redundancy? You only have to replicate the second tensor 3 times to produce the same amount of information as the first tensor, then you simply reshape. To concatenate an arbitrary number of tensors, simply calculate the size of each minus the last axis (multiply all the axes before last to get size), find the largest tensor m, then upsample or repeat each tensor x by ceiling(m.size / x.size). Then you simply reshape each with the same axes as m except for the last axis, which you either calculate or let your framework calculate implicitly with -1.
tensor2Repeated = RepeatVector(3)(tensor2)
tensor2Reshaped = reshape(tensor2Repeated, (32, 6, 1))
tensor = Concatenate()([tensor1,tensor2Reshaped])


Retrieve elements from a 3D tensor with a 2D index tensor

I am playing around with GPT2 and I have 2 tensors:
O: An output tensor of shaped (B, S-1, V) where B is the batch size S is the the number of timestep and V is the vocabulary size. This is the output of a generative model and is softmaxed along the 2nd dimension.
L: A 2D tensor shaped (B, S-1) where each element is the index of the correct token for each timestep for each sample. This is basically the labels.
I want to extract the predicted probability of the corresponding correct token from tensor O based on tensor L such that I will end up with a 2D tensor shaped (B, S). Is there an efficient way of doing this apart from using loops?
For reference, I based my answer on this Medium article.
Essentially, your answer lies in torch.gather, assuming that both of your tensors are just regular torch.Tensors (or can be converted to one).
import torch
# Specify some arbitrary dimensions for now
B = 3
V = 6
S = 4
# Make example reproducible
# L necessarily has to be a torch.LongTensor, otherwise indexing will fail.
L = torch.randint(0, V, size=[B, S])
O = torch.rand([B, S, V])
# Now collect the results. L needs to have similar dimension,
# except in the axis you want to collect along.
X = torch.gather(O, dim=2, index=L.unsqueeze(dim=2))
# Make sure X has no "unnecessary" dimension
X = X.squeeze(dim=2)
It is a bit difficult to see whether this produces the exact correct results, which is why I included a random seed which makes the example deterministic in the result, and you an easily verify that it gets you the desired results. However, for clarification, one could also use a lower-dimensional tensor, for which this becomes clearer what exactly torch.gather does.
Note that torch.gather also allows you to index multiple indexes in the same row theoretically. Meaning if you instead got a multiclass example for which multiple values are correct, you could similarly use a tensor L of shape [B, S, number_of_correct_samples].

How to create a 1D sparse tensors from given list of indices and values?

I have a list of indices and values. I want to create a sparse tensor of size 30000 from this indices and values as follows.
indices = torch.LongTensor([1,3,4,6])
values = torch.FloatTensor([1,1,1,1])
So, I want to build a 30k dimensional sparse tensor in which the indices [1,3,4,6] are ones and the rest are zeros. How can I do that?
I want to store the sequences of such sparce tensors efficiently.
In general the indices tensor needs to have shape (sparse_dim, nnz) where nnz is the number of non-zero entries and sparse_dim is the number of dimensions for your sparse tensor.
In your case nnz = 4 and sparse_dim = 1 since your desired tensor is 1D. All we need to do to make your indices work is to insert a unitary dimension at the front of indices to make it shape (1, 4).
t = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(indices.unsqueeze(0), values, (30000,))
or equivalently
t = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(indices.unsqueeze(0), values, (30000,))
Keep in mind only a limited number of operations are supported on sparse tensors. To convert a tensor back to it's dense (inefficient) representation you can use the to_dense method
t_dense = t.to_dense()

Get Keras LSTM output inside Tensorflow code

I'm working with time-variant graph embedding, where at each time step, the adjacency matrix of the graph changes. The main idea is to perform the node embedding of each timestep of the graph by looking to a set of node features and the adjacency matrix. The node embedding step is long and complicated, and is not part of the core of the problem, so I will skip this part. Suffice it to say that I use Graph Convolutional Network to embed the nodes.
Consider that I have a stack of B adjacency matrices A with sizes NxN, where B = batch size and N = number of nodes in the graph. Also, the matrices are stacked according to a time series, where matrix in index i comes before matrix in index i+1. I have already embedded the nodes of the graph, which results in a matrix of dimensions B x N x E, where E = size of the embedding (parameter). Note that the model has to deal with any graph, therefore, N is not a parameter. Another important comment is that each batch contains adjacency matrices from the same graph, and therefore all matrices of a batch have the same number of node, but the matrices of other batches may have different number of nodes.
I now need to pass these embedding through an LSTM cell. I never used Keras before, so I'm having a hard time making the Keras LSTM blend in my Tensorflow code. What I want to do is: pass each node embedding through an LSTM such that the number of timesteps = B and the LSTM batch size = N, that is, the input to my LSTM has the shape [N, B, E], where N and B are only known through execution time. I want the output of my LSTM to have the shape of [B, E*E]. The embedding matrix is called here self.embed_mat. Here is my code:
def _LSTM_layer(self):
with tf.variable_scope(self.scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE), tf.device(self.device):
in_shape = tf.shape(self.embed_mat)
lstm_input = tf.reshape(self.embed_mat, [in_shape[1], in_shape[0], EMBED_SIZE]) #lstm = [N, B, E]
input_plh = K.placeholder(name="lstm_input", shape=(None, None, EMBED_SIZE))
lstm = LSTM(EMBED_SIZE*EMBED_SIZE, input_shape=(None, None, EMBED_SIZE))
get_output = K.function(inputs=[input_plh], outputs=[lstm(input_plh)])
h = get_output([lstm_input])
I am a bit lost with the K.function part. All I want is the output tensor of the LSTM cell. I've seen that in order to get that with Keras, we need to use K.function, but I don't quite get it what it does. When I call get_output([lstm_input]), I get the following error:
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'worker_global/A/shape' with dtype int64 and shape [?]
Here, A is the stacked adjacency matrices with dimension BxNxN. What is going on here? Does the value of N needs to be known during graph building step? I think I made some dumb mistake with the LSTM cell, but I can't get what it is.
Thanks in advance!
If you want to get the output of your LSTM layer "out" given input of "inp" in a keras Sequential() model called "model," where "inp" is your first / input layer and "out" is an LSTM layer that happens to be, for the sake of this example, in the 4th position in your sequential model, you would obtain the output of that LSTM layer from the data you call "lstm_input" above with the following code:
inp = model.layers[0].input
out = model.layers[3].output
inp_to_out = K.function([inp], [out])
output = inp_to_out([lstm_input])

Weights Matrix Final Fully Connected Layer

My question is, I think, too simple, but it's giving me headaches. I think I'm missing either something conceptually in Neural Networks or Tensorflow is returning some wrong layer.
I have a network in which last layer outputs 4800 units. The penultimate layer has 2000 units. I expect my weight matrix for last layer to have the shape (4800, 2000) but when I print out the shape in Tensorflow I see (2000, 4800). Please can someone confirm which shape of weight matrix the last layer should have? Depending on the answer, I can further debug the issue. Thanks.
Conceptually, a neural network layer is often written like y = W*x where * is matrix multiplication, x is an input vector and y an output vector. If x has 2000 units and y 4800, then indeed W should have size (4800, 2000), i.e. 4800 rows and 2000 columns.
However, in implementations we usually work on a batch of inputs X. Say X is (b, 2000) where b is your batch size. We don't want to transform each element of X individually by doing W*x as above since this would be inefficient.
Instead we would like to transform all inputs at the same time. This can be done via Y = X*W.T where W.T is the transpose of W. You can work out that this essentially applies W*x to each row of X (i.e. each input). Y is then a (b, 4800) matrix containing all transformed inputs.
In Tensorflow, the weight matrix is simply saved in this transposed state, since it is usually the form that is needed anyway. Thus, we have a matrix with shape (2000, 4800) (the shape of W.T).

Output shape of a convolutional layer

I built a convolutional neural network in Keras.
model.add(Convolution1D(nb_filter=111, filter_length=5, border_mode='valid', activation="relu", subsample_length=1))
According to the CS231 lecture a convolving operation creates a feature map (i.e. activation map) for each filter which are then stacked together. IN my case the convolutional layer has a 300 dimensional input. Hence, I expect the following computation:
Each filter has a window size of 5. Consequently, each filter produces 300-5+1=296 convolutions.
As there are 111 filters there should be a 111*296 output of the convolutional layer.
However, the actual output shapes look differently:
convolutional_layer = model.layers[1]
conv_weights, conv_biases = convolutional_layer.get_weights()
print(conv_weights.shape) # (5, 1, 300, 111)
print(conv_biases.shape) # (,111)
The shape of the bias values makes sense, because there is one bias value for each filter. However, I do not understand the shape of the weights. Apparently, the first dimension depends on the filter size. The third dimension is the number of input neurons, which should have been reduced by the convolution. The last dimension probably refers to the number of filters. This does not make sense, because how should I easily get the feature map for a specific filter?
Keras either uses Theano or Tensorflow as a backend. According to their documentation the output of a convolving operation is a 4d tensor (batch_size, output_channel, output_rows, output_columns).
Can somebody explain me the output shape in accordance with the CS231 lecture?
Your Weight dimension has to be [filter_height, filter_width, in_channel, out_channe]
With your example I think the input channel which is the depth of the input is 300 and you want the output channel to be 111
Total number of filters are 111 and not 300*111
As you have said by yourself each bias for every filter so 111 bias for 111 filters
Each filter out of 111 will produce a convolution on the input
The Weight shape in your case means that you are using a kernel patch of shape 5*1
The third dimension means that depth of input feature map is 300
The fourth dimension mean that depth of the output feature map is 111
Actually it makes very good sense. Your learn the weights of the filters. Each filter in turn produces an output (aka an activation map respective to your input data).
The first two axes of your conv_weights.shape are the dimensions of your filter that is being learned (as your already mentioned). Your filter_length is 5 x 1. Your input has 300 dimensions and you want to get 111 filters per dimension, so you end up with 300 * 111 filters of size 5 * 1 weights.
I assume that the feature map of filter #0 for dimension #0 is sth like your_weights[:, :, 0, 0].
