envsubst: default values for unset variables - linux

I've got a json file input.json like the following one:
"variable" : "${ENV_VAR}"
of course, I can invoke envsubst from bash like the following:
$ export ENV_VAR=myvalue
$ envsubst < input.json > output.json
$ cat output.json
"variable" : "myvalue"
Now, I wish I could set default values for variables in the input.json for the case when ENV_VAR is not set, like in the following example which, as unfortunately can be seen in the example below, doesn't work:
$ cat input.json
"variable" : "${ENV_VAR:=defaultvalue}"
$ export ENV_VAR=newvalue
$ envsubst < input.json > output.json
$ cat output.json
"variable" : "${ENV_VAR:=defaultvalue}"
$ unset ENV_VAR
$ envsubst < input.json > output.json
$ cat output.json
"variable" : "${ENV_VAR:=defaultvalue}"
What's curious, if I execute the envsubst like in the following example (without involving an input file), it works
$ export ENV_VAR=myvalue
$ echo "value is ${ENV_VAR:=defaultvalue}" | envsubst
value is myvalue
$ unset ENV_VAR
$ echo "value is ${ENV_VAR:=defaultvalue}" | envsubst
value is defaultvalue
Where is the problem with the files?

According to man envsubst, envsubst will only ever replace references to environment variables in the form of ${VAR} or $VAR. Special shell features like ${VAR:-default} are not supported. The only thing you could do is to (re)define all variables in the environment of the envsubst invocation and assign local default values, if they are missing:
ENV_VAR="${ENV_VAR:-defaultvalue}" \
OTHER_VAR="${OTHER_VAR:-otherdefault}" \
envsubst < input.json > output.json
Note, that this is actually a single command line split into multiple lines each ending with a line continuation \. The first two lines are variable assignments, that are only effective in the environment of the executed command envsubst in the last line. What's happening is, that the shell will create an environment for the execution of the command (as it would always do). That environment is initially a copy of the current shell environment. Within that new environment ENV_VAR and OTHER_VAR are assigned the values of expanding the expression ${VAR:-default}, which essentially expands to default unless VAR is defined and has a none-empty value. The command envsubst is executed, receiving the file input.json as standard-input and having its standard-output redirected to output.json (both is done by the shell, transparent to the command). After the command execution, the shell deletes the command environment returning to its original environment, i.e. the local variable assignments are no longer effective.
There is no way to define default values from inside the JSON file, unless you implement a program to do so yourself, or use another tool that can to that.
You could do something like the following, but it is NOT RECOMMENDED:
eval echo "$(cat input.json)" > output.json
which will read input.json into a string, and than evaluate the command echo <string> as if it was type literally, which means that any embedded ${VAR:-default} stuff should be expanded by the shell before the string is passed to echo. BUT any other embedded shell feature will be evaluated as well, which poses a HUGE SECURITY RISK.

I'm using https://github.com/a8m/envsubst and it has enhancements over the original gettext envsubst that the expressions in the template file supports default values.
The example in the README just works.
echo 'welcome $HOME ${USER:=a8m}' | envsubst

I'm using https://github.com/a8m/envsubst and it has enhancements over the original gettext envsubst that the expressions in the template file supports default values.
Similarly, a Rust variant called 'envsub' is available which also supports the default values. See https://github.com/stephenc/envsub .

There's also https://github.com/busyloop/envcat
which supports complex templates (so you can not only do default values but also conditions etc.).


bash - get a list of environment variables with proper handling of new lines

$ export MYVAR=$(echo -e "something\nMYVAR=10")
$ env
The code above shows the problem.
If you try to read this using simplified version (and lots of people do it this way) you would will get wrong values. This explains it:
$ env | while IFS== read var value; do
[ "$var" == "MYVAR" ] && echo $value
After long investigation I am wondering if bash or sh is is simply not capable of handling this case.
If I could get just a list of variables without the values I could have it solved but looks like without an external task (python, for example) I can't do it...
QUESTION: How, in shell, I can get a list of environment variables with their values that would work with the example above?
env only shows the exported environment.
compgen -A variable
will give you a list of all environment variables - including the variables not exported.
For each of these you can then run:
typeset -p "$#"
to get the full declaration.
Or you can get all declarations:
typeset -p
As choroba pointed out, you can use env -0 :
export MYVAR="$(echo -e "something\nMYVAR=10")"
env -0 | while IFS== read -d '' -r var value; do
[ "$var" = "MYVAR" ] && echo "$value"
You can use awk to get just the names of the environment variables:
$ awk 'BEGIN {for (k in ENVIRON) { print k }}'
Since the names are guaranteed to be free of newlines, you can pipe this to your shell loop:
awk '...' | while read name; do
or do your processing in awk itself if possible.
(In bash, you can use declare -x to get output similar to what env produces. It would be nice if there was an additional flag you could use to get only the names of environment variables.)
One simple way to see an environment variable without its name is to just echo it (inside a quoted string):
$ export MYVAR=$(echo -e "something\nMYVAR=10")
$ echo "$MYVAR"
The environment variable contains a newline followed by "MYVAR=", making the output of "env" look a little strange, but it is working correctly.

One line setting environment variable and execute command, got different results in sh and bash

I'm trying to figure out, how the oneliner
var=value command
actually works in sh. I expect variable var to be passed to the environment of command, but shouldn't exist in the current environment (please, do not omit disclaimer at the end!)
First, let's try it in bash
$ var= #just to be sure it's empty
$ var=value echo something
. something
$ echo "$var"
$ var=value set something
$ echo "$var"
For now, it works as expected. But when we go to sh and retype the same input, it'll be like that:
$ var=
$ var=value echo something
. something
$ echo "$var"
$ var=value set something
$ echo "$var"
. value
And the last one differs. Is set command some kind of special case for sh? Why has the variable var been saved in our current environment?
disclaimer: I know that echo and set are shell built-in's and thus environment variables we pass them by var=value command are wasted, but my question is about the syntax only. I mean, they should have been wasted, but in sh, when typed set, the variable was somehow passed into the current environment.
set is a "special" built-in, defined as such in the POSIX specification.
As described in Simple Commands, variable assignments preceding the invocation of a special built-in utility remain in effect after the built-in completes; this shall not be the case with a regular built-in or other utility.
So in this case, bash is actually in violation of the POSIX specification. Running in POSIX mode, though, it behaves the same as sh:
$ bash --posix
$ var=value set something
$ echo $var

What does "DOLLAR=$ "do? [duplicate]

Is there a way to prevent envsubst from substituting a $VARIABLE? For example, I would expect something like:
export THIS=THAT
echo "dont substitute \\\$THIS" | envsubst
and have it return
dont substitute $THIS
but instead I get
dont substitute \THAT
is there any escape character for doing this?
If you give envsubst a list of variables, it only substitutes those variables, ignoring other substitutions. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but something like the following seems to do what you want:
$ echo 'dont substitute $THIS but do substitute $FOO' | envsubst '$FOO'
dont substitute $THIS but do substitute BAR
Note that $THIS is left alone, but $FOO is replaced by BAR.
export DOLLAR='$'
export THIS=THAT
echo '${DOLLAR}THIS' | envsubst
Or more clear:
export THIS=THAT
echo '${DOLLAR}THIS' | DOLLAR='$' envsubst
My workaround is as follows:
Original template:
Editted template:
Now you can process:
envsubst < $template | sed -e 's/§/$/g'
This relies on the character § not occurring anywhere else on your template. You can use any other character.
$ echo $SHELL
$ echo \$SHELL
$ echo \$SHELL | envsubst
$ echo \$\${q}SHELL | envsubst
So doing $$ allows you to add a $ character. Then just "substitute" non-existent variable (here I used ${q} but can be something more meaningful like ${my_empty_variable} and you'll end up with what you need.
Just as with the paragraph solution - you need something special - here... a non-existent variable, which I like a bit more than performing additional sed on templates.
If there's only one or two variables you don't want to expand, you can sort of whitelist them by temporarily setting them to their own name, like this:
$ echo 'one $two three $four' | four='$four' envsubst
one three $four
Here, the $four variable gets replaced with $four, effectively leaving it unchanged.
In my case I wanted to only escape vars that aren't already defined. To do so run:
envsubst "$(env | sed -e 's/=.*//' -e 's/^/\$/g')"
Another way to "escape" some environment variable substitution is to use default value assignment (or any other variable processing) as envsubst will not substitute these:
$ export two=2
$ echo 'one $two three ${four:-}' | envsubst
one 2 three ${four:-}
The fourth envvar is not substituted, while in its output the processing to use defaulkt value is still there. This does not matter though, as processing this line later on will still deliver nothing if the variable is not set and its value when set.
Here's an alternative that I use, as it saves installing the entire gettext package for just one program. I have this awk script, I call envtmpl, it will swap any environment variable that looks like {{ENV-VAR}} for the value of ENV-VAR
#! /usr/bin/awk -f
{ for (a in ENVIRON) gsub("{{" _ a _ "}}",ENVIRON[a]); print }
$ echo "My shell '{{SHELL}}' is cool" | envtmpl
My shell '/bin/bash' is cool
As you can see, if {{ & }} aren't what you prefer, its really each to change and this script works fine with busybox's awk.
It's not going to be the world's fastest solution, but it's really easy to implement and I mostly run it to prepare config files, so speed is pretty irrelevant.
WARNING: The only major difference between this and envsubst is that this will NOT alter variables where no value exists. That is {{HAS-NO-VALUE}} will be left exactly as that, where as envsubst will remove those (replace them with blank).
You can fix this by adding more code into the awk, if you want.
The way I did it is
envsubst < some-template.yml > changed.yml
So it will try to replace ${var} with \${var} and as output, you will get ${var} printed as it is
I used escape character for this
envsubst #whatever you want
then reset it to what actually I want
MYENVVAR="my value"
I just connected parts of other answers to create one-liner that substitutes vars prefixed with $, but ignores $$:
echo "\$TEST ; \$\$l" > TEST_FILE
# $TEST ; $$l
export TEST=1
cat TEST_FILE | sed -e 's/\$\$/§/g' | envsubst | sed -e 's/§/\$/g'
# 1 ; $l

Extract all variable values in a shell script

I'm debugging an old shell script; I want to check the values of all the variables used, it's a huge ugly script with approx more than 140 variables used. Is there anyway I can extract the variable names from the script and put them in a convenient pattern like:
if [ ${BLAH} ....
rm -rf ${JUNK}.....
echo ${BLAH}
echo ${JUNK}
Try running your script as follows:
bash -x ./script.bash
Or enable the setting in the script:
set -x
You can dump all interested variables in one command using:
set | grep -w -e BLAH -e JUNK
To dump all the variables to stdout use:
from inside your script.
You can extract a (sub)list of the variables declared in your script using grep:
grep -Po "([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(?==\")" ./script.bash | sort -u
Disclaimer: why "sublist"?
The expression given will match string followed by an egal sign (=) and a double quote ("). So if you don't use syntax such as myvar="my-value" it won't work.
But you got the idea.
grep Options
-P --perl-regexp: Interpret PATTERN as a Perl regular expression (PCRE, see below) (experimental) ;
-o --only-matching: Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each such part on a separate output line.
I'm using a positive lookahead: (?==\") to require an egal sign followed by a double quote.
In bash, but not sh, compgen -v will list the names of all variables assigned (compare this to set, which has a great deal of output other than variable names, and thus needs to be parsed).
Thus, if you change the top of the script to #!/bin/bash, you will be able to use compgen -v to generate that list.
That said, the person who advised you use set -x did well. Consider this extension on that:
PS4=':$BASH_SOURCE:$LINENO+'; set -x
This will print the source file and line number before every command (or variable assignment) which is executed, so you will have a log not only of which variables are set, but just where in the source each one was assigned. This makes tracking down where each variable is set far easier.

How to substitute shell variables in complex text files

I have several text files in which I have introduced shell variables ($VAR1 or $VAR2 for instance).
I would like to take those files (one by one) and save them in new files where all variables would have been replaced.
To do this, I used the following shell script (found on StackOverflow):
while read line
eval echo "$line" >> destination.txt
done < "source.txt"
This works very well on very basic files.
But on more complex files, the "eval" command does too much:
Lines starting with "#" are skipped
XML files parsing results in tons of errors
Is there a better way to do it? (in shell script... I know this is easily done with Ant for instance)
Kind regards
Looking, it turns out on my system there is an envsubst command which is part of the gettext-base package.
So, this makes it easy:
envsubst < "source.txt" > "destination.txt"
Note if you want to use the same file for both, you'll have to use something like moreutil's sponge, as suggested by Johnny Utahh: envsubst < "source.txt" | sponge "source.txt". (Because the shell redirect will otherwise empty the file before its read.)
In reference to answer 2, when discussing envsubst, you asked:
How can I make it work with the variables that are declared in my .sh script?
The answer is you simply need to export your variables before calling envsubst.
You can also limit the variable strings you want to replace in the input using the envsubst SHELL_FORMAT argument (avoiding the unintended replacement of a string in the input with a common shell variable value - e.g. $HOME).
For instance:
export VAR1='somevalue' VAR2='someothervalue'
envsubst "$MYVARS" <source.txt >destination.txt
Will replace all instances of $VAR1 and $VAR2 (and only VAR1 and VAR2) in source.txt with 'somevalue' and 'someothervalue' respectively.
I know this topic is old, but I have a simpler working solution without exporting the variables. Can be a oneliner, but I prefer to split using \ on line end.
envsubst '$var1,$var3' < "source.txt" > "destination.txt"
# ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# define which to replace input output
The variables need to be defined to the same line as envsubst is to get considered as environment variables.
The '$var1,$var3' is optional to only replace the specified ones. Imagine an input file containing ${VARIABLE_USED_BY_JENKINS} which should not be replaced.
Define your ENV variable
$ export MY_ENV_VAR=congratulation
Create template file (in.txt) with following content
You can also use all other ENV variables defined by your system like (in linux) $TERM, $SHELL, $HOME...
Run this command to raplace all env-variables in your in.txt file and to write the result to out.txt
$ envsubst "`printf '${%s} ' $(sh -c "env|cut -d'=' -f1")`" < in.txt > out.txt
Check the content of out.txt file
$ cat out.txt
and you should see "congratulation".
There is also this option:
define your variables in a file
$ cat variables.env
# info about what this var is
export var1=a
# info about var again
export var2=b
define a template file that uses the variables
$ cat file1-template.txt
This is var1: "${var1}"
This is var2: "${var2}"
generate the final file, with variables replaced with values
$ source variables.env
$ envsubst < file1-template.txt > file1.txt
$ cat file1.txt
This is var1: "a"
This is var2: "b"
If you want env variables to be replaced in your source files while keeping all of the non env variables as they are, you can use the following command:
envsubst "$(printf '${%s} ' $(env | sed 's/=.*//'))" < source.txt > destination.txt
The syntax for replacing only specific variables is explained here. The command above is using a sub-shell to list all defined variables and then passing it to the envsubst
So if there's a defined env variable called $NAME, and your source.txt file looks like this:
Hello $NAME
Your balance is 123 ($USD)
The destination.txt will be:
Hello Arik
Your balance is 123 ($USD)
Notice that the $NAME is replaced and the $USD is left untouched
while IFS='=' read -r name value ; do
# Print line if found variable
sed -n '/${'"${name}"'}/p' docker-compose.yml
# Replace variable with value.
sed -i 's|${'"${name}"'}|'"${value}"'|' docker-compose.yml
done < <(env)
Note: Variable name or value should not contain "|", because it is used as a delimiter.
If you really only want to use bash (and sed), then I would go through each of your environment variables (as returned by set in posix mode) and build a bunch of -e 'regex' for sed from that, terminated by a -e 's/\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*//g', then pass all that to sed.
Perl would do a nicer job though, you have access to the environment vars as an array and you can do executable replacements so you only match any environment variable once.
Actually you need to change your read to read -r which will make it ignore backslashes.
Also, you should escape quotes and backslashes.
while read -r line; do
eval echo "\"$line\""
done > destination.txt < source.txt
Still a terrible way to do expansion though.
Export all the needed variables and then use a perl onliner
TEXT=$(echo "$TEXT"|perl -wpne 's#\${?(\w+)}?# $ENV{$1} // $& #ge;')
This will replace all the ENV variables present in TEXT with actual values.
Quotes are also preserved :)
Call the perl binary, in search and replace per line mode ( the -pi ) by running the perl code ( the -e) in the single quotes, which iterates over the keys of the special %ENV hash containing the exported variable names as keys and the exported variable values as the keys' values and for each iteration simple replace a string containing a $<<key>> with its <<value>>.
perl -pi -e 'foreach $key(sort keys %ENV){ s/\$$key/$ENV{$key}/g}' file
An additional logic handling is required for cases in which two or more vars start with the same string ...
envsubst seems exactly like something I wanted to use, but -v option surprised me a bit.
While envsubst < template.txt was working fine, the same with option -v was not working:
$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.1 (Maipo)
$ envsubst -V
envsubst (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.18.2
Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by Bruno Haible.
As I wrote, this was not working:
$ envsubst -v < template.txt
envsubst: missing arguments
$ cat template.txt | envsubst -v
envsubst: missing arguments
I had to do this to make it work:
TEXT=`cat template.txt`; envsubst -v "$TEXT"
Maybe it helps someone.
