how to see a full image of deep neural network - python-3.x

How it is possible to see in Keras or Tensorflow the graphical structure of deep neural network? I made its model and see output of "plot_model" but I want to see the graphical similar to this image.

This is a common problem within the community. There are many 'visualization' APIs and libraries out there for NNs and CNNs, but many of them are flat and not what you're looking for. A couple of months ago, I bookmarked this Github project: . It looks like exactly what you want, or at least very close. I've never personally used it, but I plan to at some point. I hope this helps!

For Tensorflow at least, you can use Tensorboard
Tutorial and Explanation
It also features Graph visualization, which is what you are looking for.
Still, not equal to your sample picture, but good ennough I think.


How can I see source code or explanation of "torch_sparse import SparseTensor"?

I am studying some source codes from PytorchGeometric.
Actually I am really finding from torch_sparse import SparseTensor in Google, to get how to use SparseTensor.
But there is nothing I can see explanation. I saw many documents about COO,CSR something like that, but how can I use SparseTensor?
I read : but there is nothing like SparseTensor.
Thank you in advance :)
I just had the same problem and stumbled upon your question, so I will just detail what I did here, maybe it helps someone. I think the main confusion results from the naming of the package. SparseTensoris from torch_sparse, but you posted the documentation of torch.sparse. The first is an individual project in the pytorch ecosystem and a part of the foundation of PyTorch Geometric, but the latter is a submodule of the actual official PyTorch package.
So, looking at the right package (torch_sparse), there is not much information about how to use the SparseTensor class there (Link).
If we go to the source code on the other hand (Link) you can see that the class has a bunch of classmethods that you can use to genereate your own SparseTensor from well documented pytorch classes.
In my case, all I needed was a way to feed the RGCNConvLayer with just one Tensor including both the edges and edge types, so I put them together with the following line:
edge_index = SparseTensor.from_edge_index(edge_index, edge_types)
If you, however, already have a COO or CSR Tensor, you can use the appropriate classmethods instead.

Looking for the implementation of the math operations in the pytorch library. (such as torch.add, etc.)

I want to have the source code for the math operations of pytorch. I know they are not all in the same file but hopefully someone can help me. I saw that there is an Aten folder on the github of pytorch but for me its quite confusing to go through.
Its my first question here. Sorry for anything annoying.

pytorch - Where is “conv1d” implemented?

I wanted to see how the conv1d module is implemented So I looked at but still couldn’t find the looping and cross-correlation computation.
Then I searched Github by keyword ‘conv1d’, checked conv.cpp 1 but still couldn’t locate where the computation is happening.
My question is two-fold.
Where is the source code that "conv1d” is implemented?
In general, if I want to check how the modules are implemented, where is the best place to find? Any pointer to the documentation will be appreciated. Thank you.
It depends on the backend (GPU, CPU, distributed etc) but in the most interesting case of GPU it's pulled from cuDNN which is released in binary format and thus you can't inspect its source code. It's a similar story for CPU MKLDNN. I am not aware of any place where PyTorch would "handroll" it's own convolution kernels, but I may be wrong. EDIT: indeed, I was wrong as pointed out in an answer below.
It's difficult without knowing how PyTorch is structured. A lot of code is actually being autogenerated based on various markup files, as explained here. Figuring this out requires a lot of jumping around. For instance, the conv.cpp file you're linking uses torch::conv1d, which is defined here and uses at::convolution which in turn uses at::_convolution, which dispatches to multiple variants, for instance at::cudnn_convolution. at::cudnn_convolution is, I believe, created here via a markup file and just plugs in directly to cuDNN implementation (though I cannot pinpoint the exact point in code when that happens).
Below is an answer that I got from pytorch discussion board:
I believe the “handroll”-ed convolution is defined here: 3
The NN module implementations are here:
The GPU version is in THCUNN and the CPU version in THNN

Simple toolkits for emotion (sentiment) analysis (not using machine learning)

I am looking for a tool that can analyze the emotion of short texts. I searched for a week and I couldn't find a good one that is publicly available. The ideal tool is one that takes a short text as input and guesses the emotion. It is preferably a standalone application or library.
I don't need tools that is trained by texts. And although similar questions are asked before no satisfactory answers are got.
I searched the Internet and read some papers but I can't find a good tool I want. Currently I found SentiStrength, but the accuracy is not good. I am using emotional dictionaries right now. I felt that some syntax parsing may be necessary but it's too complex for me to build one. Furthermore, it's researched by some people and I don't want to reinvent the wheels. Does anyone know such publicly/research available software? I need a tool that doesn't need training before using.
Thanks in advance.
I think that you will not find a more accurate program than SentiStrength (or SoCal) for this task - other than machine learning methods in a specific narrow domain. If you have a lot (>1000) of hand-coded data for a specific domain then you might like to try a generic machine learning approach based on your data. If not, then I would stop looking for anything better ;)
Identifying entities and extracting precise information from short texts, let alone sentiment, is a very challenging problem specially with short text because of lack of context. Hovewer, there are few unsupervised approaches to extracting sentiments from texts mainly proposed by Turney (2000). Look at that and may be you can adopt the method of extracting sentiments based on adjectives in the short text for your use-case. It is hovewer important to note that this might require you to efficiently POSTag your short text accordingly.
Maybe EmoLib could be of help.

Natural Language Processing Algorithm for mood of an email

One simple question (but I haven't quite found an obvious answer in the NLP stuff I've been reading, which I'm very new to):
I want to classify emails with a probability along certain dimensions of mood. Is there an NLP package out there specifically dealing with this? Is there an obvious starting point in the literature I start reading at?
For example, if I got a short email something like "Hi, I'm not very impressed with your last email - you said the order amount would only be $15.95! Regards, Tom" then it might get 8/10 for Frustration and 0/10 for Happiness.
The actual list of moods isn't so important, but a short list of generally positive vs generally negative moods would be useful.
Thanks in advance!
--Trindaz on Fedang #NLP
You can do this with a number of different NLP tools, but nothing to my knowledge comes with it ready out of the box. Perhaps the easiest place to start would be with LingPipe (java), and you can use their very good sentiment analysis tutorial. You could also use NLTK if python is more your bent. There are some good blog posts over at Streamhacker that describe how you would use Naive Bayes to implement that.
Check out AlchemyAPI for sentiment analysis tools and scikit-learn or any other open machine learning library for the classifier.
if you have not decided to code the implementation, you can also have the data classified by some other tool. google prediction api may be an alternative.
Either way, you will need some labeled data and do the preprocessing. But if you use a tool that may help you get better accuracy easily.
