I have a few things I want to accomplish with Presto. I currently getting some data in the following formats
date 16-Jan-2018
num 1000
I want to write a query that can convert these values to
For the date you could do the following:
select date_parse('date 16-Jan-2018','date %d-%b-%Y')
For the second field, you would have to split it first with split(string, delimiter), then cast the second array element to INTEGER.
Here is the full answer:
SELECT date_parse(date_string,'date %d-%b-%Y') as parsed_date,
split(int_string, ' ')[2] AS INTEGER
) as parsed_int
FROM (VALUES ('date 16-Jan-2018', 'int 1000'))
AS t(date_string, int_string)
I have excel which i am trying to import in oracle database table.
Some of the values in excel consist of for example 14:39.5 with double colon. What dataype in oracle database table i should provide to store this value ?
Currently have given varchar datatype and its throwing an error during import as :
Conversion error! Value: "00:12:01.615518000" to data type: "Number". Row ignored! Value is '00:12:01.615518000'. Cannot be converted to a decimal number object. Valid format: 'Unformatted'
You can store it as an INTERVAL DAY(0) TO SECOND(9) data type:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
Then you can use TO_DSINTERVAL passing your value with '0 ' prepended to the start:
INSERT INTO table_name (time)
VALUES ( TO_DSINTERVAL('0 ' || '00:12:01.615518000') );
db<>fiddle here
If it is part of a date/time stamp then you could store it as DATE or TIMESTAMP if you could add the date component. Oracle doesn't have just a TIME data type.
If you can't add a date component to it, then assuming it is a time interval you could convert it to seconds or microseconds (lose the colons) and store it as a NUMBER.
If you want to maintain the exact formatting as shown, your only option is to store it as text using VARCHAR2 or something similar.
I have the following query with me:
What would be the equivalent for (FORMAT '--(37)9') in Azure Synapse Analytics?
This is a really weird query (including SUM(1) instead of COUNT(*))
It's returning an integer as a left aligned string.
Unless T2.C3 is a decimal with fractional digits you can simply remove the FORMAT and CAST to VARCHAR(20).
If T2.C3 has a fraction, CAST to BIGINT or DECIMAL(38,0) first.
I am a beginner in cognos 10. I want to know how to get the value of a prompt from a Query1 and use it on Query2. My requirement is I want a prompt to ask the year for which I want the data in Query1 and in Query2 I want the data relevant to the previous year to that entered in the prompt. How to do that?
You can use the same parameter (tied to the prompt) in filters in both queries. If your parameter is Parameter1 and contains a four-digit year, and your data item in your filter is [Year] then your Query1 filter might look like this:
[Year] = ?Parameter1?
Your Query2 filter would be:
[Year] = ?Parameter1? - 1
Depending on your data source you may have to cast the string parameter to an integer before doing the subtraction though most SQL implementations will implicitly convert the string parameter to an integer for you.
Short version: Is it possible to query for all timeuuid columns corresponding to a particular date?
More details:
I have a table defined as follows:
CREATE TABLE timetest(
key uuid,
activation_time timeuuid,
value text,
PRIMARY KEY(key,activation_time)
I have populated this with a single row, as follows (f0532ef0-2a15-11e3-b292-51843b245f21 is a timeuuid corresponding to the date 2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100):
insert into timetest (key, activation_time, value) VALUES (7daecb80-29b0-11e3-92ec-e291eb9d325e, f0532ef0-2a15-11e3-b292-51843b245f21, 'some value');
And I can query for that row as follows:
select activation_time,dateof(activation_time) from timetest where key=7daecb80-29b0-11e3-92ec-e291eb9d325e
which results in the following (using cqlsh)
activation_time | dateof(activation_time)
f0532ef0-2a15-11e3-b292-51843b245f21 | 2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100
Now lets assume there's a lot of data in my table and I want to retrieve all rows where activation_time corresponds to a particular date, say 2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100.
I would have expected to be able to query for the range of all timeuuids between minTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100') and maxTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100') but this doesn't seem possible (the following query returns zero rows):
select * from timetest where key=7daecb80-29b0-11e3-92ec-e291eb9d325e and activation_time>minTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100') and activation_time<=maxTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100');
It seems I need to use a hack whereby I increment the second date in my query (by a second) to catch the row(s), i.e.,
select * from timetest where key=7daecb80-29b0-11e3-92ec-e291eb9d325e and activation_time>minTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100') and activation_time<=maxTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:07+0100');
This feels wrong. Am I missing something? Is there a cleaner way to do this?
The CQL documentation discusses timeuuid functions but it's pretty short on gte/lte expressions with timeuuids, beyond:
The min/maxTimeuuid example selects all rows where the timeuuid column, t, is strictly later than 2013-01-01 00:05+0000 but strictly earlier than 2013-02-02 10:00+0000. The t >= maxTimeuuid('2013-01-01 00:05+0000') does not select a timeuuid generated exactly at 2013-01-01 00:05+0000 and is essentially equivalent to t > maxTimeuuid('2013-01-01 00:05+0000').
p.s. the following query also returns zero rows:
select * from timetest where key=7daecb80-29b0-11e3-92ec-e291eb9d325e and activation_time<=maxTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100');
and the following query returns the row(s):
select * from timetest where key=7daecb80-29b0-11e3-92ec-e291eb9d325e and activation_time>minTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100');
I'm sure the problem is that cqlsh does not display milliseconds for your timestamps
So the real timestamp is something like '2013-09-30 22:19:06.123+0100'
When you call maxTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100') as milliseconds are missing, zero is assumed so it is the same as calling maxTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06.000+0100')
And as 22:19:06.123 > 22:19:06.000 that causes record to be filtered out.
Not directly related to answer but as an additional addon to #dimas answer.
cqlsh (version 5.0.1) seem to show the miliseconds now
2016-06-03 02:42:09.990000+0000
2016-05-28 17:07:30.244000+0000
What I need is a data item expression which outputs the starting date of the current quarter of last year. Finding the current year is easy, as is subtracting 1 year from that date. But beyond that I get stuck.
I currently have an ugly if expression for each quarter like:
if (extract(month,current_date) in (10,12,12))
then ((extract(year,_add_years (current_date,-1))||'-10-01'))
But no matter what I do I can't concatonate the year and date into string I can convert to a date object. The above code gives the error:
The operation "add" is invalid for the following combination of data types: "integer" and "character"
Trying to cast the integer as a character using cast() I get this error. I also get this error when trying to turn a character array into a date:
The operation "condexp" is invalid for the following combination of data types: "character" and "integer"
Trying to use SQL Server specific functions (it is a SQL Server database) just gives me an error that those functions are unavailable for local processing, so I can't seem to use SS date arithmatic, and I can't find anything particularly applicable in Cognos' built in date functions.
How can I manipulate a date to add a year to a known day/month combination and use that as a date object?
I'm using cognos 10.1.1, but it would work.
You can get the value by using the following code:
extract(year, _add_years(current_date, -1)),
The following is the simple way to get the starting month of the quarter.
and you can convert timestamp to date or string.
extract(year, _add_years(current_date, -1)),
extract(year, _add_years(current_date, -1)),
plus, you can use extract function when you get a day value.
extract(day, _first_of_month (current_date))
I would go with SQLSERVER built-in functions tht exists in Cognos.
Here is an expression that works for me:
DATEADD({YEAR}, DATEDIFF({YEAR}, 0, dateadd({year},-1,[FullDateAlternateKey])), 0))
The FullDateAlternateKey field is my date field (from ADVERTUREWORKS DW DB).
If you still have problems, try to isolate the problem by trying this expression on new simple list report.