How to use "AsEnumerable()" on datatable in Azure function? - azure

After getting the details from the DB in a [data-table], I am trying to convert it to Enumerable using "AsEnumerable()" though getting an error message.
I think I added all the assemblies required. Following is the error I am getting. Not able to find anything, any help will be appreciated.

Try referencing both "System.Data" and "System.Data.DataSetExtensions" (no need to reference Linq too).


ExcelJs - SaxesParser error: duplicate attribute

I'm trying to open a workbook with exceljs and get the following error:
Error: 162:67: duplicate attribute: o:relid.
at SaxesParser.makeError (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\saxes\saxes.js:410:16)
at (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\saxes\saxes.js:422:26)
at SaxesParser.processAttribsPlain (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\saxes\saxes.js:1944:22)
at SaxesParser.openSelfClosingTag (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\saxes\saxes.js:1976:14)
at SaxesParser.sOpenTagSlash (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\saxes\saxes.js:1432:18)
at SaxesParser.write (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\saxes\saxes.js:481:36)
at module.exports (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\exceljs\lib\utils\parse-sax.js:21:17)
at async VmlNotesXform.parse (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\exceljs\lib\xlsx\xform\base-xform.js:60:22)
I really tried hard to find any informations on that error. But can't make sense out of the informations google give me. Could anyone of you give me a hint what is wrong here?
I guess it has something todo with the xml. But I can't figure out what exactly todo or change in my file.
Please help!
I found the error. In the file was a circular reference in one of the cells. After removing the formular from that cell and saving the workbbok again. The error disappered. Wished the error message were more helpful in advance.

ReactJS: Locate "Each child in a list should have a unique 'key' prop"

I have a special question when working with ReactJS.
As already marked in the subject, I have an error called:
"Each child in a list should have a unique 'key' prop"
I already know the problem and I know how to fix it.
The only thing what I want to know is how can I locate this error?
I want to know in which file and which line is that error.
I getting some error logs in the console, but it points not to my local files.
I already tested a lot with source maps, but I didn´t have success.
for example is here my error:
and when I click on the following line:
at PermissionTable (webpack-internal:///./src/PermissionTable.js:13:26)
I will forward to the following screen:
Is it possible to get somehow the direct location?
Thank you for your support
I don't think there is a quick or direct way to find it
From the error message, you would go back to your IDE (VSCode), and search for PermissionTable component
Then search for any map() function that doesn't return an element with a key in it.

CS50 Pset7 Finance

I have question for my CS50 Pset7 finance project. I don't know where to ask this question, so I seek help here. I just finished the register part, however, when I try to test the website, I registered successfully, however, when I try to log in, I got a strange error which I think is because of my way of using hash is not correct. So I got the error TypeError: invalid method '' for", line 186, in _hash_internal, and I can see my hash value like $6$rounds=656000$OiBqI/lX2GqhI8be$G. I found in the API that the schema support has been removed. I'm wondering how should I use hash method other than pwd_context.hash(request.form.get("password")). Any advice will be appreciated.
Use generate_password_hash() to replace hash() will work. Don't forget to remove or update the existing entries inside your db since the old hash will cause error.

Using should.js how can I test for an empty object?;
I get the following error:
Error: keys required
at Object.Assertion.keys
The instanceof(Object) works, but I want to make sure there is no data in it.;;
or, using .and to chain both asserts:;
P.S. By the way, your code also looks fine.
I check for the variable not being empty by using "should" this way:;

PowerShell simple casting error

$mlField = [SPFieldMultiLineText]$field
I have a field, it is of type field but I want to cast it as SPFieldMultiLineText (I can confirm that this is a valid cast, I'm assuming my syntax is bad).
The error I'm getting:
Unable to find type [SPFieldMultiLineText]: make sure that the assembly containing this type is loaded.
This is a SharePoint Management Console so all relevant SharePoint assemblies are loaded - this is not the issue.
Any pointers in the right direction of making this cast without an error?
Thanks a lot.
EDIT: For a bit more context, this is ultimately what I'm trying to achieve:
Try with full type name:
$mlField = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldMultiLineText]$field
