UWP How to check incoming requests from BLE device? - bluetooth

How to check all incoming requests from paired BLE device to current device?
I think it possible with Events, maybe UWP have needle event, or i must implement custom event, but where is the right way?
Microsoft have explainations about GATT Server, i think it's not what i need, 'cause i don't need a server with services and characteristics, i need only check incoming request and parse passed data in my application.

I'm not found sure way for checking incoming requests, but i make some trick.
Application can subscribe for notifications from device (in my case it's Mi Band 2) and receive some data from this device across ValueChanged.
One time i call ValueChanged handler in App.xaml.cs after connecting and pairing device and this working on all application, i don't need call it again and again.
Here is App.xaml.cs part of code.
protected async override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e)
Frame rootFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
MiBand2SDK.MiBand2 band = new MiBand2SDK.MiBand2();
var page = typeof(Views.AuthPage);
// Checking for device availability and current session
if (_LocalSettings.Values["isAuthorized"] != null
&& await band.ConnectAsync())
if (e.PreviousExecutionState == ApplicationExecutionState.NotRunning && await band.Auth.AuthenticateAsync())
page = typeof(Views.MainPage);
else if (band.Auth.IsAuthenticated())
page = typeof(Views.MainPage);
// Here we are, this notification handler of responses from the band.
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Not Authenticated...");
// other part of code...
Here is HeartRate.SetNotificationHandler() code:
public async void SetNotificationHandler()
_heartRateMeasurementCharacteristic = await Gatt.GetCharacteristicByServiceUuid(HEART_RATE_SERVICE, HEART_RATE_MEASUREMENT_CHARACTERISTIC);
Debug.WriteLine("Subscribe for HeartRate notifications from band...");
if (await _heartRateMeasurementCharacteristic.WriteClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorAsync(GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue.Notify) == GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
// Just subscribe for notifications and set ValueChanged. It's all.
_heartRateMeasurementCharacteristic.ValueChanged += HeartRateMeasurementCharacteristicValueChanged;
Hope it helps someone...


Setting the "Playing" status of my DIscord Bot, but i want to do it on startup

I have this simple command where I and one other user can only use it to set the "Playing" status of the bot, whilst it's pretty useful for changing it on the fly, I also want to set it when I start up the bot so that I don't have to set it myself every time I restart the bot. Is it possible I can implement this code in the Bot.cs file so that when it starts up, it has the status set and ready
public async Task SetBotStatus(CommandContext ctx, string message)
if (ctx.User.Id == 572877986223751188 || ctx.User.Id == 327845261692895232)
DiscordActivity activity = new DiscordActivity();
DiscordClient discord = ctx.Client;
activity.Name = message;
await discord.UpdateStatusAsync(activity);
Basically, the way this current command works is that it's based on an if statement stating only I and another user can use this command. The command has a requirement that you pass over a string which is the text that will be applied to the status and that is simply updated using discord.UpdateStatusAsync
With Dsharp+ this is a pretty easy fix to implement!
In your Main Async method or in a global/public context, you will want to define your activity status which will be the default activity and then set a client-ready handler.
In this example I am using a sharded client, this is not necessary to do so yourself. Your bot must lose its presence in a server before the ready event will fire on starting so it will need to be offline for a couple of minutes for Discord to catch that the client is offline and revoke the presence of the bot from servers. This means in testing you must let the bot lose its presence from being offline, and in production your bot will not lose its set activity from a momentary disconnection or a couple of missed heartbeats.
If 5 consecutive heartbeats are missed the next successful heartbeat will fire the ready event resetting the bot's activity status to the default status. Dsharp+ will tell you this happened by warning you the client has become a zombie.
static async Task MainAsync()
DiscordActivity activity = new();
activity.Name = "Testing...";
activity.ActivityType = ActivityType.Streaming;
//The client I have here is sharded but that is not necessary.
var discord = new DiscordShardedClient(new DiscordConfiguration()
Token = botToken,
TokenType = botTokenType,
Intents = botIntents,
MinimumLogLevel = botLogLevel
// the handler for ready will set with UpdateStatusAsync()
discord.Ready += async (client, readyEventArgs) =>
await discord.UpdateStatusAsync(activity);
// StartAsync() MUST come after this and any other handler.
await discord.StartAsync();
await Task.Delay(-1);

callkit with pushkit in xamarin

I'm trying to integrate callkit with pushkit in one of my app in xamarin using Twilio voip. I was able to do so by defining required classes and delegates.
I can receive a call when my app is in foreground. but when my app is backgrounded or killed, its not received.
I have this method in my appdelegate:
[Preserve(Conditional = true)]
public void DidReceiveIncomingPush(PKPushRegistry registry, PKPushPayload payload, string type, Action completion)
Console.WriteLine("My push is coming (Inside Action method!");
var callerid = payload.DictionaryPayload["twi_from"].ToString();
Console.WriteLine($"from: {callerid}");
completion= delegate {
if (payload != null)
// Tried using only this
// completion(); but it didn't work.
}catch(Exception ex)
So question is how to bring Native dialer when call is arriving and app is in background or killed. I don't understand how to use "Action" parameter of above method.
I see this error in my device logs:
Info (114) / callservicesd: Application <private> will not be launched because it failed to report an incoming call too many times (or repeatedly crashed.)

iOS not receiving pending push after turn on device or Internet from Azure Notification Hub

I have a Notification Hub in Azure to send PUSH to Android and iOS devices. Everything is working well in Android. In iOS I have this problem:
I turn off the WiFi or I turn off the device
I send chat messages to my app (push notifications) and also messages to that device from WhatsApp.
I turn on the WiFi or turn on the device after a few minutes
I receive all the WhatsApp messages notifications but no one of the notification to my App. If the device and Internet is on, I receive the notifications without problem.
My question is: Anyone has experienced something like that or know how to fix it?
At least I should have to receive the last push, right?
I'm sending the push to a tag. I can see the Device registered in the hub either when WiFi or iPhone are off.
When sending notification ensure that you set the expiration. Default value is zero. Hence, APNs treats the notification as if it expires immediately and does not store the notification or attempt to redeliver it.
If this value is nonzero, APNs stores the notification
and tries to deliver it at least once, repeating the attempt as needed
if it is unable to deliver the notification the first time. If the
value is 0, APNs treats the notification as if it expires immediately
and does not store the notification or attempt to redeliver it.
If you are using template notifications, here is how you do it.
AppleTemplateRegistrationDescription registration = new AppleTemplateRegistrationDescription(parameters.registrationID)
{ BodyTemplate = new CDataMember("{\"aps\":{\"alert\":\"$(body)\",\"payload\":\"$(payload)\",\"deeplinking\":\"$(deeplinking)\",\"category\":\"$(category)\",\"image\":\"$(image)\"}}"),
Tags = itags,
Expiry = "$(APNS_Expiry)"
As part of send, you can pass the expiry value.
var notification = new TemplateNotification(new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"APNS_Expiry", DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(10).ToString("o") }, //Timestamp
{"body", NotificationText},
{"payload", NotificationText},
{"deeplinking", payload},
var Responsehub = hub.SendNotificationAsync(notification);
If you are using native notifications,
// Native notification
var notification = new AppleNotification(#"
""aps"": {
""alert"":""New notification!""
notification.Expiry = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(2);
await notificationHubClient.SendNotificationAsync(notification);
If you are using template notifications, here is how you do it.
AppleTemplateRegistrationDescription registration = new AppleTemplateRegistrationDescription(parameters.registrationID)
{ BodyTemplate = new CDataMember("{\"aps\":{\"alert\":\"$(body)\",\"payload\":\"$(payload)\",\"deeplinking\":\"$(deeplinking)\",\"category\":\"$(category)\",\"image\":\"$(image)\"}}"),
Tags = itags,
Expiry = "$(APNS_Expiry)"
As part of send, you can pass the expiry value.
var notification = new TemplateNotification(new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"APNS_Expiry", DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(10).ToString("o") }, //Timestamp
{"body", NotificationText},
{"payload", NotificationText},
{"deeplinking", payload},
var Responsehub = hub.SendNotificationAsync(notification);
If you are using native notifications,
// Native notification
var notification = new AppleNotification(#"
""aps"": {
""alert"":""New notification!""
notification.Expiry = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(2);
await notificationHubClient.SendNotificationAsync(notification);

How to do an Idle status for a Pusher user?

Typical chat app. Using the presence channel to tell who is online, but looking for an elegant way to mark a User in the presence channel with an idle flag.
The full solution to this is probably reasonably complicated and it also depends on the runtime - I'm going to assume web web client.
Ultimately you need a way of doing two things:
to detect a user as being "idle"
to signal all other users about that user being idel
To detect a user is idle
window.onblur so you know your app window is no longer focused
mousemove tracking to see if the user is actually doing anything within your application.
In order to achieve this you probably just want a timeout and only if that timeout triggers do you send an event to indicate the user is idle:
var timeout = null;
function sendUserIdle() {
// see part 2
function resetIdleTracking() {
if( timeout !== null ) {
// reset
clearTimeout( timeout );
timeout = setTimeout( sendUserIdle, 3*60*1000 ); // 3 minutes
window.addEventListener( 'mousemove', resetIdleTracking );
Signal other users about idle users
A missing feature of Pusher presence channels IMO is the ability to update presence information. So, you need another way of achieving this. I think you have two solutions:
Enable client events on the presence channel and trigger an event from the idle user when your code detects the user becoming idle.
Send a message to the server from the idle client. The server then triggers a message telling the users that the user is idle.
See: accessing channel members.
1. Using client events
function sendUserIdle() {
var channel = pusher.channel( 'presence-<your-channel>' );
// client events have to have a 'client-' prefix
channel.trigger( 'client-user-idle', channel.members.me );
2. Sending to the server
function sendUserIdle() {
makeAjaxRequest( '/idle-notification-endpoint', channel.members.me );
Note: you can serialise channel.members.me using JSON.stringify( channel.members.me )
On the server (in pseudo code):
userInfo = getUserInfoFromRequest();
pusher.trigger( 'presence-<your-channel>', 'user-idle', userInfo );
Showing a client is idle
Upon receipt of the event you would update the list of users UI accordingly (mark that user as idle).
channel.bind( 'user-idle', function( user ) {
var uniqueUserId = user.id;
// update UI

J2ME Audio Streaming through SIP Connection

I am creating a J2ME real time streaming audio player with RTP and through SIP connection. Also I am new for these things. I want to take look deeply those things. If any one know a good working sample code demonstrating an audio player streaming with RTP (That means how to send a REGISTER message to the server through SIP to get registered and send an INVITE message and get the response & play). Please let me know, highly appreciated.
Also I looked here
My server port is 6060
id is myid password 123
Have I used the code correctly? If I am wrong, please make me correct.
public void doRegister(String username, String password, String realm) {
SipClientConnection scc = null;
SipConnectionNotifier scn = null;
String contact = null;
try {
scn = (SipConnectionNotifier) Connector.open("sip:5080");
contact = new String("sip:myid:123#"+scn.getLocalAddress()+":"+scn.getLocalPort());
scc = (SipClientConnection) Connector.open("sip:"transport=tcp") ;
scc.initRequest("REGISTER", scn);
scc.setHeader("From", "sip:myid:123#"+scn.getLocalAddress()+":5080");
scc.setHeader("To", "sip:myid:123#");
scc.setHeader("Contact", contact);
boolean handled = false;
int scode = 0;
while(!handled) {
SipHeader sh;
scode = scc.getStatusCode();
case 401:
sh = new SipHeader("WWW-Authenticate",
realm = sh.getParameter("realm");
scc.setCredentials(username, password, realm);
case 407:
sh = new SipHeader("Proxy-Authenticate",
realm = sh.getParameter("realm");
scc.setCredentials(username, password, realm);
case 200:
handled = true;
handled = true;
} catch(Exception ex) {
// handle Exceptions
I got a respond with 180 Rigging message. Also let me know what is realm here. scc.setCredentials(username, password, realm);
As you see here in example 1 - you realize that when you make a fresh Reqeust to server, where as server expects authentication it first sends 401. By seeing this the client can then either search for a password or ask the user. When server sends the 401 response code, it specifies which security domain is applicable for the given requests. This is already what you have got in your code :
realm = sh.getParameter("realm");
Once, failed, you need to send() the request again with credentials here. I guess the setCredentials() function is only setting these parameters inside the scc object and they will be applied when send() is called again.
Some references that might be of interest: http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Discussion/showthread.php?126760-SIP-registration-401-Unauthorized-..
(here people had issues related port number, which i am not sure if this is bothering you)
Many functions and more things are available and wide answer can be found here Also Nokia JSR180 API has sample codes as well
