After reading about async, I assumed the code below would output to the console the total of all values returned from the http/API call; but it seems to fire immediately after the first http call returns, and only shows a 'total' value equal to the first value returned from the API.
Where is my misunderstanding about how works?
var http = require('https');
async = require('async');
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var dbUrl = "mongodb://localhost:27017/";
var total = 0;
var tokens = [ {
name : "tron"
}, {
name : 'cardano'
}, {
name : 'nucleus-vision'
}, {
name : 'ripple'
}, {
name : 'litecoin'
}, {
name : 'havven'
function run() {
setInterval(doStuff, 1 * 60 * 1000);
function doStuff() {
total = 0;, httpGet, function (value){
console.log('async done ', total);
function httpGet(token, callback) {
var url = '' +;
http.get( url,
function(res) {
var body = '';
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
body += chunk;
res.on('end', function() {
var jsonObj = JSON.parse(body);
var price = parseFloat(jsonObj[0].price);
total += price;
MongoClient.connect(dbUrl, function(err, db) {
if (err)
throw err;
var dbo = db.db("crypto");
function(err, res) {
if (err)
throw err;
}).on('error', function(e) {
console.log("Got an error: ", e);
callback that is passed to an iteratee (httpGet) is used incorrectly. The first argument (price) is considered an error. From the docs:
If iteratee passes an error to its callback, the main callback (for the map function) is immediately called with the error.
should rather be
callback(null, price);
So async does not halt after the first iteration.
I believe there are two separate problems here:
As you may know, we cannot use return statements in asynchronous code like we would in synchronous code, which is why we use callbacks instead. Node-style callbacks are on the form function (err, result) {}, where the first parameter is the error (if any) and the second the result of the function (the return value). According to the docs,, iteratee, callback) will stop the execution if the
iteratee passes an error to its callback.
As your iteratee-function is calling its callback as such: callback(price), you're effectively stopping execution, as price is passed as the error parameter. What you want to do to "return" the price variable, is to call the callback as so: callback(null, price)
Typically, map-functions are used for
appl[ying] a given function to each element of a list, returning a list of results in the same order.
The map function of the async library does the same, IE: iterates through an array and returns an array of the resulting items, just like the normal map (below) method does.
[1, 2, 3].map(function (nbr) { return nbr*2 }) // returns [2, 4, 6]
The result parameter of your callback (IE, the third parameter to will be called with an array of prices, and not the summed value of the prices., httpGet, function (error, total) {
console.log(error); // prints undefined (unless there was an error)
console.log(total); // prints an array of prices
For summing the values, I would recommend the reduce function, or simply sum the values returned as a result.
result.forEach(element => {
//Get each element
dbo.collection("users").findOne({email: emailGiven, "":},function(errT, resultT) {
if (errT){
console.log("Query Error Inside!");
res.status(errT.status); // or use err.statusCode instead
//return res.send(errT.message);
else {
if (resultT) {
var oneUser = {
username: element.username,
fullName: element.fullName,
status: resultT
} else {
//Not found means not added or pending
var oneUser = {
username: element.username,
fullName: element.fullName,
status: 0
//console.log(emailGiven + " " +
i have an object array for each elemant i would like to do mongoDB call for each element and depending on the results i wanna push the results in an array as im doing, the problem is that mongoDb is async so my main thread finished before i can push results to the array foundUsers, how may i fix this issue?
As you said, need to do handle an asynchronous operation into a synchronous loop. For doing this, you can use async library. It is so useful in such operatinos.
Just install async module in your project first
npm install --save async
Afterwards, you can do sth like this:
// for use with Node-style callbacks...
var async = require("async");
var obj = {dev: "/dev.json", test: "/test.json", prod: "/prod.json"};
var configs = {};
async.forEachOf(obj, (value, key, callback) => {
fs.readFile(__dirname + value, "utf8", (err, data) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
try {
configs[key] = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
return callback(e);
}, err => {
if (err) console.error(err.message);
// configs is now a map of JSON data
For working with this library, it uses async.forEachOf function instead of simple forEach loop. Three parameters is sent to this function.
The 1st parameter that is passed to async.forEachOf is an array to iterate over it (obj).
The 2nd parameter is a callback function that apply over each item in obj.
The 3rd or the last parameter that is passed to async.forEachOf function, is another callback function too. It is called when iteration process over every item in obj has finished.
I am trying to write a code with NodeJS where I grab data from an external API and then populate them in MongoDB using Mongoose. In between that, I'll check to see if that particular already exists in Mongo or not. Below is my code.
router.route('/report') // the REST api address
.post(function(req, res) // calling a POST
console.log('calling report API');
var object = "report/" + reportID; // related to the API
var parameters = '&limit=100' // related to the API
var url = link + object + apiKey + parameters; // related to the API
var data = "";
https.get(url, function callback(response)
response.on("data", function(chunk)
data += chunk.toString() + "";
response.on("end", function()
var jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
var array = jsonData['results']; // data is return in array of objects. accessing only a particular array
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
var report = new Report(array.pop()); // Report is the schema model defined.
// console.log(report['id']);
Report.find({id:report['id']}).count(function(err, count) // checks if the id of that specific data already exists in Mongo
if (count == 0) // if the count = 0, meaning not exist, then only save
message: 'Grabbed Report'
response.on("error", console.error);
My problem is that since NodeJS callbacks are parallel, it is not getting called sequentially. My end result would be something like this :
Calling report API
console.log(length) = 100
console.log(i) = starts with 0
console.log(report) = the data which will be stored inside Mongo
number 3 - 7 repeats 100 times as the length is equals to 100
console.log(count) = either 0 or 1
number 9 repeats 100 times
number 11 repeats 100 times
Lastly, only the last out of 100 data is stored into Mongo
What I need is some sort of technique or method to handle these callbacks which are executing one after the other and not sequentially following the loop. I am pretty sure this is the problem as my other REST APIs are all working.
I have looked into async methods, promises, recursive functions and a couple others non which I could really understand how to solve this problem. I really hope someone can shed some light into this matter.
Feel free also to correct me if I did any mistakes in the way I'm asking the question. This is my first question posted in StackOverflow.
This problem is termed as the "callback hell".
There's lots of other approaches like using Promise and Async libraries you'll find.
I'm more excited about the native async ES7 will bring,
which you can actually start using today with transpiler library Babel.
But by far the simplest approach I've found is the following:
You take out the long callback functions and define them outside.
router.route('/report') // the REST api address
function calling_a_POST(req, res) {
var data = "";
https.get(url, function callback(response) {
response.on("end", response_on_end_callback); // --> take out
response.on("error", console.error);
function response_on_end_callback() { // <-- define here
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var report = new Report(array.pop());
Report.find({ id: report['id'] })
.count(Report_find_count_callback); // --> take out
message: 'Grabbed Report'
function Report_find_count_callback(err, count) { // <-- define here
if (count == 0) { { // !! report is undefined here
if (err)
res.send(err); // !! res is undefined here
A caveat is that you won't be able to access all the variables inside what used to be the callback,
because you've taken them out of the scope.
This could be solved with a "dependency injection" wrapper of sorts to pass the required variables.
router.route('/report') // the REST api address
function calling_a_POST(req, res) {
var data = "";
https.get(url, function callback(response) {
response.on("end", function(err, data){ // take these arguments
response_on_end(err, data, res); // plus the needed variables
response.on("error", console.error);
function response_on_end(err, data, res) { // and pass them to function defined outside
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var report = new Report(array.pop());
Report.find({ id: report['id'] })
.count(function(err, count){
Report_find_count(err, count, report, res); // same here
res.json({ // res is now available
message: 'Grabbed Report'
function Report_find_count(err, count, report, res) { // same here
if (count == 0) { { // report is now available
if (err)
res.send(err); // res is now available
When I execute the response_on_end function, I am getting the undefined:1 unexpected token u error.
I am pretty much sure it has something to do with this line: var jsonData = JSON.parse(data)
My response_on_end is as below: var jsonData = JSON.parse(data); // problem here
I realize I made an error here:
function calling_a_POST(req, res) {
var data = "";
https.get(url, function callback(response) {
//sponse.on("end", function(err, data){
response.on("end", function(err){ // data shouldn't be here
response_on_end(err, data, res);
response.on("error", console.error);
Another problem I could forsee, which actually may not arise here but still would be better to talk about anyways.
The data variable, since it's a string which is a primitive type unlike an object, it is "passed by value".
More info
It's better to wrap the variable in an object and pass the object, because objects in javascript are always "passed by reference".
function calling_a_POST(req, res) {
// var data = ""; //
var data_wrapper = {}; = {}; // wrap it in an object
https.get(url, function callback(response) {
response.on("data", function(chunk){ += chunk.toString() + ""; // use the dot notation to reference
response.on("end", function(err){
response_on_end(err, data_wrapper, res); // and pass that object
response.on("error", console.error);
function response_on_end_callback(err, data_wrapper, res) {
var data =; // later redefine the variable
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var report = new Report(array.pop());
You can use async library for controlling your execution flows. And there are also iterators for working with arrays.
How do I set a variable to a query? I am trying to use functions and callbacks in node.js to work through async, but I am not sure how to get a query to equal to a variable. What I am trying to do in this code is take a friend collection that belongs to a user and return the friends result(which I don't think I am doing correctly in the query insertAll) and then find the user's info for each of the query. And then return the results as a render. I am not sure how to call render either with this...
Here is my code:
exports.contactList = function(req, res) {
var insertFriend = function(data, callback) {
var friend = User.findById({_id: user.friendStatus.fuId}, function() {
callback(null, data);
}, friend);
var insertAll = function(coll, callback) {
var queue = coll.slice(0),
(function iterate(){
if(queue.length === 0) {
friendX = queue.splice(0,1)[0];
insertFriend(friendX, function(err, friendX) {
if(err) {throw err;}
console.log(friendX + ' inserted');
insertAll([Friend.findOne({userId: req.signedCookies.userid})], function(){
A Query object is returned if you do not pass a callback.
When a callback function:
is passed, the operation will be executed immediately with the results passed to the
is not passed, an instance of Query is returned, which provides a special QueryBuilder
interface for you.
I have a main in nodejs for my program where I need to use my result calculated in a module, but my I don't have the right result.
var myJSONClient = {
"nombre" : "<nombre_cliente>",
"intervalo" : [0,0]
var intervalo = gestionar.gestion(myJSONClient,vector_intervalo);
console.log("intervalo: "+intervalo); //return undefined
And this is the module
var gestion = function(myJSON,vector_intervalo) {
var dburl = 'localhost/mongoapp';
var collection = ['clientes'];
var db = require('mongojs').connect(dburl, collection );
var intervalo_final;
function cliente(nombre, intervalo){
this.nombre = nombre;
this.intervalo = intervalo;
var cliente1 = new cliente(myJSON.nombre,myJSON.intervalo);, function(err, saveCliente){
if (err || !saveCliente) console.log("Client "+cliente1.nombre+" not saved Error: "+err);
else {
console.log("Client "+saveCliente.nombre+" saved");
intervalo_final = calculate(vector_intervalo);
console.log(intervalo_final); //here I can see the right content of the variable intervalo_final
console.log(intervalo_final); //result not correct
return intervalo_final;
exports.gestion = gestion;
I know that node execute my return without wait the end of my function, for this I can't see the right result, but how can I force my program to wait the end of my function?
I tried with the setTimeout function but wasn't the right way.
You must implement your function just like the other async functions from the API!
First step : give callback to function
var gestion = function(myJSON,vector_intervalo, callback) {
Second step : when the async process is over call callback passing the result (you don't need the return line)
console.log(intervalo_final); //here I can see...
Step three: use your function in an async way
gestionar.gestion(myJSONClient,vector_intervalo, function(result){
In async JS you can't return a value the way it seems you trying to do. You need to pass a callback function from your main program when calling gestionar.gestion() (you can add it as a third argument).
Your code sample won't work because function gestion() returns immediately, before intervalo_final content is set.
Something like this:
gestionar.gestion(myJSONClient,vector_intervalo, function callback(intervalo) {
// This is the callback function
console.log("intervalo: " + intervalo);
And then within the function:
var gestion = function(myJSON,vector_intervalo, callback) {
..., function(err, saveCliente) {
if (err || !saveCliente) {
console.log("Client "+cliente1.nombre+" not saved Error: "+err);
if (callback) callback(); // execute callback function without arguments
else {
console.log("Client "+saveCliente.nombre+" saved");
intervalo_final = calculate(vector_intervalo);
if (callback) callback(intervalo_final); // your callback function will be executed with intervalo_final as argument
Also, I highly recommend reading some async javascript tutorial, like
And Felix's Node.js Guide:
I want to send an HTTP request N times. I want to eventually have information about the results of each of those requests.
Running the request function once works great. Here's the HTTP request function using Q.defer():
function runRequest() {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
start = (new Date).getTime(),
req = HTTP.request(options, function(res) {
var end = (new Date).getTime(),
requestDetails = {
reqStatus: res.statusCode,
reqStart: start,
reqEnd: end,
duration: end - start
req.on('error', function(e) {
return deferred.promise;
If I do this, I get back the data I expect:
runRequest().then(function(requestDetails) {
console.log('STATUS: ' + requestDetails.reqStatus);
console.log('Duration: ' + requestDetails.duration);
console.log('Start: ' + requestDetails.reqStart);
console.log('End: ' + requestDetails.reqEnd);
}, function(error) {
console.log('Problem with request: ' + error);
To iterate, I tried to fit that into a for loop:
function iterateRequests() {
var deferred = Q.defer();
var reqResults = [];
for (var iteration = 0; iteration < requests; iteration++) {
.then(function(requestDetails) {
console.log('STATUS: ' + requestDetails.reqStatus);
}, function(error) {
console.log('Problem with request: ' + error);
return deferred.promise;
Then I call it like this:
.then(function(results) {
console.log("in the success callback after iterateRequests");
}, function() {
console.log("in the failure callback after iterateRequests");
I end up getting into the success callback (i.e., it logs "in the success callback after iterateRequests"). However, the console.log(results) prints before I get the logs from runRequest().then() callback and it's an empty array.
Any ideas or some guidance on chaining/iterating over promise-return functions?
Follow up question in response to #abject_error's answer:
Checked out Q.all. Definitely looks like what I need. And it's much simpler that what I was working with. I made a simple test case to help me figure out how it works:
var Q = require("q");
function returner(number) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
function parent() {
return Q.all([
.then(function(promises) {
// works - promises gives me [1, 2, 4]
So I see how I can use it if I know beforehand the number of times I need to call it (and which functions I'm going to call). Any tips on how to get a dynamic number of calls to returner (in this example) or runRequest (in my original example) in the array?
This answers the update part of the question:
var buildCalls = function() {
var calls = [];
for (var i in stories) {
return calls;
return Q.all(buildCalls());
Q has other functions to aid in Promise based workflows. The method you need to use is Q#all. If you have an array of promises, and you want to call a function when all of them have successfully fulfilled, you do
Q.all(array_of_promises).then(success_callback, failure_callback);
After all the request promises are fulfilled, success_callback is called. If any of them rejects, the failure_callback is called immediately.