Kue.js worker processing concurrency - node.js

I am trying to replace AWS SQS with Kue.js in a node application.
My concern is, if there are n no of items added in a queue. How many items in the queue will be processed concurrently?
Is it like.... processor will process the each item one at a time or in bulk?
Also if the queue.process() is called for the same queue from two or more different places. how will the processing be done??


Achieving Concurrency using Pika and python2.7 --

I have an application that lets users upload upto 200 documents/resumes.
The objective of the application is to return a parsed and scored result for each of these documents.
The front end splits these 200 documents into batches of 10. i.e 20 messages are put into a queue(RabbitMQ).
I have a 6 worker processes listening to the queue( scripts that are triggered by an entry_point).
The workers take the message and splits the resumes if it is a batch message. If it is not a batch message, the worker starts processing the message. ( the average time for the processing is around 8 secs).
The queue gets piled up with 200 resumes and the 6 workers get 5 messages. Processing each message sequentially.
Which means, if another user uploads even 1 resume,one of the workers needs to reach the end of the queue to pick that message and the user is left waiting till the processing of the 200 resumes.
I'm doing this using Rabbitmq,and python2.7.
I'm using a blockingconnection to connect to the queue and process the messages.
The only way to get to the last user's message is to complete the processing of all the message as fast as i can, which could mean more processes or more containers. When i fire up more proceatses using multiprocessing (pool of 6 workers), the cpu utilization is at the highest and cannot handle any more messages.
How can i prevent my users from waiting for the response. Is adding more workers to listen and consume from the queue the only way?
The consumer is just a plain consumer with no API. The tasks are directly picked from the queue and processed.
More workers i add, the faster the queue is consumed. But still the user that had uploaded probably last still has to wait for a long time.

how to process hundreds of JMS message from 2 queues, response time of 1 second and 1 minute respectively

I have business requirement where I have to process messages in a certain priority say priority1 and priority2
We have decided to use 2 JMS queues where priority1 messages will be sent to priority1Queue and priority2 messages will be sent to priority2Queue.
Response time for priority1Queue messages is that the moment message is in Queue, I need to read, process and send the response back to say another queue in 1 second. This means I should immediately process these messages the moment they are in priority1Queue, and I will have hundreds of such messages coming in per second on priority1Queue so I will definitely need to have multiple concurrent consumers consuming messages on this queue so that they can be processed immediately when they are in the queue(consumed and processed within 1 second).
Response time for priority2Queue messages is that I need to read, process and send the response back to say another queue in 1 minute. So the response time of priority2 is lower to priority1 messages however I still need to respond back in a minute.
Can you suggest best possible approach for this so that I can concurrently read messages from both the queue and give higher priority to priority1 messages so that each priority1 message can be read and processed in 1 second.
Mainly how it can be read and fed to a processor so that the next message can be read and so on.
I need to write a java based component that does the reading and processing.
I also need to ensure this component is highly available and doesn't result in OutOfMemory, I will be having this component running across multiple JVMS and multiple application servers thus I can have multiple clusters running this Java component
First off, the requirement to process within 1 second is not going to be dependent on your messaging approach, but more about the actual processing of the message and the raw CPUs available. Picking up 100s of messages per second from a queue is child's play, the JMS provider is most likely not the issue. Depending on your deployment platform (Tomcat, Mule, JEE, whatever), there should be a way to have n listeners to scale up appropriately. Because the messages exist on the queue until you pick it up, doubtful you'll run out of memory. I've done these apps, processed many more messages without problems.
Second, number of strategies for prioritizing messages, not necessarily requiring different queues, using priorities. I'm leaning towards using message priorities and message filters, where one group of listeners take care of the highest priority messages and another listener filters off lower priority but makes sure it does enough to get them out within a minute.
You could also do something where a lower priority message gets rewritten back to the same queue with a higher priority, based on how close to 1 minute you are. I know that sounds wrong, but reading/writing from JMS has very little overhead (at least compared to do the equivalent, column-driven database transactions), but the listener for lower priority messages could just continually increase the priority until it has to be processed.
Or simpler, just have more listeners on the high priority queue/messages than the lower priority ones, and imbalance in number of processes for messages might be all it needs.
Lots of possibilities, time for a PoC.

Application design for parallel collection processing

I'm experimenting with the System.Collections.Concurrent namespace but I have a problem implementing my design.
My input queue (ConcurrentQueue) is getting populated fine from a Thread which is doing some I/O at startup to read and parse.
Next I kick off a Parallel.ForEach() on the input queue. I'm doing some I/O bound work on each item.
A log item is created for each item processed in the ForEach() and is dropped into a result queue.
What I would like to do is kick off the logging I start reading the input because I may not be able to fit all of the log items in memory. What is the best way to wait for items to land in the result queue? Are there design patterns or examples that I should be looking at?
I think the pattern you're looking for is the producer/consumer pattern. More specifically, you can have a producer/consumer implementation built around TPL and BlockingCollection.
The main concepts you want to read about are:
TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(will allow you to perform some action when a set of tasks/threads is finished running).
Bounding and Blocking in BlockingCollection. This allows you to set a maximum size for your output collection (for memory reasons) and producer thread(s) will wait for consumers to pick up elements in case the maximum size you specify is reached.
BlockingCollection.CompleteAdding and BlockingCollection.IsCompleted which can be used to synchronize producers and consumers (producer can say when it's finished, consumer can check for that and keep running until the producer(s) are finised).
A more complete sample is in the second article I linked.
In your case I think you want the consumer to just pick up things from the result queue and dispose of them as soon as possible (write them to a logging store, or similar).
So your final collection, where you dump log items should be a BlockingCollection, not a ConcurrentQueue.

Spring integration queue, any way to get current queue size?

We have scenario that lots of message from external system need to be processed async, current design is to have a job wake up every 5 mins to pull msg from external system, and then persist raw msg, and then send msg id to ExecutorChannel, so consumer(potentially many) can consume from channel.
The problem we are facing is how to deal with system crash while msgs in queue, somehow every time job wake up, we will need to look into our DB to find out if there is any raw msgs not in queue already.
The easiest way is to query current queue size and find out if there are more raw msg than msg in queue. So question I have is: is any API for ExecutorChannel to find out size of queue? or any other suggestion?
Spring Integration itself doesn't maintain a queue within an ExecutorChannel; the messages are executed by the underlying Executor.
If you are using a Spring ThreadPoolTaskExecutor which is dedicated to the channel, you could drill down to the channel's underlying ThreadPoolTaskExecutor's ThreadPoolExecutor, and get a handle to its BlockingQueue (getQueue()) and get it's count.
However, you'd have to add the active task count as well.
The total count would be approximate, though because the ThreadPoolExecutor has no atomic method to get a count of queued and active tasks.

does multiple Azure worker role polling same Queue causes Dead Lock or Poison message

if I've spin off multiple Worker roles or ONE Worker role with multiple threads, which polls the new messages in Azure Queue.
Could someone please confirm if the this the correct design approach? The reason I would like to have many worker roles is to speed up the PROCESSJOB. Our application should be near real time, i.e. as soon as there are messages we should get, apply complex business rules and commit to AZURE DB. We are expecting 11,000 message per 3min.
Thank you.
You may have as many queue-readers as you like. It's very common to scale out worker role instances, as they can all read from the same queue, giving you much greater work throughput.
When you read a queue message, it's marked "invisible" for a period of time, to prevent others from reading and doing the same work. The owner of the message must delete it before the time period expires, otherwise the message becomes visible again, and an exception will be thrown when the original reader attempts to delete it. This means your operations must be idempotent.
There's no direct poison-message handling, but it's easy to implement, as each message has a dequeue count. Just check it and remove poison messages after being read 3-4 times. You can also dynamically adjust the timeout period based on dequeue count, as maybe the processing fails due to too-short a time window.
Here's the MSDN documentation for DequeueCount.
EDIT: As far as processing 11,000 messages in 3 minutes: the scalability target for queues is 500 2,000 TPS, or up to 360,000 transactions in 3 minutes (far beyond the 11,000 message requirement you have). You can speed things up further by combining messages into a single queue message, as well as reading multiple messages at a time, which will also reduce your transaction count. You can also look at the ApproximateMessageCount property of a queue to see if your queue is backing up (and then scaling out to additional intstances to help consume queue items).
