How to stub oracledb with sinon? - node.js

Here is my function which will return a promise once it gets data from oracle database:
const getDataFromOracleDB = (filter, query) =>
new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let conn;
try {
conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbConfig);
const result = await conn.execute(query, [filter]);
const { rows } = result;
catch (err) {
As the unit test, I want to stub conn.execute, but have no idea how to do that. I've treid:
const stub = sinon.stub(conn, 'execute').returns([1, 2, 3]);
But got:
TypeError: Cannot stub non-existent own property execute
Any suggestions?

I can't replicate the error with the code you supplied, but perhaps this quick mockup will help:
const chai = require('chai');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const config = require('./dbConfig.js');
const expect = chai.expect;
sinon.stub(oracledb, 'getConnection').resolves({
execute: function() {},
close: function() {}
describe('Parent', () => {
describe('child', () => {
it('should work', async (done) => {
let conn;
try {
conn = await oracledb.getConnection(config);
sinon.stub(conn, 'execute').resolves({
rows: [[2]]
let result = await conn.execute(
'select 1 from dual'
} catch (err) {
} finally {
if (conn) {
try {
await conn.close();
} catch (err) {
The query would normally return a value of 1, but this returns 2 and passes.


function returning nothing in mongodb query

I'm not capturing the connect function to return in the getAllowedEmails function, when I do console.log in allowedEmails, it returns the emails correctly, but when I assign to the variable emails, it is returning empty. I think it's an async await problem but can't figured out.
static async getAllowedEmails() {
var MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient;
//db url
let emails = [];
await MongoClient.connect(url, async function (err, client) {
const db = client.db("data-admin");
var myPromise = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.toArray(function (err, data) {
err ? reject(err) : resolve(data);
var result = await myPromise();
let allowedEmails = []; => allowedEmails.push(;
emails = allowedEmails;
return emails;
Your code has couple of issues, I have fixed few and enhanced it, given below is the basic code, try to test it and if everything works then enhance it as needed:
const MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient;
async function getAllowedEmails() {
let client;
try {
const allowedEmails = [];
client = await MongoClient.connect(url);
const db = client.db("data-admin");
const result = await db.collection("users").find({}).toArray(); => allowedEmails.push(;
return allowedEmails;
} catch (error) {
(client) && client.close();
throw error;

context.hasRole is not a function in Nodejs sinon testing issue

I had made function to fetch cloudwatch details from AWS.I trying to create a testcase in node.js and using sinon but i am getting a context.hasRole is not defined because i am checking this in my function file which is cloudwatch.js.
Can you please help me to fake this test
describe('cloudwatch', () => {
let sandbox = null;
beforeEach(() => {
sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(AWS.config);
afterEach(() => {
it('Should return queryid', async () => {
let queryId = {
queryId: "12ab3456-12ab-123a-789e-1234567890ab"
const body = {
endTime: 34568765,
queryString: 'filter #message like /Audit/',
startTime: 34565678,
limit: 100,
logGroupName: '/aws/lambda/dev-api--service-sandbox-api'
let params = {}
let queryid = {
queryId: 6786971301298309123
await cloudwatch.startQuery(context, params, body, callback);
let cloudwatch = module.exports = {};
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const nconf = require('nconf');
const {
} = require('api-lib');
AWS.config = nconf.get('amazonCloudWatchLogsClient');
cloudwatch.startQuery = async function(context, params, body,
callback) {
body.startTime = new Date(body.startTime).valueOf();
body.endTime = new Date(body.endTime).valueOf();
if (!context.hasRole("read:cloudwatch"))
return callback(new HttpUnauthorizedError("context missing role
const amazonCloudWatchLogsClient = new
let result = await amazonCloudWatchLogsClient.startQuery(body,
function(err) {
console.log("Error", err);
callback(null, new HttpResult(result));
cloudwatch.getQueryResults = async function(context, params,
requestBody, callback) {
let test = requestBody.queryId;
test = test.toString();
requestBody.queryId = test;
if (!context.hasRole("read:cloudwatch"))
return callback(new HttpUnauthorizedError("context missing role
const amazonCloudWatchLogsClient = new
let result2 = await
function(err) {
console.log("Error", err);
callback(null, new HttpResult(result2));
I am using eslint and except from chai for comparing the output to the sample output.

Mocha Tests Running Before Docs Defined in Before Block Are Done

I am creating some mocha tests for my Node app. In my test, before retrieving some docs that are created, I need to first create those docs in the database. Then I retrieve them and run some tests on the results.
The problem I'm noticing is that even though I've included the function that needs to run to create the docs in the first before() block, and even though I'm awaiting the result of the doc creation function, my tests run BEFORE the docs are finished being created. It seems the before() block doesn't do quite what I think it does.
How can I rectify this to ensure the doc creation has finished BEFORE the test checks run?
const seedJobs = require('./seeder').seedJobs;
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const client = new MongoClient(`${url}${dbName}${auth}`);
describe("Seeding Script", async function () {
const testDate = new Date(2019, 01, 01);
let db;
before(async function () {
await seedJobs(); // This is the function that creates the docs in the db
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.connect(async function (err) {
assert.equal(null, err);
if (err) return reject(err);
try {
db = await client.db(dbName);
} catch (error) {
return reject(error);
return resolve(db);
// Now I retrieve the created doc and run checks on it
describe("Check VBR Code Update", async function () {
let result;
const jobName = 'VBR Code Update';
before(async function () {
result = await db.collection(collection).findOne({
name: jobName
it("should have a property 'name'", async function () {
it("should have a 'name' of 'VBR Code Update'", async function ()
it("should have a property 'nextRunAt'", function () {
it("should return a date for the 'nextRunAt' property", function () {
assert.typeOf(result.nextRunAt, "date");
it("should 'nextRunAt' to be a date after test date", function () {
// Other tests
You are mixing promises and async together which is not needed. The Nodejs driver supports async/await so rather keep it consistent.
I cannot see the seedJobs function but assume it works as expected. I suggest you update the before function as per the example below.
You also have an error initializing the date, the format should be:
const testDate = new Date(2019, 1, 1);
See the below init of mongodb client and use of await:
const mongodb = require('mongodb');
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const config = {
db: {
url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
database: 'showcase'
describe("Seeding Script", function () {
const testDate = new Date(2019, 1, 1);
let db;
seedJobs = async () => {
const collections = await db.collections();
if ( => c.s.namespace.collection).includes('tests')) {
await db.collection('tests').drop();
let bulk = db.collection('tests').initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
const count = 5000000;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
bulk.insert( { name: `name ${i}`} );
let result = await bulk.execute();
result = await db.collection('tests').insertOne({
name: 'VBR Code Update'
before(async function () {
const connection = await mongodb.MongoClient.connect(config.db.url, {useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true});
db = connection.db(config.db.database);
await seedJobs();
// Now I retrieve the created doc and run checks on it
describe("Check VBR Code Update", async function () {
let result;
const jobName = 'VBR Code Update';
before(async function () {
result = await db.collection('tests').findOne({
name: jobName
it("should have a property 'name'", async function () {

How to do Integration tests NodeJS + Firebase Admin?

I'm trying to write some integration tests on NodeJS with Firebase (firebase-admin, with the test library jest and supertest), and some tests are failing randomly when I run all my tests. Separately, my tests are passing, but it seems like when too many test cases are running, some api calls are failing. Does someone here already had such problem? What are the solutions for this problem? What could cause this problem? (NB: I run my tests sequentially for not mixing up the initialization of my database. I use the option --runInBand with jest)
There are some mocking libraries available, but it seems like they work with the old api of firebase.
Another solution would be to mock all my functions that manipulate firebase, but I won't have a "real" integration test anymore, and it means doing a lot of extra coding for writing those mock. Is it a best practice to do so?
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: code snippet:
const request = require('supertest');
const net = require('net');
const app = require('../src/server').default;
export const initServer = () => {
const server = net.createServer(function(sock) {
sock.end('Hello world\n');
return server
export const createAdminAndReturnToken = async (password) => {
await request(app.callback())
// user logs in
const res = await request(app.callback())
import firestore from "../../src/tools/firestore/index";
export async function execOperations(operations,action,obj) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "test") {
await Promise.all(operations)
.then(() => {
console.log(action+" "+obj+" in database");
.catch(() => {
console.log("Error", "error while "+action+"ing "+obj+" to database");
} else {
"cannot execute this action outside from the test environment"
//////////////////////// Delete collections ////////////////////////
export async function deleteAllCollections() {
const collections = ["clients", "web_users","clients_web_users","clients_app_users","app_users"];
collections.forEach(collection => {
export async function deleteCollection(collectionPath) {
const batchSize = 10;
var collectionRef = firestore.collection(collectionPath);
var query = collectionRef.orderBy("__name__").limit(batchSize);
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
deleteQueryBatch(firestore, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
async function deleteQueryBatch(firestore, query, batchSize, resolve, reject) {
.then(snapshot => {
// When there are no documents left, we are done
if (snapshot.size == 0) {
return 0;
// Delete documents in a batch
var batch = firestore.batch(); => {
return batch.commit().then(() => {
return snapshot.size;
.then(numDeleted => {
if (numDeleted === 0) {
// Recurse on the next process tick, to avoid
// exploding the stack.
process.nextTick(() => {
deleteQueryBatch(firestore, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
import firestore from "../../src/tools/firestore/index";
import {execOperations} from "./utils";
import { generateClientData } from "../factory/clientFactory";
jest.setTimeout(10000); // some actions here needs more than the standard 5s timeout of jest
export async function addClient(client) {
const clientData = await generateClientData(client);
await firestore
export async function addClients(clientNb) {
let operations = [];
for (let i = 0; i < clientNb; i++) {
const clientData = await generateClientData({});
await firestore
await execOperations(operations,"add","client");
import firestore from "../../src/tools/firestore/index";
import { resolveSnapshotData } from "../../src/tools/tools";
export async function getAllClients() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(data => {
resolveSnapshotData(data, resolve);
.catch(err => reject(err));
const request = require('supertest');
const app = require('../../../src/server').default;
const {deleteAllCollections, deleteCollection} = require('../../../__utils__/populate/utils')
const {addClient} = require('../../../__utils__/populate/populateClient')
const {getAllClients} = require('../../../__utils__/retrieve/retrieveClient')
const {initServer,createAdminAndReturnToken} = require('../../../__utils__/initTest');
const faker = require('faker');
let token_admin;
let _server;
// for simplicity, we use the same password for every users
const password = "secretpassword";
beforeAll(async () => {
_server = initServer(); // start
await deleteAllCollections()
// create a super admin, login and store the token
token_admin = await createAdminAndReturnToken(password);
_server.close(); // stop
afterAll(async () => {
// remove the users created during the campaign
_server = initServer(); // start
await deleteAllCollections()
_server.close(); // stop
describe('Manage client', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
_server = initServer(); // start
afterEach(async () => {
await deleteCollection("clients")
_server.close(); // stop
describe('Get All clients', () => {
const exec = (token) => {
return request(app.callback())
it('should return a 200 when super admin provide the action', async () => {
const res = await exec(token_admin);
it('should contain an empty array while no client registered', async () => {
const res = await exec(token_admin);
it('should contain an array with one item while a client is registered', async () => {
// add a client
const clientId = faker.random.uuid();
await addClient({name:"client name",description:"client description",id:clientId})
// call get clients and check the result
const res = await exec(token_admin);
expect([0]).toHaveProperty('name','client name');
expect([0]).toHaveProperty('description','client description');
describe('Get client by ID', () => {
const exec = (token,clientId) => {
return request(app.callback())
.get('/clients/' + clientId)
it('should return a 200 when super admin provide the action', async () => {
const clientId = faker.random.uuid();
await addClient({id:clientId})
const res = await exec(token_admin,clientId);
it('should return a 404 when the client does not exist', async () => {
const nonExistingClientId = faker.random.uuid();
const res = await exec(token_admin,nonExistingClientId);
describe('Update client', () => {
const exec = (token,clientId,client) => {
return request(app.callback())
.patch('/clients/' + clientId)
const clientModified = {
name:"name modified",
description:"description modified",
app_user_licenses: 15
it('should return a 200 when super admin provide the action', async () => {
const clientId = faker.random.uuid();
await addClient({id:clientId})
const res = await exec(token_admin,clientId,clientModified);
// check if the client id modified
let clients = await getAllClients();
it('should return a 404 when the client does not exist', async () => {
const nonExistingClientId = faker.random.uuid();
const res = await exec(token_admin,nonExistingClientId,clientModified);
describe('Create client', () => {
const exec = (token,client) => {
return request(app.callback())
it('should return a 200 when super admin does the action', async () => {
const res = await exec(token_admin,{name:"clientA",description:"description for clientA"});
it('list of clients should be appended when a new client is created', async () => {
let clients = await getAllClients();
const res = await exec(token_admin,{name:"clientA",description:"description for clientA"});
clients = await getAllClients();
expect(clients[0]).toHaveProperty('description','description for clientA');
describe('Delete client', () => {
const exec = (token,clientId) => {
return request(app.callback())
.delete('/clients/'+ clientId)
it('should return a 200 when super admin does the action', async () => {
const clientId = faker.random.uuid();
await addClient({id:clientId})
const res = await exec(token_admin,clientId);
it('should return a 404 when trying to delete a non-existing id', async () => {
const clientId = faker.random.uuid();
const nonExistingId = faker.random.uuid();
await addClient({id:clientId})
const res = await exec(token_admin,nonExistingId);
it('the client deleted should be removed from the list of clients', async () => {
const clientIdToDelete = faker.random.uuid();
const clientIdToRemain = faker.random.uuid();
await addClient({id:clientIdToRemain})
await addClient({id:clientIdToDelete})
let clients = await getAllClients();
await exec(token_admin,clientIdToDelete);
clients = await getAllClients();
jest command: jest --coverage --forceExit --runInBand --collectCoverageFrom=src/**/*ts
I found the problem: I had a problem on the "deleteAllCollection" function, I forgot to put an "await".
Here is the correction for this function:
export async function deleteAllCollections() {
const collections = ["clients", "web_users","clients_web_users","clients_app_users","app_users"];
for (const collection of collections) {
await deleteCollection(collection);

Exporting a function declared inside asynchronous function

I have a file in which mongoose is setup
const keys = require('../chat/config/keys');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const dbURI = keys.mongoURI;
mongoose.connect(dbURI, { useNewUrlParser: true });
mongoose.set('debug', true);
let fetchVideo;
mongoose.connection.once('open', function () {
console.log('Mongoose default connection open to ' + dbURI);
let connectToDB = mongoose.connection.db;
let videoChatDB = connectToDB.collection('videochat');
fetchVideo = ({ id }) => {
if (id !== '100') {
videoChatDB.findOne({'studentID': parseInt(id)}).then((user) => {
if (user) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
module.exports = { fetchVideo };
And I am requiring that file inside my index.js file like so:
let db = require('./db');
In my index file I have a socket connection and I need to check the database when a new user comes.
socket.on('new-user', async (user) => {
let checkAvail = await db.fetchVideo(user);
But I am getting this error:
TypeError: db.fetchVideo is not a function
I am guessing it is undefined since it is declared inside an asynchronous function.
How would I make this to work?
Because the function is created asynchronously, one option is to export a Promise that resolves to fetchVideo function. Because mongoose.connection.once is callback-based, you'll have to transform it into a Promise.
If you want fetchVideo to resolve to something (rather than nothing), you also have to properly chain the findOne call with the promise chain; to fix that, return videoChatDB.findOne....
const fetchVideoProm = new Promise((res, rej) => {
mongoose.connection.once('open', function () {
console.log('Mongoose default connection open to ' + dbURI);
let connectToDB = mongoose.connection.db;
let videoChatDB = connectToDB.collection('videochat');
const fetchVideo = ({ id }) => {
if (id !== '100') {
return videoChatDB.findOne({'studentID': parseInt(id)}).then((user) => {
if (user) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
module.exports = { fetchVideoProm };
Consume it by awaiting the creation of the fetchVideo function, and then calling it:
socket.on('new-user', async (user) => {
const fetchVideo = await db.fetchVideoProm;
const checkAvail = await fetchVideo(user);
