How do I bind a terminal command to the execution of a shell script? - linux

Say I have a programme that's run from a shell script:
cd /path/to/file/
How would I bind that to a single command so I only have to type one thing? ie for most installed programmes I can just type the name of the programme and it's running

you must add your script path in $PATH variable in ~/.bashrc file ,like this:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/file
or put your script in linux binary directory like /usr/local/bin , /usr/bin

For this you need to create a script with a name and give execute permission to it. Then Copy that script to /usr/bin directory . Now you can run your scrpt as a command in terminal. For details please refer the link


lzma command not found when executing shell script only under sudo

I am building project source code in a SUSE server.
The project called "lzma" command to compress kernel.
The project need "sudo" to get access to some system command.
But I has tried to execute "sudo ./", and the shell always report error: "lzma: command not found."
I could execute "lzma" in shell with my user account. It works fine.
I also write a test shell script named "" which calls "lzma" command.
I found that it fails with same error message if I excute "" with "sudo" .
But if I execute "" without "sudo", it works fine.
Why ?
"Command not found" within sudo is almost invariably the result of an environment variable such as PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH (if what's missing is not the executable but a shared library it requires) or the like being altered.
You can pass working values through your environment variables through explicitly:
sudo PATH="$PATH" ./
Sudo uses a different Path then your user account.
EDIT (see comments)
Try and execute:
type lzma
Say the output reads something like '/usr/bin/lzma', then just copy that output into your sudo command like (for example):
sudo /usr/bin/lzma
That should do the trick. You should also write the full path of lzma into your shell script if you are to run it as root.
Or, as Charles Duffy mentioned in his answer, you could leave all things as is and simply use PATH="$PATH" in your command if you are trying to execute your file as SUDO or as a different user.

creating a command to go to a specific shortcut

So basically, I just installed ubuntu on bash on my windows PC and every time I have to go to desktop I have to type cd /mnt/c/Users/Name/Desktop. is there a way that I can make a script or command so everytime i type in "desktop" it changes my directory to desktop? I've never done Linux/bash scripting and therefore I have no clue. I just use it for the g++ compiler.
There are many ways to do this:
Create an executable program that runs the command cd /mnt/c/Users/Name/Desktop (this is iain's answer, and a perfectly fine one; the only issue might be that you'll need to either enter the full path for that program every time you run it, or you'll need to put it into a directory that is already included in your $PATH environment variable.)
Create an environment variable that contains the path you'd like, then cd to it cd $DESKTOP.
export DESKTOP="/mnt/c/Users/Name/Desktop"
You'll likely want to put the creation of this environment variable into your .bashrc or .profile, so it gets created each time you login.
echo 'export DESKTOP="/mnt/c/Users/Name/Desktop"' >> ~/.bashrc
(Note: the above adds it to the end of the .bashrc file. Once you learn more about bash and .bashrc you will probably want to move it to another location in the file.)
Create an alias that does the same thing.
alias mydesk='cd /mnt/c/Users/Name/Desktop'
Again, you'll likely want to add the creation of this alias to your .bashrc or .profile file, so it gets created each time you login:
echo "alias mydesk='cd /mnt/c/Users/Name/Desktop'" >> ~/.bashrc
(Note: the above adds it to the end of the .bashrc file. Once you learn more about bash and .bashrc you will probably want to move it to another location in the file or even a different file completely.)
Assuming that "/mnt/c/Users/Name/" is your home directory, you can just use the shortcut for that, then append "Desktop" to it:
cd ~/Desktop
cd $HOME/Desktop
You can give this a try ...
make a file called desktop
Put this into it:
cd /mnt/c/Users/Name/Desktop
close the file and then make it executable.
$ chmod +x desktop
Now by typing . desktop (note the dot) you should be taken to your desktop.
You may also be able to add the script to your path, so that it will run from anywhere in the bash environment; Depending upon how like ubuntu your environment is.

I'm learning about shebangs. How do I make it work with node.js in a Mac terminal?

I have:
#!/usr/bin/env node
console.log("It works!");
I learned that env finds the node program and interprets it with node. I checked that env exists in /usr/bin.
When I call node itworks.js it works and outputs It works!. However, from what I understand, I should just be able to call itworks.js without node due to the shebang. But when I make this command it says -bash: itworks.js: command not found.
Could someone help me get the shebang to work?
First of all you need to make the file executable:
chmod +x itworks.js
Then you need to call it by specifying the path as well. Either:
The reason for :
-bash: itworks.js: command not found
is because bash looks for programs in directories in the PATH environment variable when you do not say where the file is - it does not look in the current directory unless you tell it.
You could update the PATH variable with the current directory shortcut ., but that can be a security risk, so most run the program like this:
Of course if you put your scripts all in one directory then you could add that to PATH in one of your start-up files. For example, if you had a directory called bin in your home directory that held your scripts:
You also need to add the execute permissions to the script:
chmod u+x itworks.js
The u indicates that we only give permission for the current user to execute this file. If we omit the u then anyone can run it.

How to set a program to run in Linux terminal only with program name

I'm new to Linux and I wonder there are many programs we can use only program name to start it in Linux terminal, like gedit,vi,firefox instead of providing the all program's path,I like to run my own programs like this in terminal only typing program name, programs I like to run are written in Java and Python (.jar, .pyc, .py and .class)
I like to know how to do it with step by step
You can write whatever program/script you have to behave as a command. Let's say your executable script/program is named as my_script and is placed in /path/to/my_script.
Be sure that the script is executable. If not,then please do
chmod +x /path/to/my_script
Then, place a symlink to this location in /usr/local/bin as
sudo ln -s /path/to/my_script /usr/local/bin
You can add the symlink to any of the paths mentioned in $PATH.
That's it and enjoy your program.
The other answers all involve creating a symlink in a directory that is already listed in the system PATH, but I think it is more unixy to add needed directories to your PATH.
If your script is located at $HOME/bin/myscript and you have already made sure that it is executable then you can run
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
to run it without giving the full path. And you can add that same line to your .bashrc file in your home directory to have it preloaded whenever you start your shell. This approach does not require that the user has permission to create symlinks in system directories.
If you have an executable binary file in your home folder (let's say for example sublime_text) you must give it execute permision and call it with its relative path
chmod +x sublime_text
If you made a symlink to it in /usr/bin (or other folders included in your PATH), you would be able to call it by its name
sudo ln -s ~/sublime_text /usr/bin/sublime_text
In your case, you aren't dealing with binary files, but with scripts meant to be interpreted. For this you must prepend a shebang telling linux what's the binary meant to execute the script. If it was, for example, a python script ~/, these could be the contents of the script:
print "Hello, World!"
Where the first line tells linux to use the python binary to execute the script.
From then on, you can do:
chmod +x
sudo ln -s ~/ /usr/bin/hello
And it will echo "Hello World" to the console.

call a shell script(command line tool) inside another shell script

I am using a tool called Droidbox for experiment.
The tool has a shell script which I can invoke through terminal. takes one argument i.e path of the apk
Usage: ./ APK
I want to call the through a shell script.
I wrote a shell script like
/home/xxx/DroidBox_4.1.1/ "$ARG1"
I am getting error which says
python: can't open file 'scripts/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Can anybody point out what am I doing wrong?
Your error message does not come from your script, but from the called one.
It sounds like the script is not very smart and requires you to set the current working directory before you can call it.
I would typically use also some more variables, so you better see what belongs together:
set -e
If you dont use set -e you better combine commands which need to succeed together:
Otherwise the cd might fail when the directory is missing and all following commands execute in the wrong directory.
This error is because you're running the script in a different folder than the folder that houses your "scripts/" file. You can fix this in the following way(s):
Move the "scripts/" folder to the directory that you're running this script out of using "mv /path/to/scripts/ ."
Move your customer script to the folder that contains scripts/ and run the script from there
