Get Generic Inquiry to display in user's setup time zone - acumatica

I have a generic inquiry where the LastModifiedDateTime is one of the fieids - but it displays it in the format of what's in the database (GMT - 8 hrs) instead of converting it to the user's setup datetime (e.g., Pacific Standard)- which would show the wrong date if you're at or around midnight. I know that there are screens that make this conversion internally - but I can't tell how.
Is there any way of making it display the proper (user's setup) datetime in a GI?


Can you force Dialogflow to extract the date-time entity instead of separate date and time entities?

I'm building a Google Home skill using Dialogflow. I want the user to be able to say a date time such as "today at 3pm", "Wednesday at 11am", or "August 10 at 5pm."
Dialogflow has several prebuilt entities including: date, time, and date-time. For some reason the system seems to always parse date and time separately instead of just as date-time. I've tried putting in several examples and manually setting the entity type to date-time but whenever I add another one it always parses them separately.
Any ideas how I could force it to extract date-time as one entity?
You can use or can have a composite custom entity and use it for the intents. There could be any combination of the entity that you can put there. Once you extract it, you can use regex to extract date and time in your webhook.

XPages Date field with date picker saves value with 12:00:00 time

I use standard dojo date picker and it works fine. Only problem is that actual value that is saved to the document has always 12:00:00 time part. I assume it probably tries to set 12 AM, but since I'm in Europe (CET time zone) it really means noon.
This is quite annoying when I try to do date/time comparison later.
I found posts how I can strip time part completely, e.g. XPages - save date only in Date field , but it needs extra code in post save and in some cases I can't use post save because of access rights.
I understand that XPages work with Java Date that has no option for date only, but at least it should return just 00:00, not 12:00. When I tried to play with timezone setting on the converter I got even different time values in the field.
I was able to change the behavior using custom renderer and component for the datetimehelper, but it is really an overkill. Standard implementation bypasses used convertor, so just custom converter didn't help.
Is there any way how to force the date field to just return date with 00:00 time part? I don't expect any magic where it would save just dateonly field to the document.
No, it's not trying to set 12am and being affected by timezone, what you're seeing is standard. I think it started with 9.0. I suspect the timing is to avoid impacts from Daylight Savings Time changes.
One option is to call .setAnyTime() on the DateTime object for the field.

Use XML Data exported from Health App

I'm trying to write some code to import in Excel the xml export from the health app Excel so I can chart various metrics over a longer period with more detail. For the blood glucose readings, the "startDate" and "endDate" attributes don't appear to be dates connected to times the data was entred using the app on the iPhone.
Anyone have an idea on how to interpret these dates? It is an average of some type? I can't find any documentation on the xml entries.
One thing to note - for the "weight" xml entries, the time in the xml export is the exact time the entry was added to the iPhone app.
The timestamps use ISO 8601, so the time of the first record is 6:43-7:43am (PDT), and the second record is 5:43-6:43pm (PDT). Looks like the Health app exports values aggregated at the hour level, not individual measurements, though it seems strange that the times don't start at full hours.
Does the Health app have any options for the export? Couldn't find any documentation, either, and would love to get hold of a sample file (I don't have an iOS device at the moment)!

Recurring Event or Automatically push Entry date forward in ExpressionEngine

I've got an events channel set up on a client site where everything is working just fine. However they now have a single event that runs every Sunday. Due to using the start_on parameter to only show events from the current month onwards this recurring event is now displaying a blank page.
Is there a simple way to have the entries publish date automatically updated to the current month or somehow display recurring events correctly. Client is unwilling to spend money on a new module such as Solspace Calendar.
You could set up a cron job on the server to run a PHP script which would modify the entry date on your recurring entry.
Yeah I see your dilemma, Sean - separating the event from its month and year (year in particular) to have one even display multiple times... What about using MX Clone to simply allow them to create multiple instances of the same entry (granted, they'd have to adjust the date for each one too, but that can be done en masse from the mass edit screen if you're using one of the native date fields and not a custom date field)?
Could you make the entry sticky? Not sure whether that would override the start_on parameter or not.

J2ME Get current time zone

I have a j2me application and it needs to get the name of the current timezone and send it off to the server.
However, the only format that I seem to be able to get the phone to give me is "GMT-5:00". What I want the application to do is return the timezone's name (EST, PST, etc.)
I iterated over the string[] returned by TimeZone.getAvailableIds() and it has a list of all the time zones in the format that I want them in. (EST, CST, 'Pheonix, USA', 'Europe/Samara', etc.)
Any ideas on how to get the timezone's name instead of as an offset from GMT+0? Thanks in advance.
TimeZone.getID() is what you're looking for; it should return one of the values returned by TimeZone.getAvailableIDs().
you can make an array in which you'll put all your time zone ids. then just add 12 to the returned time zone offset and you can use that as an index for calling time zone names from your array.
