What does it mean to modify local variable from another thread? - multithreading

I wrote the following simple application:
object Main extends App {
var v: Int = 0
val t = new Thread(() => v = 1)
println(v) //prints 1
The thing that I was confused by was that we modify local variable from another thread... And that modification (made by the other thread) is visible in the main thread.
I thought local variables are always reside in a stack (stack memory the bottom is pointed to rsp register). I thought the stack memory is allocated for each thread in the application.
Upd: Even if we modify the app as follows it prints the same:
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
var v: Int = 0
val t = new Thread(() => v = 1)
println(v) //prints 1

v is not a local variable in this case. It is a member of Main singletone object.
Update for the second example:
Closure () => v = 1 is compiled into an anonymous class that captures all variables it depends on. Stack-allocated primitives are turned into heap-allocated objects.
Here it is explained in details:
How does the memory management of closures in Scala work?

What this is doing is turning what appears to be a stack object into a heap object. In Java you can do this using array of 1 without adding special classes as Scala does.
public static void main(String... args) {
int[] v = { 0 };
Thread t = new Thread(() => v[0] = 1);
println(v[0]); //prints 1


Stop Thread in Kotlin

First of all, I'm new in Kotlin, so please be nice :).
It's also my first time posting on StackOverflow
I want to literally STOP the current thread that I created but nothing works.
I tried quit(), quitSafely(), interrupt() but nothing works.
I created a class (Data.kt), in which I create and initialize a Handler and HandlerThread as follows :
class Dispatch(private val label: String = "main") {
var handler: Handler? = null
var handlerThread: HandlerThread? = null
init {
if (label == "main") {
handlerThread = null
handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())
} else {
handlerThread = HandlerThread(label)
handler = Handler(handlerThread!!.looper)
fun async(runnable: Runnable) = handler!!.post(runnable)
fun async(block: () -> (Unit)) = handler!!.post(block)
fun asyncAfter(milliseconds: Long, function: () -> (Unit)) {
handler!!.postDelayed(function, milliseconds)
fun asyncAfter(milliseconds: Long, runnable: Runnable) {
handler!!.postDelayed(runnable, milliseconds)
companion object {
val main = Dispatch()
private val global = Dispatch("global")
//fun global() = global
And now, in my DataManager, I use these to do asynchronous things :
fun getSomething(forceNetwork: Boolean ) {
val queue1 = Dispatch("thread1") // Create a thread called "thread1"
queue1.async {
for (i in 0..2_000_000) {
print("Hello World")
// Do everything i want in the current thread
// And on the main thread I call my callback
Dispatch.main.async {
Now, in my MainActivity, I made 2 buttons :
One for running the function getSomething()
The other one is used for switching to another Controller View :
val button = findViewById<Button>(R.id.button)
button.setOnClickListener {
val button2 = findViewById<Button>(R.id.button2)
button2.setOnClickListener {
val intent = Intent(this, Test::class.java) // Switch to my Test Controller
Is there a way to stop the thread, because when I switch to my second View, print("Hello World") is still triggered, unfortunately.
Thanks for helping me guys I hope that you understand !
A thread needs to periodically check a (global) flag and when it becomes true then the thread will break out from the loop. Java threads cannot be safely stopped without its consent.
Refer to page 252 here http://www.rjspm.com/PDF/JavaTheCompleteReference.pdf that describes the true story behind the legend.
I think that a truly interruptible thread is only possible through the support of the operating system kernel. The actual true lock is held deep down by the CPU hardware microprocessor.

Nicifying execution contex's thread pool's output for logging/debuging in scala

Is there is nice way to rename a pool in/for an executon context to produce nicer output in logs/wile debugging. Not to be look like ForkJoinPool-2-worker-7 (because ~2 tells nothing about pool's purose in app) but WorkForkJoinPool-2-worker-7.. wihout creating new WorkForkJoinPool class for it?
object LogSample extends App {
val ex1 = ExecutionContext.global
val ex2 = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(null:Executor) // another global ex context
val system = ActorSystem("system")
val log = Logging(system.eventStream, "my.nice.string")
Future {
Future {
// output, like this:
[INFO] [09/14/2015 21:53:34.897] [ForkJoinPool-2-worker-7] [my.nice.string] 2
[INFO] [09/14/2015 21:53:34.897] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-7] [my.nice.string] 1
You need to implement custom thread factory, something like this:
class CustomThreadFactory(prefix: String) extends ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory {
def newThread(fjp: ForkJoinPool): ForkJoinWorkerThread = {
val thread = new ForkJoinWorkerThread(fjp) {}
thread.setName(prefix + "-" + thread.getName)
val threadFactory = new CustomThreadFactory("custom prefix here")
val uncaughtExceptionHandler = new UncaughtExceptionHandler {
override def uncaughtException(t: Thread, e: Throwable) = e.printStackTrace()
val executor = new ForkJoinPool(10, threadFactory, uncaughtExceptionHandler, true)
val ex2 = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(executor) // another global ex context
val system = ActorSystem("system")
val log = Logging(system.eventStream, "my.nice.string")
Future {
log.info("2") //[INFO] [09/15/2015 18:22:43.728] [custom prefix here-ForkJoinPool-1-worker-29] [my.nice.string] 2
Ok. Seems this is not possible (particulary for default global iml) due to current scala ExecutonContext implementation.
What I could do is just copy that impl and replace:
class DefaultThreadFactory(daemonic: Boolean) ... {
def wire[T <: Thread](thread: T): T = {
thread.setName("My" + thread.getId) // ! add this one (make 'My' to be variable)
because threadFactory there
val threadFactory = new DefaultThreadFactory(daemonic = true)
is harcoded ...
(seems Vladimir Petrosyan was first showing nicer way :) )

data inconsistency error in multi-threaded env

Suppose one class has two variables : a and b.
Now in that class I am updating the values of two variables in a Synchnonized block, and again updating the values of those two variables in different method.
Now two threads are accessing this class. Will it cause the data inconsistency error ???
class ABC {
int a = 9, b = 18;
public void method1() {
synchronized (this) {
a += 10;
b += 12;
public void method2() {
a += 18;
b += 23;
Two threads are accessing this object at a time. What will happen ? Whether data consistency will be occur here or not ??
When one thread is running method2() nothing stops another to go through method1(). Since += is not an atomic operation you are open to concurrency problems.

Scala synchronized consumer producer

I want to implement something like the producer-consumer problem (with only one information transmitted at a time), but I want the producer to wait for someone to take his message before leaving.
Here is an example that doesn't block the producer but works otherwise.
class Channel[T]
private var _msg : Option[T] = None
def put(msg : T) : Unit =
waitFor(_msg == None)
_msg = Some(msg)
def get() : T =
waitFor(_msg != None)
val ret = _msg.get
_msg = None
return ret
private def waitFor(b : => Boolean) =
while(!b) wait
How can I changed it so the producers gets blocked (as the consumer is) ?
I tried to add another waitFor at the end of but sometimes my producer doesn't get released.
For instance, if I have put ; get || get ; put, most of the time it works, but sometimes, the first put is not terminated and the left thread never even runs the get method (I print something once the put call is terminated, and in this case, it never gets printed).
This is why you should use a standard class, SynchronousQueue in this case.
If you really want to work through your problematic code, start by giving us a failing test case or a stack trace from when the put is blocking.
You can do this by means of a BlockingQueue descendant whose producer put () method creates a semaphore/event object that is queued up with the passed message and then the producer thread waits on it.
The consumer get() method extracts a message from the queue and signals its semaphore, so allowing its original producer to run on.
This allows a 'synchronous queue' with actual queueing functionality, should that be what you want?
I came up with something that appears to be working.
class Channel[T]
class Transfer[A]
protected var _msg : Option[A] = None
def msg_=(a : A) = _msg = Some(a)
def msg : A =
// Reading the message destroys it
val ret = _msg.get
_msg = None
return ret
def isEmpty = _msg == None
def notEmpty = !isEmpty
object Transfer {
def apply[A](msg : A) : Transfer[A] =
var t = new Transfer[A]()
t.msg = msg
return t
// Hacky but Transfer has to be invariant
object Idle extends Transfer[T]
protected var offer : Transfer[T] = Idle
protected var request : Transfer[T] = Idle
def put(msg : T) : Unit =
// push an offer as soon as possible
waitFor(offer == Idle)
offer = Transfer(msg)
// request the transfer
// wait for the transfer to go (ie the msg to be absorbed)
waitFor(offer isEmpty)
// delete the completed offer
offer = Idle
def get() : T =
// push a request as soon as possible
waitFor(request == Idle)
request = new Transfer()
// request the transfer
// wait for the transfer to go (ie the msg to be delivered)
waitFor(request notEmpty)
val ret = request.msg
// delete the completed request
request = Idle
return ret
protected def requestTransfer()
if(offer != Idle && request != Idle)
request.msg = offer.msg
protected def waitFor(b : => Boolean) =
while(!b) wait
It has the advantage of respecting symmetry between producer and consumer but it is a bit longer than what I had before.
Thanks for your help.
Edit : It is better but still not safeā€¦

How to make object (a mutable stack) thread-safe?

How to make Scala object thread-safe.
class Stack {
case class Node(value: Int, var next: Node)
private var head: Node = null
private var sz = 0
def push(newValue: Int) {
head = Node(newValue, head)
sz += 1
def pop() = {
val oldNode = head
head = oldNode.next
oldNode.next = null
sz -= 1
def size = sz //I am accessing sz from two threads
This class is clearly not threadsafe. I want to make it threadsafe.
Thanks in Advance,
Just because it's fun, you can also make this thread-safe by popping head into an AtomicReference and avoiding synchronized altogether. Thusly:
final class Stack {
private val head = new AtomicReference[Node](Nil)
def push(newValue: Int) {
val current = head.get()
if (!head.compareAndSet(current, Node(newValue, current))) {
def pop(): Option[Int] = head.get() match {
case current # Cons(v, tail) => {
if (!head.compareAndSet(current, tail))
case Nil => None
def size = {
def loop(node: Node, size: Int): Int = node match {
case Cons(_, tail) => loop(tail, size + 1)
case Nil => size
loop(head.get(), 0)
private sealed trait Node
private case class Cons(head: Int, tail: Node) extends Node
private case object Nil extends Node
This avoids locking entirely and provides substantially better throughput than the synchronized version. It's worth noting though that this sort of fake thread-safe data structure is rarely a good idea. Handling synchronization and state management concerns at the level of a data structure is a bit like trying to handle IO exceptions within an XML parser: you're trying to solve the right problem in the wrong place and you don't have the information needed to do that. For example, the stack above is perfectly safe, but it's certainly not consistent across operations (e.g. you could push and subsequently pop onto a stack and get None as a result).
Your better option is to use an immutable stack (like List) and throw that into an AtomicReference if you need shared mutable state.
To my mind, the easiest way to make this meaningfully thread-safe would be as follows:
class Stack {
case class Node(value: Int, var next: Node)
private var head: Node = null
private var sz : Int = 0
def push(newValue: Int) {
synchronized {
head = Node(newValue, head)
sz += 1
def pop() : Option[Int] = {
synchronized {
if ( sz >= 1 ) {
val ret = Some(head.value)
val oldNode = head
head = oldNode.next
oldNode.next = null
sz -= 1
} else {
def size = synchronized { sz }
This implementation would allow you to ensure that push's and pop's would be atomic, with pop returning a Some wrapping the value it removed from the top of the stack or None if the stack was already empty.
As a note, access to the size is synchronized, but you have no way of guaranteeing that it will be correct at any point after it is returned, since multiple threads are able to access the stack, potentially altering its size. If you really do need to know the size exactly accurately, you would have to go about this differently, synchronizing on the whole stack when you use it.
