Admissible search algorithms 15 puzzle, 8 way moves - search

Simple question:
Is the Euclidean distance admissible in a 15 puzzle if we assume a block can move in 8 directions (Horizontal, vertical, diagonal), at the same cost?

No; distance needs to be a direct cognate to the number of steps in your state graph. Consider the case of a single set of move choices: up-left and up are each a single step; Euclidean distance will tell you that up-left is more expensive.
This will expand to cases fatal to your optimal solutions. For instance, moving three tiles in sequence across a main diagonal is only three steps, but Euclidean distance makes that to be more than four (3*sqrt(2)).


Line intesection in 3D with uncertainties

I have to compute the intersection of two lines in 3D space.
This qestion itself has already been adressed.
The reason why I am posting is that the lines both come with some uncertainties
in their direction.
This is represented on the figure below. Each line comes with its own coordinate axes. Uncertainty is represented by a matrix covariance, this one is generally diagonal with the azimut and elevation variance as elements. The uncertainty is geometrically represented by a conic with the line as center axe and delimited by the standard deviation (square of variance).
So, ideally, what I would like to compute is the intersection volume between these conics. Whether these ones really intersects depend on the implicit probability distributions. If you assume them to be gaussian, the intersection will always exist except that if line directions are very distant, it will have a very poor probability.
This is what I would like to assess numerically : get the volume intersection and its probability.
I assume the probability distributions of both lines to be independent.
For the moment, what I figured out is to compute the distance between both lines.
If this one is zero, they really intersect. This distance is a segment perpendicular to both lines. My guess is that the middle point of this segment will represent the point with best probability for lines to intersect.
Then, I would assume the probability distribution around that point to be gaussian and compute its covariance matrix numerically.
Do you agree with this method ? or think there would be a better way ?

Expanding Convex Hull to Reduce Sides

We have sets of labeled points whose convex hulls do not overlap. There is some empty space between the convex hulls.
Given an unlabeled point that is not in our data we want to approximately determine which convex hull it lies within.
To make the computation faster, we want to reduce the number of sides on the convex hull (thus expanding the convex hull a bit, but not too much).
What algorithms could I use?
Update: Ideally I want to do the expansion under the constraint that it not intersect a given nearby polygon. (The motivation for this constraint is that I have several disjoint hulls and want to reduce the number of sides of all of them while still keeping them disjoint. But treat this as a parenthetical because I do not want to do a joint modification. I am happy to modify one hull while keeping the others constant. I am happy to hack this simple case to do a joint modification iteratively.)
Perhaps this is worth trying.
Find the convex hull A' of A union x, and the convex hull B' of B union x.
Select whichever increases the hull area the least.
In the example below, A' is the winner.
Added in response to comment:
One route is via "minimal enclosing k-gons":
Mictchell et al.: "Minimum-Perimeter Enclosing k-gon" 2006 (CiteSeer link)
Aggarwal et al.: "Minimum Area Circumscribing Polygons" 1985 (CiteSeer link)
O'Rourke et al.: "An optimal algorithm for fnding minimal enclosing triangles" 1986, Algorithmica (ACM link)
These algorithms are, however, quite intricate and unlikely to help much.
The "point in convex polygon" test is not so expensive, as it can be performed in Lg(N) comparisons by dichotomy (split the polygon in two with a straight line, recursively until you have a single triangle left). N is the number of sides. Actually, a polygon of 27 (resp. 130) sides will cost you the double (triple) of a triangle.
If you have many hulls, exhaustive comparisons of the point against every hull is a waste. There are better approaches such as using monotone subdivisions, which could lower the search time to O(Log(M)) query time for a total of M sides, after preprocessing.
I wouldn't be surprised if the saving of processing one less edge in your rough-phase contains check is outweighed by the increased false-positive rate of the inflated hull. Indeed, you might even be making more work for yourself - every point that passes the rough-phase check will have to also be checked against the true hull anyway.
Instead of trying to reduce the n in your O(n) contains check, I'd be tempted to go straight to something amortised O(1) for the rough passes:
1st pass - check against the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB). This gives quick rejection for the vast majority of points outside the polygon.
2nd pass - divide the AABB into a grid, where each grid quad is in one of three states: fully outside the hull, intersecting the hull edge or fully inside the hull. If your point lies in an "in" or "out" quad, you can stop here.
3rd pass - any point that lies in a grid quad that intersects the polygon is checked against the hull as normal.
The state of the grid can be computed ahead of time:
Initialise each grid quad to be outside of the hull
Use the algorithm linked in this answer to trace the edges of the hull over the grid and set all intersecting quads.
The grid now contains the outline of the hull, so use a simple floodfill or scanline approach to find and set all quads on the interior of the hull.
The resolution of the grid can be varied to give a tradeoff between memory cost (2 bits per quad) and false-positive rate (low-resolution grids will lead to more O(n) conventional hull checks).
It looks like your ultimate goal is not really about convex hulls, it is about solving the point location problem ( And you seem to be determined to solve it by simply iteratively checking your point against a number of convex hulls. While I understand where convex hulls come from (they actually represent sets of points), it is still not a reason to directly use them in the algorithm. Point location problem can be solved by a number of more efficent algorithms (like search tree based on trapezoidal decomposition), which are much less sensitive to the number of edges in your hulls.

Dijkstra on 2D grid?

There are N points on a 2D grid (x,y). I need to find the shortest path, from point A to point B, but I can only travel from one point to another and I can't travel between two points if the distance between them is farther than a distance D. I thought it might be solved by using some kind of modified Dijkstra's algorithm, but I'm not sure how, because I've never implemented it before, just studied it on Wiki.
Well, Dijkstra finds shortest paths in graphs. So just consider the grid points to be nodes in a graph with edges between each node S and all other nodes T such that dist(S, T) <= D. You don't have to actually construct the graph because the edges are easily determined as needed by Dijkstra. Just check all nodes in a square around S with radius D. A S-T edge exists iff (Sx - Tx)^2 (Sy - Ty)^2 <= D^2.
Wiki explanation is sufficient for this.
Dijkstra's algorithm takes 3 inputs. The Graph, Starting node and Ending node.
To construct the graph just do this
For i 1..n in points
For j i+1..n in points
add j to childs of i
add i to childs of j
After constructing the graph, perform dijkstra.
The subtlety of a question like this lies in a critical definition - what is the measure of distance in your grid?
The are many different shortest path problems and solutions, and they are studied throughout mathematics. They are each characterised by the 'topology' of the area being searched. Consider a few distinct topologies with their own solutions:
A one sided piece of paper
Suppose your grid represents coordinates on a piece of paper - the shortest path is easy to find, as it is simply a straight line between those points.
The surface of the moon
If your grid represents locations on the moon in terms of latitude and longitude, the shortest path is an arc along the moon's surface - If you drove "in a straight line" between two points on the moon, you would be travelling in an arc, because of the moon's curvature.
Road Intersections
If you want to find the distance between two intersections in a grid of roads, where the traffic on each road has a different speed, and you can only travel along the roads, then you can find the shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm.
One way road intersections
A slight variation of the above - we only need to consider roads in one direction. There might not be any paths in this case.
To give a good solution, we need to understand the topology of your grid. If the distance is pythagerous's theorem than that indicates euclidean geometry (like in the piece of paper example), so the solution is a straight line.
Is it possible you mean that you can travel between any two points if the are closer than D - like flying a plane between airports, for example?
EDIT: I didn't see your comment because you didn't use #. In your case your grid is like the airports a plane can fly between. The shortest path is found using Dijkstra's algorithm - the immediate neighbours of a point are all points closer than D. Find them, represent it all as a graph, and use Dijkstra's algorithm.
I would suggest using the formula to find the distance between 2 points i.e sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2). This distance is always the shortest between 2 points.

find orthonormal basis for a planar 3D ( possibly degenerate) polygon

Given a general planar 3D polygon, is there a general way to find the orthonormal basis for that planar polygon?
The most straight forward way to do it is to assume to take the first 3 points of the polygon, and form two vectors each, and these are the two orthonormal basis vectors that we are looking for. But the problem for this approach is that these 3 points may line on the same line in the polygon, and hence instead of getting two orthonormal vectors, we get only one.
Another approach to find the second orthonormal vector is to loop through the polygon and find another point that forms a different orthonormal vector than the first one, but this approach is susceptible to numerical errors (e.g, what if the second vector is almost the same with the first vector? The numerical errors can be significant).
Is there any other better approach?
You can use the cross product of any two lines connected by any two vertices. If the cross product is too low then you're in degenerate territory.
You can also take the centroid (the avg of the points, which is guaranteed to lie on the same plane) and do pick the largest of any two cross products of the vectors from the centroid to any vertex. This will be the most accurate normal. Please note that if the largest cross product is small, you may have an inaccurate normal.
If you can't find any cross product that isn't close to 0, your original poly is degenerate and a normal will be hard to find. You could use arbitrary precision or adaptive precision algebra in this case, but, of course, the round-off error is already significant in the source data, so this may not help. If possible, remove degenerate polys first, and if you have to, sew the mesh back up :).
It's a bit ott but one way would be to compute the covariance matrix of the points, and then diagonalise that. If the points are indeed planar then one of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix will be zero (or rather very small, due to finite precision arithmetic) and the corresponding eigenvector will be a normal to the plane; the other two eigenvectors will span the plane of the polygon.
If you have N points, and the i'th coordinate of the k'th point is p[k,i], then the mean (vector) and (3x3) covariance matrix can be computed by
m[i] = Sum{ k | p[k,i]}/N (i=1..3)
C[i,j] = Sum{ k | (p[k,i]-m[i])*(p[k,j]-m[j]) }/N (i,j=1..3)
Note that C is symmetric, so that to find how to diagonalise it you might want to look up the "symmetric eigenvalue problem"

Decomposition to Convex Polygons

This question is a little involved. I wrote an algorithm for breaking up a simple polygon into convex subpolygons, but now I'm having trouble proving that it's not optimal (i.e. minimal number of convex polygons using Steiner points (added vertices)). My prof is adamant that it can't be done with a greedy algorithm such as this one, but I can't think of a counterexample.
So, if anyone can prove my algorithm is suboptimal (or optimal), I would appreciate it.
The easiest way to explain my algorithm with pictures (these are from an older suboptimal version)
What my algorithm does, is extends the line segments around the point i across until it hits a point on the opposite edge.
If there is no vertex within this range, it creates a new one (the red point) and connects to that:
If there is one or more vertices in the range, it connects to the closest one. This usually produces a decomposition with the fewest number of convex polygons:
However, in some cases it can fail -- in the following figure, if it happens to connect the middle green line first, this will create an extra unneeded polygon. To this I propose double checking all the edges (diagonals) we've added, and check that they are all still necessary. If not, remove it:
In some cases, however, this is not enough. See this figure:
Replacing a-b and c-d with a-c would yield a better solution. In this scenario though, there's no edges to remove so this poses a problem. In this case I suggest an order of preference: when deciding which vertex to connect a reflex vertex to, it should choose the vertex with the highest priority:
lowest) closest vertex
med) closest reflex vertex
highest) closest reflex that is also in range when working backwards (hard to explain) --
In this figure, we can see that the reflex vertex 9 chose to connect to 12 (because it was closest), when it would have been better to connect to 5. Both vertices 5 and 12 are in the range as defined by the extended line segments 10-9 and 8-9, but vertex 5 should be given preference because 9 is within the range given by 4-5 and 6-5, but NOT in the range given by 13-12 and 11-12. i.e., the edge 9-12 elimates the reflex vertex at 9, but does NOT eliminate the reflex vertex at 12, but it CAN eliminate the reflex vertex at 5, so 5 should be given preference.
It is possible that the edge 5-12 will still exist with this modified version, but it can be removed during post-processing.
Are there any cases I've missed?
Pseudo-code (requested by John Feminella) -- this is missing the bits under Figures 3 and 5
assume vertices in `poly` are given in CCW order
let 'good reflex' (better term??) mean that if poly[i] is being compared with poly[j], then poly[i] is in the range given by the rays poly[j-1], poly[j] and poly[j+1], poly[j]
for each vertex poly[i]
if poly[i] is reflex
find the closest point of intersection given by the ray starting at poly[i-1] and extending in the direction of poly[i] (call this lower bound)
repeat for the ray given by poly[i+1], poly[i] (call this upper bound)
if there are no vertices along boundary of the polygon in the range given by the upper and lower bounds
create a new vertex exactly half way between the lower and upper bound points (lower and upper will lie on the same edge)
connect poly[i] to this new point
iterate along the vertices in the range given by the lower and upper bounds, for each vertex poly[j]
if poly[j] is a 'good reflex'
if no other good reflexes have been found
save it (overwrite any other vertex found)
if it is closer then the other good reflexes vertices, save it
if no good reflexes have been found and it is closer than the other vertices found, save it
connect poly[i] to the best candidate
repeat entire algorithm for both halves of the polygon that was just split
// no reflex vertices found, then `poly` is convex
save poly
Turns out there is one more case I didn't anticipate: [Figure 5]
My algorithm will attempt to connect vertex 1 to 4, unless I add another check to make sure it can. So I propose stuffing everything "in the range" onto a priority queue using the priority scheme I mentioned above, then take the highest priority one, check if it can connect, if not, pop it off and use the next. I think this makes my algorithm O(r n log n) if I optimize it right.
I've put together a website that loosely describes my findings. I tend to move stuff around, so get it while it's hot.
I believe the regular five pointed star (e.g. with alternating points having collinear segments) is the counterexample you seek.
Edit in response to comments
In light of my revised understanding, a revised answer: try an acute five pointed star (e.g. one with arms sufficiently narrow that only the three points comprising the arm opposite the reflex point you are working on are within the range considered "good reflex points"). At least working through it on paper it appears to give more than the optimal. However, a final reading of your code has me wondering: what do you mean by "closest" (i.e. closest to what)?
Even though my answer was accepted, it isn't the counter example we initially thought. As #Mark points out in the comments, it goes from four to five at exactly the same time as the optimal does.
Flip-flop, flip flop
On further reflection, I think I was right after all. The optimal bound of four can be retained in a acute star by simply assuring that one pair of arms have collinear edges. But the algorithm finds five, even with the patch up.
I get this:
removing dead ImageShack link
When the optimal is this:
removing dead ImageShack link
I think your algorithm cannot be optimal because it makes no use of any measure of optimality. You use other metrics like 'closest' vertices, and checking for 'necessary' diagonals.
To drive a wedge between yours and an optimal algorithm, we need to exploit that gap by looking for shapes with close vertices which would decompose badly. For example (ignore the lines, I found this on the intertubenet):
concave polygon which forms a G or U shape
You have no protection against the centre-most point being connected across the concave 'gap', which is external to the polygon.
Your algorithm is also quite complex, and may be overdoing it - just like complex code, you may find bugs in it because complex code makes complex assumptions.
Consider a more extensive initial stage to break the shape into more, simpler shapes - like triangles - and then an iterative or genetic algorithm to recombine them. You will need a stage like this to combine any unnecessary divisions between your convex polys anyway, and by then you may have limited your possible decompositions to only sub-optimal solutions.
At a guess something like:
decompose into triangles
non-deterministically generate a number of recombinations
calculate a quality metric (number of polys)
select the best x% of the recombinations
partially decompose each using triangles, and generate a new set of recombinations
repeat from 4 until some measure of convergence is reached
but vertex 5 should be given preference because 9 is within the range given by 4-5 and 6-5
What would you do if 4-5 and 6-5 were even more convex so that 9 didn't lie within their range? Then by your rules the proper thing to do would be to connect 9 to 12 because 12 is the closest reflex vertex, which would be suboptimal.
Found it :( They're actually quite obvious.
*dead imageshack img*
A four leaf clover will not be optimal if Steiner points are allowed... the red vertices could have been connected.
*dead imageshack img*
It won't even be optimal without Steiner points... 5 could be connected to 14, removing the need for 3-14, 3-12 AND 5-12. This could have been two polygons better! Ouch!
