Cannot statically analyse 'require(…, …)' while bundling coffeescript and backbone application using Webpack - require

I am trying to migrate from grunt to webpack in a backbone/coffeescript project.
While bundling, I'm getting error Cannot statically analyse 'require(…, …)' for require statement in which dependencies are known at run time.
To handle above, I'm using webpack ContextReplacementPlugin.
Below is code snippet-
dependencies.push('modules/' + key + '/Module')
for i in [0..dependencies.length-1]
and my webpack.config.js has following configuration:
new ContextReplacementPlugin(/^\/modules\/.*\/Module/)


Express application crashes when it is built with webpack

I am trying to use graphql-upload in a typescript express app (graphql api) built with webpack. When I run with ts-node my app works fine. But when I compile with webpack and then run I get a weird error when I try to upload a file.
My setup
Typescript app
Apollo server / Typegraphql
Build with webpack
My Code
(stripped down to the essentials)
My Problem
When I run with ts-node yarn start:ts:node then run yarn test an image gets uploaded no problem
But then I build with webpack yarn start then run yarn test I get the following error
if (!isObject(operations) && !Array.isArray(operations))
TypeError: isObject is not a function
at Busboy.<anonymous> (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:56105:18)
at Busboy.emit (node:events:378:20)
at Busboy.module.exports../node_modules/busboy/lib/main.js.Busboy.emit (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:32204:33)
at PartStream.onEnd (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:32528:15)
at PartStream.emit (node:events:390:22)
at Dicer.onPart (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:32386:13)
at Dicer.emit (node:events:378:20)
at Dicer.module.exports../node_modules/dicer/lib/Dicer.js.Dicer.emit (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:45439:35)
at Dicer.module.exports../node_modules/dicer/lib/Dicer.js.Dicer._oninfo (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:45540:12)
at SBMH.<anonymous> (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:45486:10)
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
My Attempts to solve
I am not sure if this actually a problem with graphql-upload or webpack or something else. I also noticed that my issue looks similar to this issue, but I didn't really understand if there were any fixes to that issue and if indeed it is the same issue I am facing.
I tried to upgrade webpack (branch upgraded-packages) but this made the problem worse as I get this issue when I start the server
TypeError: Cannot read property 'graphql' of undefined
at getPeerDependencyGraphQLRequirement (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:104216:44)
at Object.ensureInstalledCorrectGraphQLPackage (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:104221:32)
at Function.checkForErrors (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:103346:27)
at Function.generateFromMetadataSync (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:103325:14)
at Function.generateFromMetadata (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:103315:29)
at Object.buildSchema (/Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:103940:61)
at /Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:99831:41
at (<anonymous>)
at /Users/sive/Documents/workspace/graphql-file-uploads/dist/index.js:99819:71
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My best guess at the problem
From reading the linked issue it seems like isObject seems to ship ECMA Script modules with a newer version. Webpack might pick the ES modules version, but this version differs in the sense that the default export is now default and Apollo Server would have to import it as such or call isObject.default. In this changelog they say it might be breaking for users using bundlers.
Your two options now:
You could use yarn force the dependency to a previous version of isobject:
"resolutions": {
"graphql-file-uploads/isobject": "3.0.1"
Or you could simply not bundle your app and use TypeScript for building instead. You lose the benefits of bundling, but you are using an environment that is much more common for running node apps. Furthermore you will use TypeScript as a compiler just like ts-node unifying your development and production tooling.
You can compile using TypeScript like this:
yarn tsc 'src/**/*.ts'
In your TSConfig you should configure the output so that it also emits files to /dist.

How to do Node.js path aliases?

I am using Webpack in order to build my Node.js backend project.
In my Webpack config I have aliases, like this:
alias: {
'#': resolvePath('src'),
'#app': resolvePath('src/app'),
When I build the app for production, those aliases are working, since Webpack converts them to the their real paths on the created bundle.
However I ran nodemon in order to develop the API. And nodemon is not related to the webpack bundle or the devserver.
Therefore this is getting error (obviously):
let myService = require('#services/my-service');
I want to ask how to run those aliases using Webpack config OR allow kind of aliases using the nodemon server before a bundle was created - in dev mod.

Module not found : 'child process'

I'm developing a ReactJS app with Babel and Webpack. I am using the create-react-app facebook script so it handles the Webpack´s configuration. My problem is that I created a js file and add:
var childProcess = require('child_process');
But when I want to compile the new version i get the following error :
Module not found: 'child_process'.
I don't know what to do with this . I have read that adding custom configurations to the webpack.config.js may be the solution but i am using create react app so I don't have the Webpack configuration. I tried running npm run eject and create my own webpack.config.js but it doesn't work.
I hope somebody could help me.
You need to configure the correct target inside the webpack configuration:
module.exports = {
entry: './path/to/my/entry/file.js',
target: 'node',// we can use node.js modules after adding this configuration

How to use Webpack loaders in a Node app?

Is there a way to use Webpack loaders in a Node app / Run a Node app in a Webpack environment?
For instance I've got a webpack config that has a style-loader. In my Node app I do the following:
import style from 'style.css'
I wanna run it like $ node app.js
I've got an idea that might work, based on the Webpack NodeJS API. What if we put the code that we want to be able to use the Webpack environment (with the configured module loaders) into a module:
import style from 'style.css'
And require it with the following:
import Webpack from 'webpack'
import MemoryFS from 'memory-fs'
webpackConfig.entry = 'appModule.js'
webpackConfig.output = 'appModule-out.js'
let compiler = Webpack(webpackConfig)
let mfs = new MemoryFS()
compiler.outputFileSystem = mfs (err, stats) {
Probably it won't work because the require looks for the output on the physical FS... Can we require from the memory FS? I have not tried it yet - Any idea?
Webpack loaders aren't transpilers or interpreters, they simple gather assets that are then handled off to something like SASS or a text concatenator; within the confines of Webpacks environment.
Thus it is not possible to reuse them in the way you want, because while you can of course import and call them (they're still just functions + classes), they don't convert CSS to JSON objects (they don't do this) as you have written in your desired example.
It looks like you just need a JS implementation of a css parser - have a look at
You should be able to create a compilation targeting the node environment which you can ultimately run by simply calling node output.js and this will immediately execute the entry point module.
Be aware, in case that you're using a newer version of Node.js, that Webpack doesn't support the ES2015 module syntax, so you'll have to configure Babel for Node.js as well to transform the modules.

is it possible to have multiple modules defined in tsconfig?

Ok, so I'm making a angular2 app with a node server. I've followed the 5min tutorial so I'm using "system" as the module system. However I am using a simple node express server instead of the way they have in the tutorial. I am writing this in typescript as well, but it is also compiled to "system" style of importing modules. And when running the server I get System is not defined.
How do I fix so System is defined when starting the server?
Is it not recommended to use "system" as the compiler option "module" in the tsconfig-file, when writing a node server?
Can I compile the server code with eg "commonjs" and the angular front end with "system"?
How do I do the configuration of module loading (the small script they have in the index.html) if I would not use "system" in the front end either?
I would recommend to split front-end and back-end applications into different projects and make them communicate through a REST service. I mean the server application will provide the service and the front application will consume it using AJAX.
This way you will be sure that there won't be conflict between the tools you use. For example the use or not of SystemJS. You'll be free to use SystemJS in the Angular2 application as described in the 5min tutorial of the website and commonjs for the Node / Express application.
The following article describes how to do that:
Angular2 TypeScript Gulp and ExpressJS -
As #Thierry Templier suggested, you need to split your code into /client and /server to be more maintainable and structured, if you didn't do that yet.
You can create two tsconfig.json files, put one into /server and other into /client folder.
tsconfig.json ( with module: commonjs )
tsconfig.json ( with module: systemjs )
When you are invoking tsc from shell, you use --project command:
tsc -p ./server <-- /server/tsconfig.json is loaded
tsc -p ./client <-- /client/tsconfig.json is loaded
