pyspark. zip arrays in a dataframe - apache-spark

I have the following PySpark DataFrame:
| id| data |
| 1| [10, 11, 12]|
| 2| [20, 21, 22]|
| 3| [30, 31, 32]|
At the end, I want to have the following DataFrame
| id | data |
| [1,2,3]|[[10,20,30],[11,21,31],[12,22,32]]|
I order to do this. First I extract the data arrays as follow:
tmp_array ="data").rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()
a0 = tmp_array[0]
a1 = tmp_array[1]
a2 = tmp_array[2]
samples = zip(a0, a1, a2)
samples1 = sc.parallelize(samples)
In this way, I have in samples1 an RDD with the content
Question 1: Is that a good way to do it?
Question 2: How to include that RDD back into the dataframe?

Here is a way to get your desired output without serializing to rdd or using a udf. You will need two constants:
The number of rows in your DataFrame (df.count())
The length of data (given)
Use pyspark.sql.functions.collect_list() and pyspark.sql.functions.array() in a double list comprehension to pick out the elements of "data" in the order you want using pyspark.sql.Column.getItem():
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
dataLength = 3
numRows = df.count()
for j in range(numRows)]
for i in range(dataLength)
#|id |data |
#|[1, 2, 3]|[WrappedArray(10, 20, 30), WrappedArray(11, 21, 31), WrappedArray(12, 22, 32)]|

You can simply use a udf function for the zip function but before that you will have to use collect_list function
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
from pyspark.sql import types as t
def zipUdf(array):
return zip(*array)
zipping = f.udf(zipUdf, t.ArrayType(t.ArrayType(t.IntegerType())))
which would give you
|id |data |
|[1, 2, 3]|[WrappedArray(10, 20, 30), WrappedArray(11, 21, 31), WrappedArray(12, 22, 32)]|


transform function in pyspark

I was reading the official documentation of PySpark API reference for dataframe and below code snippet for transform function over a dataframe have me confused. I can't figure out why * is placed before sorted function in sort_columns_asc function defined below
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, 1.0), (2, 2.0)], ["int", "float"])
def cast_all_to_int(input_df):
return[col(col_name).cast("int") for col_name in input_df.columns])
def sort_columns_asc(input_df):
| 1| 1|
| 2| 2|
Please help me clarify the confusion.
It's used to unpack arrays/collections from a higher dimension.
# 1D Array
collection1 = [1,2,3,4]
1 2 3 4
# 2D Array
collection2 = [[1,2,3,4]]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
In your example you are unpacking the names of the column names from
example = ["int", "float"]
float int
Check out this for further information.

Merging two or more dataframes/rdd efficiently in PySpark

I'm trying to merge three RDD's based on the same key. The following is the data.
| 2| Panda| 15|
| 3| Candy| 15|
| 1| Bahroze| 15|
| 2| Panda| 7342|
| 3| Candy| 5669|
| 1| Bahroze| 8361|
| 2| Panda| 37|
| 3| Candy| 27|
| 1| Bahroze| 39|
I'm able to merge these three DF. I converted them to RDD dict with the following code for all three
new_rdd = row: row.asDict(True))
After RDD conversion, I'm taking one RDD and the other two as lists. Mapping the first RDD and then adding other keys to it based on the same UserID. I was hoping there was a better way of doing this using pyspark. Here's the code I've written.
def transform(row):
# Add a new key to each row
for x in conversion_list: # first rdd in list of object as[{}] after using collect()
if( x['UserID'] == row['UserID'] ):
row["Total"] = { "Visitors": row["Total"], "Conversions": x["Total"] }
for y in Revenue_list: # second rdd in list of object as[{}] after using collect()
if( y['UserID'] == row['UserID'] ):
row["Total"]["Revenue"] = y["Total"]
return row
potato = row: transform(row)) #first rdd
How should I efficiently merge these three RDDs/DFs? (because I had to perform three different task on a huge DF). Looking for a better efficient idea. PS I'm still spark newbie. The result of my code does is as follows which is what I need.
{'UserID': '2', 'UserLabel': 'Panda', 'Total': {'Visitors': 37, 'Conversions': 15, 'Revenue': 7342}}
{'UserID': '3', 'UserLabel': 'Candy', 'Total': {'Visitors': 27, 'Conversions': 15, 'Revenue': 5669}}
{'UserID': '1', 'UserLabel': 'Bahroze', 'Total': {'Visitors': 39, 'Conversions': 15, 'Revenue': 8361}}
Thank you.
You can join the 3 dataframes on columns ["UserID", "UserLabel"], create a new struct total from the 3 total columns:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
result = df1.alias("conv") \
.join(df2.alias("rev"), ["UserID", "UserLabel"], "left") \
.join(df3.alias("visit"), ["UserID", "UserLabel"], "left") \
# write into json file
# print result:
for i in result.toJSON().collect():
# {"UserID":3,"UserLabel":"Candy","Total":{"Conversions":15,"Revenue":5669,"Visitors":27}}
# {"UserID":1,"UserLabel":"Bahroze","Total":{"Conversions":15,"Revenue":8361,"Visitors":39}}
# {"UserID":2,"UserLabel":"Panda","Total":{"Conversions":15,"Revenue":7342,"Visitors":37}}
You can just do the left joins on all the three dataframes but make sure the first dataframe that you use has all the UserID and UserLabel Values. You can ignore the GroupBy operation as suggested by #blackbishop and still it would give you the required output
I am showing how it can be done in scala but you could do something similar in python.
//source data
val visitorDF = Seq((2,"Panda",15),(3,"Candy",15),(1,"Bahroze",15),(4,"Test",25)).toDF("UserID","UserLabel","Total")
val conversionsDF = Seq((2,"Panda",37),(3,"Candy",27),(1,"Bahroze",39)).toDF("UserID","UserLabel","Total")
val revenueDF = Seq((2,"Panda",7342),(3,"Candy",5669),(1,"Bahroze",8361)).toDF("UserID","UserLabel","Total")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val finalDF ="v").join("c"),Seq("UserID","UserLabel"),"left")
You can see the output as below :

Split Text in Dataframe and Check if Contains Substring

So I want to check if my text contains the word 'baby' and not any other word that contains 'baby'. For example, "maybaby" would not be a match. I already have piece of code that works, but I wanted to see if there was a better way to format so that I don't have to go through the data twice. Here is what I have thus far:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
rows = sc.parallelize([['14-banana'], ['12-cheese'], ['13-olives'], ['11-almonds'], ['23-maybaby'], ['54-baby']])
rows_df = rows.toDF(["ID"])
split = F.split(rows_df.ID, '-')
rows_df = rows_df.withColumn('fruit', split)
| ID| fruit|
| 14-banana| [14, banana]|
| 12-cheese| [12, cheese]|
| 13-olives| [13, olives]|
|11-almonds|[11, almonds]|
|23-maybaby|[23, maybaby]|
| 54-baby| [54, baby]|
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
def func(col):
for item in col:
if item == "baby":
return "yes"
return "no"
func_udf = udf(func, StringType())
df_hierachy_concept = rows_df.withColumn('new',func_udf(rows_df['fruit']))
| ID| fruit|new|
| 14-banana| [14, banana]| no|
| 12-cheese| [12, cheese]| no|
| 13-olives| [13, olives]| no|
|11-almonds|[11, almonds]| no|
|23-maybaby|[23, maybaby]| no|
| 54-baby| [54, baby]|yes|
Ultimately, I just want the "ID" and "new" column only.
I'll show two ways to resolve this. Probably there's a lot other ways to reach the same result.
See the examples below:
from import sc
from pyspark.sql.functions import split, when
rows = sc.parallelize(
['14-banana'], ['12-cheese'], ['13-olives'],
['11-almonds'], ['23-maybaby'], ['54-baby']
# Resolves with auxiliary column named "fruit"
rows_df = rows.toDF(["ID"])
rows_df = rows_df.withColumn('fruit', split(rows_df.ID, '-')[1])
rows_df = rows_df.withColumn('new', when(rows_df.fruit == 'baby', 'yes').otherwise('no'))
rows_df = rows_df.drop('fruit')
# Resolves directly without creating an auxiliary column
rows_df = rows.toDF(["ID"])
rows_df = rows_df.withColumn(
when(split(rows_df.ID, '-')[1] == 'baby', 'yes').otherwise('no')
# Resolves without forcing `split()[1]` call, avoiding out of index exception
rows_df = rows.toDF(["ID"])
is_new_udf = udf(lambda col: 'yes' if any(value == 'baby' for value in col) else 'no')
rows_df = rows_df.withColumn('new', is_new_udf(split(rows_df.ID, '-')))
All outputs are the same:
| ID|new|
| 14-banana| no|
| 12-cheese| no|
| 13-olives| no|
|11-almonds| no|
|23-maybaby| no|
| 54-baby|yes|
I'd use pyspark.sql.functions.regexp_extract for this. Make the column new equal to "yes" if you're able to extract the word "baby" with a word boundary on both sides, and "no" otherwise.
from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_extract, when
regexp_extract("ID", "(?<=(\b|\-))baby(?=(\b|$))", 0) == "baby",
#| ID| fruit|new|
#| 14-banana| [14, banana]| no|
#| 12-cheese| [12, cheese]| no|
#| 13-olives| [13, olives]| no|
#|11-almonds|[11, almonds]| no|
#|23-maybaby|[23, maybaby]| no|
#| 54-baby| [54, baby]|yes|
The last argument to regexp_extract is the index of the match to extract. We pick the first index (index 0). If the pattern doesn't match, an empty string is returned. Finally use when() to check if the extracted string equals the desired value.
The regex pattern means:
(?<=(\b|\-)): Positive look-behind for either a word boundary (\b) or a literal hyphen (-).
baby: The literal word "baby"
(?=(\b|$)): Positive look-ahead for either a word boundary or the end of the line ($).
This method also doesn't require you to first split the string, because it's unclear if that part is needed for your purposes.

DataFrame and DataSet - converting values to <k,v> pair

Sample Input (black coloured text) and Output (red coloured text)
I have a DataFrame (one in black), how can I transform it to one like in red?
(column number, value)
[Image is attached]
val df ="csv").option("inferSchema", "true").option("header", "true").load("file:/home/hduser/Desktop/Demo.csv")
case class Employee(EmpId: String, Experience: Double, Salary: Double)
val ds =[Employee]
I need the solution in both DataFrame and DataSet way.
Thank you in advance! :-)
I believe it's a structure you want when you say pair. check if below code gives your expected output.
With DataFrame:
import spark.sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val data = Seq(("111",5,50000),("222",6,60000),("333",7,60000))
val df = data.toDF("EmpId","Experience","Salary")
val newdf = df.withColumn("EmpId", struct(lit("1").as("key"),col("EmpId").as("value")))
.withColumn("Experience", struct(lit("2").as("key"),col("Experience").as("value")))
.withColumn("Salary", struct(lit("3").as("key"),col("Salary").as("value")))
|EmpId |Experience|Salary |
|[1, 111]|[2, 5] |[3, 50000]|
|[1, 222]|[2, 6] |[3, 60000]|
|[1, 333]|[2, 7] |[3, 60000]|
With Dataset:
First you need to define case class for new structure otherwise you can't create a dataset
case class Employee2(EmpId: EmpData, Experience: EmpData, Salary: EmpData)
case class EmpData(key: String,value:String)
val ds =[Employee]
val newDS =>{
(EmpData("1",rec.EmpId), EmpData("2",rec.Experience.toString),EmpData("3",rec.Salary.toString))
val finalDS = newDS.toDF("EmpId","Experience","Salary").as[Employee2]
|EmpId |Experience|Salary |
|[1, 111]|[2, 5] |[3, 50000] |
|[1, 222]|[2, 6] |[3, 60000] |
|[1, 333]|[2, 7] |[3, 60000] |

Spark Aggregating multiple columns (possible to array) from join output

I've below datasets
Now I would like to get below dataset. I've tried with left outer join == Table2.departmentid but, I am not getting the desired output.
Later, I need to use this table to get several counts and convert the data into an xml . I will be doing this convertion using map.
Any help would be appreciated.
Only joining is not enough to get the desired output. Probably You are missing something and last element of each nested array might be departmentid. Assuming the last element of nested array is departmentid, I've generated the output by the following way:
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.collect_list
case class department(id: Integer, deptname: String)
case class employee(employeid:Integer, empname:String, departmentid:Integer)
val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val department_df = Seq(department(1, "physics")
,department(2, "computer") ).toDF()
val emplyoee_df = Seq(employee(1, "A", 1)
,employee(2, "B", 1)
,employee(3, "C", 2)
,employee(4, "D", 2)).toDF()
val result = department_df.join(emplyoee_df, department_df("id") === emplyoee_df("departmentid"), "left").
selectExpr("id", "deptname", "employeid", "empname"). {
case Row(id:Integer, deptname:String, employeid:Integer, empname:String) => (id, deptname, Array(employeid.toString, empname, id.toString))
}.toDF("id", "deptname", "arrayemp").
groupBy("id", "deptname").
orderBy("id", "deptname")
The output looks like this:
|id |deptname|emplist |
|1 |physics |[[2, B, 1], [1, A, 1]]|
|2 |computer|[[4, D, 2], [3, C, 2]]|
Explanation: If i break down the last dataframe transformation into multiple steps, it'll probably make clear how the output is generated.
left outer join between department_df and employee_df
val df1 = department_df.join(emplyoee_df, department_df("id") === emplyoee_df("departmentid"), "left").
selectExpr("id", "deptname", "employeid", "empname")
| id|deptname|employeid|empname|
| 1| physics| 2| B|
| 1| physics| 1| A|
| 2|computer| 4| D|
| 2|computer| 3| C|
creating array using some column's values from the df1 dataframe
val df2 = {
case Row(id:Integer, deptname:String, employeid:Integer, empname:String) => (id, deptname, Array(employeid.toString, empname, id.toString))
}.toDF("id", "deptname", "arrayemp")
| id|deptname| arrayemp|
| 1| physics|[2, B, 1]|
| 1| physics|[1, A, 1]|
| 2|computer|[4, D, 2]|
| 2|computer|[3, C, 2]|
create new list aggregating multiple arrays using df2 dataframe
val result = df2.groupBy("id", "deptname").
orderBy("id", "deptname")
|id |deptname|emplist |
|1 |physics |[[2, B, 1], [1, A, 1]]|
|2 |computer|[[4, D, 2], [3, C, 2]]|
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
val schema = List(
StructField("EMPID", IntegerType, true),
StructField("EMPNAME", StringType, true),
StructField("DeptID", IntegerType, true)
val data = Seq(
Row(4,"D",2) ,
val df_emp = spark.createDataFrame(
val newdf = df_emp.withColumn("CONC",array($"EMPID",$"EMPNAME",$"DeptID")).groupBy($"DeptID").agg(expr("collect_list(CONC) as emplist"))
df.join(newdf,df.col("ID") === df_emp.col("DeptID")).select($"ID",$"Dept",$"emplist").show()
| ID| Dept| listcol|
| 1| Physics|[[1, A, 1], [2, B...|
| 2|Computer|[[3, C, 2], [4, D...|
