IntelliJ (Android Studio) Feature similar to IntelliSense Toggle Completion Mode in VS/SSMS - android-studio

In Microsoft IDEs there's the option to Toggle the Completion Mode, which means that it will automatically select the top result if you click . (Dot) or ;
Which is very intuitive and saves alot of clicks in the lifetime of the code writing process.
Is something similar possible in Android Studio ?
When I click Ctrl+Alt+Space it achieves exactly the desired result, but only for the currently typed expression, and then reverts to its old ways as soon as I move to the next line/expression.

Settings | Editor | General | Code Completion -> Insert selected variant by typing dot, space, etc.


Disable multiple selection in Android Studio?

I was coding something and suddenly android studio started placing cursors on each and every selected line. I dont know if it is a feature that was fired because of some shortcuts that I am not aware of. This is the gif screencast.
How can I disable this behavior? Is it a feature? If so how to activate and deactivate it? What is it called?
You must have activated Column Selection Mode.
Use Main Menu | Edit | Column Selection Mode to toggle it ON/OFF.
Check more on different ways how you can work with Multiple Carets:
If you are on mac ⌘ (Cmd) + ↑ (Shift) + 8 will disable/enable it by default.

Make Android Studio autopop up not change constrast

In Android Studio, pressing the up an down arrows will change the contrast of the autopopup bar.
This also occurs in the default themes. Is there anyway to make the contrast start in the after position, even without pressing any arrows?
The popup is dimmed to indicate that there is no default selection for completion. It depends on context and in some cases the first entry will be selected automatically, while in the other cases you need to select the completion varian with the arrow keys first.
To get the pre-selection work automatically in IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio enable the Insert selected suggestion by pressing space, dot, or other context-dependent keys option:
In some other cases it may be also necessary to add
in Help | Edit Custom VM Options and restart the IDE.
Related issue:

Android Studio autocomplete on special character (space, period, etc.) like in Visual Studio

Is it possible to enable autocompletion of the selected suggestion when entering special characters like in Visual Studio?
For example:
When typing 'MenuI' Android Studio suggests 'MenuInflater' that I can autocomplete by hitting TAB after which I type SPACE to separate my variable name.
In Visual Studio I can type SPACE directly (instead of TAB) to get the autocompletion plus my space character. This works for other special characters like period, brackets and so on, too.
Yes, I have also faced the same issue in Android studio. And finally I found it here.
Open the Android Studio settings go to Editor --> General --> Code Completion
and check the option "Insert selected variant by typing dot, space, etc."
And uncheck the options "Basic completion (Ctrl+Space)" and "Smart Type Completion (Ctrl+Shift+Space)"
Check this Android studio settings image
Well, this is implemented, slightly.
If you have MenuInflater and type in MenuI, and then CTRL+SPACE, which means you tell the IDE that you want to use the autocomplete dropdown, and then press space, it works as you wish.
So, I could type in MenuIn, then I could either press the down key, or use CTRL+SPACE ("MenuInflater" Should now be highlighted in blue:
), and then press space, and it'll work as you wish.
I suck at explaining, so if you don't get it, I'll try more.

Jumping out of string keyboard shortcut for Android Studio

While we are typing a string is there any way, except pressing right arrow button, to go out of double quotation in Android studio or intellij-idea(for example a kind of shortcut or something)
If it inserts a comma and goes to next empty field it would be better also.
for example:
Log.i("stingLogName|") ==> Log.i("stingLogName", |)
(i've shown blinking cursor with |)
You can achieve this in Android Studio (and of course in intelij) with Live Templates.
But you can move from field to field with Tab button (default) or if you want Space or Enter by selecting it in the Live Templates settings.
Open Android Studio and place the cursor inside a statment (the OnCreate method for example)
Type logi and press Tab ( or type Ctrl+J and select an element from the list)
You can find more information here IntelliJ Live Templates
Hope it helps

Visual Studio hot key - switch Find context/location

Is there a hot key to toggle the search context/location in the "Find"/"Find in Files" commands (Ctr+F and Shift+Ctrl+F respectively )? I'm talking about the drop down that asks where to search for example Current Project, Current Document, Entire Solution etc.
"Find" is probably my most used feature since working with markup and CSS very often I can't just F12 to a selector definition or Shift+F12 to Find Usages, a regular text search is really the only option and I want to make this as efficient as possible.
Yes, I can tab to it but this takes 6-tabs and if I do it fast, often get the count wrong and prematurely execute bad searches; so it's not cutting it.
If there isn't a hotkey how can I set one? Ctrl + F3 would work well since F3 is "Find Next"
I'm not sure if there is a command in Visual Studio that does what you are looking for.
If there is one, you can set the shortcut key in the Tools\Options menu (Environment\Keyboard).
In the screenshot, I'm searching for all the VS command that contain "find". Perhaps one of these is what you need.
Then move to the Press shortcut keys textbox and choose your desired key binding.
