What is the best way to execute nodejs app on a server? - node.js

Is there a panel for run node app?
Just have to run it on the server?
Set everything up manually?
Manual installation xngin ,apache ,mongodb , ...
Manual Server Configuration.
Is there a similar panel Vesta?

There are services like Heroku or Digital Ocean where you can get a node server up without having to do a lot of setup (i.e. not touching apache or nginx etc.). I think that's what you're looking for.

Honestly after creating a social network in React, PHP and mysql I would recommend uploading the build files to a conventional hosting provider. Not only is it cheaper in the long run but it is probably easier to use. You can do this by typing "npm run build" then uploading the files in the build folder to your hosts main directory either manually or by ftp in atom etc... but it's basically depends on your work flow and whether or not you have a dev ops guy on your team.


Deploy a next.js project locally without code on the machine

I am trying to deploy a Next.js Web App in combination with a node.js backend on a windows PC.
I know there are vercel and Heroku, but the application has to run even without a connection to the Internet. (My friend has a bar and he wanted a small ordersystem and I don't want him to be able to access the Code.)
I know I could just go "npm run build" --> "npm run start".
But I don't want the code locally on the machine because i am scared of plagiarism.
Is there a way to deploy this locally via Git? So the software runs on the local machine without the code beeing there?
Is it possible to create CI/CD, so it listens to new pushes on git?
Any help would be nice đŸ˜…
Get a computer installed on the businesses’s local network, encrypt its disk, and install your app on it.
You can also automate deployments with git’s postreceive hook.

How to hot reload on netlify?

Netlify just as example, same question with CloudFlare Pages etc.
In the past I setup my own server with node and react/vue.
I have my node setup on a server because I don't want to install node and node packages on my local machine.
When I was developing I SSH into the server with port forwarding.
So I ran a dev server on port 8888 (npm run dev) on the server and opened http://localhost:8888 in my local browser.
When I make a change to the files I can immediately see the effects without running npm run build.
I am thinking about using a service like netlify because its the right thing to do? But how can I see the changes I make without actually running build?
Is this even possible or do you use theses service only when you are building a website that rarely changes? I am probably missing something. But not sure how to proceed.
I don't know what's the right way. I am very open to suggestions.
Edit: These services that I mentioned are meant for build only. See answer below. I am still leaving this question so people can post suggestions.
You cannot do this. Those services are only for hosting the build version of your app. You have to develop it locally and push the build to these services.
Why would you even want to run a development version online?

How to 'build' a node js application?

I have a node.js application that run as a application server.
It is deployed on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine running on AWS, uses nginx as a reverse proxy and PM2 as a service starter.
Everything seems perfectly configured.
What looks strange to me, is that I have a React application, in a similar environment, but, before to move it on the server, I run build it, so creating a sort of packed and not easily human readable application.
My question is: Is there the need to do the same with a node.js application?
And, in case of positive answer, How to 'build' a node.js application?
There is no need to build a normal nodejs application.
What you mean is the use of a bundler e.g. webpack and a javascript compiler e.g. babel. To create a react application, you usually use a tool like create-react-app that sets up all this stuff for you. For react you need the compilation beacause you use the jsx syntax that browsers do not understand. In addition to that a bundler has some more advantages.
Check out this video if you want to know more about it:
No you don't have to build anything for node.js you just have to run the server. for client side apps you need to build and serve the Dist through web servers like apache or nginx.

How to deploy a node.js project on my website?

I have a website with Network Solutions and I want to upload a node.js project. Network Solutions is not very user friendly with things like this so I cannot use my dashboard to do this.
How can I deploy a node.js project using an ftp connection, or is there a better way to do it on Network Solutions.
(My project uses a server.js file that I need to start.)
Also, would Network Solutions' cron jobs interface work for this?

How to replace IIS with Node.js for simple websites

I am coming from Microsoft world so please bear with me on this. I was told I could install node.js and use that as a web server instead of IIS. This is a very small business application. In IIS I can create virtual directory and point to the location of the web page and everything works just fine. Based on very little I read, I have few questions;
Is it possible to run node js as a windows service or any other form so that it runs for ever? I did find the forever package that I think I can use.
In IIS, I can create virtual directory set the port and thats it, I have myself a website.
I do not see any examples where I can use a directory where I have a web page, written in java script and point it to run as a web site. All the examples have some thing like server.js and that runs and routes the call. what is the other way to host web sites and use node.js to simple run as a fast web server.
I was told I could install node.js and use that as a web server instead of IIS.
This is true, but as you already found out then you are in charge of providing for things that IIS was already doing for you (e.g. automatically restart on reboot, or on crashes, hosting multiple sites by creating virtual folders, et cetera.)
You can indeed get all of these things worked out in Node.js and there are several libraries that help on each of these areas. It's not too hard but you'll need to do a bit of researching.
You can also run Node.js behind IIS. Take a look at iisnode http://tomasz.janczuk.org/2011/08/hosting-nodejs-applications-in-iis-on.html
Is it possible to run node js as a windows service or any other form so
that it runs for ever?
The library Forever takes care of restarting the site when it crashes...but I don't know if you can run it as a Windows Service. I haven't tried that.
In IIS, I can create virtual directory set the port and thats it,
I have myself a website.
I assume you are talking about a site that serves static HTML files, right? If that's the case that's very easy to support in Node.js either writing your own web server or using Express.js to serve static files.
I do not see any examples where I can use a directory where I have a web page,
written in java script and point it to run as a web site. All the examples
have some thing like server.js and that runs and routes the call.
Here is an extremely simple example to serve plain HTML files in Node.js https://gist.github.com/2573391 Don't use this in production, though. It's just an example and it does not have any kind of error handling or security.
what is the other way to host web sites and use node.js to simple run
as a fast web server.
As others have said, you should look into Express.js http://expressjs.com/ It provides some of the infrastructure that you are very likely going to need when building traditional web sites.
You say you're running a "very small business application" behind IIS. Unless it's written for Node.js (in JavaScript), it won't work.
There are no examples pointing to a directory and running that as a website, because that's not how things are done in Node.js. You write a Node.js-application and pull in a webserver-library.
Put simply, In Node.js, you don't embed the appliation in the webserver; you embed the webserver in the application.
When I used node.js, I redirected HTTP requests by a proxy server, nginx. I don’t know if you can directly bind node.js as an HTTP server, but for what’s it worth, nginx is pretty nice!
First things first, allow me to share an introduction. IMHO you should take this decision ( of moving from IIS to nodeJS) by adding various parameters. I belong to the Java & PHP community yet I use NodeJS to achieve extremely specific implementation where NodeJS perform the fastest ( fast IO, AJAX-JSON responses & more ). As you are coming with a Microsoft background you should bare with less comfortable solutions.
Yes, its possible to run NodeJs as a windows service and Forever will do fine.
and yes you can create "Virtual Directories" but by creating symbolic links to each of your customer's web site.
I recommend to take a good look at bouncy & express, If you're willing to take this step then these packages is just what you need.
