Creating purchase order with the information from sales order - acumatica

I'm creating a purchase order based on a sales order via code.
But how to obtain the document details of sales order and copy it to the new purchase order?
Additional Info:
I had created a simple PO in SOOrderEntry BLC. And I also wanna copy the item info(eg:Branch,Inventory ID, Unit Price and so on) in the document details of SO, to the new PO.
Below is the my code, and could you help me?
namespace PX.Objects.SO {
public class SOOrderEntry_Extension: PXGraphExtension < SOOrderEntry > {
#region Event Handlers
public PXAction < PX.Objects.SO.SOOrder > CreatePO;
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "CreatePO")]
protected void createPO() {
var graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<POOrderEntry>();
var order = graph.Document.Insert(new POOrder());
order.OrderType = "Normal"
order.OrderDesc = "Some description";
order.VendorID = 101;


Why is my hyperlink / button in the grid to launch a screen disabled?

I have a customization to the Sales Orders screen, where I've added a user field (non-bound / [PXString] to hold the value of a PO Receipt Nbr. I populate it with the RowSelected event, and I'm trying to launch the Purchase Receipts screen from that field with a PXAction tied to that field's Linked Command:
The Field:
public abstract class usrPOReceiptNbr : BqlString.Field<usrPOReceiptNbr> { }
[PXString(15, IsUnicode = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "PO Receipt Nbr", Enabled = true)]
public virtual string UsrPOReceiptNbr { get; set; }
The RowSelected event code to populate the field:
var soordershipment = e.Row as SOOrderShipment;
using (new PXConnectionScope())
//get the extension
var soordershipmentext = PXCache<SOOrderShipment>.GetExtension<SOOrderShipmentExt>(soordershipment);
//Get the soorder cache...
SOOrder soorder = Base.Document.Current;
if (soorder != null)
//Now get the POReceiptLine record:
PXResultset<POReceiptLine> res = PXSelectJoin<POReceiptLine,
On<SOOrder.orderNbr, Equal<POReceiptLine.sOOrderNbr>,
And<SOOrder.orderType, Equal<POReceiptLine.sOOrderType>>>>,
Where<SOOrder.orderNbr, Equal<Required<SOOrder.orderNbr>>>,
OrderBy<Desc<POReceiptLine.receiptNbr>>>.Select(Base, soorder.OrderNbr);
foreach (PXResult<POReceiptLine> rec in res)
POReceiptLine porl = (POReceiptLine)rec;
soordershipmentext.UsrPOReceiptNbr = porl.ReceiptNbr;
break; //Stop after the first record, since I only want the highest sorted field
The code to launch the Purchase Receipts screen is as follows:
public PXAction<SOOrder> LaunchPurchaseReceipts;
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Launch Purchase Receipts", Enabled = true)]
protected virtual IEnumerable launchPurchaseReceipts(PXAdapter adapter)
var soorder = (SOOrder)Base.Document.Current;
POReceiptEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<POReceiptEntry>();
var soordershipment = (SOOrderShipment)Base.shipmentlist.Current;
var soordershipmentext = PXCache<SOOrderShipment>.GetExtension<SOOrderShipmentExt>(soordershipment);
graph.Document.Current = graph.Document.Search<POReceipt.receiptNbr, POReceipt.receiptType>(soordershipmentext.UsrPOReceiptNbr, soordershipment.ShipmentType);
throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, "Purchase Receipts")
Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow
The problem is that I continue to get this error when launching the hyperlink on the PO Receipt Nbr field for that screen (it never even gets to the code to launch the screen):
...and here's the error...
I've tried forcing the field to enabled with the RowSelected event, using:
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled<SOOrderShipmentExt.usrPOReceiptNbr>(e.Cache, null, true);
But that doesn't do anything.
Any ideas?
This issue has been resolved with a suggestion from Brendan (thanks much) by using the RowSelected event to set the method's enabled property to true:

Acumatica - Copy custom field contents from SO to IN

I have a similar type of issue as in
Acumatica refer custom field to another custom field on different screen
except that I am using custom source fields.
I created and added 2 fields to the SO Line to capture EDI data needed for invoicing. I created 2 new fields on the invoice line with the same name (different data class of course) on the SO Invoice form. Below is the code for 1 field on each of the forms:
SO301000 (Sales Orders):
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Cust.Invoice Line Nbr.")]
[PXFormula(typeof(Selector<SOLineExt.usrCInvLine, ARTranExt.usrCInvLine>))]
SO303000 (Invoices):
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Cust.Invoice Line Nbr.")]
It compiles but the data is not being copied to the invoice when created from shipment. I also added 1 of the fields to the shipment form for testing purposes but it does nit capture that value either.
Do I have this backwards?
After reviewing it into more details, you could override the Prepare Invoice method on SOOrderEntry graph (and also anywhere else is needed).
By overriding the PrepareInvoice Method of SOOrderEntry graph you could add a Handler(RowInserting) to SOInvoiceEntry graph to populate your new Custom field with the value on SOOrder.
See sample below where I'm doing similar action copying value from SOOrder(Header) to ARTran(details).
You can use this sample to achieve your goal: (In your case you could use ARInvoice instead of ARTran)
public class SOOrderEntry_Extension:PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
public PXAction<SOOrder> prepareInvoice;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Prepare Invoice", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select, MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Select, Visible = false)]
public virtual IEnumerable PrepareInvoice(PXAdapter adapter)
PXGraph.InstanceCreated.AddHandler<SOInvoiceEntry>((graph) =>
graph.RowInserting.AddHandler<ARTran>((sender, e) =>
//Custom logic goes here
var row = (ARTran)e.Row;
if (row == null)
SOOrder order = Base.Document.Current;
if (order != null)
var tranExt = PXCache<ARTran>.GetExtension<ARTranExt>(row);
//Below to be change to your needs
//Here you can look for the SOLine of the SOOrder instead
var orderExt = PXCache<SOOrder>.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>(order);
if (orderExt != null && tranExt != null)
tranExt.UsrContactID = orderExt.UsrContactID;
return Base.prepareInvoice.Press(adapter);
You could also find more information and instructions provided by my colleague on the stackoverflow link below:
Acumatica custom field SOLine transferred to ARTran

How to activate the filtering action for a user field added to a grid

I have a customization to the Release Time Activities screen (EP507020) where I add a user field. This user field will contain the result of fetching the Appointment status from the Appointments screen (FS300200) based on the Appointment ID that I've also added to the Release Time Activities screen grid.
This was done so that the process grid could be filtered for appointment status that were a certain value. The Appointment Status User field I've added contains the same attributes that the Status field contains on the Appointments screen, with the Cache extension looking as follows:
#region UsrApptStatus
public abstract class usrApptStatus : IBqlField
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Appt Status",Enabled = false)]
public virtual string UsrApptStatus { get; set; }
This works fine when I fetch the status as follows in a Graph extension:
protected virtual void EPActivityApprove_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
var epactivityapprove = (EPActivityApprove)e.Row;
if (epactivityapprove != null)
FSxPMTimeActivity rowExt = epactivityapprove.GetExtension<FSxPMTimeActivity>();
if (rowExt != null)
var appointmentID = rowExt.AppointmentID;
var fsappt = (FSAppointment)PXSelect<FSAppointment,
Where<FSAppointment.appointmentID, Equal<Required<FSAppointment.appointmentID>>>>.Select(Base, appointmentID);
var epactivityapproveext = PXCache<EPActivityApprove>.GetExtension<EPActivityApproveExt>(epactivityapprove);
epactivityapproveext.UsrApptStatus = fsappt.Status;
The problem is that when I go to filter the Status column, no matter what I choose from the list of options, it clears all rows. I have no idea why this wouldn't work, but I'm sure I'm missing something.
Grid before filtering:
Grid after filter:
It seems to me that changing the value in the RowUpdated event is interfering with the filter. If you wrote both extensions, it would help to have both custom fields in the same extension and use the PXFormula attribute to set the value of your status based on the AppointmentID field. This way you wouldn't have to rely on the event:
#region UsrApptStatus
public abstract class usrApptStatus : IBqlField
[PXFormula(typeof(Selector<appointmentID, FSAppointment.status>))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Appt Status",Enabled = false)]
public virtual string UsrApptStatus { get; set; }

Set Field Value during Email Sales Order process under Slaes Order Entry Actions

I created a new field, UsrAcknowledged, boolean, checkbox, and placed it on the SOLine details grid. I want every line on the details grid to be checked when the Email Sales Order/Quote process is run under Actions for SOOrder. My code is as follows under the SOOrderEntry_Extension:PXGraphExtension
public CRActivityList<SOOrder> Activity;
public PXAction<SOOrder> notification;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Notifications", Visible = false)]
[PXButton(ImageKey = PX.Web.UI.Sprite.Main.DataEntryF)]
protected virtual IEnumerable Notification(PXAdapter adapter,
string notificationCD
foreach (SOOrder order in adapter.Get<SOOrder>())
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
parameters["SOOrder.OrderType"] = order.OrderType;
parameters["SOOrder.OrderNbr"] = order.OrderNbr;
Activity.SendNotification(ARNotificationSource.Customer, notificationCD, order.BranchID, parameters);
//order.OrderDesc = "Desc";
foreach (SOLine line in PXSelect<SOLine>.Select(Base, order.OrderNbr))
SOLineExt rowExt = line.GetExtension<SOLineExt>();
rowExt.UsrAcknowledged = true;
line.OrderQty = 5;
yield return order;
//order.Desc = "Desc" was an initial simple test just to see if my code was achieving the desired results and the proder desciption was changed as planned.
My code compiles and the email process runs as planned with a green check for successful, but neither the Acknowledged check box nor the Order Quantity are changed. I don't really care about the ord qty, it was just another test.
Any suggestions for what I can change to update the Acknowledged checkbox to checked during the Email Sales Order/Quote under Actions on the SO Order Entry screen would be appreciated
I would say you need to call Base.Transactions.Update(line) after you update your row values inside your foreach.

Acumatica Extension on SOSitesStatusSelected

I've been having this problem on Acumatica extension for days now and can't seem to figure out the resolution. I've added an action on the Inventory Lookup Dialog of Sales Order screen (see screenshot below), the action is task to update the QtySelected to 1 and also to update my added Field which is the Brand to "testBrand". It is an extension of the SOSitesStatusSelected table, but whenever i clicked on the action, it only updates QtySelected and not my added Field Brand.
You may refer to my code below, thank you and I appreciate all the help.
#region UsrBrand
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Brand", Visible = true, Enabled = true)]
public virtual string UsrBrand{get;set;}
public abstract class usrBrand : IBqlField{}
public PXAction<PX.Objects.SO.SOOrder> updateAttributes;
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Update Attributes")]
protected void UpdateAttributes()
this.Base.sitestatus.AllowInsert= true;
this.Base.sitestatus.AllowUpdate= true;
foreach (SOSiteStatusSelected line in this.Base.sitestatus.Select())
line.QtySelected = 1;
SOSiteStatusSelectedExt rowExt = this.Base.sitestatus.Cache.GetExtension<SOSiteStatusSelectedExt>(line);
rowExt.UsrBrand = "testBrand";
In this case your extension SOSiteStatusSelectedExt is not a separate item. It's a part of the base record actually. So you don't need to update it separately.
line.QtySelected = 1;
SOSiteStatusSelectedExt rowExt = this.Base.sitestatus.Cache.GetExtension<SOSiteStatusSelectedExt>(line);
rowExt.UsrBrand = "testBrand";
