How to replace file's names with numbers starting with certain number? - linux

I want files to be named like 177.jpg, 178.jpg and so on starting with 177.jpg.
I used this to rename them from 1 to amount of files:
ls | cat -n | while read n f; do mv "$f" "$n.jpg"; done
How to modify this ? But completely new script also would be great.

Bash can do simple math for you:
mv "$f" $(( n + 176 )).jpg
Just hope no filename contains a newline.
There are safer ways than parsing the output of ls, e.g. iterating over an expanded wildcard:
for f in * ; do
mv "$f" $(( n++ )).jpg

This should work.
for i in `ls | grep -v '^[0-9]' | grep .png`; # This will make sure only png files are selected to replace and only the files which have filenames which starts with non-numeric
mv "$i" "$c".png;
(( c=c+1 ));


bash - loop through subdirectories, cat files and rename with directory name

I have a folder structure like this ...
I need to go in to each subdirectory (e.g. B1) and perform the following:
cat *_1.gz > B1_1.gz
cat *_2.gz > B1_2.gz
I'm having problems with the file naming part. I can get in directories using the following:
for d in */; do
cat *_1.gz > $d_1.gz
cat *_2.gz > $d_2.gz
However I get an error that $d is a directory -- how do I strip the name to create the concatenated filename?
Taking your question verbatim: If you have a variable d, where you know that it ends in / (as is the case in your example), you can get the value with this last character stripped by writing ${d:0:-1} (i.e. the substring starting at the beginning, up to (excluding) the last character.
Of course in your case, I would rather write the loop as
for d in *; do
which already creates the names without a trailing slash. But this is still probably not what you want, because d would assume the name of the entries in the directory you have cd'ed to, but you want the name of the directory itself. You can optain this for instance by $(basename "$PWD"), which turns your loop into (i.e.)
cd B1
prefix=$(basename "$PWD") # This set prefix to B1
for f in *
# Since your original code indicates that you want to create a *copy* of the file
# with a new name, I do the same here.
cp -v "$f" "${prefix}_$f" #
You can also use cat, as in your original solution, if you prefer.
If you're calling bash, you can use parameter expansion and do everything natively in the shell without creating a sub-shell to another process. This is POSIX compliant
for dir in data/*; do
cat "$dir/"*_1.gz > "$dir/${dir##*/}_1.gz"
cat "$dir/"*_2.gz > "$dir/${dir##*/}_2.gz"
Sure, just descend into the directory.
# assuming PWD = data/
for d in */; do
cd "$d"
cat *_1.gz > "$(basename "$d")"_1.gz
cat *_2.gz > "$(basename "$d")"_2.gz
how do I strip the name to create the concatenated filename?
The simplest and most portable is with basename.
This requires Ed, which should hopefully be present on your machine. If not, I trust your distribution will have a package for it.
cat >> edprint+.txt << EOF
cat >> edpop+.txt << EOF
find "${b1}" -maxdepth 1 -type f > b1stack
find "${c1}" -maxdepth 1 -type f > c1stack
while [ $(wc -l b1stack | cut -d' ' -f1) -gt 0 ]
b1line=$(ed -s b1stack < edprint+.txt)
b1name=$(basename "${b1line}")
b1suffix=$(echo "${b1name}" | cut -d'_' -f3)
b1fixed=$(echo "B1_${b1suffix}"
mv -v "${b1}/${b1line}" "${b1}/${b1fixed}"
ed -s b1stack < edpop+.txt
while [ $(wc -l c1stack | cut -d' ' -f1) -gt 0 ]
c1line=$(ed -s c1stack < edprint+.txt)
c1name=$(basename "${c1line}")
c1suffix=$(echo "${c1name}" | cut -d'_' -f3)
c1fixed=$(echo "B1_${c1suffix}"
mv -v "${c1}/${c1line}" "${c1}/${c1fixed}"
ed -s c1stack < edpop+.txt
rm -v ./edprint+.txt
rm -v ./edpop+.txt
rm -v ./b1stack
rm -v ./c1stack

rename files which produced by split

I splitted the huge file and output is several files which start by x character.
I want to rename them and make a list which sorted by name like below:
part-3.gz ...
I tried below CMD:
for (( i = 1; i <= 3; i++ )) ;do for f in `ls -l | awk '{print $9}' | grep '^x'`; do mv $f part-$i.gz ;done ; done;
for f in `ls -l | awk '{print $9}' | grep '^x'`; do for i in 1 .. 3 ; do mv -- "$f" "${part-$i}.gz" ;done ; done;
for i in 1 .. 3 ;do for f in `ls -l | awk '{print $9}' | grep '^x'`; do mv -- "$f" "${part-$i}.gz" ;done ; done;
for f in `ls -l | awk '{print $9}' | grep '^x'`; do mv -- "$f" "${f%}.gz" ;done
Tip: don't do ls -l if you only need the file names. Even better, don't use ls at all, just use the shell's globbing ability. x* expands to all file names starting with x.
Here's a way to do it:
i=1; for f in x*; do mv $f $(printf 'part-%d.gz' $i); ((i++)); done
This initializes i to 1, and then loops over all file names starting with x in alphabetical order, assigning each file name in turn to the variable f. Inside the loop, it renames $f to $(printf 'part-%d.gz' $i), where the printf command replaces %d with the current value of i. You might want something like %02d if you need to prefix the number with zeros. Finally, still inside the loop, it increments i so that the next file receives the next number.
Note that none of this is safe if the input file names contain spaces, but yours don't.

Remove first 3 characters and last 1 character from all mp3 files in all subdirectory

In base directory i have folders like this:
so in each of them i have files like
0010011.mp3 0010031.mp3 0010051.mp3 0010071.mp3 0010021.mp3 0010041.mp3 0010061.mp3
so i want to remove first 3 characters and last 1 character so files will look like this
001.mp3 003.mp3 005.mp3 007.mp3 002.mp3 004.mp3 006.mp3
i tried this
for file in ??????*; do echo mv $file `echo $file | cut -c4-`; done
also this is not working in subdirectories it is just if files are in base directory
You may use this while loop:
cd /base/dir
while IFS= read -rd '' file; do
echo mv "$file" "$(sed -E 's~(.*/).{3}(.+).\.~\1\2.~' <<< "$file")"
done < <(find . -type f -print0)
Once you're satisfied with the results, remove echo before mv command.
If the filenames all have the same pattern you can cut the characters this way:
$ file='0010031.mp3'
$ cut -c4-6,8- <<< "$file"

Sort and rename files using a 9 digit sequence number

I want to rename multiple jpg files in a directory so they have 9 digit sequence number. I also want the files to be sorted by date from oldest to newest. I came up with this:
ls -tr | nl -v 100000000 | while read n f; do mv "$f" "$n.jpg"; done
this renames the files as I want them but the sequence numbers do not follow the date. I have also tried doing
ls -tr | cat -n .....
but that does not allow me to sepecify the starting sequence number.
Any suggestions what's wrong with my syntax?
Any other ways of achieving my goal?
If any of your filename contains a whitespace, you can use the following:
find -type f -printf '%T# %p\0' | \
sort -zk1nr | \
sed -z 's/^[^ ]* //' | \
xargs -0 -I % echo % | \
while read f; do
mv "$f" "$(printf "%09d" $i).jpg"
let i++
Note that this doesn't use ls for parsing, but uses the null byte as field separator in the different commands, respectively set as \0, -z, -0.
The find command prints the file time together with the name.
Then the file are sorted and sed removes the timestamp. xargs is giving the filenames to the mv command through read.
FILELIST=$(ls -tr ${DIR})
for file in ${FILELIST}; do
printf -v digit "%09d" $n
mv "$DIR/${file}" "$DIR/${digit}.jpg"
n=$[n + 1]
Something like this? Then you can use n to sepecify the starting sequence number. However, if you have spaces in your file names this would not work.
If using external tool is acceptable, you can use rnm:
rnm -ns '/i/.jpg' -si 100000000 -s/mt *.jpg
-ns: Name string (new name).
/i/: Index (A name string rule).
-si: Option that sets starting index.
-s/mt: Sort according to modification time.
If you want an arbitrary increment value:
rnm -ns '/i/.jpg' -si 100000000 -inc 45 -s/mt *.jpg
-inc: Specify an increment value.

How can I count the different file types within a folder using linux terminal?

Hey I'm star struck on how to count the different amounts of file types / extensions recursively in a folder. I also need to print them to a .txt file.
For example I have 10 txt's 20 .docx files mixed up in multiple folders.
Help me !
find ./ -type f |awk -F . '{print $NF}' | sort | awk '{count[$1]++}END{for(j in count) print j,"("count[j]" occurences)"}'
Gets all filenames with find, then uses awk to get the extension, then uses awk again to count the occurences
Just with bash: version 4 required for this code
shopt -s globstar nullglob
declare -A exts
for f in * **/*; do
[[ -f $f ]] || continue # only count files
filename=${f##*/} # remove directories from pathname
[[ $filename == $ext ]] && ext="no_extension"
: ${exts[$ext]=0} # initialize array element if unset
(( exts[$ext]++ ))
for ext in "${!exts[#]}"; do
echo "$ext ${exts[$ext]}"
done | sort -k2nr | column -t
this one seems unsolved so far, so here is how far I got counting files and ordering them:
find . -type f | sed -n 's/..*\.//p' | sort -f | uniq -ic
