Transformation vs Action in the context of Laziness - apache-spark

As mentioned in the "Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Big Data Analysis" book:
Transformations and actions are different because of the way Spark computes RDDs.
After some explanation about laziness, as I found, both transformations and actions are working lazily. Therefore, the question is, what does the quoted sentence mean?

It is not necessarily valid to contrast laziness of RDD actions vs transformations.
The correct statement would be that RDDs are lazily evaluated, from the perspective of an RDD as a collection of data: there's not necessarily "data" in memory when the RDD instance is created.
The question raised by this statement is: when does the RDD's data get loaded in memory? Which can be rephrased as "when does the RDD get evaluated?". It's here that we have the distinction between actions and transformations:
Consider the following sequence of code:
Line #1:
rdd = sc.textFile("text-file-path")
Does the RDD exist? Yes.
Is the data loaded in memory? No.
--> RDD evaluation is lazy
Line #2:
rdd2 = line: list.split())
Does the RDD exist? Yes. In fact, there are 2 RDDs.
Is the data loaded in memory? No.
--> Still, it's lazy, all Spark does is record how to load the data and transform it, remembering the lineage (how to derive RDDs one from another).
Line #3
Does the RDD exist? Yes (2 RDDs still).
Is the data loaded in memory? Yes.
What's the difference? collect() forces Spark to return the result of the transformations. Spark now does all that it recorded in steps #1, #2, and #3.
In spark's terminology, #1 and #2 are transformations.
Transformations typically return another RDD instance, and that's a hint for recognizing the lazy part.
#3 has an action, which simply means an operation that causes plans in transformations to be carried out in order to return a result or perform a final action, such as saving results (yes, "such as saving the actual collection of data loaded in memory").
So, in short, I'd say that RDDs are lazily evaluated, but, in my opinion, it's incorrect to label operations (actions or transformations) as lazy or not.

Transformations are lazy, actions are not.
Transformation - A function that mutates the data out on the cluster. These actions will change the data in place when they are executed. Examples of this are map, filter, and aggregate. These are not executed until an action is called.
Action - Any function that results in data being persisted or returned to the driver (also foreach, which doesn't really fall into those two categories).
In order to run an action (like saving the data), all the transformations you have requested up till now have to be run to materialize the data. Spark can implement optimizations if it looks at the total execution plan of the operations you want to run, so it is beneficial not to compute anything until it is required.


What happens to the previous RDD when it gets transformed into a new RDD?

I am a beginner in Apache Spark. What I have understood so far regarding RDDs is that, once a RDD is generated, it cannot be modified but can be transformed into another RDD. Now I have several doubts here:
If an RDD is transformed to another RDD on applying some transformation on the RDD, then what happens to the previous RDD? Are both the RDDs stored in the memory?
If an RDD is cached, and some transformation is applied on the cached RDD to generate a new RDD, then can there be a scenario that, there is not enough space in RAM to hold the newly generated RDD? In case, such a scenario occurs, how will Spark handle that?
Thanks in advance!
Due to Spark's lazy evaluation, nothing happens when you do transformations on RDDs. Spark only starts computing when you call an action (save, take, collect, ...). So to answer your questions,
The original RDD stays where it is, and the transformed RDD does not exist / has not been computed yet due to lazy evaluation. Only a query plan is generated for it.
Regardless of whether the original RDD is cached, the transformed RDD will not be computed until an action is called. Therefore running out of memory shouldn't happen.
Normally when you run out of memory, either you encounter an OOM error, or the cached RDDs in memory will be spilled onto the disk to free up memory.
In order to understand the answers of the questions you have, you need to know couple of things about spark.
Spark evaluation Model (Lazy Evaluation)
Spark Operations (Transformations and Actions)
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
Answer to your first Question:
You could think of RDD as virtual data structure that does not get filled with values unless there is some action called on it which materializes the rdd/dataframe. When you perform transformations it just creates query plan which shows the lazily evaluation behavior of spark. When action gets called, it perform all the transformation based on the physical plan that gets generated. So, nothing happens to the RDDs. RDD data gets pulled into memory when action gets called.
Answer to your Second Question:
If an RDD is cached and you perform multiple transformations on top of the cache RDD, actually nothing happens to the RDDs as cache is a transformation operation. Also the RDD that you have cached would be in memory when any action would be performed. So, you won't run out of memory.
You could run into memory issues if you are trying to cache each step of the transformation, which should be avoided.(Whether to cache or not Cache a dataframe/RDD is a million dollar question as beginner but you get to understand that as you learn the basics and spark architecture)
Other workflow where you can run out of memory is when you have huge data size and you are caching the rdd after some transformation as you would like to perform multiple actions on it or it is getting used in the workflow multiple times. In this case you need to verify your cluster configuration and need to make sure that it can handle the data that you are intending to cache.

Spark - do transformations also involve driver operations

My course notes have the following sentence: "RDDs support two types of operations: transformations, which create a new dataset from an existing one, and actions, which return a value to the driver program after running a computation on the dataset." But I think this is misleading because the transformation reduceByKey is performed locally on the workers and then on the driver as well (although the change does not take place until there's an action to be performed). Could you please correct me if I am wrong.
Here are the concepts
In Spark Transformation defines where one RDD generates one or more RDD. Everytime a new RDD is created. RDDs are immutable so any transformation on one RDD generates a new RDD and its added to DAG.
Action in spark are the function where new RDDs are not generated its generated other datatypes like String, int etc.. and result is returned to driver or other storage system.
Transformations are lazy in nature and nothing happen until action is triggered.
reduceByKey - Its a transformation as it generates a RDD from input RDD and its a WIDE TRANFORMATION. In reduce by key nothing happens until action is triggered. Please see the image below
reduce - its an action as it generates a non RDD type. Please see the image below
As a matter of fact, driver's first responsibility is managing the job. Moreover, RDD's objects are not located on driver to have an action on them. So, all the results are on workers till the actions' turns come. The thing which I mean is about lazy execution of spark, it means at first of the execution the plan is reviewed to the first action and if it could not find any then the whole program would result nothing. Otherwise, whole the program will be executed on the input data which would be presented as rdd object on the worker nodes to reach the action and all the data during this period would all be on workers and just the result according to the type of the action would be sent to or at least managed by the driver.

Spark Transformation - Why is it lazy and what is the advantage?

Spark Transformations are lazily evaluated - when we call the action it executes all the transformations based on lineage graph.
What is the advantage of having the Transformations Lazily evaluated?
Will it improve the performance and less amount of memory consumption compare to eagerly evaluated?
Is there any disadvantage of having the Transformation lazily evaluated?
For transformations, Spark adds them to a DAG of computation and only when driver requests some data, does this DAG actually gets executed.
One advantage of this is that Spark can make many optimization decisions after it had a chance to look at the DAG in entirety. This would not be possible if it executed everything as soon as it got it.
For example -- if you executed every transformation eagerly, what does that mean? Well, it means you will have to materialize that many intermediate datasets in memory. This is evidently not efficient -- for one, it will increase your GC costs. (Because you're really not interested in those intermediate results as such. Those are just convnient abstractions for you while writing the program.) So, what you do instead is -- you tell Spark what is the eventual answer you're interested and it figures out best way to get there.
Consider a 1 GB log file where you have error,warning and info messages and it is present in HDFS as blocks of 64 or 128 MB(doesn't matter in this context).You first create a RDD called "input" of this text file. Then,you create another RDD called "errors" by applying filter on the "input" RDD to fetch only the lines containing error messages and then call the action first() on the "error" RDD. Spark will here optimize the processing of the log file by stopping as soon as it finds the first occurrence of an error message in any of the partitions. If the same scenario had been repeated in eager evaluation, Spark would have filtered all the partitions of the log file even though you were only interested in the first error message.
Lazy evaluation means that if you tell Spark to operate on a set of data, it listens to what you ask it to do, writes down some shorthand for it so it doesn’t forget, and then does absolutely nothing. It will continue to do nothing, until you ask it for the final answer. [...]
It waits until you’re done giving it operators, and only when you ask it to give you the final answer does it evaluate, and it always looks to limit how much work it has to do.
It saves time and unwanted processing power.
Consider When Spark is not Lazy..
For Example : we are having 1GB file loaded into memory from the HDFS
We are having the transformation like
rdd1 = load file from HDFS
In this case when the 1st line is executed entry would be made to the DAG and 1GB file would be loaded to memory. In the second line the disaster is that just to print the line1 of the file the entire 1GB file is loaded onto memory.
Consider When Spark is Lazy
rdd1 = load file from HDFS
In this case 1st line executed anf entry is made to the DAG and entire execution plan is built. And spark does the internal optimization. Instead of loading the entire 1GB file only 1st line of the file loaded and printed..
This helps avoid too much of computation and makes way for optimization.
"Spark allows programmers to develop complex, multi-step data pipelines usind directed acyclic graph (DAG) pattern" - [Khan15]
"Since spark is based on DAG, it can follow a chain from child to parent to fetch any value like traversal" - [Khan15]
"DAG supports fault tolerance" - [Khan15]
(According to "Big data Analytics on Apache Spark" [SA16] and [Khan15])
"Spark will not compute RDDs until an action is called." - [SA16]
Example of actions: reduce(func), collect(), count(), first(), take(n), ... [APACHE]
"Spark keeps track of the lineage graph of transformations, which is used to compute each RDD on demand and to recover lost data." - [SA16]
Example of transformations: map(func), filter(func), filterMap(func), groupByKey([numPartitions]), reduceByKey(func, [numPartitions]), ... [APACHE]

how to distinguish an operation in spark is a transformation or an action?

I'm learning spark recently and confused about the transformation and action operation. I read the spark document and some books about spark, and I know action will cause a spark job to be executed in the cluster while transformation will not. But the operations of rdd listed in spark's api doc are not stated whether it is a transformation or an action operation.
For example, reduce is an action, on the other hand reduceByKey is a transformation! Why could this be.
You can tell by looking at the return type. An action will return a non-RDD type (your stored value types usually), whereas a transformation will return an RDD[Type] as it is still just a representation of your computation.

What is the result of RDD transformation in Spark?

Can anyone explain, what is the result of RDD transformations? Is it the new set of data (copy of data) or it is only new set of pointers, to filtered blocks of old data?
RDD transformations allow you to create dependencies between RDDs. Dependencies are only steps for producing results (a program). Each RDD in lineage chain (string of dependencies) has a function for calculating its data and has a pointer (dependency) to its parent RDD. Spark will divide RDD dependencies into stages and tasks and send those to workers for execution.
So if you do this:
val lines = sc.textFile("...")
val words = lines.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
val localwords = words.collect()
words will be an RDD containing a reference to lines RDD. When the program is executed, first lines' function will be executed (load the data from a text file), then words' function will be executed on the resulting data (split lines into words). Spark is lazy, so nothing will get executed unless you call some transformation or action that will trigger job creation and execution (collect in this example).
So, an RDD (transformed RDD, too) is not 'a set of data', but a step in a program (might be the only step) telling Spark how to get the data and what to do with it.
Transformations create new RDD based on the existing RDD. Basically, RDD's are immutable.
All transformations in Spark are lazy.Data in RDD's is not processed until an acton is performed.
Example of RDD transformations:
As others have mentioned, an RDD maintains a list of all the transformations which have been programmatically applied to it. These are lazily evaluated, so though (in the REPL, for example), you may get a result back of a different parameter type (after applying a map, for example), the 'new' RDD doensn't yet contain anything, because nothing has forced the original RDD to evaluate the transformations / filters which are in its lineage. Methods such as count, the various reduction methods, etc will cause the transportations to be applied. The checkpoint method applies all RDD actions as well, returning an RDD which is the result of the transportations but has no lineage (this can be a performance advantage, especially with iterative applications).
All answers are perfectly valid. I just want to add a quick picture :-)
Transformations are kind of operations which will transform your RDD data from one form to another. And when you apply this operation on any RDD, you will get a new RDD with transformed data (RDDs in Spark are immutable, Remember????). Operations like map, filter, flatMap are transformations.
Now there is a point to be noted here and that is when you apply the transformation on any RDD it will not perform the operation immediately. It will create a DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph) using the applied operation, source RDD and function used for transformation. And it will keep on building this graph using the references till you apply any action operation on the last lined up RDD. That is why the transformation in Spark are lazy.
The other answers give a good explanation already. Here are my some cents:
To know well what's inside that returned RDD, it'd better to check what's inside the RDD abstract class (quoted from source code):
Internally, each RDD is characterized by five main properties:
A list of partitions
A function for computing each split
A list of dependencies on other RDDs
Optionally, a Partitioner for key-value RDDs (e.g. to say that the RDD is hash-partitioned)
Optionally, a list of preferred locations to compute each split on (e.g. block locations for an HDFS file)
