Azure: limited access to external user - azure

We have an azure subscription and keep some important resources (VMs, network interfaces, ...) there. A new engineer from an outsource company is joining us, he'll need to manage resources as part of his job (create/update/remove new VMs,...).
We'd like to organize access in such a way that we have full access to resources that he creates, he has full access to resources that he creates, but he has no access to resources that we create
Is it possible?

It is possible.
Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) enables fine-grained access management for Azure. Using RBAC, you can grant only the amount of access that users need to perform their jobs. This article helps you get up and running with RBAC in the Azure portal.
If you want more details about how RBAC helps you manage access, see what is Role-Based-Access Control.
You can config RABC roles to manager it, also you can set permission to resource group, If you have not grant permission to new user, he can't find that resource.
More information about use RBAC to manage access to your Azure subscription resources, please refer to this article.
Hope this helps.

I was speaking with a Azure employee and they said this: You are able to assign roles on the account and some roles have access to specific things and some don't. I hope that helps!


Azure RBAC Custom Roles

I am currently trying to work out a concept for a roles and rights concept. Azure RBAC already has a few built-in roles but I am trying to create a few more custom roles. Are custom roles directly linked to the RBAC? And does anyone have any suggestions which roles I should definitely add? I'm not familiar with all applications in Azure at the moment since i have only been working with azure for a few weeks, so I would appreciate some suggestions. I am also trying to understand the hierarchy and structure behind Azure RBAC.
If anyone has worked out such a concept themselves or works a lot with azure rbac, feel free to share your experiences or results!
Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) helps manage who has access to Azure resources, what they can do with those resources, and what areas they have access to.
Azure RBAC is an authorization system built on Azure Resource Manager that provides fine-grained access management of Azure resources.
Create your own custom roles. Just like built-in roles, assign custom roles to users, groups, and service principals at management group (in preview only), subscription, and resource group scopes.
Custom roles can be shared between subscriptions that trust the same Azure AD directory. There is a limit of 5,000 custom roles per directory. Custom roles can be created using the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or the REST API.

How to restrict users on Azure Portal

We have Azure Enterprise subscription and I am the recent administrator. A group of IS auditors want to take a look at Network, NSG and other related stuff so we want to provide read only access to them. Can anyone guide how to provide them readonly access there.and they cannot access anything else
Can anyone guide how to provide them readonly access there.and they
cannot access anything else
You can make use of Azure Role-based Access Control (RBAC) to do exactly that. With Azure RBAC, you can grant granular-level permission on resources to resources in an Azure Subscription to the users. In this case, you can assign the auditors a Reader role on the resources (Network, NSG etc.) and they will only see the resources that they have access to.
You can learn more about Azure RBAC here:

Best practices for setting up Azure for a client and allow other devs access?

Do I have the client setup an account using their payment, contact info etc? or do I use my own account then somehow transfer everything to the client? Also, How do I give access to devs?
There are different strategies you can employ to decide how you want to design and organize your Subscriptions. The Subscription decision guide within the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure can help you establish that structure.
As for granting access to others, Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) is a system that provides fine-grained access management of Azure resources. Using Azure RBAC, you can segregate duties within your team and grant only the amount of access to users that they need to perform their jobs. Instead of giving everybody unrestricted permissions in your Azure subscription or resources, you can allow only certain actions at a particular scope. You can further refer to the best practices for Azure RBAC doc to know more.

How to create an user in azure portal with read only access to all resources in all subscription?

I want to create an user in azure portal with read only access to all resources in all of my subscription.
This user should not be able to modify any thing in any of my available subscriptions.
Seems You are trying to add a user who should have read only access to all resources in all of your subscription beside This user should not be able to modify anything on the tenant.
So the best way is to add that user as Global Reader(Can read everything that a global administrator can, but not update anything.) Role
Which provides authority to access all resources in all of your
subscription but cannot modify anything among the available
Hope this would help you.
This only covers Azure Active Directory resources. If you are trying to give read-only to Azure SUBSCRIPTION Resources, add the users to the Azure Role: "Readers".
The best recommendation here will be to add users with the reader permission to each subscription.
You would need to set your RBAC assignments per subscription. In case you have many subscriptions, you can automate this with a Logic App and doing requests to the Management API. Reference here. So on your logic app, you basically get a list of subscriptions, and then iterate them, and make the RBAC add assignment request for each of the subscriptions and for your given user(s).

Divide Owner RBAC Role of Azure

I am trying to divide the Azure Owner RBAC role between IAM actions and Other Actions, is it possible if yes then please help.
I have tried to list out all the actions of all the Azure RBAC roles and tried to distinguish between IAM and Other actions but this is not a good practice i know, even i have tried to list out actions of Owner role which is "*". i have tried 100's of websites as well for the solutions but dint work for me
As mentioned in the comment, I think you can use the Contributor, compared to Owner, it can do anything as the Owner but not manage the access to resources(the AD related thing you said).
For the AD related thing of Owner, you could just check the NotActions of Contributor.
And if you want to divide the Owner's permissions in two, I think it does not make sense, because once your custom role has the permission to manage the access to resources, he can assign other roles(e.g. Owner) to anyone like himself.
So in your case, you could just assign the Owner to the user who should need the most permissions, assign the Contributor to the user that you don't want to give the permissions of AD related thing.
As far as I know, Azure RABC role is used to manage azure resource. Regarding how to manage actions in Azure AD, Azure provides other roles to control it. For more details, please refer to
