I have coded the laplacien function for a non-regular mesh (created with the scipy.spatial.Delaunay function).
I have not errors but the results are not correct : the eigenvectors are correct but the eigenvalues are too high (in absolute value).
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import scipy.spatial
def rect_drum(L,H,U):
vals = []
val = 0
k = 1
l = 1
while val >= -U:
while val >= -U:
val = -np.pi**2*((k/L)**2+(l/H)**2)
if val >= -U:
l += 1
l = 1
k += 1
val = -np.pi**2*((k/L)**2+(l/H)**2)
return np.array(vals)
def count_vp(tab,U):
#count the n eigenvalues greater than equal to -U in the array tab
return tab[tab>=-U]
def in_curve(f,fargs,shape,a):
points = [] # the points inside the curve
for j in range(shape[0]):
for i in range(shape[1]):
if f(i*a,j*a,*fargs) < 0:
return np.array(points)
def triang(points,a,f,fargs,bord):
tri_points = points.copy()
tri_points[:,1] *= np.sqrt(3)
tri_points2 = np.vstack((points,bord))
tri_points2[:,1] *= np.sqrt(3)
tri_points2[:,0] += a/2
tri_points2[:,1] += np.sqrt(3)/2*a
fin = np.vstack((tri_points,tri_points2))
i = 0
eps = 0.01
while i < len(fin):
if f(fin[i,0]+eps,fin[i,1]+eps,*fargs) > 0:
fin = np.delete(fin,i,0)
i -= 1
i += 1
return np.vstack((fin,bord)),len(fin),len(bord)
def tri_ang(points,ind,p0):
# sort the points in trigonometric order
values = []
dtype = [('val',float),('n',int)]
for i in range(len(vec)):
values = np.sort(np.array(values,dtype),order='val')
new_points = []
new_ind = []
for tup in values:
return np.array(new_points),np.array(new_ind)
def M(points,tri,Nint):
indptr,ind = tri.vertex_neighbor_vertices
W = np.zeros((Nint,Nint)) # cotangents matrix
A = np.zeros((Nint,1)) # surfaces vertex array for each point i (A[i])
for i in range(Nint):
tot = 0
nhb_ind = ind[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]] # indices of the points close to the point of index k
nhb = points[nhb_ind] # their coordinates
nhb,nhb_ind = tri_ang(nhb,nhb_ind,points[i]) #the coordinates (nhb) and (nhb_ind) of each neighbor of i
for j in range(len(nhb_ind)):
vec = nhb[j]-points[i] # a vector connecting the point to his neighbor of index 0
vec_av = nhb[j-1]-points[i] # another vector but with the Vosin from before
if j+1 >= len(nhb_ind):
k = 0
k = j+1
vec_ap = nhb[k]-points[i] # another vector but with the next neighbor
# another vector but with the next neighbor
A[i] += 0.5/3*np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec,vec_av))
if nhb_ind[j] < Nint:
# we use the vector and scalar product to calculate the cotangents: A.B/||AxB||
cotan_alpha = np.dot(vec_av,vec_av-vec)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec_av,vec_av-vec))
cotan_beta = np.dot(vec_ap,vec_ap-vec)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec_ap,vec_ap-vec))
# Wij value :
W[i,nhb_ind[j]] = -0.5*(cotan_alpha+cotan_beta)
tot += cotan_alpha+cotan_beta
W[i,i] = -0.5*tot # diagonal values
return (1/A)*W
def rect(x,y,L,H,x0=0,y0=0):
if 0<x-x0<L and 0<y-y0<H:
return -1
return 1
def rect_rim(L,H,a,x0=0,y0=0):
tab1 = np.arange(x0,L+x0,a)[:,np.newaxis]
h = np.hstack((tab1,H*np.ones((len(tab1),1))+y0))
b = np.hstack((tab1,np.zeros((len(tab1),1))+y0))
tab2 = np.arange(y0+a,H+y0,a)[:,np.newaxis]
g = np.hstack((np.zeros((len(tab2),1))+x0,tab2))
d = np.hstack((L*np.ones((len(tab2),1))+x0,tab2))
hp = np.array([[L+x0,H+y0]])
bp = np.array([[L+x0,0]])
return np.vstack((h,b,g,d,hp,bp))
# sample with a square 1*1
L = 1
H = 1
dl = 0.05
sol = in_curve(rect,[L,H],(100,100),dl)
sol_tri,Nint,Nbord = triang(sol,dl,rect,[L,H],rect_rim(L,H,dl))
# plt.plot(sol_tri[:,0],sol_tri[:,1],linestyle="",marker="+",label="tri")
# plt.plot(sol[:,0],sol[:,1],linestyle="",marker="x")
# plt.legend()
# plt.show()
# triangulation
tri = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(sol_tri)
# plt.triplot(sol_tri[:,0],sol_tri[:,1],tri.simplices)
# plt.show()
M = M(sol_tri,tri,Nint)
valp,vecp = np.linalg.eig(M) # eigenvalues and eigenvectors
vecp = np.real(vecp)
# comparison with the exact solution:
T = 1000
U = np.arange(0,T,1)
NUsim = np.array([len(count_vp(valp,u)) for u in U])
NU = np.array([len(rect_drum(L,H,u)) for u in U])
# 3D plot of an eigenvector
vecp_tot = np.vstack((vecp,np.zeros((Nbord,Nint))))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
The laplacian is the function named "M".
The "in_curve function" return the points inside a curve defined by f(x,y,*fargs) < 0 (a square in the sample).
The "triang" function return points with added points (triangle meshs). The fonction uses an another function for the rim of the curve (for most precision), in the sample it is the "rect_rim" function.
I used the formula given at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_Laplace_operator ("mesh laplacians").
I have solve my problem : it's a sign and a rim problems.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import scipy.spatial
def rect_drum(L,H,U):
vals = []
val = 0
k = 1
l = 1
while val >= -U:
while val >= -U:
val = -np.pi**2*((k/L)**2+(l/H)**2)
if val >= -U:
l += 1
l = 1
k += 1
val = -np.pi**2*((k/L)**2+(l/H)**2)
return np.array(vals)
def count_vp(tab,U):
#count the n eigenvalues greater than equal to -U in the array tab
return tab[tab>=-U]
def in_curve(f,fargs,shape,a):
points = [] # the points inside the curve
for j in range(shape[0]):
for i in range(shape[1]):
if f(i*a,j*a,*fargs) < 0:
return np.array(points)
def triang(points,a,f,fargs,bord):
tri_points = points.copy()
tri_points[:,1] *= np.sqrt(3)
tri_points2 = np.vstack((points,bord))
tri_points2[:,1] *= np.sqrt(3)
tri_points2[:,0] += a/2
tri_points2[:,1] += np.sqrt(3)/2*a
fin = np.vstack((tri_points,tri_points2))
i = 0
eps = 0.01
while i < len(fin):
if f(fin[i,0]+eps,fin[i,1]+eps,*fargs) > 0:
fin = np.delete(fin,i,0)
i -= 1
i += 1
return np.vstack((fin,bord)),len(fin),len(bord)
def tri_ang(points,ind,p0):
# sort the points in trigonometric order
values = []
dtype = [('val',float),('n',int)]
for i in range(len(vec)):
values = np.sort(np.array(values,dtype),order='val')
new_points = []
new_ind = []
for tup in values:
return np.array(new_points),np.array(new_ind)
def Laplacian(points,tri,Nint):
indptr,ind = tri.vertex_neighbor_vertices
W = np.zeros((Nint,Nint)) # cotangents matrix
A = np.zeros((Nint,1)) # surfacesvertex aray of point i (A[i])
for i in range(Nint):
tot = 0
nhb_ind = ind[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]] # indices of the points close to the point of index k
nhb = points[nhb_ind] # their coordinates
nhb,nhb_ind = tri_ang(nhb,nhb_ind,points[i]) #the coordinates (nhb) and (nhb_ind) of each neighbor of i
for j in range(len(nhb_ind)):
vec = nhb[j]-points[i] # a vector connecting the point to his neighbor of index 0
vec_av = nhb[j-1]-points[i] # another vector but with the Vosin from before
if j+1 >= len(nhb_ind):
k = 0
k = j+1
vec_ap = nhb[k]-points[i] # another vector but with the next neighbor
# we use the cross product to calculate the areas of the triangles: ||AxB||/2:
A[i] += 0.5/3*np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec,vec_av))
# we use the cross product and scalar product to calculate the cotangents: A.B/||AxB||
cotan_alpha = np.dot(vec_av,vec_av-vec)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec_av,vec_av-vec))
cotan_beta = np.dot(vec_ap,vec_ap-vec)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec_ap,vec_ap-vec))
tot += cotan_alpha+cotan_beta
if nhb_ind[j] < Nint:
W[i,nhb_ind[j]] = 0.5*(cotan_alpha+cotan_beta)
W[i,i] = -0.5*tot # diagonal values
return (1/A)*W
def rect(x,y,L,H,x0=0,y0=0):
if 0<x-x0<L and 0<y-y0<H:
return -1
return 1
def rect_rim(L,H,a,x0=0,y0=0):
tab1 = np.arange(x0,L+x0,a)[:,np.newaxis]
h = np.hstack((tab1,H*np.ones((len(tab1),1))+y0))
b = np.hstack((tab1,np.zeros((len(tab1),1))+y0))
tab2 = np.arange(y0+a,H+y0,a)[:,np.newaxis]
g = np.hstack((np.zeros((len(tab2),1))+x0,tab2))
d = np.hstack((L*np.ones((len(tab2),1))+x0,tab2))
hp = np.array([[L+x0,H+y0]])
bp = np.array([[L+x0,0]])
return np.vstack((h,b,g,d,hp,bp))
# sample with a square 1*1
L = 1
H = 1
dl = 0.04
sol = in_curve(rect,[L,H],(100,100),dl)
sol_tri,Nint,Nbord = triang(sol,dl,rect,[L,H],rect_rim(L,H,dl))
# triangulation
tri = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(sol_tri)
M = Laplacian(sol_tri,tri,Nint)
valp,vecp = np.linalg.eig(M) # eigenvalues and eigenvectors
vecp = np.real(vecp)
# comparison with the exact solution:
T = 1000
U = np.arange(0,T,1)
NUsim = np.array([len(count_vp(valp,u)) for u in U])
NU = np.array([len(rect_drum(L,H,u)) for u in U])
# 3D plot of an eigenvector
mode = 0 # change this for an another mode
vecp_tot = np.vstack((vecp,np.zeros((Nbord,Nint))))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
Notes :
1- The hight eigenvalues are false : it's an effect of discretisation.
2- If dl is too small, we have false eigenvectors and eigenvalues (at the top of valp and firsts vectors of vecp), it's probably due to the quality of the meshing.
I have a list D containing 50 sub-lists. The number of elements in these sub-lists are decreasing. I visualize the list D by
for i, array in enumerate(D):
plt.scatter([i]*len(array), array)
I have 50 functions taking values from St_Sp, and Y is a list containing 50 elements, each of them is the output of each function. I visualize these functions
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i in range(len(Y)):
ax.plot(St_Sp, Y[i])
I found that too many colors are not easy to eyes. I would like to ask how to alternate color of the graphs between blue and white? I mean the color of the functions and dots in D are white > blue > white > blue ...
Could you please elaborate on how to do so?
##### Import packages
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import time
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
##### Initial conditions
N = 100
lamda = 7
mu = 2
a = np.exp(-0.05)
r = - np.log(a).copy()
St_Sp = np.arange(- N, N + 1)
Card = St_Sp.shape[0]
##### Define infintesimal generator
def LL(x, y):
if x == N or x == - N: re = 0
elif x - y == - 1: re = lamda
elif x - y == 1: re = mu
elif x - y == 0: re = - (mu + lamda)
else: re = 0
return re
def L(x):
return - LL(x, x)
##### Define function Phi
def Phi(x):
return max(x, 0)
Phi = np.vectorize(Phi)
##### Define vector b
b = np.array(Phi(St_Sp))
##### Define function Psi
def Psi(x):
return L(x) / (L(x) + r)
Psi = np.vectorize(Psi)
##### Generate a Boolean vector whose all elements are False
d = np.array([0] * Card).astype(bool)
##### Define matrix A
A = np.zeros((Card, Card))
for i in range(Card):
for j in range(Card):
if (i != j) & (L(St_Sp[i]) != 0):
A[i, j] = LL(St_Sp[i], St_Sp[j]) / L(St_Sp[i])
elif (i != j) & (L(St_Sp[i]) == 0):
A[i, j] = 0
elif (i == j) & (Psi(St_Sp[i]) != 0):
A[i, j] = - 1 / Psi(St_Sp[i])
else: A[i, j] = 1
##### Row names of A
rows = np.arange(0, Card)
##### Define matrix B
B = np.zeros((Card, Card))
for i in range(Card):
for j in range(Card):
if i != j:
B[i, j] = LL(St_Sp[i], St_Sp[j])
else: B[i, j] = LL(St_Sp[i], St_Sp[j]) - r
start = time.time()
##### Generate I_0
I = [np.array([1] * Card).astype(bool), d.copy()]
Z = np.array(b.copy())
Z = Z.astype(float)
D = [St_Sp]
index0 = np.matmul(B, Z) <= 0
index1 = ~ index0
Y = [b.copy()]
##### Iterations
for i in range(1, Card):
I = [I[0] & index0, I[1] | index1]
Z = np.array(b.copy())
Z = Z.astype(float)
A1 = A[np.ix_(rows[I[1]], rows[I[1]])]
A2 = A[np.ix_(rows[I[1]], rows[I[0]])]
Z[I[1]] = la.solve(A1, - np.matmul(A2, Z[I[0]]))
Y = np.concatenate((Y, [Z]))
index = np.matmul(B[I[0]], Z) <= 0
index0, index1 = d.copy(), d.copy()
index0[I[0]], index1[I[0]] = index, ~ index
if (I[0] == index0).all() == True: break
for i, array in enumerate(D):
plt.scatter([i]*len(array), array)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i in range(len(Y)):
ax.plot(St_Sp, Y[i])
The easiest approach is to set a custom color cycler. Instead of cycling between the 10 typical colors, the default colors for the plots will cycle through the given colors.
from cycler import cycler
custom_cycler = cycler(color=['white', 'blue'])
for i, array in enumerate(D[:-1]):
plt.scatter([i] * len(array), array)
plt.scatter([len(D) - 1] * len(D[-1]), D[-1], color='crimson')
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i in range(len(Y) - 1):
ax.plot(St_Sp, Y[i])
ax.plot(St_Sp, Y[len(Y) - 1], color='crimson')
I built a grid that generates random obstacles for pathfinding algorithm, but with fixed starting and ending points as shown in my snippet below:
import random
import numpy as np
#grid format
# 0 = navigable space
# 1 = occupied space
x = [[random.uniform(0,1) for i in range(50)]for j in range(50)]
grid = np.array([[0 for i in range(len(x[0]))]for j in range(len(x))])
for i in range(len(x)):
for j in range(len(x[0])):
if x[i][j] <= 0.7:
grid[i][j] = 0
grid[i][j] = 1
init = [5,5] #Start location
goal = [45,45] #Our goal
# clear starting and end point of potential obstacles
def clear_grid(grid, x, y):
if x != 0 and y != 0:
elif x == 0 and y != 0:
elif x != 0 and y == 0:
elif x ==0 and y == 0:
clear_grid(grid, init[0], init[1])
clear_grid(grid, goal[0], goal[1])
I need to generate also the starting and ending points randomly every time I run the code instead of making them fixed. How could I make it? Any assistance, please?.
init = [5,5] #Start location
goal = [45,45] #Our goal
init = np.random.randint(0, high = 49, size = 2)
goal = np.random.randint(0, high = 49, size = 2)
Assuming your grid goes from 0-49 on each axis. Personally I would add grid size variables, i_length & j_length
i_length = 50
j_length = 50
x = [[random.uniform(0,1) for i in range(i_length)]for j in range(j_length)]
grid = np.array([[0 for i in range(i_length)]for j in range(j_length)])
I am using bokeh 0.12.2. I have a select with words. When i choose a word it should circle the dot data. It seems to work then stop. I am trying with 2 words, word1 and word2. lastidx is full of index.xc and yx are the location of the circle here is the code. This is working with one but not really if i change the value in the select:
for j in range(0,2):
for i in range(0,len(lastidx[j])):
xc.append(tsne_kmeans[lastidx[j][i], 0])
yc.append(tsne_kmeans[lastidx[j][i], 1])
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xc, y=yc, s=mstwrd))
def callback(source=source):
dat = source.get('data')
x, y, s = dat['x'], dat['y'], dat['s']
val = cb_obj.get('value')
if val == 'word1':
for i in range(0,75):
x[i] = x[i]
y[i] = y[i]
elif val == 'word2':
for i in range(76,173):
x[i-76] = x[i]
y[i-76] = y[i]
slct = Select(title="Word:", value="word1", options=mstwrd , callback=CustomJS.from_py_func(callback))
# create the circle around the data where the word exist
r = plot_kmeans.circle('x','y', source=source)
glyph = r.glyph
glyph.size = 15
glyph.fill_alpha = 0.0
glyph.line_color = "black"
glyph.line_dash = [4, 2]
glyph.line_width = 1
x and y are loaded with all the data here and I just pick the data for the word I select. It seems to work and then it does not.
Is it possible to do that as a stand alone chart?
Thank you
I figured it out: code here is just to see if this was working. This will be improved of course. And may be this is what was written here at the end:
for i in range(0,len(lastidx[0])):
xc.append(tsne_kmeans[lastidx[0][i], 0])
yc.append(tsne_kmeans[lastidx[0][i], 1])
addto = len(lastidx[1])-len(lastidx[0])
# here i max out the data which has the least
# so when you go from one option to the other it
# removes all the previous data circle
for i in range(0,addto):
xc.append(-16) # just send them somewhere
for i in range(0, len(lastidx[1])):
xf.append(tsne_kmeans[lastidx[1][i], 0])
yf.append(tsne_kmeans[lastidx[1][i], 1])
x = xc
y = yc
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y,xc=xc,yc=yc,xf=xf,yf=yf))
val = "word1"
def callback(source=source):
dat = source.get('data')
x, y,xc,yc,xf,yf = dat['x'], dat['y'], dat['xc'], dat['yc'], dat['xf'], dat['yf']
# if slct.options['value'] == 'growth':
val = cb_obj.get('value')
if val == 'word1':
for i in range(0,len(xc)):
x[i] = xc[i]
y[i] = yc[i]
elif val == 'word2':
for i in range(0,len(xf)):
x[i] = xf[i]
y[i] = yf[i]
slct = Select(title="Most Used Word:", value=val, options=mstwrd , callback=CustomJS.from_py_func(callback))
# create the circle around the data where the word exist
r = plot_kmeans.circle('x','y', source=source)
I will check if i can pass a matrix. Don't forget to have the same size of data if not you will have multiple options circled in the same time.
Thank you