I am trying to apply a Runge Kutta method for solving an ODE. The problem is, python somewhere keeps rounding like a madman and I don't understand why or is something syntactically telling python to round everything? I've tried converting everything to float () to no avail. What should I do to have python compute everything satisfying some accuracy demand?
import numpy as np
def fn(x,y):
return x-y
def rk3 (y0,x):
n = len (x)
y = np.array([y0]*n)
for j in range(n-1):
h = x[j+1]-x[j]
k1 = h * fn(x[j],y[j])
k2 = h * fn(x[j] + h / 3.0, y[j] + k1 / 3.0)
k3 = h * fn(x[j] + 2.0*h /3.0, y[j] + 2.0*k2 /3.0)
y[j+1] = y[j] + k1*1.0/4.0 + k3 *3.0/4.0
return y
v = rk3(1, np.linspace(0,5,500))
The mistake is passing an integer in rk3(1,np.linspace(0,5,500)). If one changes to 1.0 all further operations are regarded as float point arithmetic as required.
I am tring to solve the equation of motion of charged particle in planetary magnetic field to see the path of the particle using Forward Euler's and RK5 method in python (as an excercise in learning Numerical methods) I encounter two problems:
The 'for loop' in the RK4 method does not update the new values. It give the values of the first iteration for all iteration.
With the change of the sing of 'β = charge/mass' the path of particle which is expected does not change. It seems the path is unaffected by the nature(sign) of the particle. What does this mean physically or mathematically?
The codes are adapted from :
python two coupled second order ODEs Runge Kutta 4th order
Applying Forward Euler Method to a Three-Box Model System of ODEs
I would be immensely grateful if anyone explain to me what is wrong in the code.
thank you.
The Code are as under:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import sin, cos
from scipy.integrate import odeint
scales = np.array([1e7, 0.1, 1, 1e-5, 10, 1e-5])
def LzForce(t,p):
# assigning each ODE to a vector element
r,x,θ,y,ϕ,z = p*scales
# constants
R = 60268e3 # metre
g_20 = 1583e-9
Ω = 9.74e-3 # degree/second
B_θ = (R/r)**4*g_20*cos(θ)*sin(θ)
B_r = 2*(R/r)**4*g_20*(0.5*(3*cos(θ)**2-1))
β = +9.36e10
# defining the ODEs
drdt = x
dxdt = r*(y**2 +(z+Ω)**2*sin(θ)**2-β*z*sin(θ)*B_θ)
dθdt = y
dydt = (-2*x*y +r*(z+Ω)**2*sin(θ)*cos(θ)+β*r*z*sin(θ)*B_r)/r
dϕdt = z
dzdt = (-2*x*(z+Ω)*sin(θ)-2*r*y*(z+Ω)*cos(θ)+β*(x*B_θ-r*y*B_r))/(r*sin(θ))
return np.array([drdt,dxdt,dθdt,dydt,dϕdt,dzdt])/scales
def ForwardEuler(fun,t0,p0,tf,dt):
r0 = 6.6e+07
x0 = 0.
θ0 = 88.
y0 = 0.
ϕ0 = 0.
z0 = 22e-3
p0 = np.array([r0,x0,θ0,y0,ϕ0,z0])
t = np.arange(t0,tf+dt,dt)
p = np.zeros([len(t), len(p0)])
p[0] = p0
for i in range(len(t)-1):
p[i+1,:] = p[i,:] + fun(t[i],p[i,:]) * dt
return t, p
def rk4(fun,t0,p0,tf,dt):
# initial conditions
r0 = 6.6e+07
x0 = 0.
θ0 = 88.
y0 = 0.
ϕ0 = 0.
z0 = 22e-3
p0 = np.array([r0,x0,θ0,y0,ϕ0,z0])
t = np.arange(t0,tf+dt,dt)
p = np.zeros([len(t), len(p0)])
p[0] = p0
for i in range(len(t)-1):
k1 = dt * fun(t[i], p[i])
k2 = dt * fun(t[i] + 0.5*dt, p[i] + 0.5 * k1)
k3 = dt * fun(t[i] + 0.5*dt, p[i] + 0.5 * k2)
k4 = dt * fun(t[i] + dt, p[i] + k3)
p[i+1] = p[i] + (k1 + 2*(k2 + k3) + k4)/6
return t,p
dt = 0.5
tf = 1000
p0 = [6.6e+07,0.0,88.0,0.0,0.0,22e-3]
t0 = 0
#Solution with Forward Euler
t,p_Euler = ForwardEuler(LzForce,t0,p0,tf,dt)
#Solution with RK4
t ,p_RK4 = rk4(LzForce,t0, p0 ,tf,dt)
# Plot Solutions
r,x,θ,y,ϕ,z = p_Euler.T
plt.xlabel('time in sec')
for a,s in zip(ax.flatten(),[r,x,θ,y,ϕ,z]):
a.plot(t,s); a.grid()
plt.title("Forward Euler", loc='left')
plt.tight_layout(); plt.show()
r,x,θ,y,ϕ,z = p_RK4.T
plt.xlabel('time in sec')
for a,q in zip(ax.flatten(),[r,x,θ,y,ϕ,z]):
a.plot(t,q); a.grid()
plt.title("RK4", loc='left')
plt.tight_layout(); plt.show()
[RK4 solution plot][1]
[Euler's solution methods][2]
''''RK4 does not give iterated values.
The path is unaffected by the change of sign which is expected as it is under Lorentz force''''
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/bZdIw.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/tuNDp.png
You are not iterating more than once inside the for loop in rk4 because it returns after the first iteration.
for i in range(len(t)-1):
k1 = dt * fun(t[i], p[i])
k2 = dt * fun(t[i] + 0.5*dt, p[i] + 0.5 * k1)
k3 = dt * fun(t[i] + 0.5*dt, p[i] + 0.5 * k2)
k4 = dt * fun(t[i] + dt, p[i] + k3)
p[i+1] = p[i] + (k1 + 2*(k2 + k3) + k4)/6
# This is the problem line, the return was tabbed in, to be inside the for block, so the block executed once and returned.
return t,p
For physics questions please try a different forum.
I'm trying to apply the method for baselinining vibrational spectra, which is announced as an improvement over asymmetric and iterative re-weighted least-squares algorithms in the 2015 paper (doi:10.1039/c4an01061b), where the following matlab code was provided:
function z = baseline(y, lambda, ratio)
% Estimate baseline with arPLS in Matlab
N = length(y);
D = diff(speye(N), 2);
H = lambda*D'*D;
w = ones(N, 1);
while true
W = spdiags(w, 0, N, N);
% Cholesky decomposition
C = chol(W + H);
z = C \ (C' \ (w.*y) );
d = y - z;
% make d-, and get w^t with m and s
dn = d(d<0);
m = mean(d);
s = std(d);
wt = 1./ (1 + exp( 2* (d-(2*s-m))/s ) );
% check exit condition and backup
if norm(w-wt)/norm(w) < ratio, break; end
that I rewrote into python:
def baseline_arPLS(y, lam, ratio):
# Estimate baseline with arPLS
N = len(y)
k = [numpy.ones(N), -2*numpy.ones(N-1), numpy.ones(N-2)]
offset = [0, 1, 2]
D = diags(k, offset).toarray()
H = lam * numpy.matmul(D.T, D)
w_ = numpy.ones(N)
while True:
W = spdiags(w_, 0, N, N, format='csr')
# Cholesky decomposition
C = cholesky(W + H)
z_ = spsolve(C.T, w_ * y)
z = spsolve(C, z_)
d = y - z
# make d- and get w^t with m and s
dn = d[d<0]
m = numpy.mean(dn)
s = numpy.std(dn)
wt = 1. / (1 + numpy.exp(2 * (d - (2*s-m)) / s))
# check exit condition and backup
norm_wt, norm_w = norm(w_-wt), norm(w_)
if (norm_wt / norm_w) < ratio:
w_ = wt
Except for the input vector y the method requires parameters lam and ratio and it runs ok for values lam<1.e+07 and ratio>1.e-01, but outputs poor results. When values are changed outside this range, for example lam=1e+07, ratio=1e-02 the CPU starts heating up and job never finishes (I interrupted it after 1min). Also in both cases the following warning shows up:
/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/sparse/linalg/dsolve/linsolve.py: 144: SparseEfficencyWarning: spsolve requires A to be CSC or CSR matrix format warn('spsolve requires A to be CSC or CSR format',
although I added the recommended format='csr' option to the spdiags call.
And here's some synthetic data (similar to one in the paper) for testing purposes. The noise was added along with a 3rd degree polynomial baseline The method works well for parameters bl_1 and fails to converge for bl_2:
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
from scipy.sparse import spdiags, diags, identity
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
from numpy.linalg import cholesky, norm
import sys
x = numpy.arange(0, 1000)
noise = numpy.random.uniform(low=0, high = 10, size=len(x))
poly_3rd_degree = numpy.poly1d([1.2e-06, -1.23e-03, .36, -4.e-04])
poly_baseline = poly_3rd_degree(x)
y = 100 * numpy.exp(-((x-300)/15)**2)+\
200 * numpy.exp(-((x-750)/30)**2)+ \
100 * numpy.exp(-((x-800)/15)**2) + noise + poly_baseline
bl_1 = baseline_arPLS(y, 1e+07, 1e-01)
bl_2 = baseline_arPLS(y, 1e+07, 1e-02)
pyplot.plot(x, y, 'C0')
pyplot.plot(x, poly_baseline, 'C1')
pyplot.plot(x, bl_1, 'k')
All this is telling me that I'm doing something very non-optimal in my python implementation. Since I'm not knowledgeable enough about the intricacies of scipy computations I'm kindly asking for suggestions on how to achieve convergence in this calculations.
(I encountered an issue in running the "straight" matlab version of the code because the line D = diff(speye(N), 2); truncates the last two rows of the matrix, creating dimension mismatch later in the function. Following the description of matrix D's appearance I substituted this line by directly creating a tridiagonal matrix using the diags function.)
Guided by the comment #hpaulj made, and suspecting that the loop exit wasn't coded properly, I re-visited the paper and found out that the authors actually implemented an exit condition that was not featured in their matlab script. Changing the while loop condition provides an exit for any set of parameters; my understanding is that algorithm is not guaranteed to converge in all cases, which is why this condition is necessary but was omitted by error. Here's the edited version of my python code:
def baseline_arPLS(y, lam, ratio):
# Estimate baseline with arPLS
N = len(y)
k = [numpy.ones(N), -2*numpy.ones(N-1), numpy.ones(N-2)]
offset = [0, 1, 2]
D = diags(k, offset).toarray()
H = lam * numpy.matmul(D.T, D)
w_ = numpy.ones(N)
i = 0
N_iterations = 100
while i < N_iterations:
W = spdiags(w_, 0, N, N, format='csr')
# Cholesky decomposition
C = cholesky(W + H)
z_ = spsolve(C.T, w_ * y)
z = spsolve(C, z_)
d = y - z
# make d- and get w^t with m and s
dn = d[d<0]
m = numpy.mean(dn)
s = numpy.std(dn)
wt = 1. / (1 + numpy.exp(2 * (d - (2*s-m)) / s))
# check exit condition and backup
norm_wt, norm_w = norm(w_-wt), norm(w_)
if (norm_wt / norm_w) < ratio:
w_ = wt
i += 1
I am trying to solve the hyperbolic equation in the following way to find x and y. I wanted to know if it made sense to use the same equation twice in fsolve to find first x and then y. My code is as follows:
from scipy.optimize import *
from numpy import *
import math
a = 1/(a_6**2)
b = 1/(b_6**2)
def function_hyper(loc):
x = loc[0]
y = loc[1]
F = empty((2))
F[0] = a*pow(x, 2) - b*pow(y, 2) - 1
F[1] = a*pow(x, 2) - b*pow(y, 2) - 1
return F1
loc_Guess = np.array([0.0141, 0.107])
location = fsolve(function_hyper, loc_Guess)
Here, a_6 and b_6 are variables calculated from previous steps. a and b are co-efficients for solving hyperbolic equation of x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2 = 1. This is the equation I have written in F[0] and F[1]. empty is to define F before using it. So after having values for F, empty gets replaced. pow is to define a power of 2 for squaring x and y.
According to the documentation, fsolve is just a Wrapper around MINPACK's hybrd routine:
The purpose of HYBRD is to find a zero of a system of N non-linear functions in N variables by a modification of the Powell hybrid method. The user must provide a subroutine which calculates the functions. The Jacobian is then calculated by a forward-difference approximation.
Consequently, you need N equations to find the root of a function in N variables. Hence, in case one wants to find the root of a function f: R^N -> R one could either solve the system of N equations (f(x), ..., f(x)) = (0, ..., 0) (like you did) or simply (f(x), 0, ..., 0) = (0, ..., 0). The latter looks like this in code:
import numpy as np
a = 1/(a_6**2)
b = 1/(b_6**2)
def function_hyper(loc):
x, y = loc[0], loc[1]
F = np.zeros(2)
F[0] = a * x**2 - b * y**2 - 1
return F
I am carrying out inverse lapalce transform for various complicated expressions with sympy, and they usually end up with ValueError: gamma function pole. What can be done to aviod such error, and reach the result successfully ?
I had tried to decompose the expression by using sympy.apart function, and even rounded coefficients in the expression, but they all cannot guarantee the success of the code.
from sympy import *
s = symbols('s')
w = symbols('w', real =True)
t = symbols('t', positive = True)
f = 3.36/(2.564549826*s+1)/s + 5/(2.2654984123*s+1)/s
The error information is ValueError: gamma function pole
It's best to avoid using Floats in sympy but actually using Rational here means the integral hangs (takes a long time). If you use symbols instead you can get the answer quickly:
from sympy import *
s = symbols('s')
w = symbols('w', real =True)
t = symbols('t', positive = True)
a, b, c = symbols('a, b, c', real=True)
f = a/(b*s+1)/s + 5/(c*s+1)/s
That gives
a 5
─────────── + ───────────
s⋅(b⋅s + 1) s⋅(c⋅s + 1)
-100 -100
───── ─────
b c
a - a⋅ℯ + 5 - 5⋅ℯ
You can the substitute to get the answer you want:
In [22]: ilt = inverse_laplace_transform(f,s,t=100)
In [23]: ilt.subs({a: 3.36, b:2.564549826, c:2.2654984123})
Out[23]: 8.36000000000000
I have two functions that compute the same metric. One ends up using a list comprehension to cycle through a calculation, the other uses only numpy tensor operations. The functions take in a (N, 3) array, where N is the number of points in 3D space. When N <~ 3000 the tensor function is faster, when N >~ 3000 the list comprehension is faster. Both seem to have linear time complexity in terms of N i.e two time-N lines cross at N=~3000.
def approximate_area_loop(section, num_area_divisions):
n_a_d = num_area_divisions
interp_vectors = get_section_interp_(section)
a1 = section[:-1]
b1 = section[1:]
a2 = interp_vectors[:-1]
b2 = interp_vectors[1:]
c = lambda u: (1 - u) * a1 + u * a2
d = lambda u: (1 - u) * b1 + u * b2
x = lambda u, v: (1 - v) * c(u) + v * d(u)
area = np.sum([np.linalg.norm(np.cross((x((i + 1)/n_a_d, j/n_a_d) - x(i/n_a_d, j/n_a_d)),\
(x(i/n_a_d, (j +1)/n_a_d) - x(i/n_a_d, j/n_a_d))), axis = 1)\
for i in range(n_a_d) for j in range(n_a_d)])
Dt = section[-1, 0] - section[0, 0]
return area, Dt
def approximate_area_tensor(section, num_area_divisions):
divisors = np.linspace(0, 1, num_area_divisions + 1)
interp_vectors = get_section_interp_(section)
a1 = section[:-1]
b1 = section[1:]
a2 = interp_vectors[:-1]
b2 = interp_vectors[1:]
c = np.multiply.outer(a1, (1 - divisors)) + np.multiply.outer(a2, divisors) # c_areas_vecs_divs
d = np.multiply.outer(b1, (1 - divisors)) + np.multiply.outer(b2, divisors) # d_areas_vecs_divs
x = np.multiply.outer(c, (1 - divisors)) + np.multiply.outer(d, divisors) # x_areas_vecs_Divs_divs
u = x[:, :, 1:, :-1] - x[:, :, :-1, :-1] # u_areas_vecs_Divs_divs
v = x[:, :, :-1, 1:] - x[:, :, :-1, :-1] # v_areas_vecs_Divs_divs
sub_area_norm_vecs = np.cross(u, v, axis = 1) # areas_crosses_Divs_divs
sub_areas = np.linalg.norm(sub_area_norm_vecs, axis = 1) # areas_Divs_divs (values are now sub areas)
area = np.sum(sub_areas)
Dt = section[-1, 0] - section[0, 0]
return area, Dt
Why does the list comprehension version work faster at large N? Surely the tensor version should be faster? I'm wondering if it's something to do with the size of the calculations meaning it's too big to be done in cache? Please ask if I haven't included enough information, I'd really like to get to the bottom of this.
The bottleneck in the fully vectorized function was indeed in the np.linalg.norm as #hpauljs comment suggested.
Norm was used only to get the magnitude of all the vectors contained in axis 1. A much simpler and faster method was to just:
sub_areas = np.sqrt((sub_area_norm_vecs*sub_area_norm_vecs).sum(axis = 1))
This gives exactly the same results and sped up the code by up to 25 times faster than the loop implementation (even when the loop doesn't use linalg.norm either).