Adding placeholder text in voucher code input Prestashop - text

I have some difficulty to add a placeholder text in my voucher input box.
The page can be found at the following link:
Order Page
The website is built with Prestashop 1.6.17.
I would like to add 'Enter voucher code here' to the white input box below the image, as shown in this picture.
I added a string - placeholder text- in the html with chrome inspect function:
<input type="text" class="discount_name form-control" id="discount_name" name="discount_name" value="" placeholder="insert voucher code here">
However I do not know where to modify in Prestashop as there a no such html pages to look for. Does anyone have an idea?
Many thanks

You need to edit themes/your_theme/shopping-cart.tpl and edit the voucher input.
Make sure you clear cache afterwards if you have it enabled.
Here is the default theme's voucher input. There is one than more input depending on your tax and price settings in the default theme.
Your theme may be different but it should be in the same file.


Print image field in advanced pdf/html

I want to print an image field which is a signature on employee record.${entity.custbody_signature}
But when I print it is showing as '?' in the print.
This advanced pdf/html template is on purchase order record.
I created a free-form-text field on PO to store image file url in it. And then printed that image this way in the advanced pdf :
<img src= "${record.imgfieldname}"/>
Use <#filecabinet nstype="image" src="${entity.custbody_signature}">.
You won't need to use "available without login"
The best way to get the image url from image field in NetSuite is to do something like this
<img src= "${record.custbody_signature#Url}"/>

Add HTML input field to Advanced PDF of Netsuite

I want to add a HTML input field to Advanced PDF of Netsuite. We have a requirement from client where we need to add an editable field to the Advanced PDF. If anyone has tried doing this previously please help. I want to add a textarea to the Advanced PDF.
The BFO Report Generator documentation has details on how to create PDF form fields. (page 57)
The code would look something like
<input type="text" name="address" lines="4" scrollable="no" />
However, take note that this functionality is only available in the "Extended Edition" of the Report Generator. I am not sure what version NetSuite licenses.

How Can i add the customized section to home page in broadleaf

Hi I am new to broadleaf and i want to add the customized products to home page of broadleaf like the home page will load two cateogries of products at at time for example the home will want to load top sale products and hot sauces.
Please help me to Solve the issue.
Thanks in Advance
First off, i am not that experienced with broadleaf either, but my background has made it pretty easy for me to wrap my head around ( i think), and there are a quite a few different ways to do this and it really depends on how you ultimately like to maintain the lists, and your experience level.
As you have said you are just getting started, i'll give you what i think is the most simple way to do this.
First, assuming you are working from a recent version of the demo site. In this case, the home page is actually just a category with a custom template. If you look in the Admin app at the "Home" category and select the "Products" tab, you will see a list of the 4 Hot Sauces that are displayed on the home page in the Demo store.
The important thing to note here is that it is specifically not the "Hot Sauces" category, it is a specific subset that is selected in the admin app, giving you control of the not only the items displayed but the number of items displayed.
If you have seen the code in the homepage html template, you will see something like:
<div class="row">
<h3 class="text-center">
The Heat Clinic's Top Selling Sauces
<th:block th:if="${products}" id="products" class="group" th:each="product : ${products}" th:object="${product}" >
<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3" th:if="${product.isActive()}"
This is the code in the demo site that is displaying the list of hot sauces on the home page. The CategoryController retrieved ths list of products for the category and put them in the Model.
Now, the absoloute easiest way to add a second list of products to the home page is use the same technique. In Admin look at the "Marketing" tab, you will see the same list of 4 products in the "Featured Products" section. As far as I am aware this is not actually being used in the new versions of the demo site. Note that there is also the upsell and xsell product lists, but for this purpose i am just going to use the Featured Products list. I suggest you change these to some other products now just so you can see the changes to the home page are pulling the correct list later.
In homepage.html insert something like the following code (it's similar to the code you looked at above):
<div class="row">
<h3 class="text-center">Top Selling Products</h3>
<th:block th:if="${category?.featuredProducts}" id="featuredProducts" class="group" th:each="featuredProduct : ${category.featuredProducts}">
<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3" th:with="product=${featuredProduct.product}" th:object="${featuredProduct.product}"
And your done.
This is certainly not the only way, or even the best way, unless your definition of best is "It takes 5 minutes and 6 lines of HTML".
At some point, depending on how your requirements pan out, you may end up creating a specific HomepageController, this approach should still work in that case, without customising the admin interface, as long as the data is still put in the model by the controller.
FYI: The homepage template is located at site/src/main/resources/webTemplates/layout/homepage.html

Capybara Cucumber Find Field

I'm using Capybara with Cucumber.
The webpage I'm testing contains many email fields throughout but the ID's and labels for the input field change depending on which page you're on.
What I'm trying to do is create an generic reference to any email field so that one fill in method will work for all pages.
When inspecting the input fields, I can see they are of type='email
The full html:
<input id="privatekeeper_email_email" name="" value="" data-validity-message="Must be a valid email address" no_optional_label="true" type="email" autocomplete="off" maxlength="254">
In my block below you should be able to grasp what I'm tring to do:
email_fields = all('input[type="email"]')
fill_in(email_fields[0], with: text)
fill_in(email_fields[1], with: text)
When I run this, I get the following error:
Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find field #<Capybara::Node::Element tag="input" path="/html/body/div[3]/div/div[2]/form/div/div[2]/div[6]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div[2]/input">
Reading the Capybara docs, I can see that fill_in responds to ID, name or Label so my reference might not work. Is there anyway I could get this block to work?
Like I said, the Id's and labels are not consistent throughout the user journey
Since you've already found the element you need to call #set on it instead of using fill_in

Is there a way how to adjust HTML generated by xPage from document rich text field?

Is there a way how to adjust HTML generated by xPage from document rich text field? I have q document from which the rich text field content is displayed on xPage using computed text control. Solution works nice except, that xPages engine generates strange HTML from the rich text field. When displaying page on web using standard form, all texts written by default font and default size doesn't contain markup arround so on could use CSS to style it. Not this way in xPages. Everything have tag around and its not funny seeing generated font tag around the div tag :-(
<div class="tcl-columns3-in">
<font size="2" face="sans-serif"></font>
<font size="2" face="sans-serif">
<b>Header text ...</b>
<font size="2" face="sans-serif">
<div class="tcl-box-outlined">
text ...<br>
Is there a way how to get rid of out of generated HTML?. I looked to html filtering option with ASF filter but it requires to adjust settings on filesystem, which not option for me ...
There are a number of steps you narrow down your problem. RichText -> MIME -> RichText is not a problem free relationship. As Carl pointed out, you can have a look at the raw RichText -> Mime conversion result. Does that look OK? Then you could use a Dijit ContentPane to pull that content in.
It also depends on what control you use to display the content. You might have different success with textbox and RichText editor. If you look for very high fidelity you either store your RT as mime (a property of a RT field) or use Coex Edit a commercial server plug-in
use a computedField in your Xapge, and set the value to something like this
var rt = document1.getDocument().getFirstItem("Body");
return rt.getUnformattedText()
using this technique you can also format the content the way you like as it is all text. I use this to display colored and formatted json and xml
