How to define time column in in a pandas dataframe? - python-3.x

I have a "pandas.core.frame.DataFrame" "seied_log":
0 5.264761
1 5.719328
2 6.420809
3 6.129704
What I run is ARIMA model:
model = ARIMA(seied_log, order=(2, 1, 0))
Hovewer I receive the following mistake:
ValueError: Given a pandas object and the index does not contain dates
What I need, is to define a "date" column. These are yearly observations. How can I define a column with date starting from 1978?

If your index is 0 through n_obs-1, then simply
from datetime import datetime
seied_log["date"] = idx: datetime(year=1978+idx, month=1, day=1)


Extract row from pandas dateframe

I have a data frame as the image below. I want to extract the rows of data frame which are having year and month as '1395/01'. I used the code below, but I know it is not correct because we can use string slice on a series of strings. Can anyone show me a way without using nested for loops?
df[df['Date'][:7] == '1395/01']
I might use str.match here:
But in general it is usually preferable to store dates as datetime and not text. Also, the year 1395 seems dubious.
You can use loc and startswith to filter your dataframe.
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date': ['1395/01/01', '1395/02/01', '1395/01/01', '1395/05/01']})
0 1395/01/01
1 1395/02/01
2 1395/01/01
3 1395/05/01
print(df.loc[df['Date'].str.startswith('1395/01'), :])
0 1395/01/01
2 1395/01/01
If you would like to extract year and month for all rows, you can use str.slice:
df['Extracted Date'] = df['Date'].str.slice(0, 7)
Date Extracted Date
0 1395/01/01 1395/01
1 1395/02/01 1395/02
2 1395/01/01 1395/01
3 1395/05/01 1395/05

convert datetime to date python --> error: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'

Pandas by default represent dates with datetime64 [ns], so I have in my columns this format [2016-02-05 00:00:00] but I just want the date 2016-02-05, so I applied this code for a few columns:
df3a['MA'] = pd.to_datetime(df3a['MA'])
df3a['BA'] = pd.to_datetime(df3a['BA'])
df3a['FF'] = pd.to_datetime(df3a['FF'])
df3a['JJ'] = pd.to_datetime(df3a['JJ'])
but it gives me as result this error: TypeError: type unhashable: 'numpy.ndarray'
my question is: why i got this error and how do i convert datetime to date for multiple columns (around 50)?
i will be grateful for your help
One way to achieve what you'd like is with a DatetimeIndex. I've first created an Example DataFrame with 'date' and 'values' columns and tried from there on to reproduce the error you've got.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Example DataFrame with a DatetimeIndex (dti)
dti = pd.date_range('2020-12-01','2020-12-17') # dates from first of december up to date
values = np.random.choice(range(1, 101), len(dti)) # random values between 1 and 100
df = pd.DataFrame({'date':dti,'values':values}, index=range(len(dti)))
>>> date values
0 2020-12-01 85
1 2020-12-02 100
2 2020-12-03 96
3 2020-12-04 40
4 2020-12-05 27
In the example, just the dates are already shown without the time in the 'date' column, I guess since it is a DatetimeIndex.
What I haven't tested but might can work for you is:
# Your dataframe
df3a['MA'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df3a['MA'])
# automated transform for all columns (if all columns are datetimes!)
for label in df3a.columns:
df3a[label] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df3a[label])
Use DataFrame.apply:
cols = ['MA', 'BA', 'FF', 'JJ']
df3a[cols] = df3a[cols].apply(pd.to_datetime)

Apply function to specific rows of dataframe column

I have a following column in a dataframe:
I want to convert 5 digit values in a column to their corresponding binary values. I know how to convert it by using bin() function, but i don't know how to apply it only to rows that has 5digits.
Note that the column contains only values with either 1 or 5 digits. Values with 1 digit is only 1 or 0.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = {'c': [1,0,1,1,65280,65376,65280] }
df = pd.DataFrame (data, columns = ['c'])
// create another column 'clen' which has length of 'c'
df['clen'] = df['c'].astype(str).map(len)
//check condition and apply bin function to entire column
df.loc[df['clen']==5,'c'] = df['c'].apply(bin)

How can I loop over rows in my DataFrame, calculate a value and put that value in a new column with this lambda function

./test.csv looks like:
price datetime
1 100 2019-10-10
2 150 2019-11-10
import pandas as pd
import datetime as date
import datetime as time
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
csv_df = pd.read_csv('./test.csv')
today =
csv_df['datetime'] = csv_df['expiration_date'].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x)) #convert `expiration_date` to datetime Series
def days_until_exp(expiration_date, today):
diff = (expiration_date - today)
return [diff]
csv_df['days_until_expiration'] = csv_df['datetime'].apply(lambda x: days_until_exp(csv_df['datetime'], today))
I am trying to iterate over a specific column in my DateFrame labeled csv_df['datetime'] which in each cell has just one value, a date, and do a calcation defined by diff.
Then I want the single value diff to be put into the new Series csv_df['days_until_expiration'].
The problem is, it's calculating values for every row (673 rows) and putting all those values in a list in each row of csv_df['days_until_expiration. I realize it may be due to the brackets around [diff], but without them I get an error.
In Excel, I would just do something like =SUM(datetime - price) and click and drag down the rows to have it populate a new column. However, I want to do this in Pandas as it's part of a bigger application.
csv_df['datetime'] is series, so x of apply is each cell of series. You call apply with lambda and days_until_exp(), but you doesn't passing x to it. Therefore, the result is wrong.
Anyway, Without your sample data, I guess that you want to find sum of csv_df['datetime'] - today(). To do this, you don't need apply. Just do direct vectorized operation on series and sum.
I make 2 columns dataframe for sample:
datetime days_until_expiration
0 2019-09-01 NaN
1 2019-09-02 NaN
2 2019-09-03 NaN
Do the following return series of delta between csv_df['datetime'] and today(). I guess you want this::
td =
csv_df['days_until_expiration'] = (csv_df['datetime'] - td).dt.days
datetime days_until_expiration
0 2019-09-01 115
1 2019-09-02 116
2 2019-09-03 117
To find sum of all deltas and assign the same sum value to csv_df['days_until_expiration']
csv_df['days_until_expiration'] = (csv_df['datetime'] - td).dt.days.sum()
datetime days_until_expiration
0 2019-09-01 348
1 2019-09-02 348
2 2019-09-03 348

Convert pandas dataframe column containing Excel general numbers into datetime object

I have a dataframe that I constructed from pulling data from SQL using pd.read_sql_query(). I have one column that has dates but in excel general number format. How do convert this column into datetime object.
I can convert one value with the xlrd library but looking for the best way to convert the entire column.
datetime_value = datetime(*xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(42369, 0))
You can use map to apply a lambda function performing that operation to every entry in a column:
import pandas as pd
import xlrd
from datetime import datetime
# Create dummy dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
"date": [42369, 42370, 42371, 42372]
print df.to_string()
# Convert values into a new column named "converted"
df["converted"] = df["date"].map(lambda x: datetime(*xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(x, 0)))
print df.to_string()
Before conversion:
0 42369
1 42370
2 42371
3 42372
date converted
0 42369 2015-12-31
1 42370 2016-01-01
2 42371 2016-01-02
3 42372 2016-01-03
Is this what you are looking for?
To make this work with string entries, you could either tell Pandas to treat the column as ints or floats:
# int
df["converted"] = df["date"].astype(int).map(lambda x: datetime(*xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(x, 0)))
# float
df["converted"] = df["date"].astype(float).map(lambda x: datetime(*xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(x, 0)))
or just cast x to int or float within the lambda function:
# int
df["converted"] = df["date"].map(lambda x: datetime(*xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(int(x), 0)))
# float
df["converted"] = df["date"].map(lambda x: datetime(*xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(float(x), 0)))
