What diagram tool is used to generate microservice architecture - diagram

what diagram tool is used to generate the following diagram? Thanks.
source link

As mentionned here on nginx.com, it's with OmniGraffle. Since the author of your source link works too in NGinx, it is coherent.


Question about commercial use of generated JHipster apps

I'd like to get some business apps up and running quickly with the use of JHipster, which seems like a solid approach; assuming it is allowed. Is the commercial use of a generated JHipster application allowed and if so, what are the proper steps to take in in order to not infringe upon any terms and conditions of open source?
I apologize if this has been asked previously.
I really just need to know how I can go about using an instance of a generated application for something other than an open-source project.
There are many closed source applications originally generated by JHipster. The generated project is fully yours.

How to download Azure migrate dependency diagrams?

I am trying to download Azure Migrate dependency diagrams. I tried to take screenshots but some diagrams are very big to fit on the screen. So is there any way to actually download the dependency diagrams.
This feature is not available today and it is on our backlog. For now, you would have to capture screenshots.
Reach out to me #sadahmed at Microsoft dot com and reference this link and I shall help you connect with the PM working on this feature who would be glad to understand your requirement and help with the same.

Use case and difference between JHipster UML and JDL

JHipster provides some great tools for generating JPA entities and related objects and classes. The site showcases and describes comparisons between a few of these options:
Using a simple questionnaire entity-subgenerator (via jhipster entity) for generating very basic entities
Creating a UML with the JHipster-UML tool, or a similar UML tool
Using a DSL tool called JHipster-JDL with some nice IDE plugins or JDL-Studio
The Entity Sub-Generator (for beginners)
I've found that the entity-subgenerator is lacking for advanced users and is very limited on what it can do. However, it's great for new JHipster or Java/Spring users to understand what an entity is or how JHipster works regarding code generation.
JHipster-UML or JHipster-JDL (for advanced users)
That being the case, I'd only be interested in using JHipster-UML or JHipster-JDL for entity generation. My questions pertain just to those two techniques and when I would use JHipster-UML vs. JHipster-JDL:
What features does one have that the other does not have?
JHipster-JDL seems to have been created specifically for JHipster while JHipster-UML seems to use existing UML DSLs. Should I only use a UML tool only if I have some tool or language-familiarity preference?
These items are not clear on the docs on the website, so I'd love some clarification. Would be happy to update the OS docs to clarify this question for others not coming in with a preference for the two and trying to decide what direction to go with them.
JDL is more powerful than JHipster-UML because it has more features that go beyond class modeling like generating all your microservices applications at once from one file and JHipster 6 will add more features to JDL.
I usually recommend newcomers to start with entity sub generator because you don't have to learn a new language, you create few entities and then you use jhipster export-jdl to export these entities as JDL. From there you can easily switch to JDL only.

How to import UML based Web Engineering "UWE" profile into enterprise architect?

is there any way to import UWE Profile into EA? actually its profile is exported using MagicDraw UML CASE tool, i've tried to import it but it is giving me parsing error when i do?
this's the official site of UWE http://uwe.pst.ifi.lmu.de/publicationsMetamodelAndProfile.html
any help is appreciated, thank you!
No. UML profiles have no standardized external representation like models do (and even in that case, the standard is too weak to be useful), and profile formats are proprietary in each tool. Unless you can find a specialized third-party profile conversion tool, moving profiles between modelling tools isn't possible.

Application to browse a Node.js package code

I want to browse through hubot's code using some kind of summarized representation of methods. I like YARD in Ruby because it does exactly that for Gems.
What tool (offline or online) can I use?
Try this : http://yui.github.io/yuidoc/args/index.html. This is the YUIDoc tool which is a NodeJS application.
The page provides information about the usage.
I found this excellent package: https://github.com/netzpirat/codo, which is actually based in YARD, and produces documentation just like it.
