QuantLib parametrization stochastic volaltility - python-3.x

I was trying to replicate this paper (which is about to the Heston Model) using QuantLib tool (python 3.5).
Following the Python Quantlib Cookbook I was able to setup the parameters of page 12 from the paper. Quantlib´s result is 0.0497495 which is slightly different from paper´s result (0.049521147).
So, my question is what is the cause of this difference? Is it possible that day account have something to do here?
Code following Cookbook with papers´s parameters:
from QuantLib import *
import numpy as np
import math
strike_price = 2
payoff = PlainVanillaPayoff(Option.Call, strike_price)
#option data
maturity_date = Date(16, 4, 2028)
spot_price = 1
strike_price = 2
volatility = 0.16 # the historical vols for a year
dividend_rate = 0.000
option_type = Option.Call
risk_free_rate = 0.000
day_count = Actual365Fixed()
calendar = UnitedStates()
calculation_date = Date(16, 4, 2018)
Settings.instance().evaluationDate = calculation_date
# construct the European Option
payoff = PlainVanillaPayoff(option_type, strike_price)
exercise = EuropeanExercise(maturity_date)
european_option = VanillaOption(payoff, exercise)
# construct the Heston process
v0 = 0.16 #volatility*volatility # spot variance
kappa = 1
theta = 0.16
sigma = 2
rho = -0.8
spot_handle = QuoteHandle(SimpleQuote(spot_price))
flat_ts = YieldTermStructureHandle(FlatForward(calculation_date,
risk_free_rate, day_count))
dividend_yield = YieldTermStructureHandle(FlatForward(calculation_date,
dividend_rate, day_count))
heston_process = HestonProcess(flat_ts, dividend_yield,spot_handle,
v0, kappa,theta, sigma, rho)
engine = AnalyticHestonEngine(HestonModel(heston_process),0.01, 1000)
h_price = european_option.NPV()
print("The Heston model price is",h_price)
PD: I used QuantLib engine to double check my code (I must say I have no experience using QuantLib). I get the paper´s result using my code.

The difference is partly, but not entirely due to the day counter.
If you use day_count = SimpleDayCounter(), leaving all else the same the QuantLib result becomes 0.04964543.
The rest of the difference is because you set the "relative tolerance" in the AnalyticHestonEngine to 0.01. If you set it to a smaller value, e.g. to 0.001, you get an answer of 0.04951948, which is consistent with the answer obtained in the paper of 0.0495.


How can I interpolate values from two lists (in Python)?

I am relatively new to coding in Python. I have mainly used MatLab in the past and am used to having vectors that can be referenced explicitly rather than appended lists. I have a script where I generate a list of x- and y- (z-, v-, etc) values. Later, I want to interpolate and then print a table of the values at specified points. Here is a MWE. The problem is at line 48:
yq = interp1d(x_list, y_list, xq(nn))#interp1(output1(:,1),output1(:,2),xq(nn))
I'm not sure I have the correct syntax for the last two lines either:
table[nn] = ('%.2f' %xq, '%.2f' %yq)
Here is the full script for the MWE:
#This script was written to test how to interpolate after data was created in a loop and stored as a list. Can a list be accessed explicitly like a vector in matlab?
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from math import * #for ceil
from astropy.table import Table #for Table
import numpy as np
# define the initial conditions
x = 0 # initial x position
y = 0 # initial y position
Rmax = 10 # maxium range
""" initializing variables for plots"""
x_list = [x]
y_list = [y]
""" define functions"""
# not necessary for this MWE
"""create sample data for MWE"""
# x and y data are calculated using functions and appended to their respective lists
h = 1
t = 0
tf = 10
# Example of interpolation without a loop: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/tutorial/interpolate.html#d-interpolation-interp1d
#x = np.linspace(0, 10, num=11, endpoint=True)
#y = np.cos(-x**2/9.0)
#f = interp1d(x, y)
for i in range(N):
x = h*i
y = cos(-x**2/9.0)
""" appends selected data for ability to plot"""
## Interpolation after x- and y-lists are already created
intervals = 0.5
nfinal = ceil(Rmax/intervals)
NN = nfinal+1 # length of table
dtype = [('Range (units?)', 'f8'), ('Drop? (units)', 'f8')]
table = Table(data=np.zeros(N, dtype=dtype))
for nn in range(NN):#for nn = 1:NN
xq = 0.0 + (nn-1)*intervals #0.0 + (nn-1)*intervals
yq = interp1d(x_list, y_list, xq(nn))#interp1(output1(:,1),output1(:,2),xq(nn))
table[nn] = ('%.2f' %xq, '%.2f' %yq)
Your help and patience will be greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Your code has some glaring issues that made it really difficult to understand. Let's first take a look at some things I needed to fix:
for i in range(N):
x = h*1
y = cos(-x**2/9.0)
""" appends selected data for ability to plot"""
You are appending a single value without modifying it. What I presume you wanted is down below.
intervals = 0.5
nfinal = ceil(Rmax/intervals)
NN = nfinal+1 # length of table
dtype = [('Range (units?)', 'f8'), ('Drop? (units)', 'f8')]
table = Table(data=np.zeros(N, dtype=dtype))
for nn in range(NN):#for nn = 1:NN
xq = 0.0 + (nn-1)*intervals #0.0 + (nn-1)*intervals
yq = interp1d(x_list, y_list, xq(nn))#interp1(output1(:,1),output1(:,2),xq(nn))
table[nn] = ('%.2f' %xq, '%.2f' %yq)
This is where things get strange. First: use pandas tables, this is the more popular choice. Second: I have no idea what you are trying to loop over. What I presume you wanted was to vary the number of points for the interpolation, which I have done so below. Third: you are trying to interpolate a point, when you probably want to interpolate over a range of points (...interpolation). Lastly, you are using the interp1d function incorrectly. Please take a look at the code below or run it here; let me know what you exactly wanted (specifically: what should xq / xq(nn) be?), because the MRE you provided is quite confusing.
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from math import *
import numpy as np
Rmax = 10
h = 1
t = 0
tf = 10
N = ceil(tf/h)
x = np.arange(0,N+1)
y = np.cos(-x**2/9.0)
interval = 0.5
NN = ceil(Rmax/interval) + 1
ip_list = np.arange(1,interval*NN,interval)
xtable = []
ytable = []
for i,nn in enumerate(ip_list):
f = interp1d(x,y)
x_i = np.arange(0,nn+interval,interval)
xtable += [x_i]
ytable += [f(x_i)]
[print(i) for i in xtable]
[print(i) for i in ytable]

Trying to rule out astrology but something is wrong

I am trying to rule out a possible astrology effect on populations as a statistically insignificant effect but to no avail. I am using Pearson's Chi Square test on two distributions of sun signs from two different populations one of astronaut pilots and the other one of celebrities. Something must be wrong but I failed to find it, probably on the statistics side.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import ephem
from collections import Counter, namedtuple
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
models = pd.read_csv('models.csv', delimiter=',')
astronauts = pd.read_csv('astronauts.csv', delimiter=',')
models = models.sample(229)
astronauts = astronauts.sample(229)
sun = ephem.Sun()
def get_planet_constellation(planet, dataset):
person_planet_constellation = []
for person in dataset['Birth Date']:
person_planet_constellation += [ephem.constellation(planet)[1]]
return person_planet_constellation
def plot_bar_group(planet, data1, data2):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.bar(data1.keys(), data1.values(), alpha=0.5)
plt.bar(data2.keys(), data2.values(), alpha=0.5)
plt.legend(['astronauts', 'models'])
ylabel = 'Percentages of ' + planet.name + ' in constellation'
title = 'Histogram of ' + planet.name + ' in constellation by group'
astronaut_sun_constellation = Counter(
get_planet_constellation(sun, astronauts))
model_sun_constellation = Counter(get_planet_constellation(sun, models))
plot_bar_group(sun, astronaut_sun_constellation, model_sun_constellation)
a = list(astronaut_sun_constellation.values())
b = list(model_sun_constellation.values())
s = np.array([a, b])
stat, p, dof, expected = stats.chi2_contingency(s)
print(stat, p, dof, expected)
prob = 0.95
critical = stats.chi2.ppf(prob, dof)
if abs(stat) >= critical:
print('Dependent (reject H0)')
print('Independent (fail to reject H0)')
# interpret p-value
alpha = 1.0 - prob
if p <= alpha:
print('Dependent (reject H0)')
print('Independent (fail to reject H0)')
I have eventually found the bug, it was on passing the counter as a list to the chisquare function, it must be sorted first, otherwise chisquare sees a major difference in the counters values. All astrology effects now are insignificant as expected at the level of 0.95

Easyviz and scitools.std still works on python3? There is an alternative to making films from a sequence of images?

I am studying the book 'A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python 2nd' by Hans Petter Langtangen. The book uses python2 but I am applying it in python3. The scotools.std library is widely used in the book, but I cannot import or install it in python3. Is there an alternative to scitools.std that works for python3? (This may solve my difficulty in following the book.)
Specifically in this question I'm looking for an alternative to Easyviz, because I can't make a movie with the graph of the Gaussian function by modifying the parameter s as desired in the question.
The python2 code presented in the book is:
from scitools.std import *
import time
def f(x, m, s):
return (1.0/(sqrt(2*pi)*s))*exp(-0.5*((x-m)/s)**2)
m = 0
s_start = 2
s_stop = 0.2
s_values = linspace(s_start,s_stop, 30)
x = linspace(m - 3*s_start, m + 3*s_start, 1000)
# f is max for x=m; smaller s gives larger max value
max_f = f(m, m s_stop)
# Show the movie on the screen
# and make hardcopies of frames simultaneously.
counter = 0
for s in s_values:
y = f(x, m, s)
plot(x, y, axis=[x[0], x[-1], -0.1, max_f],
xlabel='x', ylabel='f', legend='s=%4.2f' % s,
savefig='tmp%04d.png' % counter)
counter += 1
# Make movie file the simplest possible way:
My incomplete version in python3 is:
import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def f(x, m, s):
return (1.0/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*s))*np.exp(-0.5*((x-m)/s)**2)
m = 0
s_start = 2
s_stop = 0.2
s_values = np.linspace(s_start, s_stop, 30)
x = np.linspace(m - 3*s_start, m + 3*s_start, 1000)
# f is max for x=m; smaller s gives larger max value
max_f = f(m, m, s_stop)
# Show the movie on the screen
# and make hardcopies of frames simultaneosly.
counter = 0
for s in s_values:
y = f(x, m, s)
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.xlim(x[0], x[-1])
plt.ylim(-0.1, max_f + 0.1)
plt.legend('s=%4.2f' % s)
plt.savefig('tmp%04d.png' % counter)
counter += 1
This produces the 30 images correctly, but it does not go ahead and produces the movie.
*Note that I used plt.show () and I have to close 30 windows, if I don't use each generated file it shows the accumulated curves in the same graph.
So I see three ways to solve my problem:
1) Being able to correctly install and import scitools.std (this would be excellent, because the problem goes through the whole book!);
2) Getting an alternative to the scitools.std and Easyviz module;
3) Following the path I adopted in my incomplete version of the code, that is, replacing the command movie ('tmp * .png') presented by the book with something that works well in my code.
Yes, there is a module called scitools3.
You can install by:
pip install scitools3
and reboot your PC.
read more at https://pypi.org/project/scitools3/

Finding conditional mutual information from 3 discrete variable

I am trying to find conditional mutual information between three discrete random variable using pyitlib package for python with the help of the formula:
The expected Conditional Mutual information value is= 0.011
My 1st code:
import numpy as np
from pyitlib import discrete_random_variable as drv
The answer i am getting here is=0.4632245116328402
My 2nd code:
import numpy as np
from pyitlib import discrete_random_variable as drv
The answer i am getting here is=0.1583445441575102
While the expected result is=0.011
Can anybody help? I am in big trouble right now. Any kind of help will be appreciable.
Thanks in advance.
I think that the library function entropy_conditional(x,y,z) has some errors. I also test my samples, the same problem happens.
however, the function entropy_conditional with two variables is ok.
So I code my entropy_conditional(x,y,z) as entropy(x,y,z), the results is correct.
the code may be not beautiful.
def gen_dict(x):
dict_z = {}
for key in x:
dict_z[key] = dict_z.get(key, 0) + 1
return dict_z
def entropy(x,y,z):
x = np.array([x,y,z]).T
x = x[x[:,-1].argsort()] # sorted by the last column
w = x[:,-3]
y = x[:,-2]
z = x[:,-1]
# dict_w = gen_dict(w)
# dict_y = gen_dict(y)
dict_z = gen_dict(z)
list_z = [dict_z[i] for i in set(z)]
p_z = np.array(list_z)/sum(list_z)
pos = 0
ent = 0
for i in range(len(list_z)):
w = x[pos:pos+list_z[i],-3]
y = x[pos:pos+list_z[i],-2]
z = x[pos:pos+list_z[i],-1]
pos += list_z[i]
list_wy = np.zeros((len(set(w)),len(set(y))), dtype = float , order ="C")
list_w = list(set(w))
list_y = list(set(y))
for j in range(len(w)):
pos_w = list_w.index(w[j])
pos_y = list_y.index(y[j])
list_wy[pos_w,pos_y] += 1
list_p = list_wy.flatten()
list_p = np.array([k for k in list_p if k>0]/sum(list_p))
ent_t = 0
for j in list_p:
ent_t += -j * math.log2(j)
ent += p_z[i]* ent_t
return ent
c = entropy(X, Y, Z)
Based on the definitions of conditional entropy, calculating in bits (i.e. base 2) I obtain H(X|Z)=0.784159, H(Y|Z)=0.325011, H(X,Y|Z) = 0.950826. Based on the definition of conditional mutual information you provide above, I obtain I(X;Y|Z)=H(X|Z)+H(Y|Z)-H(X,Y|Z)= 0.158344. Noting that pyitlib uses base 2 by default, drv.information_mutual_conditional(X,Y,Z) appears to be computing the correct result.
Note that your use of drv.entropy_conditional(X,Y,Z) in your first example to compute conditional entropy is incorrect, you can however use drv.entropy_conditional(XY,Z), where XY is a 1D array representing the joint observations about X and Y, for example XY = [2*xy[0] + xy[1] for xy in zip(X,Y)].

How to calculate sin(alpha) = a in Python?

How can I calculated the angle in formula: sin(alpha) = a if I known a before.
Like example: sin(alpha) = 0.021 => alpha ?
Anybody can help me code the script to find out alpha value (angle)?
It could be done with Math module. Here is code:
import math
# To calculate 90 radian
a = math.sin(90*(math.pi)/180)
# 1.0
b = math.asin(1.0)*180/(math.pi)
# 90.0
It works.
