Why encode a JSON payload to base64? - web

On codejam site they are returning a json string as base64 encoded string.
The actual json payload's size is less than the base64 encoded string.
What's the reason behind returning the payload as base64 encoded string?

7 bit schemes are, or tend to be, transport neutral. There is a natural corruption check as least as good as CRC, and the JSON is less likely to be mangled by well meaning library functions (CRLF, anti-injection, SQL parsing). Yes it's going to be longer. 7 goes into anything more times than 8 (or more).


SHA512 to UTF8 to byte encryption

a question:
A parcel service provider requests that the password is encoded in a specific way:
KEY -> UTF8 Encoding -> SHA512
They KEY should be in byte form, not string
currently I have this in Node.js with CryptoJS:
password = CryptoJS.SHA512(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(key))
password = CryptoJS.SHA512(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(key))
Don't know which one is the right one.
I need to convert the key to bytes, how do I do that?
Keys are arbitrary sequences of bytes, and SHA-512 works on arbitrary sequences of bytes. However, UTF-8 can't encode arbitrary sequences of bytes. It can only encode Unicode code points. What you're asking for isn't possible. (I suggest posting precisely what the requirement is. It's possible you're misreading it.)
You need another encoding, such as Base64 or Hex. The output of either of those is compatible with UTF-8 (they both output subsets of UTF-8).
That said, this is a very strange request, since you already have exactly the correct input for SHA-512. Converting it to a string and then converting that string back to (likely different) bytes seems a pointless step, but if you need it, you'll need a byte encoding like Base64 or Hex.

How JSONEachRow can support binary data?

This document suggests that JSONEachRow Format can handle binary data.
From my understanding binary data can contain any bytes and because of this data can represent anything and it can break the JSON structure.
For example, a string may contain some bytes that may represent a quote if interpreted in UTF-8 or some invalid bytes.
How are they achieving it?
How do they know when that string is actually ending?
At the end the DB needs to interpret the command and values, they must be using some encoding to do that.
Please correct me if I am wrong somehow.

How to know encoding of this file?

I thought this is base64 encoding so i try to decode it in that way but it seems this is not base64 encoding. I want to decode this.
I am learning about reverse eng. and i got this file. This is simple quiz app. (android) in database file it has question with above encoding string. I put here first one. There are many more questions like this.
The colon character : cannot appear in base64 output, and also = can only appear at the end of base64 output, so this string seems to be composed of 3 parts, each individually encoded in base64:
These don't decode to anything meaningful in base64, so my guess is some encryption scheme has been applied. After decoding, the lengths of these are all multiple of 16 bytes, which hints at a block cipher with blocks of 16 bytes (128 bits).

Confusion surrounding MongoDB/GridFS BinData

I am using Python Mongoengine for inserting image files into GridFS, with the following method:
product = Product(name='New Product', price=20.0, ...)
with open(<IMAGE_FILE>, 'rb') as product_photo:
product.image.put(product_photo_main, content_type='image/jpeg')
When I view this data with NoSQLBooster (or anything else) the data is represented like so:
"_id" : ObjectId("5d71263eae9a187374359927"),
"files_id" : ObjectId("5d71263eae9a187374359926"),
"n" : 0,
"data" : BinData(0,"/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD/4V6T... more 261096 bytes - image/jpeg")
And knowing that the second part of the tuple in BinData of the "data" field contains base64 encoding, I'm confused at which point the raw bytes given by open(<IMAGE_FILE>, 'rb') becomes encoded with base64?
So further more, being that base64 encoding is 33% - 37% larger in its size, in regards of transferring that data - this is bad, how can I choose the encoding? At least stop it from using base64...
I have found this SO question which mentions a HexData data type.
I also found others mentioning subtypes aswell, which led me to find this about BSON data types.
Canonical Relaxed
{ "$binary":
"base64": "<payload>",
"subtype": "<t>"
<Same as Canonical>
Where the values are as follows:
Base64 encoded (with padding as “=”) payload string.
A one- or two-character hex string that corresponds to a BSON binary subtype. See the extended bson documentation
http://bsonspec.org/spec.html for subtypes available.
Which clearly tells us the payload will be base64!
So can I change this, or does it have to be that way?
at which point the raw bytes ... becomes encoded with base64
Direct Answer
Only at the point where you chose to display them on your console or through some other "display" format. The native format that crosses the wire in BSON format won't have this issue.
If you choose not to display the contents to your terminal or debugger, it will never have been encoded to base64 or any other format.
Point of Correction
which led me to find this about BSON data types.
Which clearly tells us the payload will be base64!
The linked page is referring to MongoDB Extended JSON, not the wire BSON format.
It is true that Extended JSON encodes the binary to base64, that is not true about bson itself.
As below, the only time your driver will pass the data through the extended JSON conversion is at the moment you ask it to display the contents to you via a print or debug
BSON's Spec (the internal mongodb serialization format) binaries are native byte format.
The relevant portion of the spec:
binary ::= int32 subtype (byte*)
indicates that a binary object is
length of the byte*,
followed by a 1-byte subtype
followed by the raw bytes
in the case of the bytes "Hello\x00World" which includes a null byte right in the middle
the "wire format" would be
[11] [0x00] [Hello\x00World]
notice, stack overflow, like virtually every driver or display terminal struggles with the embedded null byte, as would just about every display terminal unless the system made evident that the null byte is actually included in the bytes to be displayed.
meaning the integer (packed into a 32bit byte) followed by 1byte subtype, followed by the literal bytes is what will actually cross the wire.
As you pointed out, most languages would have immense trouble rendering this onscreen to a user.
Extended JSON is the specification that involves the most appropriate way to render non-displayable data into drivers.
Object IDs aren't just bytes, they're objects that can represent timestamps.
Timestamps aren't just numbers, they can represent timezones and be converted to display against the user timezone.
Binaries aren't always text, may have problematic bytes in there, and the easiest way to not bork up your terminal/gui/debugger is to simply encode them away in some ASCII format like base64.
Keep in Mind
bson.Binary and GridFS are not really supposed to be displayed/printed/written in their wire format. The wire format exists for the transfer layer.
To ease with debugging and print statements, most drivers implement a easily "displayable" format that yanks the native BSON format through the Extended JSON spec.
If you simply choose not to display/encode as extend JSON/debug/print, the binary bytes will never actually be base64 encoded by the driver.

Can ALL string be decoded as valid binary data?

As known, Base-64 encodes binary data into transferable ASCII strings, and we decode these strings back to data.
Now my question is inverted: Can every random string be decoded as binary data, and correctly encoded back to the exact original string?
It depends upon your coding method - some methods use only a limited range of characters so a string containing other characters would not be legal. In Base64 this is the case so the answer is no. With other methods I'm sure its possible but I cannot think of an example other than simply treating the string as binary bytes.
