How to retry pipeline (not individual jobs) in GitLab via the UI? - gitlab

Basically I am looking for the retry button for the pipeline triggered, but all I see is a retry button for the individuals jobs of that pipeline. I don't want to have to push a commit just to retry a pipeline.
Reference screenshot

You can retry the latest push on the pipeline by going to:
CI/CD -> Pipelines -> Run Pipeline -> Select the branch to run.
Otherwise, as you've mentioned, you'd have to manually press the retry button for each individual job for the pipeline (for a pipeline that isn't the latest).

GitLab 15.1 (June 2022) should help:
Retry a downstream pipeline from the pipeline graph
Previously, to retry a downstream pipeline, you had to navigate to the pipeline and select retry.
This worked, but was a challenging experience when there were multiple
downstream pipelines.
You had to go into every individual pipeline you
wanted to retry and find the retry option, which was cumbersome.
In this release, we’ve improved the user experience by adding an option to retry downstream pipelines directly from the pipeline graph, without the need to go into each pipeline’s details page.
See Documentation and Issue.>


Azure Devops pipeline triggering twice with Build Validation

I have created a pipeline in my repository which is used to validate code by executing unit tests for code that is being pushed to features/* branches. The same pipeline is used as Build validation pipeline set as Branch Policy on the develop branch to validate incoming PRs. This is the trigger of the pipeline.
# pipeline.yml
batch: false
- features/*
However we have come across the following condition: Given an open PR from refs/heads/features/azure-pipelines -> refs/heads/develop we push a commit on the features/azure-pipelines branch.
This causes the pipeline to trigger twice. To my understanding one of the runs is due to the trigger of the pipeline (The one marked as Individual CI on the screenshot) and the second run is due to branch policy trying to validate code being pushed onto the open PR to develop. (The PR Automated)
Is there any way to disable one of the executions since it's essentially a duplicate? I was maybe looking for a way to retrieve open PRs and abort execution of a pipeline for Individual CI if there is an open PR for a branch but I am not sure that's the best way around that and I am looking for options.
You can set
trigger: none
This way only the branch policy will trigger the pipeline.
Is there any way to disable one of the executions since it's essentially a duplicate?
As we know, we could not disable the Build validation pipeline set as Branch Policy on the develop branch to validate incoming PRs unless we cancel the Build validation.
For your situation, you could try to include [skip ci] in the commit message or description of the HEAD commit to make the Azure Pipelines skip running CI when you plan to merge the features branch to the develop branch.
You could check the document Skipping CI for individual commits for some more details.
Here it depends if they does the same. You can have conditional checks in the pipeline which does a different things for PR and CI runs. However, I'm pretty sure that this is not possible, because one is defined on the YAML and the second on the Azure DevOps portal. So even if you disnle PR trigger here in YAML, a branch policy still runs a PR. And you can specify antyhing in YAML to block branch policy.

Trigger Azure Pipeline on Merge

I have a use case where I have two pipelines configured. One for running tests which are triggered by a Pull Request and another pipeline that is handling deployment. I am using Bitbucket cloud in Azure.
Pipeline A - Run through tests on PR.
Pipeline B - Deploy upon successful merge (approved pull request).
My current setup is to trigger pipeline A when a pull request is submitted. This is no problem and works as intended. The issue I am running into is with Pipeline B. It is triggered regardless of whether the PR is approved or even merged. I know that expected behavior for the CI trigger is to fire off with any action on the branch. The PR trigger also doesn't fit my needs though as it would be redundant with Pipeline A.
What I would like to happen is since Pipeline A fires off on PR, a code reviewer will Approve and Merge the PR and only if the PR ends up getting merged into the Release branch is Pipeline B triggered. Is this possible?
Developer completes code.
Developer submits PR against a Release1.0 branch.
Pipeline A triggers. Tests pass or fail.
Code reviewer approves and merges PR into Release1.0 branch.
Pipeline B triggers and deploys.
UPDATE: For those who bump into the same issue it's actually quite a simple fix. Simply setting the trigger...
pr: none
in Pipeline B will do the trick.
To be clear, this solution is specific to Bitbucket Cloud and GitHub repositories only. The 'pr' syntax in YAML pipelines doesn't exist for Azure Repositories (use branch policy instead).

Is there any way to rollback devops pipeline on last successful?

I am trying to rollback in release pipeline when the latest release gets fail it will revert at last successful. I added a PowerShell task which only runs when previous tasks have failed and script which is triggering last successful but the problem is it start redeploying stages randomly not sequentially.## Heading ##
In my scenario I have 3 stages, at the end of each stage, I have added a PowerShell task that will trigger only when the previous task has failed and wrote a script accordingly to trigger last successful release. so it will trigger all the stages in the last release because I haven't got any API or command to trigger release by id. I have an API which triggers only stages. All the stages are queueing sequentially but running randomly.
enter image description here
Since you are using the Release Pipeline, I suggest that you could use Auto-redeploy trigger option for each stage.
When the stage fails, it will re-deploy the last successful release of the current stage.
For example:
Set Auto-redeploy trigger option for stage 2 -> Stage2 fail -> Auto redeploy the last successful Stage 2
From you requirement, you could try to use the Release Orchestratortask from Release Orchestrator extension. This task could be used to manage the release.
Here is the example:
You could use this task to replace the powershell task. This task supports to select the re-run release name and the target stages.
It can also be sorted according to the input stage order.
Note: you also need to set Maximum number of parallel deployments as 2 for each stage -> Pre-deployment conditions-> Deployment queue settings.

What is the difference between Continuous deployment trigger and Pull request trigger?

Azure DevOps Release pipeline artifact settings has 2 options:
Continuous deployment trigger - Enabling the trigger will create a new release every time a new build is available.
Pull request trigger - Enabling this will create a release every time a selected artifact is available as part of a pull request workflow
I am trying to understand what is the difference between these options with respect to the highlighted parts and whether the build validation policy causes release to trigger with both options, if so then why do we have pull request trigger?
In my opinion, these two triggers have different working scope.
Assuming we set one CI build as release artifact, according to my test:
1.Continuous deployment trigger:
Whenever we have a new version of the Build, it triggers the release. It means that no matter the build pipeline is triggered by manual run, CI trigger or build validation in branch policy, the release is triggered when there's one newer build.
2.Pull request trigger:
It has a smaller scope, it will be trigger by the build pipeline which is trigger by build validation in branch policy.
(Which is triggered by PR, so if we create new PR=>It triggers PR build=>It triggers PR release)
Feel free to correct me if I misunderstand anything.
Here's one pic about my two tests:
Release-8 is triggered by my manual running Build pipeline with only CD triggered enabled. And Release-7 is triggered by PR build with only PR triggered enabled. (I only enable the Pull Request for deployment in Stage 1)
Apart from working scope, these two triggers also have a little difference here. The Pull Request Deployment in stage for now is only for PR trigger in Artifact.
This explains that very well (taken from documentation):
Pull requests (PRs) provide an effective way to have code reviewed
before it is merged to the codebase. However, certain issues can be
tricky to find until the code is built and deployed to an environment.
Before the introduction of pull request release triggers, when a PR
was raised, you could trigger a build, but not a deployment. Pull
request triggers enable you to create pull request releases that
deploy your PR code or PR builds to detect deployment issues before
the code changes are merged. You can use pull request triggers with
code hosted on Azure Repos or GitHub.
New build basically means that your pipeline was executed.
Creating pull request trigger you need to define an artifact which will be later deployed. For this kind of trigger Azure Devops runs your pipeline and produce artifact according to your pipeline/build definition and later use this artifact for deployment.
Both trigger are similar, the difference is when your code will be deployed before or after being merged into main branch.
PR trigger is part of CI - applies when your merge your branch to master
CD trigger - applies only to the master branch

Azure Pipelines DevOps Not Being Triggered by PR

I've been using Azure Pipelines for a while now and haven't changed my azure-pipelines.yml file here in 2 months. Previously, when there was a new PR, the pipeline would trigger and cause the environment to be built and the tests would be run.
Today, there was a new PR but I noticed that the pipeline was not being triggered. Then, to further test this, I forked, cloned, and branched the repository myself and created another new PR and, again, the pipeline was not triggered.
It's not clear to me where things are getting stuck and it's not clear how one would debug this. I've gone through this Azure DevOps documentation but it wasn't useful. I can manually trigger the pipeline to execute and test the master branch but I don't know how to manually trigger the same thing for a PR. Here's my Azure DevOps page for reference.
As normal, you do not need config pr in YAML script if there's no any special demand, we would do pull request trigger for all branches. But, it start broken from 03-13 21:02 (UTC), which caused by us, you do not do anything wrong.
The fix is preparing with our best.
As Alex said, this is the implicit trigger which YAML support only, if you do not configure pr in YAML explicitly.
To avoid such stuck later, except the method that Alex mentioned: add pr into YAML. You can also make use of UI configuration which performance is very stable until now.
Just go Pipeline definition page => Click on three dots of right corner => Select Trigger:
Then you will see Triggers tab which has Continues integration and Pull request validation display below. Open Pull request validation and enable Override the YAML pull request trigger from here:
Additional, Our team has noticed this broken issue, will update whether it is fixed here once we have any fixed release in progress.
Update 3/18/2020:
Fixed has released to all region. Every one can work github pr trigger as the document shows now.
