Way to host node project on IIS - node.js

I have been working on an Angular application with node. I succeeded in hosting Angular application to IIS but still needs to run node application manually in localhost using npm run build.
Now all I want is to host Node application on IIS so that I can directly use it in the project. I tried IISNode but no success. Any way to do it without using IISNode?
And which is best practice, using a single project for Node and Angular application or create separate applications for both.


How can I convert a Node Js web application to a desktop application?

I have created a Node js Web application which is running on an express server. It is a web automation application which is made using puppeteer. I want this app to run in headful mode which is not possible if I deploy this on servers (for eg Heroku). So instead of deploying this application,I wanted to create a desktop app which runs this application on the local host everytime. Is there any way to convert this web application to a desktop application and run it on local host through the desktop app only?
Your best bet would be using Electron.
It is used for cross-platform apps with Nodejs and interacts like website, so you wouldn't need to rebuilt your app from scratch.

How to deploy React.js with Node backend in IIS?

I have an application built with Create React App that I want to use Node.js as a backend to load data from a database. Basically, I want Node to load the data and then use Create React App to do stuff with it. To do so I used this tutorial: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-make-create-react-app-work-with-a-node-backend-api-7c5c48acb1b0/. I have set up a working development environment where I have all the Create React App in a client folder, a server.js that loads the data (from MS SQL Server if that's relevant), and a proxy set in client/package.json (CRA's package.json) for the port that the node app is running on (5000 in my case). I then run yarn dev and these two servers run together and talk to each other and everything works great.
The issue is deploying. My organization uses IIS. From what I can gather Node and IIS are not the ideal combination but IIS is what we use for everything. I would like the server.js and the CRA to be in the same folder and to basically function like one app as much as possible (I know that Node will need to run its own server). I would also like a setup that can be easily changed or moved to another machine. What I've done thus far is:
Set up a single application with a client folder, which is the build for CRA, and then server.js in the root
In my react code, made API calls to http://localhost:5000 (in the development environment I could do fetch('api/somestuff') but to make it work in production I needed to do fetch('http://localhost:5000/api/somestuff') )
Installed pm2 and used it to run server.js and start the Node server
This worked, however I'm wondering whether this is the optimal way to do things. This worked on my local machine but I don't know what will happen when I put it on our production machines. Will the Node server block other applications? Will it stay running no matter what or might it crash? Ultimately this is going to be deployed in a multi-server environment where we have 2 load-balanced servers with identical code that are put through an F5 to form a single URL--will this impact anything?
I'm pretty new to programming so bear with me, I'm sorry if this question was confusingly phrased.
I suggest you install ARR to work with IIS as a reverse proxy, which can forward the HTTP request to the backend NodeJS server.
Besides, for cross-domain request forwarding in the rewrite action type, we need to install Application Request Routing, and enable the proxy functionality.
Here are two examples of applying this feature, please check it.
How to successfully run node server with IIS?
ASP.net URL Rewrite subdirectory to external URL
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Deploy angular 4 App in IIS

I have a multi-tenant Angular 4 and .Net core 2.0 application.
I have hosted .Net core API in IIS with deployment time debugging and for that I have followed this link.
With this configuration in IIS, I can access my API any time and if I want to debugg it, I can run it in VS.
Now, Is it possible to run Angular app directly with IIS. I mean is there any way that npm start will directly open app in specific IIS url like app.myapp.local, and not at localhost:4200
what I have did so far?
I have added one folder in wwwroot/myapp, and I have pointed it to Default web site in IIS.
then, I am building my app with ng build, copying all content of dist folder to wwwroot/myapp.
Is there any proper way in Angular, to handle this kind of scenario?
this question is not same as this Deploy angular application on IIS
because as I specified, I want to start my app in debugging mode at specific URL without building it, So please don't add it in duplicate without understanding question.

Deploying React & Node.JS as a service Linux Ubuntu 14

Have a Node.Js API and a React app semi finished. Working on deploying to get the development cycle churning. Currently using npm start for viewing the react server during development. Same for the Node API. When deployed to AWS EC2 I am building in the most basic fashion, npm build pushing to a 'release' folder.
Once the deploy folder is up, I can go into it and run serve -s release
This gets me up and running. I can do the same for api server.
To get the apps running as a service, for the api, I can see how I can build a systemd process and run that with no issue.
For the react app, is there an easy way to run that server as a system... I'm new to this stack, so I might be confused. I have read in some places that once you've built your react app that you need to serve it out via apache or nginx? (e.g. in development it hosts itself, in production, you need to serve it) Is that sort of the general idea - build with local hosting, deploy with a production webhost?
Help appreciated. This is my last major issue before I can get Jenkins running a nice pipeline for deployment. Thanks!
Since you are already running a NodeJs server, It would be a good idea to host your ReactJs App in the NodeJs App itself.
You can pipline in the Jenkins to Build the ReactJs App first and the move it to static serving folder in the server and then you just need to deploy the NodeJs app in which ever environment that you want.

Has anyone created a Node.js, Angular2 application running under IISNode?

We have created an application that runs on node.js using Angular2 but you have not launch it with "npm" which uses the lite-server. However, we are being told that we much run under IIS but the problem is npm loads all of the packages for you correctly, IIS and IISNode know nothing about all these packages we have downloaded via "npm". We have yet to see anyone who has ever created an Angular2 or even Angular application that runs under IIS using IISNode.
Does anyone know how we would have it load all the modules correctly?
I answered Mike's question within the issue he opened on the IISNode Repo on Github. Here are the excerpts from that issue answer.
Angular2, as far as I know, has nothing to do with IISNode and shouldn't present any issues with running your app in an IISNode environment.
IISNode provides a way to run node.exe on an IIS Server instead of using a process manager like pm2 or forever. You can run an Angular2 app hosted with a Node.js/Express backend easily by just following any examples for getting an Express server running in IISNode. Take a look at this tutorial I wrote on StackOverflow for getting an Express app running in IIS with IISNode. Once you've got your Express app running its just a matter of getting your Angular2 transpiled to a browser compatible JS version and serving that.
I was able to successfully run the Angular2 Quickstart in IISNode just now (I know this isn't a full blown app) and I also know I wouldn't have made my node_modules static but for the purpose of the exercise I have.
Here is the repo it works perfectly and loaded up just fine for me.
Just clone the repo, place on your IIS box and do npm i and you shou>ld be good to go. Make sure the app is reachable at root otherwise you'll need to do some additional work. Again I know this is simplistic but it is a demonstration that IISNode has no problem with loading the essentials of Angular2.
