Does PowerBI directly connect with Azure's ML workbench? - azure

Does PowerBI directly connect with Azure's ML workbench?
if yes,How?
Please respond.

Azure ML Workbench is compute tool for building and executing Data Science experiments and analytics, it is not a data store. ML Workbench would typically have data store inputs and outputs (e.g. SQL Server or Azure Data Lake). You would connect PowerBI on to the output (or input if you need) data set in order to visualise the analytics produced in the ML Workbench.


From Azure Stream Analytics to Power Bi Desktop

I have done some research on my own, but cant seem to find a solution. We have an IoT solution in Azure. We are gathering real-time streaming data from sensors to Azure IoT HUB. This data is getting sent to Azure Stream Analytics and through Azure functions we will display the data in Power Bi. This works for us so far, but we want the real-time streaming data not only in browser mode but also in Power BI desktop. Since the desktop has way more functionalities this is important. Does anybody have any input on this?
We have tried what I described
You need to output the data from Stream Analytics to some kind of data store, like Azure SQL Database, Cosmos DB, etc. Then you can connect your PowerBI Desktop to that datastore.

Distinct difference between Azure Databricks and Azure Synapse Analytics

Can someone explain the distinct difference between these two products in all major aspects? As far as I am aware from reading the official documents, both could host database systems and provide data cleaning pipeline? Both are on cloud?
Azure Databricks is an Apache Spark-based analytics platform optimized
for the Microsoft Azure cloud services platform. Designed with the
founders of Apache Spark, Databricks is integrated with Azure to
provide one-click setup, streamlined workflows, and an interactive
workspace that enables collaboration between data scientists, data
engineers, and business analysts.
Synapse Analytics:
Azure Synapse is a limitless analytics service that brings together
enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics. It gives you the
freedom to query data on your terms, using either serverless on-demand
or provisioned resources—at scale. Azure Synapse brings these two
worlds together with a unified experience to ingest, prepare, manage,
and serve data for immediate BI and machine learning needs
they do overlap to some extent, but they are not the same thing. Databricks is pretty much managed Apache Spark, whereas Synapse Analytics is managed SQL Data Warehouse.

Azure Data Factory architecture with Azure SQL database to Power BI

I'm no MS expert - recently hopped onto the Azure train and apologies in advance if I get some information wrong.
Basically need some input in Azure's architecture utilising Azure Data Factory (as the ETL/ELT tool) and Azure SQL database (as the storage), to a BI output - Power BI. My situation is this;
I have on-premise data sources such as Oracle DB, Oracle Cloud SSAS, MS SQL server db
I'd like to have a MS cloud infrastructure solution for reporting purposes.
No data migration needed - merely pumping on-prem data onto cloud and producing a BI reporting solution
Based on my limited knowledge and Google research, Azure Data Factory caters for all my on-prem sources, as well as the future cloud Azure SQL database. If future analysis is needed, Azure Storage and Azure Databricks can be added in to this architecture. I have sketched out the architecture of my proposed solution.
Just confirming my understanding
Without Azure Storage & Databricks (the 2 pink boxes), the 2 Azure component (DF & SQL database) is sufficient to take data from on-premise sources, process on cloud & output into Power BI.
With Azure Storage & Databricks (the 2 pink boxes), processing will be more efficient as their summarised function is to store training data models & act as an analytics processing engine.
Azure SQL database is more suitable, as compared to Azure SQL datawarehouse as my data sources does not exceed 1TB; cost-wise is cheaper AND one of my data sources contain data from call centers, hence OLTP is more suitable. Plus I have Azure Databricks to support the analytical bit that SQL datawarehouse does (OLAP).
Any other comments to help me understand this whole architecture will be great!
I am a new learner of Azure. I was wondering if we have #Query (value="...") kind or any equivalence for DocumentDb (CosmosDB). Because, the documentDB does not take #Query. I am looking to convert the sql query (From jpa to cosmosDB).
Taking data from on-prem or IaaS sources like SQL on a VM, Oracle etc, requires a Self-Hosted Integration Runtime (SHIR).
Please review the Modern Data Warehouse pattern which sounds similar to what you are proposing.

Need solution to integrate Grafana with Azure data lake

I want to integrate Azure data lake storage with Grafana for visualization of time series data. I need to know what all the tools I can use to make it possible.
I used ADF to extract data from csv files stored in data lake and move to a table in Azure data explorer. After that, I used Azure data explorer plugin in grafana to visualize the same. It worked fine. But I need to know is there any other approach which may be better or cost-effective.
Integrating Grafana with Azure Data Lake is the best option when compared to others because the other options include data movements using ADF and additional cost for Azure SQL Datawarehouse along with the cost of PowerBI.
Grafana is a leading open source software designed for visualizing time series analytics. It is an analytics and metrics platform that enables you to query and visualize data and create and share dashboards based on those visualizations. Combining Grafana’s beautiful visualizations with Azure Data Explorer’s snappy ad hoc queries over massive amounts of data, creates impressive usage potential.
The Grafana and Azure Data Explorer teams have created a dedicated plugin which enables you to connect to and visualize data from Azure Data Explorer using its intuitive and powerful Kusto Query Language. In just a few minutes, you can unlock the potential of your data and create your first Grafana dashboard with Azure Data Explorer.
For more details on visualizing data from Azure Data Explorer in Grafana please visit our documentation, “Visualize data from Azure Data Explorer in Grafana”.
Other options:
For Azure Data Lake Gen1:
You can use a mix of services to create visual representations of data stored in Data Lake Storage Gen1.
You can start by using Azure Data Factory to move data from Data Lake Storage Gen1 to Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
After that, you can integrate Power BI with Azure SQL Data Warehouse to create visual representation of the data.
For Azure Data Lake Gen2:
You can use a mix of services to create visual representations of data stored in Data Lake Storage Gen2.
You can start by using Azure Data Factory to move data from Data Lake Storage Gen2 to Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
After that, you can integrate Power BI with Azure SQL Data Warehouse to create visual representation of the data.
Hope this helps.
They just released a new guide. This is for Grafana 5.3
you are able to test this by running Grafana in a Docker container (or for real, if you want). I followed the guide, and it is working almost exactly as expected. The only issue I am having is Grafana is concatenating the column name and the data in the column, making reading and formatting tricky.

What are the Azure ML output formats?

Does Azure ML only provide output through it's web services?
Is it possible to feed the output to an Azure SQL database?
Is it possible to feed the output to a Redshift database?
Essentially I am looking to know if I can integrate Azure ML Studio with our existing redshift analytics database.
yes you can write to SQL DB in Azure.
you can also use a Python module to make REST calls so in theory you can write to Redshift.
Writing to SQL DB is possible in Azure ML and so is Writing directly to Azure Blob Storage.
However, unlike #Hai, I do not believe you can write to a Redshift DB since it is clearly stated by the "Python Module" documentation from Microsoft that the Python execution is Sandboxed and therefore can not access resources outside the virtual machine it runs on(i.e Internet resources, on-premises resources, ...)
