I'm having an issue where my search bar (embedded in a table view) doesn't show no matter what I do. It's just not there when I implement the iOS 11 navigationItem code. Search controller code is below. THANK YOU!
func configureSearchBar() {
resultSearchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
if #available(iOS 9.0, *) {
} else {
let _ = self.resultSearchController.view
let searchField = resultSearchController.searchBar.value(forKey: "searchField") as! UITextField
searchField.font = DifferentScreens.searchField()
resultSearchController.searchResultsUpdater = self
resultSearchController.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
resultSearchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
resultSearchController.searchBar.placeholder = "Search Gifts"
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
navigationItem.searchController = resultSearchController
navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = false
} else {
giftTableView.tableHeaderView = resultSearchController.searchBar
resultSearchController.searchBar.delegate = self
resultSearchController.searchBar.tintColor = UIColor.black
resultSearchController.searchBar.barTintColor = UIColor(red: 235/255, green: 235/255, blue: 235/255, alpha: 1)
definesPresentationContext = false
I have resigned to implementing a UISearchBar from interface builder. It seems to be working okay.
I'm using the following code to add a node:
public static func Add (anchor: ARAnchor, node: SCNNode) {
guard let anchor_ = anchor as? ARWorldAnchor else { return }
let initialPos = node.presentation.position
let newNode = SCNNode()
newNode.geometry = SCNBox(width: 2 , height:1, length: 0.5, chamferRadius: 0)//
newNode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.isDoubleSided = true
newNode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.fillMode = SCNFillMode.lines
newNode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.emission.contents = UIColor.green
My taget:
What do I have to do to achieve the above taget?
** 1 wish you good day!!!**
I am using import AlamofireImage/Alamofire to load up pictures I am downloading from Firebase Storage on my tableview cells. However, when I run the app, I cannot see the pictures unless I navigate to a different page and then come back to the tableview page. Can anyone help?
At application start up:
After I navigate to a different view controller and coming back to the page
Here is my code:
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = topNewsTableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "topNewsCell", for: indexPath) as! TopNewsCell
cell.cellDelegate = self
cell.favoriteDelegate = self
cell.share.tag = indexPath.row
cell.collect.tag = indexPath.row
cell.selectionStyle = .none
let article = articles[indexPath.row]
cell.topNewsText.text = article.title
let imageRef = storageRef.child("images/" + article.imageURL)
cell.imageView?.isHidden = true
if article.imageURL != ""{
imageRef.downloadURL { url, error in
if let error = error {
} else {
cell.imageView?.isHidden = false
AF.request(url!).responseData { (response) in
if response.error == nil {
if let data = response.data {
let image = UIImage(data: data)
cell.imageView?.isHidden = false
cell.imageView?.image = self.resizeImage(image: image!, targetSize: CGSize(width: 350.0, height: 300.0))
cell.indexPath = indexPath
return cell
I try to Search for locations using MKLocalSearchRequest in Swift4 (for ios 12). When I append thelocationSearchTable.mapView = mapViewat the end of viewDidLoad I get the error.
In ViewController
import UIKit
import MapKit
import CoreLocation
class ViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView!
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
var resultSearchController: UISearchController? = nil
override func viewDidLoad() {
locationManager.delegate = self
locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest
let locationSearchTable = storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "LocationSearchTable")
resultSearchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: locationSearchTable)
resultSearchController?.searchResultsUpdater = locationSearchTable as! UISearchResultsUpdating
let searchBar = resultSearchController!.searchBar
searchBar.placeholder = "Search for places"
navigationItem.titleView = resultSearchController?.searchBar
resultSearchController?.hidesNavigationBarDuringPresentation = false
resultSearchController?.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = true
definesPresentationContext = true
locationSearchTable.mapView = mapView
In the LocationSearchTable
import UIKit
import MapKit
class LocationSearchTable: UITableViewController {
var matchingItems: [MKMapItem] = []
var mapView: MKMapView? = nil
extension LocationSearchTable: UISearchResultsUpdating {
func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController) {
guard let mapView = mapView,
let searchBarText = searchController.searchBar.text else { return }
let request = MKLocalSearch.Request()
request.naturalLanguageQuery = searchBarText
request.region = mapView.region
let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
search.start { response, _ in
guard let response = response else {
self.matchingItems = response.mapItems
Maybe locationSearchTable is not LocationSearchTable class.
Try the following code
if let locationSearchTable = locationSearchTable as? LocationSearchTable {
locationSearchTable.mapView = mapView
I am performing CRUD operations for products of e-commerce site in kentico 10.I can add and update products using below API
Also there is an API for deleting product
But I do not wish to delete the product from database,rather just disable them so that they do not show up to the end users and still stay in the database .
I tried to set SKUEnabled as false but still user can see the product.So, I used below code to hide the products
ProductNode.SetValue("DocumentPublishTo", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1));
But my code setup adds a new product with above disabled property.Here is my code
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
manufacturer = GetManufacturer(Convert.ToString(dr["MANUFACTURER_NAME"]));
department = GetDepartment(Convert.ToString(dr["CATEGORY_OF_PRODUCT_1"]));
var sku = new SKUInfo
SKUNumber = Convert.ToString(dr["MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER"]),
SKUName = Convert.ToString(dr["MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER"]),
SKUDescription = Convert.ToString(dr["TECHNICAL_SPECIFICATIONS"]).Trim('"'),
SKUShortDescription = Convert.ToString(dr["SHORT_DESCRIPTION"]).Trim('"'),
SKUPrice = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["RESELLER_BUY_INC"], 0),
SKURetailPrice = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["RRP_INC"], 0),
SKUEnabled = false,
SKUSiteID = siteId,
SKUProductType = SKUProductTypeEnum.Product,
SKUManufacturerID = manufacturer.ManufacturerID,
SKUDepartmentID = department.DepartmentID,
SKUHeight = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["HEIGHT"], 0),
SKUWidth = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["WIDTH"], 0),
SKUWeight = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["WEIGHT"], 0),
SKUDepth = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["LENGTH"], 0),
SKUAvailableItems = 1,
SKUSellOnlyAvailable = true
SKUInfo updateProduct = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
.WhereEquals("SKUNumber", sku.SKUNumber)
sku.SKUPrice += sku.SKUPrice * 0.015;
if (updateProduct != null)
updateProduct.SKUNumber = sku.SKUNumber; updateProduct.SKUName = sku.SKUName;
if (!sku.SKUEnabled)
SKUTreeNode productDoc = (SKUTreeNode)SKUTreeNode.New(productDocumentType.ClassName, tree);
if (sku.SKUEnabled == false)
productDoc.DocumentPublishTo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
productDoc.DocumentSKUName = Convert.ToString(dr["MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER"]);
productDoc.DocumentSKUDescription = sku.SKUDescription;
productDoc.NodeSKUID = sku.SKUID;
productDoc.DocumentCulture = cultureCode;
productDoc.DocumentName = Convert.ToString(dr["MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER"]);
catch (Exception ex)
error += "error";
Please provide the possible solution.There ain't no property such as DocumentPublishTo in SKUInfo,hence I used it with SKUTreeNode which you can find in code setup.
SKUTreeNode productDoc = (SKUTreeNode)SKUTreeNode.New(productDocumentType.ClassName, tree);
if (sku.SKUEnabled == false)
productDoc.DocumentPublishTo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
You need to get the node for the SKU, not create a new one. from the documentation :
SKUTreeNode productDoc = (SKUTreeNode)tree.SelectNodes()
productDoc.DocumentPublishTo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)
This worked fine on iOS 8, but on iOS 9 the UIDocumentInteractionController does appear with the option Copy to Instagram. Pressing it just dismisses the controller.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
var docController = UIDocumentInteractionController()
let instagramURL = NSURL(string: "instagram://app")
if(UIApplication.sharedApplication().canOpenURL(instagramURL!)) {
var imagePost = cropped
let fullPath = documentsDirectory().stringByAppendingString("insta.igo")
var imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(imagePost!)!.writeToFile(fullPath, atomically: true)
let rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0)
self.docController.UTI = "com.instagram.exclusivegram"
let igImageHookFile = NSURL(string: "file://\(fullPath)")
self.docController = UIDocumentInteractionController(URL: igImageHookFile!)
self.docController.presentOpenInMenuFromRect(rect, inView: self.view, animated: true)
func documentsDirectory() -> String {
let documentsFolderPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask, true)[0]
return documentsFolderPath
The way iOS9 reads it when declaring "insta.igo", now needs to have the "/"
let fullPath = documentsDirectory().stringByAppendingString("/insta.igo")
Complete code
var docController = UIDocumentInteractionController()
let instagramURL = NSURL(string: "instagram://app")
if(UIApplication.sharedApplication().canOpenURL(instagramURL!)) {
var imagePost = cropped
let fullPath = documentsDirectory().stringByAppendingString("/insta.igo")
var imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(imagePost!)!.writeToFile(fullPath, atomically: true)
let rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0)
self.docController.UTI = "com.instagram.exclusivegram"
let igImageHookFile = NSURL(string: "file://\(fullPath)")
self.docController = UIDocumentInteractionController(URL: igImageHookFile!)
self.docController.presentOpenInMenuFromRect(rect, inView: self.view, animated: true)
func documentsDirectory() -> String {
let documentsFolderPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask, true)[0]
return documentsFolderPath
This solution provided by Andy Shephard worked for me: