Azure delete backup vault fails with 'associated container' - azure

I am cleaning out some old items from my azure account and cannot remove an older version Bacup Vault.
I get the following error when I try to delete it:
Vault cannot be deleted as there are existing resources within the
vault. Please ensure there are no backup items, protected servers or
backup management servers associated with this vault. Unregister the
following containers associated with this vault before proceeding for
deletion : COMPUTER-NAME. Unregister all containers from the vault and then
retry to delete vault
That is the name of my computer, but I can not find the Azure back up agent installed on that computer. I also cannot find the computer name container in any storage containers in my entire azure account.
Can someone help me figure out how to remove these items
thanks in advance
First screenshot shows the Backup vault and the error message I get when I try to delete.
the second screenshot shows the BackupItems that remain, but I cannot delete them.
the red boxes cover my COMPUTER-NAME

Looks like my previous answer was turned into a comment due to brevity. Here's an update to make it a better answer anyway. Answer from that link quoted below for reference.
I have not mapped this answer to the corresponding Azure commands, but I was able to find my way to a solution via the Azure Portal. The steps were as follows:
Selected my Recovery Service resource
Under the Manage section, clicked Backup Infrastructure
Under Management Servers, clicked Protected Servers
In the list that followed, clicked on the row where my Protected Server > Count was greater than 0, in my case, Azure Backup Agent (because the backup agent was installed on my Windows Desktop)
Clicked on my server name in the Protected Server list
Clicked Delete in the card for my protected server
After that completed, I was able to delete the entire vault. These steps may be helpful if you have other Backup Infrastructure resources and possibly even Site Recovery Infrastructure resources associated with a vault.
Update: It seems like there's an open issue for Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupItem not having any capacity to return MARS backup items which is ultimately what the issue here was.


Empty error while executing SSIS package in Azure Data Factory

I have created a simple SSIS project and in this project, I have a package that will delete a particular file in Downloads folder.
I deployed this project to Azure. And when I am trying to execute this package using Azure Data Factory then the pipeline fails with an empty error (I am attaching the screenshot here).
enter image description here
What I have done to fix this error is:
I have added self-hosted IR to Azure-SSIS IR as the proxy to access the data on-premise.
Set the ConnectByProxy as True.
Converted the project to Project Deployment Model.
Please help me out to fix this error and if you need more details then just leave a comment.
Windows Authentication :
To access data stores such as SQL servers/file shares on-premises or Azure Files, check the Windows authentication check box.
If this check box is selected, fill in the Domain, Username, and Password fields with the values for your package execution credentials. The domain is Azure, the username is storage account name>, and the password is storage account key> to access Azure Files, for example.
Using the secrets stored in your Azure Key Vault
As a substitute, you can leverage secrets from your Azure Key Vault as values. Select the AZURE KEY VAULT check box next to them to do so. Create a new key vault connected service or choose or update an existing one. Then choose your value's secret name and version. You can pick or update an existing key vault or create a new one when creating or editing your key vault connected service. If you haven't previously done so, allow Data Factory managed identity access to your key vault. You may also directly input your secret in the format key vault linked service name>/secret name>/secret version>.
Note : If you are using Windows Authentication, there are four methods to
access data stores with Windows authentication from SSIS packages
running on your Azure-SSIS IR: Access data stores and file shares with
Windows authentication from SSIS packages in Azure | Docs
Make Sure it Falls under one of such methods, else it could potentially fail at the Run Time.

Azure - Failed to start virtual machine after resize

Today I accessed my VM on Azure and it was very slow, so I decided to upgrade it. I went to Size, selected a level up in RAM memory and CPU and then I clicked on the button "Resize". After waiting a few minutes, I got a fail message saying: Failed to resize the virtual machine 'xxx' to size 'xxx'. Error: Unknown error encountered when retrieving secret from the Key Vault with URL: xxx.
Since then I can't start my virtual machine, how can I solve this problem?
[EDIT] Apparently, I just need to update the secretURL for a key vault that I've created, I just don't know-how.
I would assume VM is having issues accessing the Key Vault. Can you try the following if possible?
Deallocated the VM to full stop.
Then start it back up
Check that the Key Vault and secret are still the same and have not been deleted or changed.
Check the access to the Key vault. The following documents may help with this.
Creating and configuring a key vault for Azure Disk Encryption
 In the meantime, please help me perform a quick check and log into the ‘serial console’ of this VM and confirm if you’re able to get into the ‘commandprompt’ from the ‘SAC’ mode:
Option2 Step 1: On portal select Key Vault à “Access Policy” and ensure that “Azure Disk Encryption for volume encryption” is enabled. If not, enable it, save changes and try to Start the VM again.
Step 2: If “Azure Disk Encryption for volume encryption” is already checked , make sure that “secret “ is present under the Key Vault and it has a “version” of in enabled state. If there is any expiration date set for the version, make sure that we are within the expiration period.
Repair a Windows VM by using the Azure Virtual Machine repair commands:
Can you try redeploying the VM that this is happening on? This will place the VM on new hardware and rule out a platform issue if it stops happening after the redeploy.
Try to remove the extension and add it back to the VM. Extension must have failed sometime.
Resize virtual machines
There is similar thread discussion in SO, you may also refer to the suggestion mentioned over-there which gives some idea on your query

Azure back up unable to delete backup items

I used the Azure Backup client (MARS) to back up a server he had. The server no longer exists. In the Azure portal I am unable to delete the vault because the resource group contains backup items.
I tried using Powershell but Az.RecoveryServices is not meant to be used for MARS BackupManagementType. You can Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupContainer but then Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupItem fails because there is no WorkLoadType for MARS
So I cant delete the backup items from the Portal. I cant delete backup Items using powershell and the server no longer exists so I can use the MARS agent to delete items.
You can't delete a Recovery Services vault that has servers registered in it, or that holds backup data.
To gracefully delete a vault, unregister servers it contains, remove vault data, and then delete the vault.
If you try to delete a vault that still has dependencies, an error message is issued, and you will need to manually remove the vault dependencies, including:
Backed up items
Protected servers
Backup management servers (Azure Backup Server, DPM)
Refer to this article for detailed info:
Note: You can use Cloud Shell available in portal to achieve this. Please select PowerShell after you launch Cloud Shell.
Kindly let us know if the above helps or you need further assistance on this issue.

Azure: Is it possible to delete a restore point in azure backup?

I have a test restore point (it's older than 30 days) I wanted to delete to save on the cost. I tried via azure portal the only option I found is to delete the backup data, not the restore point of a particular vm.
I'm currently using classic deployment and the VMs are deployed using classic deployment.
Now it is possible thought portal, powershell and CLI.
First of all you need to stop backup (retain backup).
Disable soft delete in RSV properties.
After that find appropriate RG - AzureBackupRG-location_of_vm, example: AzureBackupRG_westus2_1 Remember to check "Show hidden types" in RG.
Last step is to delete restore points in this RG. You only delete restore point, not backup from vault
Temporarily stop the backup and retain backup data.
To move virtual machines configured with Azure Backup, do the following steps:
Find the location of your virtual machine.
Find a resource group with the following naming pattern: AzureBackupRG_<location of your VM>_1. For example, AzureBackupRG_westus2_1
In the Azure portal, check Show hidden types.
Find the resource with type Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections that has the naming pattern AzureBackup_<name of your VM that you're trying to move>_###########.
Delete this resource. This operation deletes only the instant recovery points, not the backed-up data in the vault.
After the delete operation is complete, you can move your virtual machine.
Move the VM to the target resource group.
Resume the backup.
Link to MS Doc
As for as I know, It's impossible to delete a restore point in Azure backup. According to delete backup date in the official doc.
Unlike the process for restoring recovery points, when you delete
backup data, you can't choose specific recovery points to delete. If
you delete your backup data, you delete all associated recovery
Moreover, It's not necessary to select specific recovery points to delete as you could customize retention range in backup policy. The Retention means how long data needs to be stored. Refer to this.
I got an 'internal system error' while trying to delete the restore point. This was because the VM had already been deallocated. I turned it back on, then was able the delete the restore point successfully, then shut the VM down again.

How do i delete MARS generated backup items in Recovery Vault

I'm trying to delete recovery vault but it has some old data generated by MARS agents on non-existent machines. There is no UI option to delete those.
I tried Powershell below but it fails with Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupItem : BackupManagementType is not expected for WorkloadType: AzureVM
Not sure what am I doing wrong
PS Azure:\> Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType Windows -Status Registered -BackupManagementType MARS
Name ContainerType BackupManagementType
---- ------------- --------------------
tencapsql01. Windows MARS
tencapweb1. Windows MARS
Azure:\converted to MS-AZR-0003P sub
PS Azure:\> $containers = Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType Windows -Status Registered -BackupManagementType MARS
Azure:\converted to MS-AZR-0003P sub
PS Azure:\> Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupItem -Container $containers[0] -WorkloadType AzureVM
Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupItem : BackupManagementType is not expected for WorkloadType: AzureVM
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupItem -Container $containers[0] -Work ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupItem], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.RecoveryServices.Backup.Cmdlets.GetAzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupItem
Deleting the backup related to MARS agent is a two step process in Azure Portal.
In step one, you need to go to Recovery Service vault -> Backup items -> Select
Backup Items (Azure Backup Agent) -> Select your backed up machine.
Now, you won't see the usual delete or stop backup options here like you see while deleting an Azure Virtual Machine. Instead, you need to select the "Computer name" option on this screen and that will give you an option to delete. Follow the usual prompt to delete. Note that I saw two unusual things here while deleting. One, there was a dot at the end of my backed up machine name and I had to make sure to use the dot when Azure asks me to input the name of item to be deleted before deleting the item. Second was hitting delete didn't give any success or failure message. I believe this might be because my backed up machine was shut down or disconnected (I do have not access to it right now).
In step two, you need to go to Recovery Service Vault -> Backup Infrastructure -> PROTECTED SERVERS -> Protected Servers (Azure Backup Agent) -> Select your backed up machine.
This should give you another delete option on the resulting screen and that completes the deletion process.
Let me know if this helps. I can look further if you need Powershell options as well.
Deleting backup data does not remove the retention points you may have kept so, not having any items being actively backed up but still have some GRS data is possible to have.
If you want to force delete regardless of contents, try - The PowerShell cmdlet to delete a recovery vault is “Remove-AzureRmRecoveryServicesVault -Vault ”. To get the vault object using Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesVault.
Caution: Using the “Remove-AzureRmRecoveryServicesVault” cmdlet will delete the vault irrespective of the contents of the vault. So if there are replicating machines or backed up machines etc. in the vault, these will be lost.
Additionally if there were on-premises assets that were registered to the vault, these would need to be manually cleaned up because clean up cannot be triggered from the vault once it has been deleted.
Before you could delete the RS vault, Ensure all backup job are stopped and There are no items under Backup Management Servere(BMS)/ Protected Servers.
If you have any items left there, delete the BMS/Protected Servers associated and then you will be able to delete RS vault.
I have tried it. It works for sure!
All the Best!
To delete a MARS generated (Azure Backup agent) recovery point in a Recovery Services, vault you can perform the following in the Azure Web Portal UI:
In the vault dashboard menu, scroll down to the Manage section, and click Backup Infrastructure.
In the sub-menu, click Protected Servers to view the list of protected server types, including Azure Backup agent.
In the Protected Servers list, click Azure Backup Agent.
In the list of servers, click one to open its menu.
On the selected server's dashboard menu, click Delete.
For a more detailed description of the steps above, see:
