chef get converged-attributes without deploying - attributes

We are using chef to deploy all of our stacks.
I need to build a runbook for each environment we deploy.
I have been parsing the environment, node and recipe files but the more information I need to extract, the more complex it becomes because I am converging the attributes in my application.
I would like to use the converged-attributes.json file produced by our chef deployment without deploying any code because we can't deploy production to the build runbooks.
We also plan to build the runbook before the environment exists to provide configuration information to the DevOps team (e.g. memory requirements, ports, etc.).
Is there a way to use any of the chef/knife components or libraries to do the following?
Converge the attributes for each node
Write the converged attributes to a location my application can access on Mac OSX.
Quit before attempting to access any servers

This is not possible in the generic case. Chef is executable code at heart and the only way to fully compute the side effects is to actually execute it. This is what chef-client does, you can't "converge" the node externally so step 3 doesn't really make any sense. You could try to use Why Run mode but we really don't recommend it and are probably going to remove the feature as it does more harm than good most of the time. Roles and environments are static data so you can parse and manipulate those, but cookbooks are code and have to be run in-place to know exactly what they will do.


Intermediate step(s) between manual prod and CI/CD for Node/Next on EC2

For about 18 months now I've been working in Node; and for the last 6 months I've been slowly migrating my existing WordPress websites to NextJS.
To date, I've been deploying to production manually. I log into my production server, checkout the latest release from GitHub, build, and do a pm2 restart.
Even though the above workflow seems to be the most commonly documented around the internet, it's always felt a little wrong to me.
Recently, I found myself in a situation where I needed to customise some 3rd party code. So, my main code now has a line in package.json that says
"dependencies": {
"react-share": "file:../react-share/react-share-4.4.1.tgz",
which implies that I'm going to checkout my custom react-share, build it somewhere on the production server, change this line to point to wherever I put it, and then rebuild.
Also, I'm using Prisma, which means that every time I deploy, before I do a build, I need to do an npx prisma generate to create the client.
This now all seems really, really wrong.
I don't know how a "simple" CI/CD environment might look, but whatever it looks like, it feels like overkill. It's just me doing development, and my production environment is a single EC2 server sitting behind AWS CloudFront.
It seems to me that I should be doing something more/different than what I'm currently doing, in service to someday moving to a CI/CD model, if/when I have a whole team working on this, or sufficient users that I have multiple load-balanced servers and need production to be continually up.
In particular, it feels like I shouldn't be building on the production server.
Are there any intermediary step(s) I can/should be taking for faster/less-error-prone/less-down-time deployment to a single EC2 instance for Next/Node apps, between manually deploying as I am currently, and some sort of CI/CD setup? Or are my only choices to do what I'm doing now, or go research how to do CI/CD?
You're approaching towards your initial stages of what technically is called DevOps, if not already as it appears from your context. What you're asking is a broad topic, which is an understatement, and explaining each and everything here will almost be like writing an article about it, at the very least.
However, I'll brief you overall on how to approach with this.
I don't know how a "simple" CI/CD environment might look, but whatever it looks like, it feels like overkill.
Simplicity & complexity are relative terms. A system which is complicated for one might be simple for another. CI/CD doesn't define any laws that you need to follow in order to create a perfect deployment procedure, as everyone's deployment requirement is unique (at some point).
If I mention it in bullet points, what you need to figure out before you start with setting up CI&CD, is -
The sequence of steps your deployment procedure needs in order to deploy your latest version. As you have stated already that you've been doing deployment manually, that means you already know your steps. All you need to do is to fine-tune each step so that it shouldn't require manual intervention while being executed automatically by the CI program.
Choose a CI program, like Travis CI, Circle CI, or if you're using GitHub, it has it's own GitHub Actions for the purpose, you can read their documentation for more details. Your CI program will be responsible for executing your deployment steps which you'll mention to it in whichever format it understands (mostly .yml).
The CI program will execute your steps on behalf of you based on the condition which you'll provide, (like when code is pushed on prod branch). It will execute the commands on a machine (like your EC2), specifically, GitHub actions runner will be responsible for running your commands on your machine, the runner should be setup beforehand in the instance you intend to deploy your code on. More details on runners can be found in relevant documentations.
Since the runner will actually execute the commands on your machine, make sure that all required commands and parameters, including the concerned files & directories are accessible to the runner program, from permissions point of view at least. For example, running your npx prisma generate command should require that npx command is available and executable in the system, and the concerned folders in which the command will CRUD files is accessible by the runner program. Similarly for all other commands.
Get your hands on bash scripting as well.
If your steps contain dynamic info, like the one you mentioned that in your package.json an npm script needs to be updated, then a custom bash script created to update the same automatically will help, for instance. There will be however, several other ways depending on the specific nature of the dynamic changes.
The above points are huge (by huge, I mean astronomically huge) oversimplification of the ways through which CI&CD pipelines are setup. But I hope you get the idea of it at least.
In particular, it feels like I shouldn't be building on the production server.
Your feeling is legitimate. You should replicate your production environment (including deployment procedures) into a separate development environment as close as possible, in order to have all your experiments, development and testing done separately from production environment, and after successful evaluation on the development environment, deploy on production one. Steps like building will most likely be done on both environments, as it is something your program needs to run, irrespective of the environment it is running in. Your future team will appreciate this separation of environments.
if/when I have a whole team working on this, or sufficient users that I have multiple load-balanced servers and need production to be continually up.
Again, this small statement in itself is a proper domain of IT department, known as System Design, in which, to put it simply, you or your team will create an architecture for your whole system which will support your business requirements and scaling as your audience increases, which is something a simple Stackoverflow QnA won't suffice to explain.
or go research how to do CI/CD?
is what I'd recommend and you should also feel is the right way ahead, after reading everything above.
Useful references to begin with (not endorsing any resources, you can search for relevant/better resources too)
GitHub Actions self-hosted runners
System Design - Getting started
Bash scripting
Development, Staging, Production

Forbid npm update in Docker environment

For various projects, I'm creating single Docker environments. Each Docker container consists of Debian, Nginx, Node.js, etc. and is going to use by developers as well as in production via Google Cloud's Kubernetes. Since the Node.js/module version should be everywhere the same, I would like to restrict the access to certain npm commands (somehow). Often developers work with different Node.js and project modules and that caused a lot of trouble in the past. With the Docker containers, I can provide environments with everything you need for a project. To finish this step, I would like to restrict the npm command execution and only allow arguments like install, test, etc.
Please drop me a comment if you know how to resolve this :)
It is almost impossible to limit your developers to run some commands in the container if they have an access to Dockerfiles and can somehow change a build flow.
But, because container providing isolation and you can build a custom container for which application based on your basic image, it can be not a big problem if the version of any package for one application will be changed somehow, as an example in a build step, because it will not affect other apps. They just have different containers.
So, you will not have a problem with compatibility like when you using one server with many application which using a shared environment.
The only one thing you need to do - make sure that nobody change container which you using as a base image.

Docker and grunt-based workflow automation

I'm looking for a Docker-based project setup which enables:
Development environment to most closely match production
Best of breed workflow automation tools for all developers
Highly portable/quick to set-up development environment, which supports Linux, OSX, and Windows. Currently we use Vagrant and that seems to be the most obvious choice still.
To satisfy #1:
Same app container (node.js + Apache) for dev, test, staging and production
Do not add any custom workflow tools to the container just for development's sake
To satisfy #3:
Do not require developers to all install their own dev tools for their respective environments/OSes (e.g. getting them to install node.js, npm, grunt, etc within the host)
So then to still satisfy #2, the idea I have is:
have a second "dev" container which shares files with the node/apache container and runs all the workflow automation.
run all the grunt watch/rebuild/reload/browser-sync etc from within that.
If using Vagrant, the file sharing would essentially go as host->dev container->app container
Are there any flaws in the above model, or perhaps better ideas?
One potentially missing point is whether to - and if so then how to - avoid performing a full build of containers in production each time. Without risking a mismatch of production vs other containers, I'd like to "package up" the container so that when new code is pushed to production, the app server only needs to restart, instead of npm install, etc. Particularly, once we're pushing to production, it should no longer have to pull anything from third party servers in order to run.
This is a bit broad question where answers will be opinionated rather then backed by objective arguments, but here's what I would change there:
Node.js is fine, but I would choose nginx instead of Apache. Both Node.js and Nginx are event-based and allow much more throughput, which is one of advantages of Node.js. But this might vary, like if you need certain Apache-only modules, but Nginx seems more natural to put in front of Node.
Why do you want to have a separate container? To minimize the production container by it not having to have dev tools?
I really think that having, say, grunt.js in the production container not too heavy, but again, you seem to try to minimize impact. Anyway, alternatively you can have both code and grunt watch etc inside one container and deploy like that. Pros are that you're simplifying setup, cons are that your production build might install a few extra libs. Which you can mitigate by, for example, setting NODE_ENV to production when deploying production container so that on startup, your scripts will know not to load certain dev tools.

NodeJS Production Deployment Best Practice

I'm looking for ways in which to deploy some web services into production in a consistent and timely manner.
I'm currently implementing a deployment pipeline that will end with a manual deployment action of a specific version of the software to a number of virtual machines provisioned by Ansible. The idea is to provision x number of instances using version A whilst already having y number of instances running version B. Then image and flick the traffic over. The same mechanism should allow me to scale new vms in a set using the image I already made.
I have considered the following options but was wondering if theres something I'm overlooking:
The CI environment would build a tarball from a project that has passed unit tests and integration tests. Optionally depednencies would be bundled (removing the need to run npm install on the production machine and relying on network connectivity to public or private npm repository).
My main issue here is that any dependencies that depend on system libraries would be build on a different machine (albeit the same image). I don't like this.
The CI environment would publish to a private NPM repository and the Ansible deployment script would check out a specific version after provisioning. Again this suffers from a reliance on external services being available when you want to deploy. I dont like this.
Any system dependent modules become globally installed as part of provisioning and all other dependencies are checked into the repository. This gives me the flexibility of being able to do differential deployments whereby just the deltas are pushed and the application daemon can be restarted automatically by the process manager almost instantly. Dependencies are then absolutely locked down.
This would mean that theres no need to spinning up new VM unless to scale. Deployments can be pushed straight to all active instances.
First and foremost, regardless of the deployment method, you need to make sure you don't drop requests while deploying new code. One simple approach is removing the node from a load balancer prior to switchover. Before doing so, you may also want to try and evaluate if there are pending requests, open connections, or anything else negatively impacted by premature termination. Or perhaps something like the up module.
Most people would not recommend source controlling your modules. It seems that a .tgz with your node_modules already filled in from an npm install while utilizing a bundledDependencies declaration in your package.json might cover all your concerns. With this approach, an npm install on your nodes will not download and install everything again. Though, it will rebuild node-gyp implementations which may cover your system library concern.
You can also make use of git tags to more easily keep track of versions with specific dependencies and payloads. Manually deploying the code may get tedious, you may want to consider automating the routine while iterating over x amount of known server entries in a database from an interface. may be of interest.

Using Vagrant, why is puppet provisioning better than a custom packaged box?

I'm creating a virtual machine to mimic our production web server so that I can share it with new developers to get them up to speed as quickly as possible. I've been through the Vagrant docs however I do not understand the advantage of using a generic base box and provisioning everything with Puppet versus packaging a custom box with everything already installed and configured. All I can think of is;
Advantages of using Puppet vs custom packaged box
Easy to keep everyone up to date - Ability to put manifests under
version control and share the repo so that other developers can
simply pull new updates and re-run puppet i.e. 'vagrant provision'.
Environment is documented in the manifests.
Ability to use puppet modules defined in production environment to
ensure identical environments.
Disadvantages of using Puppet vs custom packaged box
Takes longer to write the manifests than to simply install and
configure a custom packaged box.
Building the virtual machine the first time would take longer using
puppet than simply downloading a custom packaged box.
I feel like I must be missing some important details, can you think of any more?
As dependencies may change over time, building a new box from scratch will involve either manually removing packages, or throwing the box away and repeating the installation process by hand all over again. You could obviously automate the installation with a bash or some other type of script, but you'd be making calls to the native OS package manager, meaning it will only run on the operating system of your choice. In other words, you're boxed in ;)
As far as I know, Puppet (like Chef) contains a generic and operating system agnostic way to install packages, meaning manifests can be run on different operating systems without modification.
Additionally, those same scripts can be used to provision the production machine, meaning that the development machine and production will be practically identical.
Having to learn another DSL, when you may not be planning on ever switching your OS or production environment. You'll have to decide if the advantages are worth the time you'll spend setting it up. Personally, I think that having an abstract and repeatable package management/configuration strategy will save me lots of time in the future, but YMMV.
One great advantages not explicitly mentioned above is the fact that you'd be documenting your setup (properly), and your documentation will be the actual setup - not a (one-time) description of how things were/may have been intended to be.
