How to automatically index DataFrame created from groupby in Pandas - python-3.x

Using the Kiva Loan_Data from Kaggle I aggregated the Loan Amounts by country. Pandas allows them to be easily turned into a DataFrame, but indexes on the country data. The reset_index can be used to create a numerical/sequential index, but I'm guessing I am adding an unnecessary step. Is there a way to create an automatic default index when creating a DataFrame like this?

Use as_index=False
df.groupby('country', as_index=False)['loan_amount'].sum()


Pyspark groupBy with custom partitioner

I want to apply some custom partitioning when working with a given DataFrame. I found that the RDD groupBy provides me with the desired functionality. Now when I say
dataframe.rdd.groupBy(lambda row: row[1:3], numPartitions, partitioner)
I end up with a PythonRDD that has a tuple as a key and a ResultIterator as the value. What I want to do next is convert this back to a DataFrame since I want to use the apply function of GroupedData. I have attempted multiple things but have been unlucky so far.
Any help would be appreciated!

Dask Dataframe View Entire Row

I want to see the entire row for a dask dataframe without the fields being cutoff, in pandas the command is pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1), is there an equivalent for dask? I was not able to find anything.
You can import pandas and use pd.set_option() and Dask will respect pandas' settings.
import pandas as pd
# Don't truncate text fields in the display
pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", -1)
And you should see the long columns. It 'just works.'
Dask does not normally display the data in a dataframe at all, because it represents lazily-evaluated values. You may want to get a specific row by index, using the .loc accessor (same as in Pandas, but only efficient if the index is known to be sorted).
If you meant to get the whole list of columns only, you can get this by the .columns attribute.

Is there a way to slice dataframe based on index in pyspark?

In python or R, there are ways to slice DataFrame using index.
For example, in pandas:
Is there a similar way in pyspark to slice data based on location of rows?
Short Answer
If you already have an index column (suppose it was called 'id') you can filter using pyspark.sql.Column.between:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df.where(col("id").between(5, 10))
If you don't already have an index column, you can add one yourself and then use the code above. You should have some ordering built in to your data based on some other columns (orderBy("someColumn")).
Full Explanation
No it is not easily possible to slice a Spark DataFrame by index, unless the index is already present as a column.
Spark DataFrames are inherently unordered and do not support random access. (There is no concept of a built-in index as there is in pandas). Each row is treated as an independent collection of structured data, and that is what allows for distributed parallel processing. Thus, any executor can take any chunk of the data and process it without regard for the order of the rows.
Now obviously it is possible to perform operations that do involve ordering (lead, lag, etc), but these will be slower because it requires spark to shuffle data between the executors. (The shuffling of data is typically one of the slowest components of a spark job.)
Related/Futher Reading
PySpark DataFrames - way to enumerate without converting to Pandas?
PySpark - get row number for each row in a group
how to add Row id in pySpark dataframes
You can convert your spark dataframe to koalas dataframe.
Koalas is a dataframe by Databricks to give an almost pandas like interface to spark dataframe. See here
import databricks.koalas as ks
kdf = ks.DataFrame(your_spark_df)
kdf[0:500] # your indexes here

Using apply on pandas dataframe with strings without looping over series

I have a pandas DataFrame filled with strings. I would like to apply a string operation to all entries, for example capitalize(). I know that for a series we can use series.str.capitlize(). I also know that I can loop over the column of the Dataframe and do this for each of the columns. But I want something more efficient and elegant, without looping. Thanks
use stack + unstack
stack makes a dataframe with a single level column index into a series. You can then perform your str.capitalize() and unstack to get back your original form.

A more efficient way of getting the nlargest values of a Pyspark Dataframe

I am trying to get the top 5 values of a column of my dataframe.
A sample of the dataframe is given below. In fact the original dataframe has thousands of rows.
Row(item_id=u'2712821', similarity=5.0)
Row(item_id=u'1728166', similarity=6.0)
Row(item_id=u'1054467', similarity=9.0)
Row(item_id=u'2788825', similarity=5.0)
Row(item_id=u'1128169', similarity=1.0)
Row(item_id=u'1053461', similarity=3.0)
The solution I came up with is to sort all of the dataframe and then to take the first 5 values. (the code below does that)
I am wondering if there is a faster way of achieving this.
You can use method with key:
from operator import attrgetter, attrgetter("similarity"))
There is a significant overhead of DataFrame to RDD conversion but it should be worth it.
