How to update sharepoint online list data via excel - excel

my client has a requirement that he should be able to update the sharepoint list data from Excel sheet but in Sharepoint only one way data sync. is possible (we can import the data in excel but we can not update sharepoint list via excel).

Try this instead - if SharePoint list data is below the threshold limit of 5000 records, then perhaps you can use datasheet view of list


How to update a specific column in Sharepoint list from MS Excel?

I have 50 rows of information in sharepoint list. I have downloaded the excel of the sharepoint list and I delinked it. So any changes in the excel is not automatically updated in sharepoint list.
Sharepoint list is updated by many users. Now I have updated a particular column in excel and I want these information to be updated in sharepoint from excel.
I have common columns in sharepoint and excel however since the sharepoint is updated by other users, information in other columns in excel file need not to be updated in sharepoint.
So I want to update specific column in excel to sharepoint list.
I tried to link the excel file but since the sharepoint is already updated, I dont want to mess up things.

How to programmatically create a list from an excel spreadsheet in SharePoint 2010?

I want to create a list from an excel spreadsheet in SharePoint 2010. When a new Excel document is uploaded to a SharePoint library, a corresponding list will be created automatically. Is this possible?
You can do this in two phases:
Create an empty MS Access database and import your excel sheet into it (in MS access go to External data -> Excel, choose your file and follow the steps to import it.
When you get the MS access table with the data from excel sheet, right click the table name in Tables section and go to Export -> SharePoint list. There you can specify the url of your SharePoint site and the name of the new list. Click Ok and wait until the list is created and the data is uploaded to SharePoint.
Since this needs to be done automatically (as stated in comments), this is the high overview of the things that needs to be done, with some useful links:
Create Event receiver for the library that the excel files will be uploaded to.
In the ItemAdded Method write the code that will do the following:
Get the uploaded file
Parse the excel file using the OpenXml library
Create the list in the SharePoint site, based on the columns taken from the excel file
Loop through all the rows in the excel file and insert the list item for each excel row.

Data from SharePoint Infopath forms to excel spreadsheet

I have a SharePoint library having 850 odd infopath forms. I need to export data from all these forms to an excel spreadsheet. Is there any optimized way of doing it without using any utility?
No, not without using any utility.
I've done this very successfully using Microsoft Access. The exact steps will depend on how the XML data is formed in InfoPath, but I've done it with both "flat" InfoPath form data as well as InfoPath forms that contain repeating tables. Basically, I map the SharePoint library as a drive letter on my computer, then an Access app iterates through all the InfoPath forms, imports it, and populates tables. From there, if needed, I further tune the data using Access queries and then push the finished data to another Access database that stores the table(s). Finally, I have one or more Excel workbooks -- with pretty pivot tables and charts etc -- that pull their data from the table(s).
At one of my clients, they use this tool I built for them to import and report on about 800 safety reports created in InfoPath every month. Very slick.

Bulk update record in CRM Online

I asked a similar yet slightly different question before here. I am using CRM 2013 Online and there are couple of thousand records in it. The records we created by an import of excel sheet data that came from a SQL database.
There were some fields in each record in which there was no data when the first import from excel was made. The system works in such a way that the excel sheet is updated from the SQL database periodically, and that data then needs to be imported in CRM Online. As far as I know and mentioned in the shared link, you can only bulk update the records in CRM by first importing the data from CRM to Excel and then reimporting the same sheet back to excel.
Is there a way to bulk update the records in CRM Online if I get data from the client in an Excel sheet?
Right now I compare their excel sheet to my exported excel sheet and make the required changes. It works well for small amount of records but it is infeasible for bulk record update. Any ideas?
2) Or is their a way to compare two excel sheets and make sure that if you copy columns from one sheet to another, the data in the column ends up in the right rows?
I faced a similar issue with updating records from a CSV file. It is true that SSIS is one way. To solve our problem, I created a .NET executable application which is scheduled to execute once per week. The .NET application does the following
Connects to the organisation
Imports all records from the excel
spreadsheet using a pre-existing data map in CRM organisation
Runs a duplicate detection rule (already existing in the CRM organisation)and brings back all duplicates
Sorts through each duplicate and stores the guid into 2 arrays: list of original records and list of newly imported records (based on created date of record)
Performs a merge of the old data on the record with the new data (this is
performed through the CRM2013 SDK MergeResponse class
Now that the original records have been updated with the new data from the
spreadsheet, delete the duplicate records which have just been
created and then made inactive due to the use of MergeResponse class in step 5 . (for us, we were updating contact info, but wanted the
orginal contact to stay in CRM because they will have cases etc
related to that contact's GUID)
If you want to go down this route, I suggest looking at the example on the MS website which uses the CRM SDK (\CRM 2013 SDK\SDK\SampleCode\CS\DataManagement\DataImport\ImportWithCreate.cs). That is the sample code which I used to create the web service.
As you have thousands of records then I guess that SSIS Package is the best option for you. its very efficient in such scenorios.
This is the approach I would use:
Create a Duplication Detection Rule under Settings > Data Management
Download the Import Template
Adjust your source system to generate the spreadsheet in that particular format
Depending on the frequency of your updates I'd look into CRM web services to import your data.

How to Export an Excel data set to a Sharepoint Access 2010 list?

I have a Sharepoint 2010 Access list which already had some data populated in it. I get data from my client in an Excel which then is needed to be appended to that Sharepoint Access list. Is there an easy way to do this? Can I bulk upload this new data which would automatically get appended on Sharepoint.
Export your existing list to Excel.
Combine the two Excel spreadsheets into one.
Import the final Excel spreadsheet to SharePoint (
