Using Async/Await in WATSON Nodejs SDK - node.js

I am building a chatbot with WATSON API where I use the async/await method in order to fetch the data from MongoDB and attain the result, which then I send it back to the user.
The function artpromise is the promise that collects data from mongo DB. And the function randomartist is a function that fetches 3 random document from the DB. However, the WATSON BLUEMIX Cloud service supports Nodejs SDK of 6.1.3 which does not support the async method. Is there any way to update the SDK version on Blumix or should I use a difference approach in fetching data from the server?
let getConversationResponse = (message, context) => {
let payload = {
workspace_id: process.env.WORKSPACE_ID,
context: context || {},
input: message || {}
payload = preProcess(payload);
return new Promise((resolved, rejected) => {
// Send the input to the conversation service
conversation.message(payload, async function(err, data) {
if (err) {
if(data.context.type == 'ask'){
let artist =;
let result = await artpromise(artist);
console.log(result); = result[0].name;
data.context.nationality = result[0].nationality;
data.context.birth = result[0].years;
data.context.url = result[0].art_link;
data.output.text =' is a '+data.context.nationality+' artist from '+data.context.birth+'. Check out a painting at '+data.context.url;
else if(data.context.type == 'random_artist'){
let result = await randomArtist();
data.output.text = 'Let\'s find some random artists for you! \n'+result;
let processed = postProcess(data);
// return 값이 Promise 일 경우
if(typeof processed.then === 'function'){
processed.then(data => {
}).catch(err => {
// return 값이 변경된 data일 경우
// return 값이 없을 경우

Using Node's util.promisify() utility, you can transform a callback-style function into a Promise-based one.
Somewhere outside of your getConversationResponse-function, assign it to a local variable:
const util = require('util');
const messagePromise = util.promisify(conversation.message);
And use that function instead. Something like this should work:
const util = require('util');
const messagePromise = util.promisify(conversation.message);
let getConversationResponse = async (message, context) => {
let payload = preprocess({
workspace_id: process.env.WORKSPACE_ID,
context: context || {},
input: message || {}
let data = await messagePromise(payload);
if (data.context.type == 'ask') {
let artist =;
let result = await artpromise(artist);
console.log(result) = result[0].name;
data.context.nationality = result[0].nationality;
data.context.birth = result[0].years;
data.context.url = result[0].art_link;
data.output.text =' is a '+data.context.nationality+' artist from '+data.context.birth+'. Check out a painting at '+data.context.url;
} else if (data.context.type == 'random_artist'){
let result = await randomArtist();
data.output.text = 'Let\'s find some random artists for you! \n'+result;
return postProcess(data) || data;
Note that if the return value of postProcess is falsy, it will return the data variable instead. Additionally, an async function always returns a Promise, so to call this function, you'll do:
getConversationResponse(message, context).then((data) => {
// Do something with the data
}).catch((e) => {
// Handle the error!
or if you call it from another async function:
let data = await getConversationResponse(message, context);
or if you need to specifically catch errors in the calling async function:
try {
let data = await getConversationResponse(message, context);
} catch (e) {
// Handle error
Just like regular synchronous code, any error thrown in the function call chain "trickles up" to the top-most callee. If you're confused about this, I suggest reading up on error handling.
If you want to use the Watson API in an async Promise-based fashion throughout your code, it might be feasible to write a small wrapper library and use that directly instead.
A Promise-only implementation:
const util = require('util');
const messagePromise = util.promisify(conversation.message);
let getConversationResponse = (message, context) => {
let payload = preprocess({
workspace_id: process.env.WORKSPACE_ID,
context: context || {},
input: message || {}
return messagePromise(payload).then((data) => {
if (data.context.type == 'ask') {
let artist =;
return artpromise(artist).then((result) => { = result[0].name;
data.context.nationality = result[0].nationality;
data.context.birth = result[0].years;
data.context.url = result[0].art_link;
data.output.text =' is a '+data.context.nationality+' artist from '+data.context.birth+'. Check out a painting at '+data.context.url;
return data;
} else if (data.context.type == 'random_artist') {
return randomArtist().then((result) => {
data.output.text = 'Let\'s find some random artists for you! \n' + result;
return data;
}).then((data) => {
return postProcess(data) || data;
Calling it is the exact same as the async/await implementation.


BotFramework TypeError: Cannot perform 'get' on a proxy that has been revoked

I am trying to develop a MS Teams bot that sends content to students module(unit) wise. I have created 3 classes:
methods.js = Contains all the methods for sending texts, attachments etc.
teamBot.js = Captures a specific keyword from the users and based on that executes a function.
test.js = Connects the bot with Airtable and sends the content accordingly
I am facing Cannot perform 'get' on a proxy that has been revoked error. I figured it might be because of the context. I am passing context as a parameter, which I feel might not be the correct way, how can I achieve the result, and retain the context between files.
const test = require("./test");
class TeamsBot extends TeamsActivityHandler {
constructor() {
// record the likeCount
this.likeCountObj = { likeCount: 0 };
this.onMessage(async (context, next) => {
console.log("Running with Message Activity.");
let txt = context.activity.text;
// const removedMentionText = TurnContext.removeRecipientMention(context.activity);
// if (removedMentionText) {
// // Remove the line break
// txt = removedMentionText.toLowerCase().replace(/\n|\r/g, "").trim();
// }
// Trigger command by IM text
switch (txt) {
case "Begin": {
await test.sendModuleContent(context)
// By calling next() you ensure that the next BotHandler is run.
await next();
// Listen to MembersAdded event, view for more events
this.onMembersAdded(async (context, next) => {
const membersAdded = context.activity.membersAdded;
for (let cnt = 0; cnt < membersAdded.length; cnt++) {
if (membersAdded[cnt].id) {
const card = cardTools.AdaptiveCards.declareWithoutData(rawWelcomeCard).render();
await context.sendActivity({ attachments: [CardFactory.adaptiveCard(card)] });
await next();
const ms = require('./methods')
async function sendModuleContent(context) {
data = module_text //fetched from Airtable
await ms.sendText(context, data)
const {TeamsActivityHandler, ActivityHandler, MessageFactory } = require('botbuilder');
async function sendText(context, text){
console.log("Sending text")
await context.sendActivity(text);
Refer this: TypeError: Cannot perform 'get' on a proxy that has been revoked
make the following changes to test.js
const {
} = require("botbuilder");
var conversationReferences = {};
var adapter;
async function sendModuleContent(context) {
data = module_text //fetched from Airtable
const currentUser =;
conversationReferences[currentUser] = TurnContext.getConversationReference(context.activity);
adapter = context.adapter;
await adapter.continueConversation(conversationReferences[currentUser], async turnContext => {
await turnContext.sendActivity(data);

NodeJS GC function cannot be initialized

Trying out my first NodeJS cloud function so far unsuccessfully despite working fine VS code. Getting following error
Function cannot be initialized. Error: function terminated.
Looking through the logs I see some potential issues
Detailed stack trace: ReferenceError: supabase_public_url is not defined
Provided module can't be loaded (doesn't specify)
Thoughts: Am I doing it wrong with the secret manager and using the pub/sub incorrect?
My Code index.js
import { createClient } from '#supabase/supabase-js'
import sgMail from "#sendgrid/mail"
import { SecretManagerServiceClient } from '#google-cloud/secret-manager'
//activate cloud secret manager
const client = new SecretManagerServiceClient()
const supabaseUrl = client.accessSecretVersion(supabase_public_url)
const supabaseKey = client.accessSecretVersion(supabase_service_key)
const sendgridKey = client.accessSecretVersion(sendgrid_service_key)
const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey)
// get data for supabase where notifications coins are true
const supabaseNotifications = async() => {
let { data, error } = await supabase
.select('*, xxx!inner(coin, xx, combo_change, combo_signal, combo_prev_signal), xxx!inner(email)')
.eq('crypto_signals.combo_change', true)
if(error) {
return data
//create an array of user emails from supabase data
const userEmail = (data) => {
try {
const emailList = []
for (let i of data) {
if (emailList.includes( != true) {
} else {}
return emailList
catch(e) {
// function to take email list and supabase data to generate emails to users
const sendEmail = (e, data ) => {
try {
for (let i of e) {
const signalList = []
for (let x of data) {
if(i == {
} else {}
// create msg and send from my email to the user
const msg = {
to: i,
subject: "Coin notification alert from CryptoOwl",
text: "One or more of you coins have a new signal",
html: signalList.toString()
catch(e) {
// main function combines all 3 functions (supabase is await)
async function main(){
let supabaseData = await supabaseNotifications();
let supabaseEmails = userEmail(supabaseData);
let sendgridEmails = sendEmail(supabaseEmails, supabaseData);
exports.sendgridNotifications = (event, context) => {
my package.json with type module to use import above
"#google-cloud/secret-manager": "^3.11.0"
I'm not at all versed in Google Secret Manager but a rapid look at the Node.js library documentation shows (if I'm not mistaking) that accessSecretVersion() is an asynchronous method.
As a matter of facts, we find in the doc examples like the following one:
async function accessSecretVersion() {
const [version] = await client.accessSecretVersion({
name: name,
// Extract the payload as a string.
const payload =;
// WARNING: Do not print the secret in a production environment - this
// snippet is showing how to access the secret material.`Payload: ${payload}`);

async function doesn't wait of inside await in nodejs

I am implementing function monthlyRevenue.
Simply, it will return total monthly revenue,and it takes arguments of station array which will make revenues, month and year.
Inside of this function I have getStationPortion which will fetch the revenue portion of user's.
So I would like to make it return object like this.
stationsPortion = {station1 : 30, station2 : 20}
In the monthlyRevenue
const stationPortions = await getStationPortions(stations)
console.log("portion map", stationPortions //it will be shown very beginning with empty
const getStationPortions = async (stations) => {
let stationPortions = {} (value) => {
const doc = await fdb.collection('Stations').doc(value).get()
if (!doc.exists) {
console.log("NO DOC")
} else {
stationPortions[value] =
console.log(stationPortions) //it will be shown at the last.
return stationPortions
I thought that async function should wait for the result, but it does not.
I am kind of confusing if my understanding is wrong.
Thank you
(by the way, fdb is firebase admin(firestore)
Working code
const getStationPortions = async (stations) => {
let stationPortions = {}
await Promise.all( (value) => {
const doc = await fdb.collection('Stations').doc(value).get()
if (!doc.exists) {
console.log("NO DOC")
} else {
stationPortions[value] =
return stationPortions
module.exports = router;

Proper way to make callbacks async by wrapping them using `co`?

It is 2016, Node has had nearly full ES6 support since v4, and Promises have been around since 0.12. It's time to leave callbacks in the dust IMO.
I'm working on a commander.js-based CLI util which leverages a lot of async operations - http requests and user input. I want to wrap the Commander actions in async functions so that they can be treated as promises, and also to support generators (useful for the co-prompt library I'm using for user input).
I've tried wrapping the CB with co in two ways:
.action(program => co(function* (program) {...})
.catch(err => console.log(err.stack)) );
2) program.command('myCmd').action(co.wrap(function* (program) { .. }));
The problem with 1) is that the program parameter isn't passed
The problem with 2) is that errors are swallowed...
I'd really like to get this working as it yields much nicer code in my use case - involving a lot of http requests and also waiting for user input using the co-prompt library..
Is it a better option altogether perhaps to wrap program.Command.prototype.action somehow?
I've used a bespoke version of something like co to get a db.exec function which uses yield to do database request. You can pass parameters into a generator function (I pass in a connection object - see the comment where I do it).
Here is by db.exec function that is very similar to what co does
exec(generator) {
var self = this;
var it;
debug('In db.exec iterator');
return new Promise((accept,reject) => {
debug('In db.exec Promise');
var myConnection;
var onResult = lastPromiseResult => {
debug('In db.exec onResult');
var obj =;
if (!obj.done) {
debug('db.exec Iterator NOT done yet');
} else {
if (myConnection) {
debug('db.exec released connection');
debug('db.exec Promise Resolved with value %d',obj.value);
self._connection().then(connection => {
debug('db.exec got a connection');
myConnection = connection;
it = generator(connection); //This passes it into the generator
onResult(); //starts the generator
}).catch(error => {
logger('database', 'Exec Function Error: ' + error.message);
the connection object also wraps by database connection object and provides a generator function ability to process the rows of the results from the database, but I won't post that here (although the example below is using it to process the rows).
Here is an example of using the exec function to run a sequence of sql
db.exec(function*(connection) {
if ( === ADMIN_USER) {
debug('Admin Logon'); = ADMIN_DISPLAY;
user.keys = 'A';
user.uid = 0;
let sql = 'SELECT passwordsalt FROM Admin WHERE AdminID = 0';
yield connection.execSql(function*() {
let row = yield;
if (row) {
user.nopass = (row[0].value === null);
} else {
user.nopass = false;
debug('Admin Password bypass ' + user.nopass.toString());
} else {
debug('Normal User Logon');
let sql = `SELECT u.UserID,PasswordSalt,DisplayName,AccessKey,l.LogID FROM Users u
LEFT JOIN UserLog l ON u.userID = l.userID AND DATEDIFF(D,l.LogDate,GETDATE()) = 0
WHERE u.UserName = #username`;
let request = connection.request(sql);
let count = yield connection.execSql(function*() {
let row = yield;
if (row) {
user.uid = row[0].value; = row[2].value;
user.keys = (row[3].value === null) ? '' : row[3].value;
user.nopass = (row[1].value === null) ;
user.lid = (row[4].value === null) ? 0 : row[4].value;
debug('Found User with uid = %d and lid = %d, keys = %s',
user.uid, user.lid, user.keys);
if (count === 0) {
debug('Not Found User');
// couldn't find name in database
if (!user.nopass) {
debug('Need a Password');
//user has a password so we must check it
passGood = false; //assume false as we go into this
let request = connection.request('CheckPassword');
yield connection.callProcedure(function*() {
let row = yield;
if (row) {
//got a valid row means we have a valid password
passGood = true;
} else {
passGood = true;
if (!passGood) {
debug('Not a Good Pasword');
} else {
if (user.uid !== 0 && user.lid === 0) {
let sql = `INSERT INTO UserLog(UserID,LogDate,TimeOn,UserName) OUTPUT INSERTED.logID
let request = connection.request(sql);
yield connection.execSql(function*() {
let row = yield;
if (row) {
user.lid = row[0].value;
debug('Users Log Entry = %d',user.lid);
.catch((err) => {
logger('database','Error on logon: ' + err.message);
There is a quite simple way to do async function in Commander.js
async function run() {
/* code goes here */

sequelize.js - Find by id and return result

I have a function,
var findUserDevice = function(userDeviceId){
var device = db.DeviceUser.find({
where: {
id: userDeviceId
}).then(function(device) {
if (!device) {
return 'not find';
return device.dataValues;
but this function does not return anything...
var UserDevice = findUserDevice(req.body.deviceUserId);
console.log(UserDevice);// undefined
The operation you are trying to do is async, which means that you need to use a callback. Since sequelize is build on top of Promises, you should actually write your code like this :
var findUserDevice = function(userDeviceId){
// return the promise itself
return db.DeviceUser.find({
where: {
id: userDeviceId
}).then(function(device) {
if (!device) {
return 'not find';
return device.dataValues;
And later use it like :
findUserDevice(req.body.deviceUserId).then( function(UserDevice) {
It's 2020, async & await are becoming more popular. You can change your code to:
const findUserDevice = async function (userDeviceId) {
const device = await db.DeviceUser.findOne({
where: {
id: userDeviceId
if (device === null) {
return 'device not found';
return device.dataValues;
(async () => {
// ...
const UserDevice = await findUserDevice(req.body.deviceUserId);
// ...
IMHO, the code above is way more readable.
If you are getting undefined instead of 'not find' on the console, it means your function is returning a value. The problem might be dataValues is actually undefined. You need to check for the content of device.
Hint: Try returning just device or
PS. If you want to do the search based on id, should go for findById() function of your model.
var device = db.DeviceUser.findById(userDeviceId).then(function(device) {
if (!device) {
return 'not find';
return device.dataValues;
This function received params id, this worker for me:
const { customer } = require('../models');
const get = async function(req, res){
let id =;
[err, singleCustomer] = await to(customer.findByPk(id, { raw : true }));
return ReS(res, { message :'Obtener cliente: : ', data : JSON.stringify(singleCustomer) });
