azure table storage pagination for request 10 items each time - azure

Basically I am trying to get pagination working when requesting entities of azure table storage. i.e. Press next button gets the next 10 entities & Press previous button gets the previous 10 entities. A relatively close example Gaurav Mantri's Answer. But my question is how do I get the nextPartitionKey and nextRowKey from a HTML button attribute and store in to a array/list in order to keep track of current page so I can get the next/previous items?Code example would be very appreciated.
This is something I have right now which gets a range of data based on pageNumber request
private async Task<List<UserInfo>> queryPage(CloudTable peopleTable, string item, int pageNumber)
// Construct the query operation for all customer entities
TableQuery<CustomerEntity> query = new TableQuery<CustomerEntity>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, item));
// Print the fields for each customer.
TableContinuationToken token = null;
//TodoItem data = new TodoItem();
List<UserInfo> data = new List<UserInfo>();
TableQuerySegment<CustomerEntity> resultSegment = await peopleTable.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, token);
token = resultSegment.ContinuationToken;
foreach (CustomerEntity entity in resultSegment.Results)
data.Add(new UserInfo
// add data
} while (token != null);
//get a subset of all entity
List<UserInfo> sublist = data.GetRange(0, pageNumber);
return sublist;

Managed to solved the problem under Gaurav's help.
Here is the code, not perfect but works.
private async Task<List<UserInfo>> queryPage(CloudTable peopleTable, string item, string NextPartitionKey , string NextRowKey, int itemNumber)
// Construct the query operation for all customer entities
TableQuery<CustomerEntity> query = new TableQuery<CustomerEntity>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, item)).Take(itemNumber);
// Print the fields for each customer.
List<UserInfo> data = new List<UserInfo>();
Tabletoken.NextPartitionKey = NextPartitionKey;
Tabletoken.NextRowKey = NextRowKey;
TableQuerySegment<CustomerEntity> resultSegment = await peopleTable.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, Tabletoken);
Tabletoken = resultSegment.ContinuationToken;
foreach (CustomerEntity entity in resultSegment.Results)
data.Add(new UserInfo
//add data
return data;
private TableContinuationToken Tabletoken = new TableContinuationToken();
and declare it use a tuple.
Tuple<List<UserInfo>, string, string > tuple =
new Tuple<List<UserInfo>, string, string>(data, Tabletoken.NextPartitionKey, Tabletoken.NextRowKey);


Access properties of Entities

I'm getting all active countries via the service id country.repository
public function getCountries(Context $context): EntityCollection
$criteria = new Criteria();
$criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('active', true));
return $this->countryRepository->search($criteria, $context)->getEntities();
This gives me this CountryCollection:
How can I access each element to get the id and the name?
I tried to loop over
public function test($context): array
$countryIds = $this->getCountries($context);
$ids = [];
foreach ($countryIds as $countryId) {
$ids[] = $countryId['id'];
return $ids;
Obviously this doesn't work. It gives this error:
Cannot use object of type Shopware\Core\System\Country\CountryEntity
as array
If you are only interested in the ids of the countries you can use
$criteria = new Criteria();
$criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('active', true));
$ids = $this->countryRepository->searchIds($criteria, $context)->getIds();
searchIds() will only return the ids of the entities and not all of their properties, the benefit is that not all values have to be loaded from the DB and hydrated, therefore searchIds() is faster then the normal search().
You need to call the function like this
public function test($context): array
$countries = $this->getCountries($context);
$ids = [];
foreach ($countries as $country) {
$ids[] = $country->getId();//or $country->getName()
return $ids;
Usually you need to open the entity file. In your case it is CountryEntity.php to check the function to get the id or other fields there.

QueryExpression with no results in Dynamics CRM plugin

I wrote the following function to get the SharePointDocumentLocation records regarding an account or contact. However, even though I provide an id which most definitely has got a SPDL record associated the result of a count on the EntityCollection that is returned is alway 0. Why does my query not return SPDL records?
internal static EntityCollection GetSPDocumentLocation(IOrganizationService service, Guid id)
SharePointDocumentLocation spd = new SharePointDocumentLocation();
QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression
EntityName = "sharepointdocumentlocation",
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("sharepointdocumentlocationid"),
Criteria = new FilterExpression
Conditions =
new ConditionExpression
AttributeName = "regardingobjectid",
Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal,
Values = { id }
return service.RetrieveMultiple(query);
The following code does work
using System;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
namespace CRMConsoleTests
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ClientCredentials credentials = new ClientCredentials();
credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
Uri orgUri = new Uri("http://localhost/CRMDEV2/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc");
Uri homeRealmUri = null;
using (OrganizationServiceProxy service = new OrganizationServiceProxy(orgUri, homeRealmUri, credentials, null))
//ConditionExpression ce = new ConditionExpression("regardingobjectid", ConditionOperator.Equal, new Guid(""));
QueryExpression qe = new QueryExpression("sharepointdocumentlocation");
qe.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(new String[] { "sharepointdocumentlocationid", "regardingobjectid" });
EntityCollection result = service.RetrieveMultiple(qe);
foreach (Entity entity in result.Entities)
Console.WriteLine("Results for the first record: ");
SharePointDocumentLocation spd = entity.ToEntity<SharePointDocumentLocation>();
if (spd.RegardingObjectId != null)
Console.WriteLine("Id: " + spd.SharePointDocumentLocationId.ToString() + " with RoId: " + spd.RegardingObjectId.Id.ToString());
It retrieves 4 records, and when I debug the plugincode above it retrieves 3 records.
Everything looks good with your QueryExpression, although I'd write it a little more concise (something like this):
var qe = new QueryExpression(SharePointDocumentLocation.EntityLogicalName){
ColmnSet = new ColumnSet("sharepointdocumentlocationid"),
qe.Criteria.AddCondition("regardingobjectid", ConditionOperator.Equal, id);
Because I don't see anything wrong with the QueryExpression that leads me with two guesses.
You're using impersonation on the IOrganizationService and the impersonated user doesn't have rights to the SharePointDocumentLocation. You won't get an error, you just won't get any records returned.
The id you're passing in is incorrect.
I'd remove the Criteria and see how many records you get back. If you don't get all of the records back, you know your issue is with guess #1.
If you get all records, add the regardingobjectid to the ColumnSet and retrieve the first record without any Criteria in the QueryExpression, then call this method passing in the id of the regardingobject you returned. If nothing is received when adding the regardingobjectid constraint, then something else is wrong.
Since this is executing within the delete of the plugin, it must be performing its cascade deletes before your plugin is firing. You can try the Pre-Validation.
Now that I think of it, it must perform the deletion of the cascading entities in the Validation stage, because if one of them is unable to be deleted, the entity itself can't be deleted.

How to Insert/Update into Azure Table using Windows Azure SDK 2.0

I have multiple entities to be stored in the same physical Azure table. I'm trying to Insert/Merge the table entries from a file. I'm trying to find a way to do this w/o really serializing each property or for that matter creating a custom entities.
While trying the following code, I thought maybe I could use generic DynamicTableEntity. However, I'm not sure if it helps in an insert operation (most documentation is for replace/merge operations).
The error I get is
Message=Unexpected response code for operation : 0
Any help is appreciated.
Here's an excerpt of my code
_tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
_table = _tableClient.GetTableReference("CloudlyPilot");
TableBatchOperation batch = new TableBatchOperation();
foreach (var pkGroup in result.Elements("PartitionGroup"))
foreach (var entity in pkGroup.Elements())
DynamicTableEntity tableEntity = new DynamicTableEntity();
string partitionKey = entity.Elements("PartitionKey").FirstOrDefault().Value;
string rowKey = entity.Elements("RowKey").FirstOrDefault().Value;
Dictionary<string, EntityProperty> props = new Dictionary<string, EntityProperty>();
//if (pkGroup.Attribute("name").Value == "CloudServices Page")
// tableEntity = new CloudServicesGroupEntity (partitionKey, rowKey);
// tableEntity = new CloudServiceDetailsEntity(partitionKey,rowKey);
foreach (var element in entity.Elements())
tableEntity.Properties[element.Name.ToString()] = new EntityProperty(element.Value.ToString());
tableEntity.ETag = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
tableEntity.Timestamp = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime());
//tableEntity.WriteEntity(/*WHERE TO GET AN OPERATION CONTEXT FROM?*/)
Have you tried using DictionaryTableEntity? This class allows you to dynamically fill the entity as if it were a dictionary (similar to DynamicTableEntity). I tried something like your code and it works:
var batch = new TableBatchOperation();
var entity1 = new DictionaryTableEntity();
entity1.PartitionKey = "abc";
entity1.RowKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
entity1.Add("name", "Steve");
var entity2 = new DictionaryTableEntity();
entity2.PartitionKey = "abc";
entity2.RowKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
entity2.Add("name", "Scott");
var entities = table.ExecuteQuery<DictionaryTableEntity>(new TableQuery<DictionaryTableEntity>());
One last thing, I see that you're setting the Timestamp and ETag yourself. Remove these two lines and try again.

Bast Way On Passing Query Parameters to Solrnet

I have been working on making a Search using Solrnet which is working the way I want to. But I just would like some advice on the best way to pass my query parameters from my web page into Solrnet.
What I would ideally like to do is pass my query string parameters similar to how this site does it:
As you can see from the sites query string it looks like it is being passed into SolrNet directly. Here is I am doing it at the moment (facet query segment):
public class SoftwareSalesSearcher
public static SoftwareSalesSearchResults Facet()
ISolrOperations solr = SolrOperationsCache.GetSolrOperations(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SolrUrl"]);
//Iterate through querystring to get the required fields to query Solrnet
List queryCollection = new List();
foreach (string key in HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Keys)
queryCollection.Add(new SolrQuery(String.Format("{0}:{1}", key, HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString[key])));
var lessThan25 = new SolrQueryByRange("SoftwareSales", 0m, 25m);
var moreThan25 = new SolrQueryByRange("SoftwareSales", 26m, 50m);
var moreThan50 = new SolrQueryByRange("SoftwareSales", 51m, 75m);
var moreThan75 = new SolrQueryByRange("SoftwareSales", 76m, 100m);
QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions
Rows = 0,
Facet = new FacetParameters {
Queries = new[] { new SolrFacetQuery(lessThan25), new SolrFacetQuery(moreThan25), new SolrFacetQuery(moreThan50), new SolrFacetQuery(moreThan75) }
FilterQueries = queryCollection.ToArray()
var results = solr.Query(SolrQuery.All, options);
var searchResults = new SoftwareSalesSearchResults();
List softwareSalesInformation = new List();
foreach (var facet in results.FacetQueries)
if (facet.Value != 0)
SoftwareSalesFacetDetail salesItem = new SoftwareSalesFacetDetail();
salesItem.Price = facet.Key;
salesItem.Value = facet.Value;
searchResults.Results = softwareSalesInformation;
searchResults.TotalResults = results.NumFound;
searchResults.QueryTime = results.Header.QTime;
return searchResults;
At the moment I can't seem to see how I can query all my results from my current code by add the following querystring: q=:.
I'm not sure what you mean by "parameters being passed into SolrNet directly". It seems that watchfinder is using some variant of the model binder included in the SolrNet sample app.
Also take a look at the controller in the sample app to see how the SolrNet parameters are built.

How to get Sharepoint User object from the "AssignedTo" field using client side object model?

I am using managed client side object model in sharepoint 2010. And I want to get loginaName of the AssignedTo user in Task list.
In server side object model I use SPFieldUserValue.User.LoginName to get this property but in client side object model FieldUserValue.User does not exists.
How can I resolve this situation ?
Here is the code for that. I've taken an example of AssignedTo field from Task list. I hope that helps.
public static User GetUserFromAssignedToField(string siteUrl)
// create site context
ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext(siteUrl);
// create web object
Web web = ctx.Web;
// get Tasks list
List list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Tasks");
// get list item using Id e.g. updating first item in the list
ListItem targetListItem = list.GetItemById(1);
// Load only the assigned to field from the list item
item => item["AssignedTo"]);
// create and cast the FieldUserValue from the value
FieldUserValue fuv = (FieldUserValue)targetListItem["AssignedTo"];
Console.WriteLine("Request succeeded. \n\n");
Console.WriteLine("Retrieved user Id is: {0}", fuv.LookupId);
Console.WriteLine("Retrieved login name is: {0}", fuv.LookupValue);
User user = ctx.Web.EnsureUser(fuv.LookupValue);
// display the user's email address.
Consol.writeLine("User Email: " + user.Email);
return user;
The fuv.LookupValue may contain the display name, not the login name, so my suggestion is (assuming you have the FieldUserValue - fuv in code (as descibed by #ekhanna):
var userId = fuv.LookupId;
var user = ctx.Web.GetUserById(userId);
You get the column which as the FieldUserValue from the list, once you have that you use the lookup id value and then query against the Sites User Info List. In the example below I cache the results to prevent looking up the same id more than once since the query can be expensive.
private readonly Dictionary<int, string> userNameCache = new Dictionary<int, string>();
public string GetUserName(object user)
if (user == null)
return string.Empty;
var username = string.Empty;
var spUser = user as FieldUserValue;
if (spUser != null)
if (!userNameCache.TryGetValue(spUser.LookupId, out username))
var userInfoList = context.Web.SiteUserInfoList;
var query = new CamlQuery { ViewXml = "<View Scope='RecursiveAll'><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='int'>" + spUser.LookupId + "</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>" };
var users = userInfoList.GetItems(query);
context.Load(users, items => items.Include(
item => item.Id,
item => item["Name"]));
if (context.TryExecuteQuery())
var principal = users.GetById(spUser.LookupId);
username = principal["Name"] as string;
userNameCache.Add(spUser.LookupId, username);
return username;
Everything above worked for me, but instead of:
FieldUserValue fuv = (FieldUserValue)targetListItem["AssignedTo"];
I used:
FieldUserValue[] fuv = targetListItem["AssignedTo"] as FieldUserValue[];
