Adding New file Extensions in Dreamweaver CC 2018 - dreamweaver

I'm trying to add a new extension to a new site I'm creating in Dreamweaver CC 2018.
I can't figure out how to add the new file extension I am wanting.
I searched the support system for Adobe, but it only has certain file extensions as examples -- it doesn't provide a list of non-compatible extensions (only some that are for sure compatible).
Do you know if there is a list or have you experienced certain file extensions that cannot be incorporated into Dreamweaver?

I used the steps here and it worked for me:
These are the steps involved
Adding a New File Extension to Dreamweaver's Recognized Extensions (Extensions.txt)
Mapping a File Extension to (MMDocumentTypes.xml)
Creating a new Syntax Color Scheme (CodeColoring.xml)
Creating a new Syntax Color Scheme (Colors.xml)


Where do I put custom syntax highlighter definitions for Sublime Text?

I have created a custom syntax definition in the new .sublime-syntax format, but I can seem to get it to appear in my list of available syntaxes...
I have tried putting it in:
<Install Location>/Packages
<Install Location>/Packages/User
<Install Location/Data/Packages
<Install Location/Data/Packages/User
The documentation seems to be bit light on how this works, but I'm hoping that someone can enlighten me!
The proper location for user-defined syntaxes, plugins, build systems, etc. is Packages/User, where Packages is the folder opened by selecting Preferences -> Browse Packages...*. I'm not on Windows at the moment, but I believe this is %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User. Once you place the file there, it will be available from the syntax menu under User.
Also, please recall that .sublime-syntax files are only supported in the dev builds currently, and you need to be a registered user to run them. They will not work with Build 3083.

What is tmLanguage?

I saw this repository. sublimehq/Packages
I use sublime text 3, but I don't know tmLanguage file.
Also I googled definition of it, but I couldn't find it.
What is it?
tm stands for TextMate. It's a text editor for Mac OS X only and was revolutionary in its time since most of its features are pushed to extension packages instead of residing in the main program.
Sublime Text carried on the idea and made it cross platform. Sublime was designed to be compatible with TextMate extension packages.
Sublime text state's it on their website:
Syntax definitions use Textmate’s .tmLanguage extension for
compatibility reasons. As explained further above, they are simply XML
files in the Plist format.

Komodo Edit - how to add code completion to a my files

I am new to Komodo Edit. How can I add IntelliSense to my own files?
For example: myFirst.js that includes auto completion for objects or functions that were defined in mySecond.js?
Also, how can I add auto completion to my CSS file from my HTML file?
Another example: in Visual Studio I put this statement at the beginning of file2.js:
/// <reference path="../js/file1.js" />
And then I had IntelliSense for file1.js inside file2.js.
Open menu Edit → Preferences → Languages → JavaScript and specify directory with your source files.
Komodo will scan them for information about your functions.
As long as both files are under the same project, Komodo should automatically pick up on them and provide code intelligence. But make sure you are using a project and not just editing your files plainly as Komodo will not know how to associate your files.
Note though that if you are abstracting your JavaScript code too much that code intelligence will not be able to keep track of what you are trying to do. But you'd have to include some samples of your code for us to be able to comment further on that.
Also note this open bug, which may be related to your issue:

Visual studio - set file location

I have a VS project, but I moved some source, resource files to another location.
It's not easy for me to readd all again (cause of filled properties tab for custom build tools, etc.)
Is there any easy GUI way to change the included source file path? In XCode it's easy to do this, but I don't see any way in Visual Studio (currently using 2012).
Do I have to rewrite the xml build file?
I have finally find it. Easiest way is to edit the xml file .vcxproj. I just have to manually find the paths (they are relative... i dont really know why Microsoft did this, it is so stupid) in that xml and edit it.

Linux text editor supporting bookmarks

I have about 19k lines of configuration files (actually in a DSL - Nagios) that I need to do a bunch of analysis on, come up with a refactor plan, and then implement.
I'm looking for - but not finding - a GUI text editor for Linux that supports global bookmarks - i.e. I can click on a line, give it a name/tag, and have it show up in a global list that I can click on and then jump back to. The key point is that it has to work across files, so I can jump from a location in one file to the corresponding location in another.
Since it's a DSL, I haven't been able to find any IDE that natively supports the language. I've tried Kate, but the bookmarks list is per-file only, and "tags" each line with the text of the line itself, no way to add a custom note.
Is anyone aware of an application that meets this objective feature set?
You can use the Eclipse IDE. Add both EclipseColorer - for syntax highlighting (try the .ini file format) and Eclipse Color Theme plugins. Together, these plugins work quite well for highlighting Nagios config files. It does the bookmarking and has a separate view port, that is detachable, to easily navigate them - even in multiple files.
