I have been using Python to read and write data to Snowflake for some time now to a table I have full update rights to using a Snowflake helper class my colleague found on the internet. Please see below for the class I have been using with my personal Snowflake connection information abstracted and a simply read query that works given you have a 'TEST' table in your schema.
from snowflake.sqlalchemy import URL
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import keyring
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import text
# Pull the username and password to be used to connect to snowflake
stored_username = keyring.get_password('my_username', 'username')
stored_password = keyring.get_password('my_password', 'password')
class SNOWDBHelper:
def __init__(self):
self.user = stored_username
self.password = stored_password
self.account = 'account'
self.authenticator = 'authenticator'
self.role = stored_username + '_DEV_ROLE'
self.warehouse = 'warehouse'
self.database = 'database'
self.schema = 'schema'
def __connect__(self):
self.url = URL(
role=stored_username + '_DEV_ROLE',
# =============================================================================
self.url = URL(
self.engine = create_engine(self.url)
self.connection = self.engine.connect()
def __disconnect__(self):
def read(self, sql):
result = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self.engine)
return result
def write(self, wdf, tablename):
wdf.to_sql(tablename.lower(), con=self.engine, if_exists='append', index=False)
# Initiate the SnowDBHelper()
query = """SELECT * FROM """ + 'TEST'
snow_table = SNOWDB.read(query)
I now have the need to update an existing Snowflake table and my colleague suggested I could use the read function to send the query containing the update SQL to my Snowflake table. So I adapted an update query I use successfully in the Snowflake UI to update tables and used the read function to send it to Snowflake. It actually tells me that the relevant rows in the table have been updated, but they have not. Please see below for update query I use to attempt to change a field "field" in "test" table to "X" and the success message I get back. Not thrilled with this hacky update attempt method overall (where the table update is a side effect of sorts??), but could someone please help with method to update within this framework?
# Query I actually store in file: '0-Query-Update-Effective-Dating.sql'
UPDATE "Database"."Schema"."Test" AS UP
# Read the query in from file and utilize it
update_test = open('0-Query-Update-Effective-Dating.sql')
update_query = text(update_test.read())
# Returns message of updated rows, but no rows updated
number of rows updated number of multi-joined rows updated
0 316 0
SQL2Pandas | UPDATE row(s) in pandas
I have just started learning SQLite and was creating a project which has a .sqlite file in which there are multiple tables. I want to ask the user to input the table_name and then the program will fetch the columns present in that particular table.
So far I have done this.
def column_names(table_name):
conn = sqlite3.connect('northwind_small.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("PRAGMA table_info(table_name)")
columns = c.fetchall()
for c in columns :
import app_database
table_name = input("Enter the table name = ")
when I run our-app.py I don't get anything.
C:\Users\database-project>python our-app.py
Enter the table name = Employee
Can anyone tell me how should I proceed?
I have been given a .db file, that has already been populated with both Tables and Data. However, no description of the content of the database has been made available.
Is there a way for me to retrieve individual lists listing the different tables, and their respective sets of columns using SQLite3 and python?
This code help you to show tables with keys , when you get tables and their keys you can get data.
import sqlite3
def readDb():
connection = sqlite3.connect('data.db')
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:
for r in row:
for tab in tabs:
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM "+tab+";")
rows = cursor.fetchone()
for row in rows.keys():
return d
I am trying to make a simple script in python, which will fetch data from an endpoint convert it into a dataframe and write it to an Amazon redshift cluster and then automate the script using a cronjob from aws. I am using psycopg2 for connecting to the redshift cluster and the script executes the commands pretty well (creates table in redshift and writes the data as well). But when I try to see the table from a sql client the table doesnt show up
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
import json
import pandas as pd
import requests
import psycopg2
mm_get = requests.get('endpoint link'})
data_1 = json_normalize(data = mm_json['data'],
record_path = ['courses','modules'],
record_prefix = 'courses.modules.',
meta = [['courses', 'id'],
['courses', 'title'],
data_2 = json_normalize(data = mm_json['data'],
record_path = 'lessons',
record_prefix = 'lessons.',
meta = 'id',
meta_prefix = 'user.'
data_3 = data_1.merge(
how = 'outer',
left_on = ['courses.modules.id', 'id'],
right_on = ['lessons.moduleId', 'user.id']
cols = data_3.columns
cols = cols.tolist()
cols = pd.DataFrame(cols)
re_cols = pd.DataFrame(cols.loc[:,0].str.replace('.','_').tolist(),index=cols.index)
data_3.teams = data_3.teams.astype(str)
data_3.teams = data_3.teams.str.replace('[','')
data_3.teams = data_3.teams.str.replace(']','')
data_3.teams = data_3.teams.str.replace("'","")
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute('create table testing_learn.test (courses_modules_completionDate DATE, courses_modules_id int, courses_modules_status TEXT,courses_modules_title TEXT, courses_id int,courses_title TEXT, activated bool, createdAt TIMESTAMP, email TEXT, employeeId TEXT, firstName TEXT, group_name TEXT, id TEXT, lastname TEXT, phone int8, teams TEXT, lessons_courseId int, lessons_date DATE, lessons_id int, lessons_lessonNumber int, lessons_moduleId int,lessons_score TEXT, lessons_title TEXT,user_id int);')
data_mat = data_3.as_matrix()
str_mat = b','.join(cur.mogrify('(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)',x) for x in tuple(map(tuple,data_mat)))
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute('insert into testing_learn.test VALUES '+str_mat.decode('utf-8'))
I am able to see the data when I query the same table from python using psycopg2, but the same table doesnt show up. It would be of great help if anyone could help with what I am doing wrong here. Thank in advance.
According to Psycopg2-2.7.5 official documentation, the main entry points of Psycopg2 includes:
The class connection encapsulates a database session. It allows to:
create new cursor instances using the cursor() method to execute database commands and queries,
terminate transactions using the methods commit() or rollback().
Therefore, you need to call con.commit() every time after you call cur.execute() to make the changes to the database persistent. Otherwise your table won't show up in the database.
i have the following function which extracts data from table, but i want to pass the table name in function as parameter...
def extract_data(table):
tableName = table
conn_string = "host='localhost' dbname='Aspentiment' user='postgres' password='pwd'"
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT aspects_name, sentiments FROM ('%s') " %(tableName))
rows = cursor.fetchall()
return rows
if conn:
when i call function as extract_data(Harpar) : Harpar is table name
but it give an error that 'Harpar' is not defined.. any hepl ?
Update: As of psycopg2 version 2.7:
You can now use the sql module of psycopg2 to compose dynamic queries of this type:
from psycopg2 import sql
query = sql.SQL("SELECT aspects_name, sentiments FROM {}").format(sql.Identifier(tableName))
Pre < 2.7:
Use the AsIs adapter along these lines:
from psycopg2.extensions import AsIs
cursor.execute("SELECT aspects_name, sentiments FROM %s;",(AsIs(tableName),))
Without the AsIs adapter, psycopg2 will escape the table name in your query.